Category:Elemental Obi

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Elemental Obis are obtained from In the Name of Science; requiring the pairing of one colored chip, purchasable from the goblin merchants: Blabbivix Port Bastok (F-6), Scavnix Windurst Walls (H-4), and Gaudylox Northern San d'Oria (F-4), a Silver Obi icon.png Silver Obi, 3 Luminian Tissue icon.png Luminian Tissue, and 10 (in a 7:3 split) specific NQ organs from monsters in Al'Taieu.

Each obi forces the day/weather elemental bonus or penalty of one particular element (as appropriate) to occur 100% of the time instead of at their base proc rate.
When paired with -storm spells, a guaranteed weather bonuses of the player's choice can be made; guaranteeing the proc of Iridescence on the combined Elemental Staves: Iridal Staff and Chatoyant Staff.

Weather Damage bonuses are as follows:

  • +10% bonus for the element matching the day
  • +10% bonus for the element matching single weather
  • +20% bonus for the element matching single weather and day
  • +25% bonus for the element matching double weather
  • +35% bonus for the element matching double weather and day
  • The element that is weak to the day/weather can suffer the same percentage as above as a penalty
    • e.g. Element: Fire can get -10% during Element: Water weather.

Please note that:

Each Elemental Obi is level 71 equipment, and can be combined via Synergy into a Hachirin-no-Obi; with an additional bonus of a 1% chance of not using any MP. This 1% chance of not using MP stacks with Incanter's Torque. However, unlike Elemental Belts or Gorgets, the forced penalties for weak elements are still applied in the combined Hachirin-no-Obi.
E.g. a Element: Fire spell cast on Element: Fire Firesday during Element: WaterElement: Water weather:

  • With Hachirin-no-Obi it will 100% reduce damage by -15% (+10% from the day bonus, and -25% from the weather).
  • With Karin Obi:
    • a ~66% increase damage by 10% (+10% from the day only)
    • a ~33% reduce damage by 15% (+10% from the day bonus, and -25% from the weather)
  • No Obi, the Day/Weather boost/penalties would each have a ~33% chance to take effect.

Pages in category "Elemental Obi"

The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.