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Category:Enhancing Magic
Enhancing Magic is a general category which includes spells that are generally focused on giving lasting "buff" effects that enhance various attributes of the target, with a small subset of these spells focused on teleportation. These spells fall into many different subcategories, including:
- Barspells
- Boost and Gain Spells
- Enspells
- Protect and Shell Spells
- Regen Spells
- Spikes Spells
- Storm Spells
- Teleport Spells
- Warp, Warp II and Retrace
Additionally, there are many other Enhancing Magic spells with varying effects. The vast majority of enhancing magic spells are classified as White Magic, although relocation and spikes spells acquired by Black Mage are classified as Black Magic.
- Enhancing Magic skill determines the potency and spell interruption rate of Enhancing Magic spells.
With the exception of Haste and Flurry, single target white magic enhancing spells that are acquired by Scholar or Red Mage and White Mage sub jobs may be turned AoE by the Scholar Light Arts stratagem Accession. All white magic enhancing spells that bestow a buff with some duration may be doubled in duration by the stratagem Perpetuance; this now includes Protect and Shell spells too.
Note: While the duration of most buffing enhancing magic spells is constant, when an enhancing spell is cast on a target whose level is lower than the earliest possible level the spell can be learned, the duration of the spell will be reduced proportionally to the level difference (e.g. Haste casted on a level 5 player will only last a few seconds).
See: Duration Below
Enhancing Magic Skill caps by job
*B+ skill rating for SCH is with Light Arts active.
Enhancing Magic spells
Equipment Bonuses
Enhancing magic bonuses on equipment fall into one of three categories:
- Enhancing magic skill bonuses
- Enhancing magic casting time reduction
- Enhancing magic duration bonuses
Enhancing magic skill bonuses directly adds to the player's enhancing magic skill.
Enhancing magic casting time reduction reduces casting time of all spells classified as enhancing magic by the percentage listed, stacks with other forms of casting time reduction such as Light Arts and Fast Cast.
Enhancing magic duration bonuses stack together multiplicatively with the following formula:
(Base Duration + (6s × RDM Group 2 Merit Point Level) + (3s × RDM Relic Hands Group 2 Merit Point Level Augment) + RDM Job Points + Gear that list Seconds) × (Augments Composure Bonus) × (Duration listed on Gear + Naturalist's Roll) × (Duration Augments on Gear) × (Rune Fencer Gifts) × (Perpetuance)
- For calculating the duration of an enhancing spell keep in mind non-applicable bonuses are removed from the formula if not needed (ex. if augments are 0 the formula won't try to multiply by 0). Enhancing magic skill also provides no increase in duration.
- Examples of Gear that lists seconds.
- Grapevine Cape - Refresh +30 Seconds
- Telchine Chasuble - Regen +12 Seconds
- Gishdubar Sash - Refresh +20 Seconds Received (Tested for self cast only atm.)
- Be aware of the difference listed below between Duration Listed on Gear (like Ammurapi Shield versus Duration Augments on Gear such as Telchine Chasuble +10% max augment) as they're applied at different steps of the formula making some more valuable than others.
The RDM job ability Composure triples the duration of self-targeted enhancing spells but allowing them to go no higher then 30 minutes. If your spells would be longer then 30 minutes without Composure then it does nothing for them and you get the higher duration. The set bonus pieces of either the Estoqueur's Attire Set +2, Lethargy Armor Set, +1, +2, and/or +3 allows Composure to yield duration bonus to buffs cast on other players, up to 50% duration bonus.
- 2 pieces of the set - 10%
- 3 pieces of the set - 20%
- 4 pieces of the set - 35%
- 5 pieces of the set - 50%
The SCH stratagem Perpetuance doubles the duration of the next casted enhancing magic spell.
- This duration bonus is further enhanced to 2.25x with Savant's Bracers +1, 2.5x with Savant's Bracers +2 or Arbatel Bracers, or 2.55x with Arbatel Bracers +1 and 2.6x with Arbatel Bracers +2.
- Specific spells might have additional modifiers such as Regen when cast in Light Arts.
As an example to understand the formula let's take a SCH main casting Regen V (60 seconds base), with 20/20 Light Arts Job Points and the JA active (+60 seconds for job points, + 48 seconds for level 99 SCH main in Light Arts), and wearing Lugh's Cape and Telchine Chasuble (+27 seconds), and with Embla Sash and Ammurapi Shield (+20% Duration listed on Gear), and wearing 3 pieces of augmented telechine (+30% Duration Augments on Gear) and lastly with Perpetuance with Arbatel Bracers +1 active (x2.55 multiplier):
(60 + 60 + 27 + 48) × (1.2) × (1.3) × (2.55) = 775.72 seconds or around 12:56 minutes.
- As you can notice specific spells modifiers are injected in the formula at specific spots, again increasing or decreasing their strength
- In general adding flat duration is very impactful since it is at the very beginning of the formula.
Casting Time Reduction Gear | |||
Item | Slot | Jobs | Bonus |
Futhark Trousers | Legs | RUN | 12% |
Futhark Trousers +1 | Legs | RUN | 13% |
Futhark Trousers +2 | Legs | RUN | 14% |
Futhark Trousers +3 | Legs | RUN | 15% |
*Nonaugmented Enhancing Duration Gear is a separate term from Augmented Gear.
Gear Augments with Enhancing Duration+ | |||
Item | Slot | Jobs | Duration Bonus |
Colada | Sword | RDM PLD BLU | ![]() |
Gada | Club | WHM BLM SMN SCH GEO | ![]() |
Ghostfyre Cape | Back | RDM | ![]() |
Grioavolr | Staff | WHM BLM RDM BRD SMN SCH GEO | ![]() |
Telchine Braconi | Legs | WHM BLM RDM BRD SMN BLU SCH GEO | ![]() |
Telchine Cap | Head | WHM BLM RDM BRD SMN BLU SCH GEO | ![]() |
Telchine Chasuble | Body | WHM BLM RDM BRD SMN BLU SCH GEO | ![]() |
Telchine Gloves | Hands | WHM BLM RDM BRD SMN BLU SCH GEO | ![]() |
Telchine Pigaches | Feet | WHM BLM RDM BRD SMN BLU SCH GEO | ![]() |
Duelist's Torque | Neck | RDM | ![]() |
Duelist's Torque +1 | Neck | RDM | ![]() |
Duelist's Torque +2 | Neck | RDM | ![]() |
*Augmented Enhancing Duration Gear is a separate term from Nonaugmented Gear.
This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total.
Pages in category "Enhancing Magic"
The following 137 pages are in this category, out of 137 total.
- Adloquium
- Animus Augeo
- Animus Minuo
- Aquaveil
- Aurorastorm
- Aurorastorm II
- Auspice
- Baraera
- Baraero
- Baramnesia
- Baramnesra
- Barblind
- Barblindra
- Barblizzara
- Barblizzard
- Barfira
- Barfire
- Barparalyze
- Barparalyzra
- Barpetra
- Barpetrify
- Barpoison
- Barpoisonra
- Barsilence
- Barsilencera
- Barsleep
- Barsleepra
- Barstone
- Barstonra
- Barthunder
- Barthundra
- Barvira
- Barvirus
- Barwater
- Barwatera
- Blaze Spikes
- Blink
- Boost-AGI
- Boost-CHR
- Boost-DEX
- Boost-INT
- Boost-MND
- Boost-STR
- Boost-VIT
- Crusade
- Deodorize
- Embrava
- Enaero
- Enaero II
- Enblizzard
- Enblizzard II
- Enfire
- Enfire II
- Enstone
- Enstone II
- Enthunder
- Enthunder II
- Enwater
- Enwater II
- Erase
- Escape
- Firestorm
- Firestorm II
- Flurry
- Flurry II
- Foil
- Gain-AGI
- Gain-CHR
- Gain-DEX
- Gain-INT
- Gain-MND
- Gain-STR
- Gain-VIT
- Hailstorm
- Hailstorm II
- Haste
- Haste II
- Ice Spikes
- Invisible
- Phalanx
- Phalanx II
- Protect
- Protect II
- Protect III
- Protect IV
- Protect V
- Protectra
- Protectra II
- Protectra III
- Protectra IV
- Protectra V
- Rainstorm
- Rainstorm II
- Recall-Jugner
- Recall-Meriph
- Recall-Pashh
- Refresh
- Refresh II
- Refresh III
- Regen
- Regen II
- Regen III
- Regen IV
- Regen V
- Reprisal
- Retrace
- Sandstorm
- Sandstorm II
- Shell
- Shell II
- Shell III
- Shell IV
- Shell V
- Shellra
- Shellra II
- Shellra III
- Shellra IV
- Shellra V
- Shock Spikes
- Sneak
- Stoneskin
- Teleport-Altep
- Teleport-Dem
- Teleport-Holla
- Teleport-Mea
- Teleport-Vahzl
- Teleport-Yhoat
- Temper
- Temper II
- Thunderstorm
- Thunderstorm II
- Voidstorm
- Voidstorm II
- Warp
- Warp II
- Windstorm
- Windstorm II