Honoi-Gomoi (A)

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Location: Abyssea - Altepa - (K-5)
Type: Fame NPC
Description: Tracks fame level within Abyssea - Altepa.

Fame across Abyssea zones is not shared. Each area has it's own fame level.

Fame NPC Dialog
1 ...Oh, excuse me. I was just counting my cruor. (Player Name)? Never heard of you. If you want to make yourself useful, why don't you help that chef girl with her bean stew? I've worked up an awful-wawful appetite.
2 (Player Name)...? I might have heard that name somewhere. He hasn't done anything for me, though, so I promptly-womptly forgotaru it!
3 So you're (Player Name). Yes, I've heard the occasional rumor aboutaru you. You'll have to keep working hard, though, if you want to become as wealthy--I mean, as famous--as me!
4 Ah, (Player Name). Your generous deeds have won you quite a few fans around camp these days. When this camp prosper-wospers, so too do my fortunes. For all our sakes, keep up the good work!
5 Well, if it isn't (Player Name). You've made quite a name for yourself, haven't you? Don't you feel lucky that I picky-wicked you out of the scrap heap and set you on your way to stardom?
6 Well, look who we have here! None other than the illustrious-wustrious (Player Name), hero/heroine of the desert! Your mere presence does this humble merchantaru an honor. Why, I would trade my entire fortune-wortune for you to always stay by our side! Er, make that half my fortune...