
From FFXI Wiki
Millioncorn icon.png Ear of millioncorn
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: This variety of corn is known for its long, bounteous ears.
Image: Millioncorn description.png
Type: Item
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box
Stack size: 12
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Food ➞ Ingredients
"Find Millioncorn on FFXIAH" "Find Millioncorn on FFXIDB"

Purchased From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Benaige Southern San d'Oria - (F-7) 44 Gil

San d'Oria must be 1st place in Conquest


Must be San d'Oria Citizen

Kopopo Windurst Waters North - (E-8) 36 Gil
Cooking Guild Merchant
Open from 5:00 - 20:00 daily
Rubahah Aht Urhgan Whitegate - (F-9) 48 Gil
Komalata Tavnazian Safehold - (G-7) 48 Gil

Chains of Promathia chapter 4 or higher.

Green Thumb Moogle Mog Garden 57 Gil

Requires Buffalo calf memento from Monster Rearing

Maqu Molpih Windurst Waters South - (H-8) 44 Gil
Aragoneu Regional Vendor
Antonian Northern San d'Oria - (J-8) 44 Gil
Aragoneu Regional Vendor
Oggodett Bastok Markets - (I-9) 44 Gil
Aragoneu Regional Vendor

Used in the following Quests
Quest Name Notes
Only the Best
Used in the following Synthesis & Synergy Recipes
Item Main Craft Level
Cornstarch Mini-Alchemy.png Alchemy 9
Roasted Corn Mini-Cooking.png Cooking 2
Tortilla Mini-Cooking.png Cooking 14
Insect Ball Mini-Cooking.png Cooking 29
Miso Ramen Mini-Cooking.png Cooking 90
Fizzy Broth Mini-Cooking.png Cooking 100
Magma Steak Mini-Cooking.png Cooking 112