- Uses standard Dragon type moves, including breaths, Body Slam (25'+ range), and Voidsong (full dispel) (25'+ range).
- Voidsong will remove all debuffs on itself, and all buffs on players. It can be resisted, but is not guaranteed, even with Vex/Attunement/Addle2/Runeist Roll.
- Always follows up Voidsong with the use of Meteor.
- Can also use Chainspell multiple times. Will use any of his available spells during Chainspell, including Meteor.
- Uses Discordant Note around every 90 seconds. This has the effects of Silence and Weight.
- Discordant Note also applies a -80% Damage Taken effect on Neak.
- You may break this effect with a
from using multiple weaponskills. Either magical or physical work and skill chaining is not required. Magical can not miss however so they are recommended.
- Melee accuracy caps ~1,700.