
From FFXI Wiki
Job Ability Information
Job Scholar
Type Level  
Level Obtained 25
Description Reduces the casting time of your next White Magic spell by 50%
Duration 00:01:00 or first white magic cast, whichever first
Recast Depends on Stratagem charges
Cumulative Enmity 1 Volatile Enmity 80
Command /ja "Celerity" <me> 
Job Points
Category Stratagem Effect II Ranks Available 20
Effect of each Rank Reduce casting time for spells affected by Celerity by 1%.


  • Celerity grants -40% cast time and Spell Recast, additive with the -10% from Light Arts.
  • When used with any version of the Relic footgear, gains the ability to surpass the 80% recast reduction cap, to a maximum of 90%.


Equipment Modifying Ability
Equipment Lvl. Slot Modifier
Argute Loafers icon.png Argute Loafers 52 Feet Weather: -10% Casting Time and Recast
Argute Loafers +1 icon.png Argute Loafers +1 74 Feet Weather: -10% Casting Time and Recast
Argute Loafers +2 icon.png Argute Loafers +2 90 Feet Weather: -15% Casting Time and Recast
Peda. Loafers icon.png Pedagogy Loafers 99 Feet Weather: -15% Casting Time and Recast
Peda. Loafers +1 icon.png Pedagogy Loafers +1 99 Feet Weather: -16% Casting Time and Recast
Peda. Loafers +2 icon.png Pedagogy Loafers +2 99 Feet Weather: -17% Casting Time and Recast
Peda. Loafers +3 icon.png Pedagogy Loafers +3 99 Feet Weather: -18% Casting Time and Recast
