Hunter's Socks

From FFXI Wiki
Hunter's Socks icon.png Hunter's Socks
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Description: DEF:12 HP+10 AGI+4 Evasion+5 Enhances "Scavenge" effect
Image: Hunter's Socks description.png
Type: Armor Storage: Storage Slip 04
Flags: Not auctionable, Equippable, Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive, Rare
Stack size: 1
"Find Hunter's Socks on FFXIAH" "Find Hunter's Socks on FFXIDB"
Armor Information
Races: All Races Equip. Slot: Feet
Level: 60
Jobs: Ranger

Obtained From...
Quest Notes
Unbridled Passion Ranger Artifact Quests


  • Increases the proportion of recovered/spent ammunition by 5%.
Orion Attire Set
Slot Base Required Item Job Ingredient Slot Ingredient Reforged Armor
Head Hunter's Beret Rem's Tale Ch.1 x10 Karakul Cloth Phoenix Feather Orion Beret
Hunter's Beret +1 Rem's Tale Ch.1 x5
Body Hunter's Jerkin Rem's Tale Ch.2 x10 Karakul Cloth Malboro Fiber Orion Jerkin
Hunter's Jerkin +1 Rem's Tale Ch.2 x5
Hands Hunter's Bracers Rem's Tale Ch.3 x10 Karakul Cloth Beetle Blood Orion Bracers
Hunter's Bracers +1 Rem's Tale Ch.3 x5
Legs Hunter's Braccae Rem's Tale Ch.4 x10 Karakul Cloth Damascene Cloth Orion Braccae
Hunter's Braccae +1 Rem's Tale Ch.4 x5
Feet Hunter's Socks Rem's Tale Ch.5 x10 Karakul Cloth Oxblood Orion Socks
Hunter's Socks +1 Rem's Tale Ch.5 x5

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