Eld. Coffer Key

From FFXI Wiki
Eld. Coffer Key icon.png Eldieme coffer key
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: A key that opens a treasure coffer in the Eldieme Necropolis.
Image: Eld. Coffer Key description.png
Type: Usable Item
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, CanSendPOL, NPC tradable, Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive, Rare
Stack size: 1
"Find Eld. Coffer Key on FFXIAH" "Find Eld. Coffer Key on FFXIDB"

Dropped from...
Monster Name Level Zone Rate Notes
Haunt 63-65 Eldieme Necropolis R Found at J-10, Map 3. Can be accessed through walking over the burial pads in "C" on Map 2.
Spriggan 64-66 Eldieme Necropolis R Found at J-10, Map 3. Can be accessed through walking over the burial pads in "C" on Map 2.
Tomb Mage 60-63 Eldieme Necropolis R Found at J-10, Map 3. Can be accessed through walking over the burial pads in "C" on Map 2.
Tomb Warrior 60-62 Eldieme Necropolis R Found at J-10, Map 3. Can be accessed through walking over the burial pads in "C" on Map 2.
