Vegetable Vegetable Frustration

From FFXI Wiki
Vegetable Vegetable Frustration
Required Fame Adoulin Fame Level: Unknown
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Amchuchu (Inventors' Coalition, Western Adoulin)
Pack Seekers of Adoulin
Title Vegetable Hero
Repeatable No
Description Hoping to lift Midras out of his melancholic state, Amchuchu has sent you to Bastok to find out what first inspired him to become an inventor.
Previous Quest Next Quest
Vegetable Vegetable Crisis

The Usual

Sabiki Rig
Midras's Helm +1 icon.pngMidras's Helm +1 description.png Midras's Helm +1Midras's Helm +1 description.png
2,000 Bayld


  • Wait one in game day after clearing Vegetable Vegetable Crisis.
  • Check Amchuchu's Laboratory at the Inventor's Coalition in Western Adoulin (J-10) for a cutscene.
  • Head to the Metalworks in Bastok and speak with Raibaht at (G-8).
  • Go to Palborough Mines Map 3 (G-8) and examine the Peculiar Fissure.
  • Bang on the rock three times and then think.
  • Return to Raibaht.
  • Go to the Adoulin Waterfront Waypoint in Western Adoulin and examine the Contemplation Site at (I-5).
  • Return to the Peculiar Fissure and examine it for a short cutscene.
  • Examine it again to spawn Incensed Pineapple, a bomb NM.
    • Players not advanced to this point in the quest cannot participate in the fight. Players that have completed this quest may participate.
    • The bomb must be defeated before it uses self-destruct. Difficult fight if not properly prepared.
      • Dispelling its Berserk effect right away will keep it from using self-destruct. Blaze spikes is repetitively used and will interfere with dispelling and require using multiple dispels or stuns.
      • Bomb will spam either Berserk or Blaze Spikes as soon as either is dispelled.
        • Simplest way to approach the fight is stack dispel trust along with stuns. BLU's head-butt spam makes this fight almost trivial.
          • Trust weaponskills that don't hit hard are fine. Take your time, just melee while focusing on dispels and stuns and let trusts assist you with both.
    • If it uses self-destruct, you must reexamine the Contemplation Site then trade another Sabiki Rig to it for a new key item.
    • When it is at 1HP it will attempt to use self-destruct and immediately die without it going off.
  • Examine the Peculiar Fissure again for a cutscene and the two Key Items: Tarnished ring (relating to Sirius) and Rusty locket (relating to Almid).
  • Return to Raibaht.
  • Return to the Contemplation Site for a cutscene and your reward.
