White Mage

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White Mage
White Mage
Abbreviation WHM
Japanese 白魔道士 (白)
Japanese Romaji Shiromadoushi (Shiro)
French Mage blanc
German Weißmagier
Expansion Pack Final Fantasy XI
Quest None

Abilities and Traits



Combat Skills

Combat Skills
Skill Rank 49 99 ML50
Club B+ 144 404 454
Staff C+ 139 378 428
Throwing E 124 300 350
Skill Rank 49 99 ML50
Evasion E 124 300 350
Shield D 133 334 384
Skill Rank 49 99 Master ML50
Divine A 150 417 453 503
Healing A+ 150 424 460 510
Enhancing C+ 139 378 378 428
Enfeebling C 139 373 373 423
See Also: Level-by-level Skill Cap Chart


Group 1
Name Description
Divine Seal Recast Shorten recast time by 20 seconds.
Cure Cast Time Shorten cast time of all Cure spells by 4 percent.
Bar Spell Effect Increase potency of Bar spells and add a magic defense bonus of 2 points.
Banish Effect Increase damage of Banish by 2, and length of def. down effect by 2 seconds.
Regen Effect Increase the amount of HP recovered each interval by 1.
Group 2
Name Description
Martyr Sacrifices HP to heal a party member double the amount. Recast: 10min. Increase amount of HP healed by 5 percent.
Devotion Sacrifices HP to grant a party member the same amount in MP. Recast: 10min. Increase amount of MP granted by 5 percent.
Animus Solace Increases the maximum damage absorbed by Stoneskin applied by certain healing spells during Afflatus Solace. Increases maximum damage absorbed by 2%.
Animus Misery Increases the maximum total damage stored during Afflatus Misery. Increases maximum total damage stored by 5%.

Job Points

Job Points
Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Benediction Effect Recovers caster's MP when Benediction is activated Increase amount of MP recovered by 1 percent.
Asylum Effect Increases magic evasion while under the effects of Asylum. Increase magic evasion by 4.
Divine Seal Effect Reduces the amount of enmity accrued by casting Cure spells while under the effects of Divine Seal. Reduce enmity by 3
Magic Accuracy Bonus Increases magic accuracy. Increase magic accuracy by 1.
Afflatus Solace Effect Increases potency of Cure while under the effects of Afflatus Solace. Increase Cure potency by 2(*).
Potency will increase by a fixed amount, not a percentage.
Afflatus Misery Effect Increases the potency of Banish and Auspice while under the effects of Afflatus Misery. Increase magic damage dealt by Banish by 2.
Increase both the physical accuracy bonus when missing target and additional damage by 1.
Divine Caress Duration Increases the duration of strong resistance to status ailments dispelled while under the effects of Divine Caress. Increase duration by 2 seconds.
Sacrosanctity Effect Increases the minimum value of magic defense that weakens over time while under the effects of Sacrosanctity. Increase minimum value by 1.
Regen Duration Increases the effect duration of Regen. Increase duration by 3 seconds.
Bar Spell Effect Increases potency of Bar spells. Increase effect resistance by 2.

Job-Specific Equipment

Artifact Armor
Healer's Attire Set Healer's Attire Set +1 Set Image
Lvl. Name Lvl. Name
AF WHM.png
52 Healer's Duckbills 74 Healer's Duckbills +1
54 Healer's Cap 74 Healer's Cap +1
56 Healer's Pantaloons 74 Healer's Pantaloons +1
58 Healer's Bliaut 74 Healer's Bliaut +1
60 Healer's Mitts 74 Healer's Mitts +1
Theophany Attire Set Theophany Attire Set +1 Theophany Attire Set +2 Theophany Attire Set +3
iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name
109 Theophany Cap 119 Theophany Cap +1 119 Theophany Cap +2 119 Theophany Cap +3
109 Theophany Bliaut 119 Theophany Bliaut +1 119 Theophany Bliaut +2 119 Theophany Bliaut +3
109 Theophany Mitts 119 Theophany Mitts +1 119 Theophany Mitts +2 119 Theophany Mitts +3
109 Theophany Pantaloons 119 Theophany Pantaloons +1 119 Theophany Pantaloons +2 119 Theophany Pantaloons +3
109 Theophany Duckbills 119 Theophany Duckbills +1 119 Theophany Duckbills +2 119 Theophany Duckbills +3
41 Blessed Hammer

Relic Armor
Cleric's Attire Set Cleric's Attire Set +1 Cleric's Attire Set +2 Set Image
Lvl. Name Lvl. Name Lvl. Name
Relic WHM.png
71 Cleric's Duckbills 75 Cleric's Duckbills +1 90 Cleric's Duckbills +2
72 Cleric's Cap 75 Cleric's Cap +1 90 Cleric's Cap +2
73 Cleric's Pantaloons 75 Cleric's Pantaloons +1 90 Cleric's Pantaloons +2
74 Cleric's Bliaut 75 Cleric's Bliaut +1 90 Cleric's Bliaut +2
75 Cleric's Mitts 75 Cleric's Mitts +1 90 Cleric's Mitts +2
Piety Attire Set Piety Attire Set +1 Piety Attire Set +2 Piety Attire Set +3
iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name
109 Piety Cap 119 Piety Cap +1 119 Piety Cap +2 119 Piety Cap +3
109 Piety Bliaut 119 Piety Bliaut +1 119 Piety Bliaut +2 119 Piety Bliaut +3
109 Piety Mitts 119 Piety Mitts +1 119 Piety Mitts +2 119 Piety Mitts +3
109 Piety Pantaloons 119 Piety Pantaloons +1 119 Piety Pantaloons +2 119 Piety Pantaloons +3
109 Piety Duckbills 119 Piety Duckbills +1 119 Piety Duckbills +2 119 Piety Duckbills +3
70 Cleric's Belt
JSE Neck
99 Cleric's Torque 99 Cleric's Torque +1 99 Cleric's Torque +2
Divergence Weapon
Su4 NQ Cleric's Wand Su4 HQ Piety Wand Su5 Asclepius

Empyrean Armor
Orison Attire Set Orison Attire Set +1 Orison Attire Set +2 Set Image
Lvl. Name Lvl. Name Lvl. Name
Emp WHM.png
81 Orison Duckbills 81 Orison Duckbills +1 81 Orison Duckbills +2
83 Orison Pantaloons 83 Orison Pantaloons +1 83 Orison Pantaloons +2
85 Orison Cap 85 Orison Cap +1 85 Orison Cap +2
87 Orison Mitts 87 Orison Mitts +1 87 Orison Mitts +2
89 Orison Bliaut 89 Orison Bliaut +1 89 Orison Bliaut +2
Ebers Attire Set Ebers Attire Set +1 Ebers Attire Set +2 Ebers Attire Set +3
iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name
109 Ebers Cap 119 Ebers Cap +1 119 Ebers Cap +2 119 Ebers Cap +3
109 Ebers Bliaut 119 Ebers Bliaut +1 119 Ebers Bliaut +2 119 Ebers Bliaut +3
109 Ebers Mitts 119 Ebers Mitts +1 119 Ebers Mitts +2 119 Ebers Mitts +3
109 Ebers Pantaloons 119 Ebers Pantaloons +1 119 Ebers Pantaloons +2 119 Ebers Pantaloons +3
109 Ebers Duckbills 119 Ebers Duckbills +1 119 Ebers Duckbills +2 119 Ebers Duckbills +3
80 Orison Cape 84 Orison Locket 90 Orison Earring
99 Ebers Earring 99 Ebers Earring +1 99 Ebers Earring +2


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