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Leathercraft Guide by Yeager
Leathercraft Guide 2016
Guild Test Items
8-10 Rabbit Mantle - Recruit
18-20 Lizard Cesti - Initiate
28-30 Dhalmel Mantle - Novice
38-40 Magic Belt - Apprentice
48-50 Cuir Bouilli - Journeyman
58-60 Raptor Jerkin - Craftsman
68-70 Battle Boots - Artisan
78-80 Tiger Gloves - Adept
88-90 Coeurl Mask - Veteran
98-100 Urja Trousers (must be signed) - Expert
Items to Increase your Leathercraft Skills!
Trainee's Needle - Stats: Lv. 1 (All Jobs) DMG: 1, Delay: 200, Latent Effect: Leathercraft Skill +1 (Latent is active when your Leathercraft skill is below Lv. 40)
Here's a Walkthrough on how to get the Trainee's Needle!
Quest Name: Say It with a Handbag
1. Speak with Hampu-Kampu at (G-8) in Windurst Waters (S) South Map.
2. Head to (K-4) in Windurst Waters (S) North Map and examine the Door:Acolyte Hostel on the second floor.
This will trigger a cutscene.
3. Return to Hampu-Kampu and after the cutscene you will receive Key Item: Torn Patches of Leather.
4. Go to the ground floor of the Tanners' Guild (San d'Oria) (D-8) in present day Southern San d'Oria, and talk to Kipopo to trigger a cutscene.
She will ask you to bring Laminated Ram Leather, Sheep Leather and a Silk Thread.
5. You will have to zone after trading the materials to Kipopo. Then speak with Kipopo to trigger another cutscene and receive the Repaired Handbag.
Return to Windurst Waters (S) and speak with Hampu-Kampu to trigger a cutscene.
6. Offer him the handbag to receive your reward.(Optional) Return back to Kipopo in Southern San d'Oria in the present with your Trainee's Needle equipped for an additional cutscene and more information about her father.
Important Guild Point Items
70,000 - Tanner's Gloves - Journeyman - A pair of gloves that gives +1 to your Leathercraft skill
80,000 - Tanner's Ring - Craftsman - Leathercraft Success Rate +1%. Cannot synthesize high quality items.
100,000 - Tanner's Apron - Artisan - An apron that gives +1 to your Leathercraft skill
15,000 - Tanners' Emblem - Veteran - Probably one of the most important things to get for a Leathercrafter. Used to make a Tanners' Stall, which gives you Leathercraft Skill +5 when placed inside your Mog House
Advanced Support NPCs
Orechiniel - Southern San d'Oria (E-8) Zwaluh - Al Zahbi (G-11)
Leathercraft Skill Armor and Other Useful Items
Tanner's Torque: Obtained from brown Treasure Casket in Quicksand Caves. Gives +2 to Leathercraft skill. Lv. 70 to equip it, and it can be used right away from Lv. 0 Leathercraft all the way to the end. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you obtain this before you get started.
Artificer's Ring: Obtained from NPC "Wortherton" in Western Adoulin in exchange for 20,000 Bayld - This nifty little ring increases the rate of synthesis success, and can be worn at Lv. 1. Very helpful item while you're skilling up.
Craftmaster's Ring: Obtained from NPC "Wortherton" in Western Adoulin in exchange for 20,000 Bayld - This ring increases the rate of HQ success by 1%. For those times you want to try and HQ something to sell for big bucks! Can come in handy when you hit 90+ Leathercraft. I'll explain soon.
Craftkeeper's Ring: Obtained from NPC "Wortherton" in Western Adoulin in exchange for 20,000 Bayld - This ring decreases the likelihood of losing items in case a synthesis attempt fails. This ring is optional but not necessary.
Orvail Ring: Obtained as a reward for completing the "Seekers of Adoulin" mission line - This ring is a must have for any serious crafter and should be worn full-time while you are crafting! Not only does it offer a +5% chance of getting a skill up from your synthesis attempt, it also combines the bonuses from the other 3 rings (Artificer's Ring, Craftmaster's Ring, Craftkeeper's Ring) into one small package! If you're attempting to HQ a potential big money item, this ring + Craftmaster's Ring = profit
Shaper's Shawl: Obtained via "Inside the Belly" quest in Selbina. Trade NPC "Zaldon" a Matsya for a chance at obtaining the Shaper's Shawl. This will also increase your skill up rate. This item is recommended, but not necessary. It took me nearly 400 Matsya (both caught and purchased) to get my Shaper's Shawl. Some don't bother getting it, or just gave up.
Leathercrafting Basics
Since a lot of Leathercrafting involves turning hides into leather, the 3 main items you will need a lot of are Dark Crystals, Windurstian Tea Leaves, and Distilled Water. Distilled Water is cheap (12g each) at Raimbroy's Grocery in Southern San d'Oria near the Leathercraft Guild. Windurstian Tea Leaves can be bought from the NPC Baehu-Faehu in Windurst Waters for 18-22g each. Dark Crystals are easily farmed in Sky, where there are multiple Dark Elementals roaming the area. Farm the clusters as much as you can, as Dark Crystals will be used the most during your skilling up. Wind Crystals, Earth Crystals, and Ice Crystals are used as well. Feel free to stock up on those as well.
The Guide Itself
Everything listed will show a range, from when you can start making the synth up to +10 over it's cap. Keep that in mind if you wish to begin making something new sooner.
0-12 - Sheep Leather - Dark Crystal: Sheepskin, Windurstian Tea Leaves, Distilled Water
12-21 - Solea - Wind Crystal: Sheep Leather x 2 - Can start this as soon as 6. Synth and Desynth to continue making more
21-31 - Dhalmel Leather - Dark Crystal: Dhalmel Hide, Windurstian Tea Leaves, Distilled Water - Can start this as soon as 17. Take this to at least 29 but possible to get to 31
31-45 - Ram Leather - Dark Crystal: Ram Skin, Windurstian Tea Leaves, Distilled Water - Hammering Rams in Abyssea LaThiene have a near 100% drop rate on Ram Skins assuming at least TH3. Good way to save gil, and later on, make some gil.
45-59 - Ram Mantle - Ice Crystal: Ram Skin, Wool Thread - Good if you have Clothcraft sub leveled. If not, buy Wool Threads from AH. NPC your results
59-71 - Tiger Leather - Dark Crystal: Tiger Hide, Windurstian Tea Leaves, Distilled Water - Sell your results on AH for great profit.
70-80 - Behemoth Leather - Dark Crystal: Behemoth Hide, Windurstian Tea Leaves, Distilled Water - Behemoth Hides are readily available at the AH due to people trying for Defending Ring. Buy what you can, convert to Behemoth Leather, and hold them for later. Can start on this as soon as 65 (Thanks to Firedemon for this entry suggestion)
71-81 - Coeurl Leather - Dark Crystal: Coeurl Hide, Windurstian Tea Leaves, Distilled Water - Farm Master Coeurls in Sanctuary of Zi'tah, don't sell the leather. There's a clever way to get rid of these coming up next!
81-82 - Coeurl Cesti - Earth Crystal: Cesti, Coeurl Leather - NPC these after you make them. It's a 1 level jump but it's a great way to get rid of the Coeurl Leather and make a little gil in the process.
82-90 - Manticore Leather - Dark Crystal: Manticore Hide, Windurstian Tea Leaves, Distilled Water
90-94 - Raaz Leather - Dark Crystal: Raaz Hide, Windurstian Tea Leaves, Distilled Water - Can start this as soon as 80 if you like
94-107 - Square of Griffon Leather - Dark Crystal: Griffon Hide, Windurstian Tea Leaves, Distilled Water - Buy hides off the AH, or farm them in Dynamis San d'Oria. Sell results on the AH for profit
99-109 - Dynamic Belt - Wind Crystal: Behemoth Leather, Mercury, Umbril Ooze - Use your stockpiled Behemoth Leather here. Can start on this as soon as 94. NPC your NQ results. Sell any HQ results on the AH for some profit. (Thanks to Firedemon for this entry suggestion)
97-110 - Aetosaur Gloves - Earth Crystal: Squamous Hide, Raaz Leather, Leather Gloves - Squamous Hide are a crappy drop rate. Buy them off the AH when available. Can start making this as soon as 97. Caps at 101, can get you to 110.
The items below are the current "big ticket" items that can help you make some big gil with some luck. Keep in mind, with the Tanner's Torque, body, hands, Tanners' Stall in your mog house, and HQ support from the guild, you can reach T1 HQ status when you are 1 below the recipe's cap. The items below will have the level you need to reach before you can attempt to HQ these items listed. This is also assuming you have all relevant sub crafts capped at 70 as well, so keep that in mind!
91 + Clothcraft sub - Cursed Pumps: Earth Crystal - Siren's Macrame, Velvet Cloth, Gold Thread, Rainbow Cloth, Manticore Leather - Keep any HQ you make, sell NQs to NPC.
91 - Bewitched Pumps/Voodoo Pumps: Earth Crystal - Cursed Pumps -1, Eschite Ore - Sell NQ results on AH, Bazaar any HQ results.
106 + Clothcraft sub - Hexed Boots: Earth Crystal - Silver Thread, Lynx Leather, Kukulkan's Skin, Serica Cloth - The Kuku Skin are rare on the AH as well as Serica Cloth so keep that in mind. NPC your NQ, keep your HQ.
106- Vexed Boots/Jinxed Boots: Earth Crystal - Hexed Boots -1, Eschite Ore - Sell NQ results on AH, Bazaar any HQ results.
107 + Smithing & Goldsmithing subs - Hexed Tekko: Fire Crystal - Scarletite Ingot, Gold Sheet, Durium Chain, Taffeta Cloth, Urushi, Sealord Leather - NPC or sell your NQ results, hold your HQ results.
107 - Vexed Kote/Jinxed Kote: Fire Crystal - Hexed Tekko -1, Eschite Ore - Sell NQ results on AH, Bazaar any HQ results.
109 + Clothcraft sub - Hexed Hakama: Fire Crystal - Scarletite Ingot, Gold Ingot, Gold Thread, Taffeta Cloth, Red Grass Cloth, Sealord Leather x2 - NPC or sell your NQ results, hold your HQ results.
109 - Vexed Hakama/Jinxed Hakama: Fire Crystal - Hexed Hakama -1, Eschite Ore - Sell NQ results on AH, Bazaar any HQ results.
109 + Goldsmithing sub - Hexed Hose: Earth Crystal - Ormolu Ingot, Behemoth Leather, Pelt of Dawon, Sealord Leather x2 - NPC any NQ results, hold your HQ results.
109 - Vexed Hose/Jinxed Hose: Earth Crystal - Hexed Hose -1, Eschite Ore - Sell NQ results on AH, Bazaar any HQ results.