Adventuring Fellow

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A legend of two revered mirrors makes its way from the Aradjiah Continent: one of Blighted Gloom, the other of Blessed Radiance. A tale of a friendship and loyalty, and the millennia old rivalry of light and dark await those who chose to travel with an Adventuring Fellow.

Acquiring an Adventuring Fellow

To begin your journey with and Adventuring Fellow, you must begin by speaking to Luto Mewrilah Upper Jeuno at (G-8).


Also known as "Bond" or "Intimacy," Familiarity determines how long your Adventuring Fellow can stay with you and how many mobs defeated until he/she has to rest. But Familiarity also unlocks quests, upgrades to weapons, and the ability to change or lock your Adventuring Fellow's apparel. Familiarity is gained/lost in the following fashion.

  • For each use of a Signal Pearl or Tactics Pearl: +5
  • Selecting the "Let's Chat" option at the Rendezvous Point (once per real day): +5
  • Completing one of Investigation of the Emptiness, Chameleon Capers, or an Adventuring Fellow Genkai quest: +5Verification Needed
  • Dropping a Signal Pearl: -5
    • Note: Dropping a Tactics Pearl does not negatively influence your Familiarity.

At 30, 50, 70, and 90 your Familiarity is capped. The only way to surpass these caps is to complete the storyline quests which will raise your cap to the next.

At maximum Familiarity, your Adventuring Fellow will stay out for 200 kills or 4 hours (whichever comes first). You can purchase an extra 30 minutes of active time (for a maximum of 4.5 hours) using Fellow Points by purchasing the three "Increase maximum active time" modifications.

Familiarity Mobs Time Weapon trade Head gear Equipment lock Quest / Event
00 100 150
05 Select job
10 1
20 2
25 100
Information Needed
30 60
Information Needed
110 1 Past Reflections

Select headwear

35 Picture Perfect (Genkai 1)

Investigation of the Emptiness

40 120 3
45 2 Blighted Gloom
50 130 4
55 3 Regaining Trust (Genkai 2)
60 140 5 1 Select equipment
65 4 Chameleon Capers
70 70
150 Blessed Radiance
75 5 2
80 160 Mixed Signals (Genkai 3)
85 Mirror Images
90 6 6
95 3
100 170
105 7
110 7 Clash of the Comrades (Genkai 4)
115 8
120 100 180
Unknown 200 240

Gaining Experience Points

The amount of experience points gained by an Adventuring Fellow is calculated independently from player characters. An Adventuring Fellow will gain experience off of a mob based on his/her level computed solo against the mob. (For example: if a level 40 Adventuring Fellow is with a party that defeats a level 40 mob, that Adventuring Fellow will gain 200 XP regardless of the levels or amount of players in the party.) To most efficiently level an Adventuring Fellow, one must target mobs that meet or exceed the per monster cap for that level.

NPC Level 30 31 - 50 51 - 55 55 - 60 61 +
Level Difference 0 1 2 3 4-6 0 1 2 3-6 0 1 2 2 4-6 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Experience Cap 200 240 280 320 400 200 250 300 400 200 250 300 400 500 200 260 320 400 480 500 200 260 320 400 480 560 600

Below is a graphical representation of the Experience Points per level and how many mobs it would take per level if each is capped XP for that level.

Level Exp Mobs
30-31 5800 15
31-32 5900 15
32-33 6000 15
33-34 6100 16
34-35 6200 16
35-36 6300 16
36-37 6400 16
37-38 6500 17
38-39 6600 17
39-40 6700 17
40-41 6800 17
41-42 6900 18
42-43 7000 18
43-44 7100 18
44-45 7200 18
Level Exp Mobs
45-46 7300 19
46-47 7400 19
47-48 7500 19
48-49 7600 19
49-50 7700 20
50-51 7800 20
51-52 8000 16
52-53 9200 19
53-54 10400 21
54-55 11600 24
55-56 12800 26
56-57 14000 28
57-58 15200 31
58-59 16400 33
59-60 17600 36
Level Exp Mobs
60-61 18800 38
61-62 20000 34
62-63 21500 36
63-64 23000 37
64-65 24500 41
65-66 26000 43
66-67 27500 46
67-68 29000 48
68-69 30500 51
69-70 32000 54
70-71 34000 57
71-72 36000 60
72-73 38000 64
73-74 40000 67
74-75 42000 70
Level Exp Mobs
75-76 44000 74
76-77 44500 75
77-78 45000 75
78-79 45500 76
79-80 46000 77
80-81 46500 78
81-82 47000 79
82-83 47500 80
83-84 48000 80
84-85 48500 81
85-86 49000 82
86-87 49500 83
87-88 50000 84
88-89 50500 84
89-90 51000 85
Level Exp Mobs
90-91 51500 86
91-92 52000 87
92-93 52500 88
93-94 53000 89
94-95 53500 90
95-96 Verification Needed Verification Needed
96-97 Verification Needed Verification Needed
97-98 Verification Needed Verification Needed
98-99 Verification Needed Verification Needed

For a listing of areas where you cannot call your Adventuring Fellow, please visit the restricted areas page.

Increasing Adventuring Fellow stats

Unlike Trust Magic, it is difficult to improve your Adventuring Fellow stats.

Also, as your Adventuring Fellow is not listed as a party member, you do not have a way to see their HP/MP/TP.

The macro <fthpp> will displays their HP percentage.

Before calling your Adventuring Fellow

The following two weapons, when worn before calling your Adventuring Fellow Verification Needed, will increase their stats even after switching to different equipment.

Shinai = STR+4, DEX+4

Ibushi Shinai +1 = HP+10, MP+10

Post 99

Once your Adventuring Fellow reaches level 99, their stats will automatically change if your overall Item Level changes.

For example, going from no Item Level to 119 increases your level 99 Adventuring Fellow's HP by 171HP (to an estimated total of 1900).

It is not currently known if AoE food or Trust-based boosts affect your Adventuring Fellow, such as extra HP from campaigns or Monster Rearing boosts. Verification Needed

Pre 99

The Hydra Jupon Set increases your Adventuring Fellow's stats while you wear the equipment.

As such, it most likely is not worth the loss of stats on your own gear as the full set only offers an extra HP+60, MP+60, INT+2, DEX+2, VIT+2, STR+2 and AGI+2 to your Adventuring Fellow.

Hydra Cap = HP+10, MP+10, INT+2

Hydra Jupon = HP+20, MP+20, VIT+2

Hydra Bracers = HP+10, MP+10, DEX+2

Hydra Hose = HP+10, MP+10, STR+2

Hydra Boots = HP+10, MP+10, AGI+2


Weapon trade

At Familiarity Level 10 Luto will give you the option to trade in a weapon for your Adventuring Fellow for the first time. You will receive new upgrade options at Familiarity Levels 20, 40, 50, 60, 90, and 110.

Please see the weapon upgrade page for more details.

Head wear

At Familiarity Level 30, you will gain the option "Let's talk about appearances" at the Rendezvous Point. From there, you will be able select head wear for your Adventuring Fellow. You will gain additional head wear at Familiarity Levels 45, 55, 65, 75, 90, 105, and 115.

Please see the head wear page for more details.

Equipment lock

At Familiarity Level 60, you will gain a new ability from the "Let's talk about appearances" option at the Rendezvous Point that allows you to set a single piece of visible gear. You will gain two additional equipment locks at Familiarity Levels 75 and 95. Currently it is not possible to lock body, hands, legs and feet.

Please see the equipment page for more details.

Event and Seasonal Equipment

Calling your Adventuring Fellow while equipped with an Event or Seasonal set, will summon them wearing a matching set.

  • You can have anything else on your lockstyle, it only counts items actually equipped.
  • The full set must be equipped, excluding weapons. Some items like yukatas and spriggan coats are a set by themselves.

In general, if the set is on Event Storage, Storage Slip 11, or Storage Slip 19, it is equippable by your fellow.


Storyline Quests


Other Quests

Fellow Points

You can now receive items and modify your Adventuring Fellow with points that are accumulated by spending time with your fellow.

Please see the Fellow Points page for more details.