King of Hearts
Red Mage / White Mage
Refresh/II, Haste/II, Dia/II/III, Temper, (92)Firaga IV, Cure I - IV, Phalanx/II, -na Spells, Erase
Weapon Skills
Bludgeon / , Shuffle (Dispel) , Deal Out (AoE) , Double Down
- Trade the Cipher: King item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses HP+25%, MP+80%
- Benefits from a permanent Composure effect and gains +50% Enhancing Magic duration when casting on other targets than himself.
- Is considered Arcana, thus is susceptible to Monster Correlation effects.
- The King of Hearts mainly acts as a RDM but has access to spells of WHMs and BLMs.
- Opens the fight up with Dia before any other spells. (Will continually attempt to Dia an enemy even if the enemy is immune)
- Will cast Cure on any players at 50% or less HP.
- Prioritizes Erase and -na spells above other spells. Will quickly cast these on any trust or party member immediately after being debuffed, starting with the master and itself.
- Casts Haste, Refresh, and Phalanx on the player regardless of their job or enmity.
- Will not cast Haste or Refresh on other players or trusts.
- King of Hearts thinks the player is his master, Ambassador Karababa (BLM).
- Casts Phalanx on the party member or alter ego with the highest enmity on King's current target's list.
- Will magic burst Firaga off of
Liquefaction, Fusion, or Light skillchains.
- From time to time the King of Hearts may randomly “Level Up”, which restores some HP and MP as well as unlocking access to Bludgeon. It doesn’t seem to be actively triggered, but may occur at any time during combat.
- Uses TP randomly and does not try to skillchain.
- Prioritizes Shuffle when able to Dispel an enemy buff.
- *Haste II grants 307/1024 Magical Haste.
Trust Synergy
- Shantotto: King of Hearts uses the full range of his enhancing spells on Shantotto in the same way as on himself and his player and even prioritizes her over the player and himself. (Does not apply to Shantotto II or Domina Shantotto)