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NPC-Exclusive Jobs
From FFXI Wiki
Jobs that exist in the world of Vana'diel, but aren't available to adventurers.
Japanese: 薬師 Kusushi (old-timey term for doctor, like lerare)
*I am Monberaux, chief physician here at Monberaux Infirmary. My services are available for any affliction. I can give advice for general matters as well. So feel free to stop by for a quick chat. I'm always in. -- Monberaux
- NPCs
- Monberaux, Doctor of Upper Jeuno.
- Oshasha, Curator of Celennia Memorial Library in Adoulin.
- Final Fantasy inclusion
Japanese: ネクロマンサー Nekuromansa-
*I am skilled in more than just swordplay. I have also conquered the arts of necromancy. -- Ancolain *Long has it been since I've had any visitors...of this world. May I inquire what has brought you to my stygian abode? -- Fardimant *When we pirates attack other ships, we call up the souls of those lost at sea to do our dirty work. It's a little bit different from the summoning magic you adventurers use. But don't ask me to explain how. I ain't no magician, you know. -- Louartain
- Lore
- Necromancers have the ability to call upon evil spirits or demons to possess humanoid shaped bodies. Examples have included empty suits of armor, mannequins, and bones. These spirits have the Undead status and have a tendency to use dark magic and elemental magic.
- May be able to suppress their life force to switch in and out of an Undead status themselves. A Bat's-Eye View Part III http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/guide/development/vt2/13/index.html.
- Requires a kind of training regimen along with alchemy or a ritual (quest: Souls in Shadow). This seems to be practiced among the Cadavres des Corneilles.
- NPCs
- Ancolain, former Royal Knight. From the quest Knight Stalker.
- Fardimant, a powerful mage rumored to have fled to Tavnazia. From the quest Knocking on Forbidden Doors.
- The pirates who summon Crossbones, scourge of the seas.
- These Uggalepih cultists from A Bat's-Eye View Part II http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/guide/development/vt2/09/re12.html
- The leaders of the Undead Swarm faction in Besieged. http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/ahturhgan/battles/besiege/undead_swarm.html
- Final Fantasy inclusion
- FFV job that had an Undead status while in combat.
- The Ecosystem chart lists an opposition between Undead and Arcana that was notable for being irrelevant across the first few expansions. Dragoons fight beside a Dragon pet, and Beastmasters have the other Familiars, but Undead and Arcana don't normally fight each other. The first encounter with it was Pankration in Aht Urhgan.
- From Behind the Scenes Commentary 2006 - Choosing New Jobs (We Are Vana'diel) https://we-are-vanadiel.finalfantasyxi.com/history/?year=2006&id=4&lang=en "We made a very conscious effort to select and design jobs that didn't overlap with existing ones and ended up picking jobs that were familiar to fans of the FINAL FANTASY series. As for how puppetmaster came to be, we had decided on a job that used pets, and one of our ideas was a necromancer job that controlled corpses. However, it seemed out of place for a FINAL FANTASY game, and we eventually settled on puppetmaster." (Akihiko Matsui, Producer)
Songstress / Super Idol
Japanese : 歌姫 / スーパーアイドル Utahime / Su-pa- aidoru
* Being an idol isn't only about singing and dancing. It's about winning the hearts of your fans and having them support you through thick and thin. I raised you to be an idol so that one day you might save the world. A father could be no prouder of his daughter. -- Sarmoega
- NPCs
- Final Fantasy inclusion
- FFX-2 - The Songstress dressphere has the abilities 'Dance' and 'Sing' which apply buffs to the party but the Songstress can't take other actions while dancing.
Summoner (Hell Magician)
Japanese: 魔界幻士 Makai Genshi (lit. Hell Illusionist)
* The Gates of the underworld have opened! I'll see you on the other side... or not! Wahahahahah! -- Kayeel-Payeel * Ah, the Fates have brought you to Gariri the Magnificent! Why am I thus called, you ask? Why, because only I was magnificent enough to decryptify those mysteriously marvelous Near Eastern tomes and open a window to...the Other Side! -- Gariri
- Lore
- These Summoners of the past have their origins from Near Eastern scrolls rather than the Book of the Gods which Karaha-Baruha's Summoning magic was completed with.
- Master Caster Gariri of the Scorpion War Warlocks says she was the only one magnificent enough to translate the scrolls. Becoming a Hell Magician also got her a lifelong ban from Aht Urhgan.
- In Aht Urhgan history, the hero Balrahn stole the sacred staff Nirvana in order to fight one of these Hell Magicians. - The Myriad Arms of Balrahn (Nirvana)
- These Summoners of the past have their origins from Near Eastern scrolls rather than the Book of the Gods which Karaha-Baruha's Summoning magic was completed with.
- Spells (Summoning Magic)
- NPCs
- Gariri of the Scorpion War Warlocks
- Kayeel-Payeel of the Aquarian War Warlocks
- Lutete of the Ariesian War Warlocks
- Final Fantasy inclusion
- The Makai Genshi job is found in Final Fantasy III. It also exists as unused game data in the Final Fantasy Tactics series (as Elidibus's job, presumably).
- The official name in English was Summoner in FFIII. In Tactics is where you would see the translations "Hell Magician" (on PS1) or "Nether Shaman" (on PSP).