Light Arts

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Job Ability Information
Job Scholar
Type Level  
Level Obtained 10
Description Optimizes white magic capability while lowering black magic proficiency. Grants a bonus to divine, enhancing, and healing magic.
Duration 02:00:00
Recast 00:01:00
Cumulative Enmity 1 Volatile Enmity 80
Command /ja "Light Arts" <me> 
Job Points
Category Light Arts Effect Ranks Available 20
Effect of each Rank Increase effect duration of Regen spells by 3 seconds.


  • Along with Dark Arts, Light Arts is one of two grimoires available to scholars. Once activated, Light Arts cannot be removed except by zoning, dying, or applying Dark Arts.
  • Grants a bonus to Divine Magic, Healing Magic, Enfeebling Magic, and Enhancing Magic. The bonus is equivalent to the amount required to bring the skill ranking to a B+ grade. Magic skills that are above this rating will not be enhanced. Bonuses from merits are not included in this calculation. This also applies when subbed, skill will raise to a B+ rank for the level of your MAIN job.
  • Reduces casting costs of light magic spells by 10% (rounded down, spells with casting cost of 9 MP or less are not affected). The MP cost of black magic spells is increased by 20% (rounded up).
  • Cuts effective casting time and recast of white magic spells by 10%.
  • Increases casting time and recast of black magic spells by 20%.
  • Provides a level-dependent bonus to the Regen line of spells.
    • This applies to Scholar as a main job only.
    • For all Regen spells, the potency bonus (in HP/tick) is: +floor( (Level - 10)/10 ) × 3
    • The duration bonus is twice the potency bonus in seconds: +floor( (Level - 10)/10 ) × 6
      • At level 50-59: +12 HP/tick, +24 seconds
      • At level 70-79: +18 HP/tick, +36 seconds
      • At level 90-99: +24 HP/tick, +48 seconds
    • Tabula Rasa provides an improved bonus to Regen spells which overwrites the Light Arts effect, so Regen spells will instead have a +36 HP/tick potency bonus and +72 seconds duration regardless of level or Light Arts/Dark Arts.
  • Recast timer can be reduced by up to 10 seconds with scholar-specific Grimoire Recast merits (2 seconds per merit).
  • There is no recast timer while Tabula Rasa is in effect.


Equipment Modifying Ability
Equipment Lvl. Slot Modifier
Scholar's Pants icon.png Scholar's Pants 56 Legs Gives a 15 Skill bonus to Divine, Healing, Enfeebling, and Enhancing Magic.
Scholar's Pants +1 icon.png Scholar's Pants +1 74 Legs Gives a 15 Skill bonus to Divine, Healing, Enfeebling, and Enhancing Magic.
Scholar's Loafers icon.png Scholar's Loafers 54 Feet Casting time and recast -5% without Alacrity/Manifestation
Sch. Loafers +1 icon.png Scholar's Loafers +1 75 Feet Casting time and recast -5% without Alacrity/Manifestation
Argute M.board icon.png Argute Mortarboard 75 Head Casting time and recast -5% without Alacrity/Manifestation
Argute M.board +1 icon.png Argute Mortarboard +1 75 Head Casting time and recast -5% without Alacrity/Manifestation
Argute M.board +2 icon.png Argute Mortarboard +2 90 Head Casting time and recast -10% without Alacrity/Manifestation
Academic's Pants icon.png Academic's Pants 99 Legs Gives an 18 Skill bonus to Divine, Healing, Enfeebling, and Enhancing Magic.
Acad. Pants +1 icon.png Academic's Pants +1 99 Legs Gives an 20 Skill bonus to Divine, Healing, Enfeebling, and Enhancing Magic.
Acad. Pants +2 icon.png Academic's Pants +2 99 Legs Gives an 22 Skill bonus to Divine, Healing, Enfeebling, and Enhancing Magic.
Acad. Pants +3 icon.png Academic's Pants +3 99 Legs Gives an 24 Skill bonus to Divine, Healing, Enfeebling, and Enhancing Magic.
Acad. Loafers icon.png Academic's Loafers 99 Feet Casting time and recast -8% without Alacrity/Manifestation
Acad. Loafers +1 icon.png Academic's Loafers +1 99 Feet Casting time and recast -8% without Alacrity/Manifestation
Acad. Loafers +2 icon.png Academic's Loafers +2 99 Feet Casting time and recast -10% without Alacrity/Manifestation
Acad. Loafers +3 icon.png Academic's Loafers +3 99 Feet Casting time and recast -12% without Alacrity/Manifestation
Arbatel Gown icon.png Savant's Attire Set +2
Arbatel Attire Set
Arbatel Attire Set +1
Arbatel Attire Set +2
Arbatel Attire Set +3
81-99 Set Sometimes causes a Quick Magic (instant cast, no recast) proc. This only occurs for spells which are aligned to the currently active grimoire,
