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Abyssea is a set of areas of a parallel Vana'diel that was released as part of three expansion scenarios.

In this world, the beastmen have won the Crystal War and many of the citizens of Vana'diel have been slaughtered while others were chased out of their cities to find refuge at small campsites with little hope for a bright future.

The nine field areas of Abyssea are teeming with dozens of different types of monsters. It is a source of a multitude of end-game armor, the best method of gaining experience points at higher levels, and can be used in other ways as well, such as for item and gil farming.

If you're new to this event, refer to the Abyssea Guide for starter information.

Abyssea Navigation
Vision Abyssea - Konschtat
Abyssea - La Theine
Abyssea - Tahrongi
Scars Abyssea - Attohwa
Abyssea - Misareaux
Abyssea - Vunkerl
Heroes Abyssea - Altepa
Abyssea - Uleguerand
Abyssea - Grauberg

Note: The use of Tractor will cause a player to lose Visitant Status and their lights.

Getting Started

To begin the Abyssea storyline, you must zone into Port Jeuno on a level 30+ job. A cutscene will play, and the quest A Journey Begins will be flagged in your log. This is the first quest in the Abyssea storyline.

See the Abyssea Storyline Quests page to see the entire quest progression for Abyssea. Alternatively, there is an Abyssea Guide on the wiki that may prove useful instead.

How to Enter

Entrance to Abyssea is gained via teleporting through a Cavernous Maw. Each of the nine Abyssea zones has its own entrance. In order to enter, players must possess one or more Key Item Traverser stones. Traverser stones can be acquired from the Abyssea Service NPCs listed below. Joachim in Port Jeuno (H-8) is the main Abyssea Service NPC, and you can only progress through the Abyssea Storyline Quests through him. After completing the quest The Truth Beckons, which is "Quest 2" in the Abyssea storyline, players begin accumulating Key Item Traverser stones.

Abyssea Service NPCs

The following NPCs will dispense Key Item Traverser stones to you, and explain Abyssea.

Only Joachim can progress the Abyssea Storyline Quests.

Teleportation NPCs

The following NPCs will teleport you to Abyssean Cavernous Maws only if you have initiated that Abyssea zone's quest, They will also allow you to check your Cruor balance.

Name Area Coordinates Cost
Horst Port Jeuno (H-8) 200 Cruor
Ernst Port Bastok (K-11) 200 Cruor
Willis Port Windurst (K-6) 200 Cruor
Ivan Port San d'Oria (I-8) 200 Cruor
Vincent Ru'Lude Gardens (H-10) 200 Cruor
Cyril Chocobo Circuit (H-8) 200 Cruor
Kierron Heavens Tower (?-?) 200 Cruor

Maw Locations / Abyssea Entrance Locations

Initially players will be able to hold 3 traverser stones, each Key Item Abyssite of Avarice that you obtain will allow you to hold one extra stone for a total of 6 stones.

Initially each stone will grant a player 30 minutes in Abyssea, each Key Item Abyssite of Sojourn that you obtain will increase that duration by 3 minutes up to 18 extra minutes.

Initially traverser stones will replenish every 20 hours, each Key Item Abyssite of Celerity that you obtain will reduce that time by 4 hours down to an 8 hour recharge per stone.

Time in Abyssea can be extended by high-level Blue Sturdy Pyxides which will provide 10 minutes per box unlocked.



When a monster is defeated or a Red Sturdy Pyxis is opened, a player may receive a message about his or her body is aglow with a certain light. Each light has a different effect as listed below. Certain monsters cannot yield certain color lights, and certain monsters ("Ephemeral" monsters) can randomly yield significantly higher values of a specific color of light (2x, 4x, 8x, or 16x). NMs yield lights in higher quantities than normal monsters, typically double. Note that if a monster can yield ruby, azure, or amber light, and the proper final blow is dealt, the light is guaranteed. However, even if a monster can yield pearlescent light and is killed with a melee attack or one of the other pearlescent final blows, pearlescent light is NOT guaranteed unless the monster was a notorious monster.

Light Type Effect Cap How to Acquire
Pearlescent Light Increases the frequency of all chests. 230 Red Sturdy Pyxis effect or defeat a mob with a melee hit, job ability, a Summoner's Avatar, or a DoT effect.
Azure Light Increases the frequency and potency of of Blue Sturdy Pyxides. 255 Red Sturdy Pyxis effect or defeat a mob with magic.
Ruby Light Increases the frequency and potency of of Red Sturdy Pyxides. 255 Red Sturdy Pyxis effect or defeat a mob with a melee weapon skill.
Amber Light Increases the frequency and potency of of Gold Sturdy Pyxides. 255 Red Sturdy Pyxis effect or defeat a mob with a magical weapon skill.
Golden Light Increases the amount of Experience Points that you receive from defeated mobs. 200 Higher potency Red Sturdy Pyxis effect.
Silvery Light Increases the amount of Cruor that you receive from defeated mobs. 200 Higher potency Red Sturdy Pyxis effect.
Ebon Light According to official channels, Ebon Lights increase the potency of all lights, but the exact effect is still unknown. 200 Higher potency Red Sturdy Pyxis effect, and defeating Notorious Monsters.

Not every mob will give every light. For more details, see the Abyssea Lights page.

Sturdy Pyxides

Blue Sturdy Pyxis Red Sturdy Pyxis Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Blue Sturdy Pyxis.jpg Red Sturdy Pyxis.jpg Gold Sturdy Pyxis.jpg
  • Temporary items
  • Experience Points
  • Cruor
  • Time extensions
  • Pearlescent Light
  • Azure Light
  • Ruby Light
  • Amber Light
  • Golden Light
  • Silvery Light
  • Ebon Light
  • Higher-level temporary items
  • Notorious Monster pop items
  • Empyrean foot armor
  • Augmented Equipment
  • Notorious Monster key items
  • It is possible to destroy a Sturdy Pyxis for Cruor proportional to the chest level. You receive from 10 Cruor for the lowest strength chest to 50 Cruor for the highest strength chests.


Main Storyline "Missions"

Storyline Zone Quests

The following quests are "Intertwined" in the main storyline "missions" above. They are separated down here because their order varies based on the order the player wishes to complete them.

The table above refer to "Number of Clears". That means the number of these quests below that have been completed.

Zone Quests

The following Zone quests are additional quests that can be completed that add to the lore of Abyssea. The bolded quests below are also known as the "Storyline Zone Quests" which are listed above.

Bolded quests are the Abyssea zone quests that are also mission objectives.

"*" denotes that the quest is considered a Quick Fame Quest for that zone.

  • If a quest is unavailable, it could be because you must complete a pre-requisite quest or you need to attain a certain amount of fame in that specific zone.
  • You can use the below link to find the appropriate npc that tells you your fame level:

Heroes of Abyssea
Abyssea - Altepa Abyssea - Uleguerand Abyssea - Grauberg

Bolded quests are the Abyssea zone quests that are also mission objectives.

"*" denotes that the quest is considered the Quick Fame Quest for that zone.

Notorious Monsters

One of the important features of Notorious Monsters in Abyssea is the ability to stagger them with certain types of attacks. When you stagger a monster, it prevents it from performing certain actions or doing anything at all for a short period of time.

When a monster is staggered, there will be a message displayed in the chat log, along with two large exclamation points that will appear over the mob. The color of the exclamation points will represent the type of effect that was triggered, and have benefits beyond stopping the mob from performing certain actions.

Staggering a monster more than once with the same type of weakness is not recommended- the method will become less effective with each successive use (stagger duration will decrease and influence on drops will be reduced) and can eventually cause the monster to go into Raged mode.

Please note that NM weaknesses cannot be triggered while they are casting a spell, stunned or readying/using a TP ability (this also applies to "normal attacks" that are considered TP moves).

Yellow The chance of seeing drop is increased after procing yellow abilities on the monster.

A pair of yellow exclamation points means that a spell has staggered the monster. The immediate effect on the monster is that the it will be unable to cast spells for a short period of time. The elements of the spell that can cause this effect are determined by the day of the week that the monster was either claimed (for free roaming NMs) or was spawned (for forced popped NMs); specific spells representing the element of the day of the week, the day before, and the day after can cause the effect (at any given time there are 21 potential spells). The spells on the following list are the only spells that will trigger the yellow effect, and are ordered by the days of the Vana'diel week.

  • A BLM/BRD has access to the widest variety of Yellow spells (35 out of 56), lacking only Divine (5), Enfeebling (1), Blue (8), and Ninjutsu (7).
  • A BLU/NIN gives the party access to another 15 spells.
  • The last 6 can be cast by a WHM/RDM or WHM/SCH.
  • Keep an eye out for the Additional Seal Battlefield Spoils Campaign as the Kupon I-Seal item can be traded for all the seals needed to upgrade Empyrean from base to +1
    • This heavily expedites the upgrading process of Empyrean armors as you can bypass the time it takes to farm them up with or without proccing Yellow, and go straight from +1 into Reforged Empyrean 109 gear

The additional effect of triggering the Yellow !! is that monsters will drop more upgrade items for Empyrean Armor as well as more potential crafting materials or spell scrolls from monsters which do not drop Empyrean Armor upgrade items.

  • Note: A popular alternative to farming individual Empyrean Armor upgrade seals is to instead wait for "Additional Seal Battlefield Spoils Campaign" to appear during the monthly rotating Adventurer Campaigns. This event allows players to obtain Kupon I-Seals en masse. These seals are tradable for an entire set of the required amount of Abyssea seals to fully upgrade one piece of gear. This saves a massive amount of time, so it is recommended to stockpile these seals when this campaign is active.
  • Note: The trigger will always be a single specific Spell. Receiving a hint from the Abyssite of discernment merely narrows down the list of possible triggers and does not suggest that any Spell matching the element has a chance to trigger.

Blue The chance of seeing drop is increased after procing blue abilities on the monster.

A pair of blue exclamation points means that a physical weapon skill has staggered the monster. The immediate effect on the monster is that the it will be unable to use TP moves for a short period of time. The time of day that a monster was claimed or force-spawned will determine which types of weapon skill can stagger the monster- from 6:00 to 14:00 for piercing weapons, from 14:00 to 22:00 for slashing, and from 22:00 to 6:00 for blunt. The following weapon skills are the only weapon skills that will trigger the blue effect.

  • A Monk can use all Blunt-type weaponskills except for Judgment and Hexa Strike to proc Blue between in-game hours 22:00 - 6:00
    • A MNK with a subjob of WAR, WHM, PLD, DRK, SAM, BLU, or GEO can use Judgment.
    • This provides a 93% chance of hitting Blue proc, with a 7% chance of it being Hexa Strike and something the MNK cannot hit.

The additional effect of triggering Blue !! is that monsters have a greater chance of dropping their rare loot.

  • Note: The trigger will always be a single specific WS. Receiving a hint from the Abyssite of discernment merely narrows down the list of possible triggers and does not suggest that any Weaponskill matching the time period has a chance to trigger.

Red The chance of seeing drop is increased after procing red abilities on the monster.

A pair of red exclamation points means that an elemental weapon skill has staggered the monster. The immediate effect on the monster is that it will be will be completely stopped and unable to perform any actions for a short period of time. The elemental weapon skill that triggers the Red !! is random. The following weapon skills are the only weapon skills that can trigger the red effect:

  • WAR/NIN has access to all 13 weapon skills
    • Good article of weapon choices, especially Level 1 ALL class weapons for things NIN cannot normally wear: [Abyssea Red Proc Guide]

The additional effect of triggering Red !! is that monsters are guaranteed to bestow their Atma, if they have one, to all of the members in the alliance provided that the person who triggered the effect is still in the alliance and in the zone. In addition, this proc will guarantee the receipt of a key item used to pop further Notorious Monsters, if the monster can drop one, only to the person who claimed or force-popped the monster.

  • Note: The trigger will always be a single specific WS. Receiving a hint from the Abyssite of discernment merely narrows down the list of possible triggers and does not suggest that any Weaponskill matching the element has a chance to trigger.

Abyssite of discernment

When a player is in possession of Abyssite of discernment, he/she will receive messages to help to find out what will trigger the various stagger effects after performing similar actions. The player may receive a message depending on the action: casting magic on the mob may give a message about the element of the yellow stagger, using an elemental weapon skill may give a message about the element of the red stagger, and using a physical weapon skill may give a message about the type of weapon for the blue stagger.

Colored Abyssite and Atma

See Abyssea Abyssite category for more details.

See Abyssea Atma category for more details.

Goal Tracking

You have freedom over your actions within Abyssea. There is no specific objective to accomplish once inside. However, the game suggests three primary objectives, as follows:

  • Complete all quests in the area. (Reward: 8,000 Cruor)
  • Obtain every Ancient Abyssite in this area. (Reward: 10,000 Cruor)
  • Obtain every Atma available in this area. (Reward: 12,000 Cruor)

Goal Tracker NPC exist in each zone that provide a register of your progress with the above goals and rewards on completion of goal requirements. The completion of all three requirements for a given zone will also award the following Titles:

Zones Completed Title
1 Visitor of Abyssea
2 Friend of Abyssea
3 Warrior of Abyssea
4 Stormer of Abyssea
5 Devastator of Abyssea
6 Hero of Abyssea
7 Champion of Abyssea
8 Conqueror of Abyssea
9 Savior of Abyssea

Abyssea NPCs

See Abyssea NPCs and Abyssea Service NPC categories for more details.

Monthly Adventurer Campaigns

There is one type of campaign that may run any given month. It offers multiple bonuses as detailed below.

Abyssea Battle Content Campaign

Multiple campaigns are included in the Abyssea campaign when it is active.

  • During the first campaign, all six bonuses below were available.
    • For Abyssea campaigns after the initial, we only saw Gifts 2, 3, 4 and 6.
      • Furthermore, those who have received these rewards previously are unable to do so again. The only benefit to future campaign repeats is Gift 6 below, which is still significant.
    • A blue treasure chest will appear near Horst in Port Jeuno at (H-8). Opening it for the first time will confer the benefits of Gift 2, 4, and 5 below.

[Gift 1] All Three Abyssea Add-ons
  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign was active, all adventurers could register the three Abyssea battle addons free of charge.
  • Note: This portion of the Abyssea campaign was only available during the 11th Vana'versary Celebration from August 8th, 2013 until October 11th, 2013.
[Gift 2] Eleven Different Atma
[Gift 3] One Lunar abyssite
[Gift 4] 100,000 Cruor
  • Open the above mentioned chest to obtain 100,000 Cruor.
[Gift 5] Ability to hold six Traverser stones
[Gift 6] Default light increase
  • When entering an Abyssea area during the campaign, the default values for pearlescent, azure, golden, and silvery lights are set to their respective maximum values.


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