Corsair / Ranger
Triple Shot, Double-Up, Snake Eye, Corsair's Roll, Chaos Roll, Hunter's Roll, Evoker's Roll, Fighter's Roll, Light Shot, Dark Shot
Weapon Skills
Savage Blade / , Burning Blade , Sniper Shot / , Detonator /
- Trade the Cipher: Qultada item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses Winning Streak (level 75: +100s Phantom Roll duration)
- Qultada dispels with Dark Shot and enhances Dia with Light Shot but never uses Quick Draw just to deal damage.
- Uses weapon skills at 1000 TP.
- Qultada's standard Phantom Rolls are Chaos Roll and Fighter's Roll.
- He replaces Chaos Roll with Hunter's Roll if his player's accuracy against the currently fought enemy is under a certain threshold.
- He replaces Fighter's Roll with Evoker's Roll if any party member has low MP (<66%).
- He replaces Fighter's Roll with Corsair's Roll if his player has Dedication or Commitment active (excluding the special Dedication status from Cipher: Kupofried).
- Will Double-Up on any non-lucky roll value between 1 and 6 and can bust his rolls.
- He uses Snake Eye when he is one point away from a lucky roll or from 11.
- Doesn't perform weaponskills until finished applying Phantom Rolls.
- When he has a busted roll, he doesn't WS until the bust effect expires.