Experience Points

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Experience Points are the traditional means of leveling throughout the entire Final Fantasy franchise. There are multiple methods of earning Experience Points, but the primary source is through defeating monsters. In Final Fantasy XI, players can level every job they have unlocked. Starting from level 1, progression is made up to level 99 by earning Experience Points. After every level that is earned, the number of points required to advance (known as TNL or Til-Next-Level) gradually increases.

Level Caps

Initially, up to level 50 is available to all players. Upon reaching 1 Experience Point from level 51, players are temporarily "capped" from reaching 51. At this point, Limit Break Quests must be completed every five levels before a player is allowed to proceed with their leveling journey. These were (and sometimes still are) called "Genkai", referring to the Japanese term for Limit.

Limit Points

Upon reaching level 75, a player has the ability to start accumulating Limit Points. This system is a way to further enhance your character's statistics and abilities, and are even required for the Limit Break Quests after level 75. Limit Points can be earned by being in possession of the key item Limit breaker. Limit Points are earned in-place of Experience Points at a 1:1 ratio, and the rate is affected by Experience Point Bonuses (see below). The mode for earning either Experience Points or Limit Points can be toggled under the menu "Status > Merit Points > Mode Switch". If a player is maxed out on either their current level limit or level 99, this mode automatically switches to Limit Points. Every 10,000 Limit Points earned grants one Merit Point.

For further information, see the Merit Points page.

Experience Points/Level Breakdown

Refer to the tables below for the Experience Points required to progress through each level from 1-99.

Level EXP Total
1 0 0
1-2 500 500
2-3 750 1,250
3-4 1,000 2,250
4-5 1,250 3,500
5-6 1,500 5,000
6-7 1,750 6,750
7-8 2,000 8,750
8-9 2,200 10,950
9-10 2,400 13,350
10-11 2,600 15,950
11-12 2,800 18,750
12-13 3,000 21,750
13-14 3,200 24,950
14-15 3,400 28,350
15-16 3,600 31,950
16-17 3,800 35,750
17-18 4,000 39,750
18-19 4,200 43,950
19-20 4,400 48,350
20-21 4,600 52,950
21-22 4,800 57,750
22-23 5,000 62,750
23-24 5,100 67,850
24-25 5,200 73,050
Level EXP Total
25-26 5,300 78,350
26-27 5,400 83,750
27-28 5,500 89,250
28-29 5,600 94,850
29-30 5,700 100,550
30-31 5,800 106,350
31-32 5,900 112,250
32-33 6,000 118,250
33-34 6,100 124,350
34-35 6,200 130,550
35-36 6,300 136,850
36-37 6,400 143,250
37-38 6,500 149,750
38-39 6,600 156,350
39-40 6,700 163,050
40-41 6,800 169,850
41-42 6,900 176,750
42-43 7,000 183,750
43-44 7,100 190,850
44-45 7,200 198,050
45-46 7,300 205,350
46-47 7,400 212,750
47-48 7,500 220,250
48-49 7,600 227,850
49-50 7,700 235,550
Level EXP Total
50-51 7,800 243,350
51-52 8,000 251,350
52-53 9,200 260,550
53-54 10,400 270,950
54-55 11,600 282,550
55-56 12,800 295,350
56-57 14,000 309,350
57-58 15,200 324,550
58-59 16,400 340,950
59-60 17,600 358,550
60-61 18,800 377,350
61-62 20,000 397,350
62-63 21,500 418,850
63-64 23,000 441,850
64-65 24,500 466,350
65-66 26,000 492,350
66-67 27,500 519,850
67-68 29,000 548,850
68-69 30,500 579,350
69-70 32,000 611,350
70-71 34,000 645,350
71-72 36,000 681,350
72-73 38,000 719,350
73-74 40,000 759,350
74-75 42,000 801,350
Level EXP Total
75-76 44,000 845,350
76-77 44,500 889,850
77-78 45,000 934,850
78-79 45,500 980,350
79-80 46,000 1,026,350
80-81 46,500 1,072,850
81-82 47,000 1,119,850
82-83 47,500 1,167,350
83-84 48,000 1,215,350
84-85 48,500 1,263,850
85-86 49,000 1,312,850
86-87 49,500 1,362,350
87-88 50,000 1,412,350
88-89 50,500 1,462,850
89-90 51,000 1,513,850
90-91 51,500 1,565,350
91-92 52,000 1,617,350
92-93 52,500 1,669,850
93-94 53,000 1,722,850
94-95 53,500 1,776,350
95-96 54,000 1,830,350
96-97 54,500 1,884,850
97-98 55,000 1,939,850
98-99 55,500 1,995,350
99-CAP 56,000 2,051,350

Experience Point Bonuses

Experience point bonuses apply to effects that increase the amount of experience points that a player receives per kill. This bonus is applied after the "per monster cap" and chain bonuses have been calculated.

Currently, there are seven forms of Experience point bonuses:

See below for items that give these bonuses.

Bonuses from Items (Dedication Effect)

The following gear gives the Dedication status effect, only one form of Dedication can be active at a single time.

  • Empress Band icon.png Rings - Enchanted rings that grant a bonus onto the player like any other buff. The enchanted bonus cannot be dispelled, will not wear off when changing jobs, nor upon death. The bonus will only wear off after the designated duration time has elapsed, after acquiring the designated amount of bonus points, when overwritten with another ring that grants either a "Dedication" or "Commitment" bonus, or upon entering Monstrosity's Feretory (and likely similar less common game modes such as PankrationVerification Needed and others). The rings are obtained in many ways.

The rings in the table below are readily available via multiple means in the game. See each page for details on obtainment.

Name Bonus Max Experience Charges Duration (Min.) Reuse (Min.)
Empress Band 50% 15,000 7 720 15
Emperor Band 50% 30,000 3 720 15
Resolution Ring 50% 30,000 5 720 15
Chariot Band 75% 10,000 7 720 15
Kupofried's Ring 100% 30,000 11 1440 15
Allied Ring 150% 30,000 5 720 15
Caliber Ring 150% 30,000 3 720 15
Echad Ring 150% 30,000 Unlim. 720 120

§ Chariot Band, Emperor Band, and Empress Band are mutually exclusive items, you may only possess one of the three items.

The rings below are/were only obtainable during certain anniversary events or special events. They may not be currently available or may have been deprecated.

Name Bonus Max Experience Charges Duration (Min.) Reuse (Min.)
Expertise Ring 75% 30,000 10 720 15
Novennial Ring 100% 9,000 10 720 60
Anniversary Ring 100% 10,000 10 720 60
Decennial Ring 100% 10,000 10 720 60
Undecennial Ring 100% 11,111 11 720 60
Duodecennial Ring 100% 12,000 12 720 60
  • Total Cumulative Bonus: +50% ~ 150% ( Up to 9,000 to 30,000 Experience Points, depending on the ring, for up to 12 ~ 24 hours.)

Bonuses from Moghancements

Only one of the below items can be used at a time, as you will obtain a Moghancement Key Item. See the Furnishings page for further details on Moghancements.

Rhapsody Key Items

Miscellaneous Bonuses

  • Moogle Cap icon.png Trust: Kupofried - Only obtained with Cipher: Kupofried. Grants a "Dedication" and "Commitment" Geomancy type aura bonus to both Experience Points and Capacity Points. Kupofried's bonus stacks with the enchantment bonus granted by rings. He cannot be attacked or damaged by enemies.
    • Total Cumulative Bonus: +20%
  • Corsair Die icon.png Corsair's Roll - Grants a "Dedication" and "Commitment" bonus to both Experience Points and Capacity Points. The effect will wear off upon timing out or upon death, and can be dispelled.
    • Total Cumulative Bonus: +8% ~ 45%

Monster Rearing Bonuses

  • Category-Behemoth.jpg Monster Rearing - Certain monsters raised in your Mog Garden can grant you an Experience Points Bonus with the Cheer. The Cheers are key items obtained after your raised monster reaches a certain level of happiness following particular raising pattern. The cheers also grant other bonuses toward the player's skill gain rates, stats increases, certain resistances, alter ego utility, and a few others.
Indented creatures are along a similar path and a higher evolution from the creature above it.
  • Rearing Rank 1
  • Lamb: +2%
  • Rearing Rank 3
  • Uragnite: +5%
  • Limascabra: +3%
  • Rearing Rank 4
  • Coeurl: +3%
  • Rearing Rank 5
  • Tiny Bugard: +4%
  • Baby Adamantoise: +3%
  • Rearing Rank 6:
  • Cluster: +5%
  • Behemoth Cub: +5%
  • Rearing Rank 7:
  • Pequetender: +6%
  • Sabotender: +6%
  • Total Cumulative Bonus: +2% ~ 6%

Active Effects

  • Signet icon.png Signet - Bonus given if you are in a "Small Group", meaning 2~5 members. It is unknown if Trust Magic affects this amount, and the bonus amount is not known.
  • Sanction icon.png Sanction - The experience bonus is 5~15% depending on Al Zahbi's Imperial Defense level.
    • When the defense level is 8, the bonus is at its maximum of 15%. See Sanction for further details.

Chain Experience Bonuses

Also known as an "EXP Chain" or simply "Chain", this term is used to describe the acquisition of an increased number of experience points from a monster's death due to the speed in which the monsters were killed. The bonus is obtained by defeating monsters that check as Even Match or tougher (EM+) within a time limit that starts when the last EM+ mob is killed. The percentage bonus earned increases as the chain becomes longer; however, a chain will be broken by failing to defeat an EM+ mob before the time allowance expires. Simply defeating a monster below Even Match will not break a chain (example: Beastmaster mob's pet), as long as the EM+ is killed within the allowed time, based on the last eligible kill. In party settings, bonuses are based on each individual member's level, so it is possible for mobs that check EM to lower-level members to give experience chains, while the same mob will check Decent Challenge to a higher-level member and not give a chain. The maximum experience bonus is 50%.

Experience Chain Bonuses
EXP Chain# Bonus Percentage
1 20%
2 25%
3 30%
4 40%
5+ 50%

Monthly Adventurer Campaigns

There are two type of campaigns that may run any given month.

Double Experience Points Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, all players simply earn double the amount of Experience Points.
    • The first 18 Experience Point campaigns were a simple double up gain rate mechanic. After these, they changed the way the campaign worked and it became the chain experience campaign.

Chain Experience Bonus Points Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, the base Experience Points from a monster is doubled. The exception is the first monster, as that one yields normal gains.
    • Depending on the number of chains, Experience Points obtained is double to triple the normal rate. See the below tables for bonus values.
Chain Count Experience Points Multiplication
1 x1.2
2 x1.25
3 x1.3
4 x1.4
5-9 x1.5
10-19 x1.575
20-29 x1.65
30-39 x1.725
40-49 x1.8
50-59 x1.875
60-69 x1.95
70-79 x2.025
80-89 x2.1
90-99 x2.175
100+ x2.25

Chain Experience Bonus Points Campaign - PLUS!

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, the chain bonus campaign described above is in effect. Additionally, items that grant the Dedication effect are also doubled.
    • An item that grants Experience Points +150% is increased to a bonus of +300%. Additionally, a maximum bonus of 30,000 is increased to 60,000.
      • Example during the campaign: (120 EXP x 2) x 1.5 x 2 = 720. With a dedication band active: (120 EXP × 2) + 720 = 960 EXP.
      • This has an effect on all experience point bonus items, not just the ones that offer +150%/30,000. The above was an example.

Experience Points Loss

The loss of Experience Points is a penalty for getting KO'd. No experience is lost at level 30 or lower, or by being incapacitated within a city zone. It is possible to delevel if you lose enough experience points repeatedly. If a Raise spell is received, some Experience is restored to the player. See the Raise spell page for adjustments to experience loss if a Raise spell is accepted.

If a player has an active Key Item Moghancement: Experience effect on, the player retains 5% of the experience they would have lost if they did not have the effect.

  • Example: At level 99, approximately 625 Experience is lost upon being knocked out. With this moghancement effect active, about 594 Experience is lost instead.

Some content does not cause Experience Points loss if you are incapacitated. Examples include:

Alternate methods of earning Experience Points

Besides defeating monsters, Experience Points can be earned by participating in the following events.

Note: The previously mentioned Experience Point Bonuses have no effect on these events.


  • You cannot earn more than one level at a time with a single experience point reward.
    • Example: If you were to take a level 1 job and turn in a 3 Imprimatur Coalition Assignment (rewarding a base of 2,400 EXP), you instead earn 1,249 EXP and the rest are lost.