
From FFXI Wiki
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Brewer's Aspis icon.png Beginning the Quest Brewer's Ecu icon.png Phase One Brewer's Scutum icon.png Phase Two Brewer's Shield icon.png Phase Three Chef's Escutcheon icon.png Phase Four

Beginning the Quest

Analysis Crystals

Crafter Points

"Set" Recipes

Abandoning the Quest

Beginning Phase One

Improving your Craftsmanship

Crafter Points

Phase One Completion

Beginning Phase Two

Improving your Craftsmanship

Crafter Points

Records of Eminence Objectives

Phase Two Completion

Beginning Phase Three

Improving your Craftsmanship

Crafter Points

Customer Requests

Phase Three Completion

Beginning Phase Four

Improving your Craftsmanship

Crafter Points

Synthesis FocuserSphere Recipes

Phase Four Completion

Escutcheon Background

Originally teased in the November 2016 Freshly Picked Vana'diel livestream and introduced in the February 2017 Version Update, Escutcheons are classified as the
"Ultimate Synthesis Equipment" by the developers.

The Escutcheons were meant to replace the Kupo Shield, while at the same time offering unique bonuses. While the Kupo Shield has one extra level of skill, as well as offers a
bonus to every craft, Escutcheons offer a higher rate of High Quality synthesis results while at the same time offering a bonus to crafting speed.

There are four phases in which one must progress in order to fully complete a shield. Each phase offers a unique challenge which consist of countless hours spent crafting and
gathering various materials to finally synthesize the shield each time from its component parts. The quest line is similar across all eight crafts, but obviously have their own unique
aspects due to varying recipes. This being said, a few steps in some crafts are more tedious than other similar steps in other crafts.

The basic gist of completing a crafting shield is to do the following in all four phases:

  1. Craft normal items while wearing the shield in order to skill it up.
  2. Earn hundreds of thousands of Guild Points in order to buy Analysis Crystals.
  3. Use these Analysis Crystals to craft tons of Sets in order to earn Crafter Points.
    • You will need a grand total of 122,000 Crafter Points to complete your shield.
  4. Spend Crafter Points in exchange for materials to synthesize a shield upgrade.
  5. Complete a unique objective (or many) in each phase to gain special materials.
  6. Synthesize the current phase's shield.

You will be synthing tons of items for a long time. This is the crafting equivalent of an Ultimate Weapon. Be prepared to dedicate blood, sweat and tears in order to complete your
shield. If you have hopes of completing further shields on alternate characters, you will have a large endeavor in front of you.

As an additional note, there is no formal quest that appears in your log for the Escutcheon process. There are, however, steps that involve Records of Eminence objectives that
do appear in your RoE menus.


In order to begin creating your shield, you must first achieve the following requirements:

Mewk Chorosap.jpg
Speak to Mewk Chorosap in Port Jeuno at (G-8) after you have achieved the requirements in order to begin. She will explain the process to you briefly, and give you a brief background that the Inventors' Coalition is involved in creation of the Escutcheons, in collaboration with the Crafting Guilds.

She will give you a unique shield based on your Expert craft. Get to know her well, as you will be dealing with her throughout the entire shield upgrade process.

Starter Shields
Craft Craftsmanship Shield
Alchemy.gif Alchemy Brewer's Aspis icon.png Brewer's Aspis
Bonecraft.gif Bonecraft Ossifier's Aspis icon.png Ossifier's Aspis
Clothcraft.gif Clothcraft Plaiter's Aspis icon.png Plaiter's Aspis
Cooking.gif Cooking Chef's Aspis icon.png Chef's Aspis
Goldsmithing.gif Goldsmithing Toreutic Aspis icon.png Toreutic Aspis
Leathercraft.gif Leathercraft Beveler's Aspis icon.png Beveler's Aspis
Smithing.gif Smithing Smythe's Aspis icon.png Smythe's Aspis
Woodworking.gif Woodworking Joiner's Aspis icon.png Joiner's Aspis

The next step is to trade the shield you received to your guild master. They will mention the recipe required to complete phase one and to synthesize your +1 skill shield. This
will also unlock the Crafter Points system for you to begin accumulating points.

Analysis Crystals

In order to synthesize a set, you must use special crystals known as Analysis Crystals.

Analysis Crystals can be purchased from traditional Guild Point vendors for 450 Guild Points each, or 5,400 Guild Points for a stack of 12.

Analysis Crystals
Pyre Crystal icon.png Pyre Crystal
Frost Crystal icon.png Frost Crystal
Vortex Crystal icon.png Vortex Crystal
Geo Crystal icon.png Geo Crystal
Bolt Crystal icon.png Bolt Crystal
Fluid Crystal icon.png Fluid Crystal
Glimmer Crystal icon.png Glimmer Crystal
Shadow Crystal icon.png Shadow Crystal

Crafter Points

Crafter Points are a form of currency unique to a Crafting Guild for the purpose of purchasing synthesis materials for use in creating an Escutcheon.

In order to accumulate Crafter Points, you must deliver items called "craft sets" to your respective Guild member who specializes is the collection and distribution of Sets and Kits. Each set has a level number associated with it. This level matches the level cap of the item that the set is used to create. The maximum number of points you may possess is 50,000. Below is a list of the NPCs who handle Crafter Points for each Guild.

Craft NPC Location
Alchemy.gif Alchemy Yek Falimeygo Bastok Mines (L-7)
Bonecraft.gif Bonecraft Tergil Windurst Woods (H-12)
Clothcraft.gif Clothcraft Julissois Windurst Woods (G-12)
Cooking.gif Cooking Isanie Windurst Waters (E-9)
Goldsmithing.gif Goldsmithing Puyutete Bastok Markets (H-8)
Leathercraft.gif Leathercraft Wolden-Bolden Southern San d'Oria (D-9)
Smithing.gif Smithing Ore Guzzler Northern San d'Oria (E-6)
Esvin Metalworks (E-7)
Woodworking.gif Woodworking Luren Northern San d'Oria (E-3)

By turning in a "set" to your guild, you then give the opportunity to allow other players to purchase the corresponding "craft kit" from the Crafter Point merchant. These kits are the same kits that are used in conjunction with a crystal in order to make an item, instead of have every required material.

  • In order to be eligible for crafter points, you must be expert rank or higher in that guild.

To see your specific craft's set recipes, please view them on the main craft's page at the following links:

"Set" Recipes

Alchemy Sets
Bonecraft Sets
Clothcraft Sets
Cooking Sets
Goldsmithing Sets
Leathercraft Sets
Smithing Sets
Woodworking Sets

Making kits with your crafting shield on will add percentage tally points to your shield if it is equipped, as with regular crafting recipes. This is a bad idea though if your shield has success down on it.

Each set you make is tagged with a 'quality' and they do not stack, even with the same quality. The quality determines how many Crafter Points you get for turning it in.

The points you receive are related to synthesis result quality and the set's listed level, but are random within a range. Furthermore, the higher the set level, the more points each one is worth on each tier.

Data from 2 characters reveals some rough tiers:

  • NQ ranges from ~65-78% (e.g. 46-55 for a Smithing Set 71)
  • HQ1 ranges from ~97-112%
  • HQ2 ranges from ~116-130%
  • HQ3 ranges around 144-155%

As data is limited these should only be taken as rough guidelines when planning, however a Blacksmith at Tier 2 on the 71 set required 191 successful trade-ins to reach 11,000 points.

Note the HQ Signature crystal has a white border like HQ+1 items, while the artisan crystals to make kits are blue-bordered like HQ+2 items, which helps to identify the difference when selecting between them.

Abandoning the Quest

If you started the Escutcheon quest but wish to level a different craft, you must abandon the quest line. This prevents a player from having more than one shield.

Speak with Mewk Chorosap and tell her you wish to give up. She will ask three times if you truly wish to give up. After confirming, she will tell you to throw away your shield.
Until you do these steps, you are not given the option to renounce your Artisan rank at your current craft. Furthermore, you will only be able to level your new craft to level 100
until these steps are taken.


Improving your Craftsmanship

You will now need to improve your "Craftsmanship" skill stat listed on your shield to 100%. Phase One's shield starts off with "Synthesis success rate -30", and gradually it decreases the higher your Craftsmanship percentage increases. Every successful synthesis will increase your percentage by a fraction of a percent. It is suggested to use the Ionis bonus, Kitron Macaron, Orvail Ring/+1, and Artificer's Ring when you are starting out and this percentage is still high.

It seems best to rotate between three different synths, as you will receive higher increases. Verification Needed High Quality synthesis will result in a slightly higher percentage increase than Normal Quality.

  • It seems that even rotating between 3 synths, at a certain point there are diminishing returns.
    • NQ results seem to range from 0.0 to 0.5 and HQ ranges from 0.5 to 1.0.
      • After a large number of rotating geode synths, 0.0 NQs and 0.5 HQs were common.
        • Note that HQ2 and HQ3 seem to have a higher 'lower bound' and are around 0.6 and 0.8 regardless of number of synths. Hitting the special bonus brings it above the minimum Verification Needed.
    • Overall, at a T3 HQ rate you will need roughly 200 successful synthesis results to reach your goal if cycling between 3+ recipes.

You will also notice that there are certain objectives that appear on your shield as you craft. These give bonus percentage pointsVerification Needed, but are not required to be completed and sometimes are very demanding. The objectives change every few synthesis attempts. (It is possible for it to change on a break.)

Some of the possible objectives appearing may be:
  • - Nothing -
  • Perform a synthesis. (any level of that craft.)
  • Use 2+ materials.
  • Use 3+ materials.
  • Use 4+ materials.
  • Use 5+ materials.
  • Use 6+ materials.
  • Use 7+ materials.
  • Craft on specific day, i.e. Firesday, Lightsday, etc...
  • Craft at specific time frame, i.e. between 6:00 and 17:59 game time, etc...
  • Craft using a specific element crystal, i.e. wind crystal, earth crystal, etc...
  • Make specific rank/ranks recipe, i.e. Expert or higher, Recruit/Initiate, Veteran, Novice/Apprentice, Artisan/Adept, etc...

After you hit 100% Craftsmanship, trade the shield to your guild master.

  • You will receive the first required ingredient: Craftsman's Crystal: <Craft>.
    • Your craftsmanship skill will also decrease on your shield by one-third (33.33%) to 66.66%
      • If you fail to craft the shield and lose the Craftsman: Crystal <Craft>, then you will need to relevel it back up to 100% to get another crystal from the Guild NPC.
Craft Crystal Material
Alchemy.gif Alchemy C. Crystal- Alch. icon.png Craftsman's Crystal: Alchemy
Bonecraft.gif Bonecraft C. Crystal- Bone. icon.png Craftsman's Crystal: Bonecraft
Clothcraft.gif Clothcraft C. Crystal- Cloth. icon.png Craftsman's Crystal: Clothcraft
Cooking.gif Cooking C. Crystal- Cook. icon.png Craftsman's Crystal: Cooking
Goldsmithing.gif Goldsmithing C. Crystal- Gold. icon.png Craftsman's Crystal: Goldsmithing
Leathercraft.gif Leathercraft C. Crystal- Leath. icon.png Craftsman's Crystal: Leathercraft
Smithing.gif Smithing C. Crystal- Smith. icon.png Craftsman's Crystal: Smithing
Woodworking.gif Woodworking C. Crystal- Wood. icon.png Craftsman's Crystal: Woodworking

Crafter Points

The next step to upgrade your shield is to earn Crafter Points., as you will require two "Mythril Screw: Craft" (3,000 Crafter Points each) and one "Camphor: Craft" (5,000 Crafter Points) to create your shield.
There no known daily limit of obtainable Crafter Points. The only roadblock is obtaining Analysis Crystals with Guild Points.

These three crafter point items will cost a total of 11,000 Crafter Points.

Crafter Point Items Cost

Mythril Screw: Alchemy
Mythril Screw: Bonecraft
Mythril Screw: Clothcraft
Mythril Screw: Cooking
Mythril Screw: Goldsmithing
Mythril Screw: Leathercraft
Mythril Screw: Smithing
Mythril Screw: Woodworking

3,000 Crafter Points

Camphor: Alchemy
Camphor: Bonecraft
Camphor: Clothcraft
Camphor: Cooking
Camphor: Goldsmithing
Camphor: Leathercraft
Camphor: Smithing
Camphor: Woodworking

5,000 Crafter Points

Phase One Completion

Complete phase one by synthesizing your shield with the five required materials. It is unknown, but likely, you can fail. Be sure to use Ionis, Artificer's Ring, your craft-specific NQ ring and Kitron Macaron bonuses to help with success. You CAN skill up during the synth. Square Enix has officially confirmed that through Phase 3, only the Synthesis Crystal can be lost during typical synthesis conditions.
All materials CAN be lost by moving zones during the synth such as the Airship or Ferry departing. Note that you also CAN SELL the ingredients to NPCs too, so be careful!

The list of completed phase one shields are shown below. View their page for the specific synthesis recipe.

Craft Phase One Shield
Alchemy.gif Alchemy Brewer's Ecu icon.png Brewer's Ecu
Bonecraft.gif Bonecraft Ossiifer's Ecu icon.png Ossifier's Ecu
Clothcraft.gif Clothcraft Plaiter's Ecu icon.png Plaiter's Ecu
Cooking.gif Cooking Chef's Ecu icon.png Chef's Ecu
Goldsmithing.gif Goldsmithing Toreutic Ecu icon.png Toreutic Ecu
Leathercraft.gif Leathercraft Beveler's Ecu icon.png Beveler's Ecu
Smithing.gif Smithing Smythe's Ecu icon.png Smythe's Ecu
Woodworking.gif Woodworking Joiner's Ecu icon.png Joiner's Ecu

To finish up Phase One, trade your completed Ecu to your Guild Master who will then instruct you to trade it back to Mewk Chorosap.


To proceed to Phase Two you must zone after completing Phase One, or Mewk Chorosap will say she needs more time. Trade her your shield after zoning to begin.

Improving your Craftsmanship

Much like Phase 1, you will raise your craftsmanship from 0-100%. UNLIKE Phase 1, you will have the "Crafting Skill +1" to start with and every 6% of Craftsmanship you obtain, the shield will GAIN an additional "Synthesis Success -1" up to a maximum of "Synthesis Success -15" once you reach 100% Craftsmanship.
After obtaining 100%, like before trade your Ecu to your guild leader and receive your Craftsman's Crystal.

  • Your shield will drop down to 80% after obtaining the crystal.

NOTE: It is strongly recommended you look at the following requirements and ensure you have all ingredients ready to go and sufficient crafting points before proceeding to rank up your shield. Otherwise, you will end up with a shield that gives +1 Craft Skill but lowers success rate. Until you can finish the process, you'll be worse off than before. That said even at 100% and success rate -15 it is manageable with kitron macaron, ionis, and success-rate crafting rings for the cheaper synths.

Craft Crystal Material
Alchemy.gif Alchemy C. Crystal- Alch. icon.png Craftsman's Crystal: Alchemy
Bonecraft.gif Bonecraft C. Crystal- Bone. icon.png Craftsman's Crystal: Bonecraft
Clothcraft.gif Clothcraft C. Crystal- Cloth. icon.png Craftsman's Crystal: Clothcraft
Cooking.gif Cooking C. Crystal- Cook. icon.png Craftsman's Crystal: Cooking
Goldsmithing.gif Goldsmithing C. Crystal- Gold. icon.png Craftsman's Crystal: Goldsmithing
Leathercraft.gif Leathercraft C. Crystal- Leath. icon.png Craftsman's Crystal: Leathercraft
Smithing.gif Smithing C. Crystal- Smith. icon.png Craftsman's Crystal: Smithing
Woodworking.gif Woodworking C. Crystal- Wood. icon.png Craftsman's Crystal: Woodworking

Crafter Points

After obtaining the Crystal and Frame you will need to purchase a Gold Screw and Camphor.

These two crafter point items will cost a total of 13,000 Crafter Points.

Crafter Point Items Cost

Gold Screw: Alchemy
Gold Screw: Bonecraft
Gold Screw: Clothcraft
Gold Screw: Cooking
Gold Screw: Goldsmithing
Gold Screw: Leathercraft
Gold Screw: Smithing
Gold Screw: Woodworking

8,000 Crafter Points

Camphor: Alchemy
Camphor: Bonecraft
Camphor: Clothcraft
Camphor: Cooking
Camphor: Goldsmithing
Camphor: Leathercraft
Camphor: Smithing
Camphor: Woodworking

5,000 Crafter Points

Records of Eminence Objectives

To obtain the crafting specific Titanium Frame, you need to complete 4 Records of Eminence → Crafting Objectives:

To unlock these objectives, trade the Ecu to your guild master at any time and they will be able to be set.
The Objectives are to synthesize the item the required number of times. Make sure to have the objectives set before you start crafting.
Completing the first three objectives rewards 5,000 Guild Points each, for a total of 15,000 GP.
# Alchemy.gifAlchemy Objectives Bonecraft.gifBonecraft Objectives Clothcraft.gifClothcraft Objectives Cooking.gifCooking Objectives Goldsmithing.gifGoldsmithing Objectives Leathercraft.gifLeathercraft Objectives Smithing.gifSmithing Objectives Woodworking.gifWoodworking Objectives
1 Alchemy Set 65 x12 Bonecraft Set 65 x12 Clothcraft Set 64 x12 Cooking Set 65 x12 Goldsmithing Set 65 x12 Leathercraft Set 66 x12 Smithing Set 65 x12 Woodworking Set 65 x12
2 Sekishitsu x20 Darksteel Shield x20 War Shinobi Gi x20 Humpty Dumpty x20 Sha'ir Manteel x20 Wivre Shield x20 Adaman Cuisses x20 Rosenbogen x20
3 Cermet Kukri +1 x10 Coral Greaves +1 x10 Silk Cloak +1 x10 Patlican Salata +1 x10 Gold Patas +1 x10 Feral Gloves x10 Mikazuki +1 x10 Pluto's Staff x10
4 Cutlass +1 x5 Merman's Leggings x5 Arhat's Jinpachi +1 x5 Marinara +1 x5 Brass Jadagna +1 x5 Silk Pumps +1 x5 Hara-Ate +1 x5 Couse +1 x5
T. Frame- Alch. icon.png Titanium Frame: Alchemy
T. Frame- Bone. icon.png Titanium Frame: Bonecraft
T. Frame- Cloth. icon.png Titanium Frame: Clothcraft
T. Frame- Cook. icon.png Titanium Frame: Cooking
T. Frame- Gold. icon.png Titanium Frame: Goldsmithing
T. Frame- Leath. icon.png Titanium Frame: Leathercraft
T. Frame- Smith. icon.png Titanium Frame: Smithing
T. Frame- Wood. icon.png Titanium Frame: Woodworking
You must synthesize the NQ Item with the appropriate Records of Eminence objective set.
You must synthesize the HQ Item with the appropriate Records of Eminence objective set.

Phase Two Completion

The list of completed second phase shields are shown below. View their page for the specific synthesis recipe.

Craft Phase Two Shield
Alchemy.gif Alchemy Brewer's Scutum icon.png Brewer's Scutum
Bonecraft.gif Bonecraft Ossifier's Scutum icon.png Ossifier's Scutum
Clothcraft.gif Clothcraft Plaiter's Scutum icon.png Plaiter's Scutum
Cooking.gif Cooking Chef's Scutum icon.png Chef's Scutum
Goldsmithing.gif Goldsmithing Toreutic Scutum icon.png Toreutic Scutum
Leathercraft.gif Leathercraft Beveler's Scutum icon.png Beveler's Scutum
Smithing.gif Smithing Smythe's Scutum icon.png Smythe's Scutum
Woodworking.gif Woodworking Joiner's Scutum icon.png Joiner's Scutum

It was confirmed by the developers that the Titanium Frames cannot be lost during the Phase 2 synthesis.

To finish up Phase Two, trade your completed Scutum to your Guild Master who will then instruct you to trade it back to Mewk Chorosap.


To proceed to Phase Three you must zone after completing Phase Two, or Mewk Chorosap will say she needs more time. Speak to Mewk Chorosap in Port-Jeuno with your completed phase 2 Scutum equipped, she will ask to borrow the shield. Unequip your Scutum and trade it to her.
Here she will describe the process and the materials needed for the next synthesis to complete phase 3 and direct you to your guild master.

Increasing Craftsmanship

You will need to raise your Craftsmanship from 0-100% again. Unlike previous phases, repeating the same synth over and over is not the best way to raise craftsmanship. You should concentrate on completing the Craftsmanship Upgrade objectives on your shield as much as possible:

  • With no conditions met, the minimum Craftsmanship increase per craft is 0% for a NQ synth, 0.15% for HQ1, 0.20% for HQ2, and 0.25% for HQ3.
  • When the conditions are met, the minimum Craftsmanship increase per craft is 0.10% for a NQ synth, 0.30% for HQ1, 0.40% for HQ2, and 0.50% for HQ3.

While you can still spam the same synth and ignore the bonus objective, there is an additional penalty involved in this step: Performing a synthesis that does not match up with your objective (even if there is currently no objective) may cause you to gain a level of "Synthesis Success Down" added to your shield. This can happen regardless if your synthesis is an NQ, HQ or a break result. This penalty caps at -30% and can only be lowered by following the bonus objective on the shield. This will remove one "Synthesis Success Down" level effect for each successful bonus completion.
The bonuses do not always change every completion, but are highly likely to. The bonuses have been observed to remain the same for 10 or more synths.

Since repeating the same recipe now has an additional penalty, it becomes a less efficient strategy. For maximum efficiency, aim to complete the bonuses on the lowest-level recipes possible to maximize HQ synths and bonuses.

Crafter Points

For Phase 3 you will require two "Platinum Screw: Craft" (10,000 Crafter Points each) and one "Sequoia: Craft" (8,000 Crafter Points) to create your shield.
These three crafter point items will cost a total of 28,000 Crafter Points.

Crafter Point Items Cost

Platinum Screw: Alchemy
Platinum Screw: Bonecraft
Platinum Screw: Clothcraft
Platinum Screw: Cooking
Platinum Screw: Goldsmithing
Platinum Screw: Leathercraft
Platinum Screw: Smithing
Platinum Screw: Woodworking

10,000 Crafter Points

Sequoia: Alchemy
Sequoia: Bonecraft
Sequoia: Clothcraft
Sequoia: Cooking
Sequoia: Goldsmithing
Sequoia: Leathercraft
Sequoia: Smithing
Sequoia: Woodworking

8,000 Crafter Points

Customer Requests

New to this phase are delivery orders requested by various NPCs around Vana'diel, some may be a simple turn in X amount of items to this NPC while others require you to craft the items within range of the NPC. The guild master will tell you if the contract *DOES NOT* need to be crafting in range of the NPC immediately following the item request and NPC. If no mention about crafting near the customer is made then the items need to be crafted at the NPC.

  • A dialog will be displayed in your chat log when you are in range for the traded items to count towards completion.
    • Items crafted outside of this range, or purchased separately, will not count. Be careful when progressing!
    • Trade items to NPC recipient before you leave the crafting area!
      • Leaving area, returning into it, and trading them the crafted item will not count, even if you had crafted it in the area previously.
        • I believe this has changed as I was able to successfully trade the items after leaving and coming back.
    • HQ items will not count.

The items are divided into 4 categories per craft. To complete your 4 requests, you will have to do one synth from each category.
Some of the items may have materials that have rare or difficult to acquire materials. In this case, talk to the guild master and tell him that you've "had enough" and the contract will be cancelled.
Speak with the guild master again after zoning and a game day has passed and a new recipe from one of the categories you have failed to complete will be chosen at random.
Whenever you complete a recipe, all 3 recipes in that category are removed from the roulette.

Note: If the recipient NPC is in the same area as the guild master that issued the task, you will need to zone out and re-enter and talk to Guild Master, or he will not acknowledge the task completion until you do.

Alchemy.gif Alchemy
Group Items
A Saber x30, Cutlass x30, Jamadhars x40
B Bathtub x20, Fluoro-flora x50, Gallipot x90
C Ice Anima x700, Earth Anima x700, Water Anima x700
D Imperial Cermet x20, Glass Sheet x36, High Ebonite x36
Rewards: C. M. Sheet- Alch. icon.png Chrome-Molybdenum Sheet: Alch. and Sanukite- Alch. icon.png Sanukite Slab: Alchemy

Bonecraft.gif Bonecraft
Group Items
A Igqira Tiara x30,Demon Helm x60,Shade Tiara x80
B Dragon Mail x20,Demon's Harness x36,Igqira Weskit x40
C Darksteel Shield x30,Gavial Cuisses x32,Vexer Ring x50
D Beast Horn x380,Gelatin x400,Carap. Powder x500
Rewards: C. M. Sheet- Alch. icon.png Chrome-Molybdenum Sheet: Bone. and Sanukite- Alch. icon.png Sanukite Slab: Bonecraft

Clothcraft.gif Clothcraft
Group Items
A Vermillion Cloak x24,Black Cloak x24,Noble's Tunic x24
B Vendor's Slops x30,Blessed Trousers x30,Silk Slops x45
C Sipahi Turban x24,Arhat's Sune-Ate x70,Errant Hat x80
D Silk Cloth x350,Hunter's Cotton x380,Velvet Cloth x400
Rewards: C. M. Sheet- Alch. icon.png Chrome-Molybdenum Sheet: Clo. and Sanukite- Alch. icon.png Sanukite Slab: Clothcraft

Cooking.gif Cooking
Group Items
A Royal Omelette x80,Hedgehog Pie x100,Pork Cutlet x360
B Mushroom Sautee x75,Tavnazian Salad x100,Nopales Salad x90
C Seafood Paella x25,Soy Ramen x160,Arrabbiata x180
D Felicifruit Gelatin x200,Mille Feuille x300,Black Pudding x300
Rewards: C. M. Sheet- Alch. icon.png Chrome-Molybdenum Sheet: Cook. and Sanukite- Alch. icon.png Sanukite Slab: Cooking
Goldsmithing.gif Goldsmithing
Group Items
A Gold Gauntlets x50,Platinum Bangles x45,Barone Zucchetto x36
B Diamond Earring x40,Angel's Earring x40,Emerald Earring x40
C Topaz Ring x40,Spinel Ring x40,Sapphire Ring x40
D Aluminum Ingot x80,Gold Ingot x120,Platinum Ingot x70
Rewards: C. M. Sheet- Alch. icon.png Chrome-Molybdenum Sheet: Gold. and Sanukite- Alch. icon.png Sanukite Slab: Goldsmithing

Leathercraft.gif Leathercraft
Group Items
A Cardinal Vest x32,Jaridah Peti x20,Bison Jacket x32
B Tiger Trousers x36,Crow Hose x40,Battle Hose x40
C Radical Mantle x60,Koenigs Belt x30,Stirge Belt x100
D Smilodon Leather x400,Catobl. Leather x450,Buffalo Leather x120
Rewards: C. M. Sheet- Alch. icon.png Chrome-Molybdenum Sheet: Lea. and Sanukite- Alch. icon.png Sanukite Slab: Leathercraft

Smithing.gif Smithing
Group Items
A Darksteel Cuirass x18,Shabti Cuisses x30,Butznar Shield x35
B Arasy Axe x20,Nohkux Axe x12,Nadziak x26
C Arasy Swordx22,Bihkah Sword x60,Uruz Blade x28
D Darksteel Ingot x200,Dark Scales x60,Dweomer Steel x280
Rewards: C. M. Sheet- Alch. icon.png Chrome-Molybdenum Sheet: Smi. and Sanukite- Alch. icon.png Sanukite Slab: Smithing

Woodworking.gif Woodworking
Group Items
A Arasy Bow x30,Shigeto Bow x40,Gendawa x40
B Dispel Couse x60,Cermet Lance x60,Arasy Lance x12
C Saltwater Aquarium x40,Bay Aquarium x40,Reef Aquarium x40
D Mahogany Lumber x500,Ebony Lumber x450,Feyweald Lumber x410
Rewards: C. M. Sheet- Alch. icon.png Chrome-Molybdenum Sheet: Wood. and Sanukite- Alch. icon.png Sanukite Slab: Woodworking

There are four contracts in total. After completing them all, you will receive a C. M. Sheet- Alch. icon.png Chrome-Molybdenum Sheet and Sanukite- Alch. icon.png Sanukite Slab.

  • If you lose either of these, you can purchase a new one for 15,000 Crafter Points.

Phase Three Completion

The list of completed phase three shields are shown below. View their page for the specific synthesis recipe.

Craft Phase Three Shield
Alchemy.gif Alchemy Brewer's Shield icon.png Brewer's Shield
Bonecraft.gif Bonecraft Ossifier's Shield icon.png Ossifier's Shield
Clothcraft.gif Clothcraft Plaiter's Shield icon.png Plaiter's Shield
Cooking.gif Cooking Chef's Shield icon.png Chef's Shield
Goldsmithing.gif Goldsmithing Toreutic Shield icon.png Toreutic Shield
Leathercraft.gif Leathercraft Beveler's Shield icon.png Beveler's Shield
Smithing.gif Smithing Smythe's Shield icon.png Smythe's Shield
Woodworking.gif Woodworking Joiner's Shield icon.png Joiner's Shield

Next, trade your completed Shield to your Guild Master. They will reward you with the Key Item to synth Superior Level 3 equipment.

Craft Key Item
Alchemy.gif Alchemy Alchemist's argentum tome
Bonecraft.gif Bonecraft Boneworker's argentum tome
Clothcraft.gif Clothcraft Weaver's argentum tome
Cooking.gif Cooking Culinarian's argentum tome
Goldsmithing.gif Goldsmithing Goldsmith's argentum tome
Leathercraft.gif Leathercraft Tanner's argentum tome
Smithing.gif Smithing Blacksmith's argentum tome
Woodworking.gif Woodworking Carpenter's argentum tome

Finally, after speaking with your Guild Master, trade your shield to Mewk Chorosap to finish Phase 3.


You must zone first if you just completed phase three.

Speak to Mewk Chorosap in Port Jeuno to begin.

Trade your shield to Mewk Chorosap, she will explain about the the final crafter points items and raising the craftsmanship.

Afterwards, trade your shield to your Guild Master.

Increasing Craftsmanship

It is time to start the last journey back to 100% craftsmanship. Fortunately, this time your shield will not be plagued by success rate -% as your level.

This time around, you will not receive the synthesis success down effects on your shield. This means you can use it full time while you work on upgrading it. In lieu of that, you will only receive up to:

  • NQ: 0.00~0.10%
  • HQ1: 0.03~0.17%
  • HQ2: 0.05~0.17%
  • HQ3: 0.07%~0.17%

NQ results will still decrease until you receive no skill increase if the same recipe is repeated long enough. A variety of synths as well as meeting the shield objectives are in your best interest.
Craftsmanship bonuses are back and function in the same manner as they have before, but they only give a 0.04%~0.05% bonus which stacks with your NQ earnings and any potential HQ earnings.

After you have raised the Craftsmanship rating on your shield to 100%, trade it to the guild master to be rewarded with a C. Crystal- Alch. icon.png Craftsman Crystal as in the previous phases. Your shield's craftsmanship rating will be reduced to 66.6%. However, this time you do not simply use it in a recipe as you did in the previous stages. Skip to the Synthesis Focuser step below to continue.

Crafter Points

You will need two A. Screw- Alch. icon.png Adamantite Screws, and one D. Frame- Alch. icon.png Duralumin Frame. These three crafter point items will cost a total of 70,000 Crafter Points.

Crafter Point Items Cost

Adamantite Screw: Alchemy
Adamantite Screw: Bonecraft
Adamantite Screw: Clothcraft
Adamantite Screw: Cooking
Adamantite Screw: Goldsmithing
Adamantite Screw: Leathercraft
Adamantite Screw: Smithing
Adamantite Screw: Woodworking

20,000 Crafter Points

Duralumin Frame: Alchemy
Duralumin Frame: Bonecraft
Duralumin Frame: Clothcraft
Duralumin Frame: Cooking
Duralumin Frame: Goldsmithing
Duralumin Frame: Leathercraft
Duralumin Frame: Smithing
Duralumin Frame: Woodworking

30,000 Crafter Points

Synthesis Focuser II

Return to Mewk Chorosap and trade her your C. Crystal- Alch. icon.png Craftsman Crystal. This will trigger a long cutscene in which she explains Synthesis Chains and Spirit.

At the end of the cutscene, you will be granted the Key Item Reassembling technique, which is used to perform Skillchain Sphere synths.

Examining the Synthesis Focuser II will bring you into a instanced cutscene with Mewk watching on and a menu.

  • What do you want to do?
Begin the synthesis. 1*
Check items placed within the device. 2*
Change order of materials. 3*
Come back later. (Exits you out of instanced cutscene)
Select which crystal you wish to use, or select Exit. to return to previous menu.
Now select the sphere you wish to use to perform synthesis, or Exit. to return to crystal selection.
Select Yes to begin synthesis, Yes. (Do not ask again) for faster progressions; or No. to return to sphere selection menu.
You do not get to select which catalyst; that is automatically selected based on which sphere you select.
Crystals/catalysts. This lists out how many of each crystal and catalyst (MC-I-SR01/02/03) you have traded & stored inside the machine.
Selecting a certain crystal will ask you how many you wish to generate. Enter a number equal to or less than the amount you have stored. This just removes a quantity you have stored into it and places that amount into your inventory.
Materials. This lists how many of each synthesis sphere you have traded & stored inside the machine.
Selecting a certain sphere will ask you how many you wish to generate. Enter a number equal to or less than the amount you have stored. This just removes a quantity you have stored into it and places that amount into your inventory.
Go back. Returns you to original menu.
Toggles you between how you view items in synthesis menu: 1: Crystal; 2:Sphere (default), or 1:Sphere; 2:Crystal.


You will have to imbue your Craftsman's Crystal with some amount of Spirit. You are notified when you increase Spirit, by how much.

As of the June 2018 Version Update, your total Spirit is now visible in the main menu of the Synthesis Focuser II. You are also told amount imbued after completing any Synth or Synthchain, followed by your total running amount.


Mewk may like to horseSpirit.jpg around, but obtaining Spirit is no joke.

You will need to build your Spirit up to 100,000 to obtain your A. Crystal- Alch. icon.png Apex Crystal. There are 64 pixels in the Transmutation bar, and each pixel is worth 1,562 spirit. See the talk page for further information.

Spirit is obtained from Synthesis Chains. Synthesis Chains are similar to skillchains where each Synthesis Chain corresponds to a skillchain property

  • Such as Induration, Reverberation, Darkness, etc, and have levels just like ordinary skillchains do.

Spirit Synthesis is not like normal synthesis, and is actually closer to Synergy. To initiate such a synthesis, you need to use the "Synthesis Focuser II" near Mewk Chorosap. Materials are stored within the Synthesis Focuser II (up to 255 of each).

You will need 3 ingredients for each synthesis: a crystal, a catalyst, and a Synthesis Chain Sphere.

  • Crystal: Ordinary crystals, trade to the Focuser to add to its inventory.
  • Catalyst: Sold by Mewk Chorosap. There are 3 tiers of catalysts, with price in gil increasing per tier. The tier of catalyst must match up with the level of the Synthesis Chain Sphere for the synthesis to work.
    • Note: By completing only level 6 synthchains, it will cost approximately 130,000,000 Gil in catalysts alone. This figure varies greatly based on breaks, high quality, and variety of synthchains you choose.
    • For example, if using a Distortion (level 2 chain) sphere, you must use a tier 2 catalyst.
    • When you buy the catalyst from Mewk, she places them directly in the Focuser for you; they never appear in your inventory.
Catalyst Item Counterfeit Gil icon.png Cost
MC-I-SR01 300 Gil
MC-I-SR02 8,000 Gil
MC-I-SR03 40,000 Gil
  • Synthesis Chain Sphere: These may be traded between players, sold in bazaars, and bought from the Auction House under the category "Misc. 3".
    • You may also farm them yourself, and will probably have to.
    • Each sphere refers to one of the 14 types of skillchains.
      • Mewk will give you the recipes for two of these. A list are in the table below.

The skill level of these syths are unknown, but appear to be the same in all crafts.
Breaks are frequent, even with maximized skill and are believed to be desynthesis recipes.
An NQ/HQ1 result will produce a sphere corresponding to a level 1 skillchain, an HQ2 will result in a sphere corresponding to a level 2 skillchain of that same element, and an HQ3 will result in a sphere for Darkness or Light.

Note: The following items in the table below are not recipes, but merely a list of individual items you may use to create spheres.

Spirit Sphere Synths

Material Crystal Sphere Obtained
Rare Exclusive Rare Exclusive NQ/HQ1 HQ2 HQ3
Bomb Coal icon.png Bomb Coal Ancient Salt icon.png Ancient Salt Fetich Arms icon.png Fetich Arms
Rusty Medal icon.png Rusty Medal
Fire Crest Card icon.png Fire Crest Card Lightning Crystal Lique. Sphere icon.png Liquefaction Fusion Sphere icon.png Fusion Light Sphere icon.png Light
Lucky Egg icon.png Lucky Egg Carbuncle's Ruby icon.png Carbuncle's Ruby
White Memosphere icon.png White Memosphere
Bruised Starfruit icon.png Bruised Starfruit Light Crest Card icon.png Light Crest Card Wind Crystal Trans. Sphere icon.png Transfixion
Shoalweed icon.png Shoalweed Fetich Legs icon.png Fetich Legs   Lightning Crystal Deton. Sphere icon.png Detonation Fragm. Sphere icon.png Fragmentation
Soiled Letter icon.png Soiled Letter Beryl Memosphere icon.png Beryl Memosphere   Wind Crest Card icon.png Wind Crest Card Wind Crystal
Frayed Arrow icon.png Frayed Arrow   Lightning Crystal Impac. Sphere icon.png Impaction
Ancient Papyrus icon.png Ancient Papyrus Star Spinel icon.png Star Spinel Test Answers icon.png Test Answers Lightning Crest Card icon.png Lightning Crest Card Wind Crystal
Rusty Key icon.png Rusty Key Giant Fish Bones icon.png Giant Fish Bones
Exoray Mold icon.png Exoray Mold
Ice Crest Card icon.png Ice Crest Card Lightning Crystal Indur. Sphere icon.png Induration Disto. Sphere icon.png Distortion Darkn. Sphere icon.png Darkness
Teal Memosphere icon.png Teal Memosphere     Wind Crystal
Delkfutt Key icon.png Delkfutt Key Fetich Torso icon.png Fetich Torso
Desert Venom icon.png Desert Venom
Water Crest Card icon.png Water Crest Card Lightning Crystal Rever. Sphere icon.png Reverberation
Indigo Memosphere icon.png Indigo Memosphere     Wind Crystal
Scorpion Stinger icon.png Scorpion Stinger
Magicked Steel icon.png Magicked Steel Ingot
Fetich Head icon.png Fetich Head   Lightning Crystal Sciss. Sphere icon.png Scission Gravi. Sphere icon.png Gravitation
Elshimo Marble icon.png Elshimo Marble   Earth Crest Card icon.png Earth Crest Card Wind Crystal
Demon Pen icon.png Demon Pen Tonberry Board icon.png Tonberry Board
Orcish Mail Scales icon.png Orcish Mail Scales
Colorful Hair icon.png Colorful Hair Dark Crest Card icon.png Dark Crest Card Wind Crystal Compr. Sphere icon.png Compression

The following items are guaranteed to be lost 100% of the time if your desynthesis fails:

Performing Synthchains

Initiating a synthesis chain is a lot like a skillchain. Combine an appropriate elemental crystal with two spheres that contain the essential elemental properties.
Try to avoid Light and Dark Crystals unless you are using Transfixion or Compression.

See below for quick skillchain reference charts.

Level 1 & 2

Second First Property
Property Transfixion Compression Liquefaction Scission Reverberation Detonation Induration Impaction
Transfixion Transfixion N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Compression Compression N/A N/A N/A Gravitation Compression N/A
Liquefaction N/A N/A Liquefaction N/A N/A N/A Liquefaction
Scission Distortion N/A Scission N/A Scission N/A N/A
Reverberation Reverberation N/A N/A Reverberation N/A Fragmentation N/A
Detonation N/A Detonation N/A Detonation N/A N/A Detonation
Induration N/A N/A N/A N/A Induration N/A N/A
Impaction N/A N/A Fusion N/A Impaction N/A Impaction

Level 3

Second First Property
Property Gravi tation Disto rtion Fus ion Fragmen tation
Gravi tation Darkness Gravitation N/A
Disto rtion Darkness N/A Distortion
Fus ion N/A Fusion Light
Fragmen tation Fragmentation N/A Light

Note: Unlike ordinary skillchains you may not repeat level 1 synthchains over and over.

  • E.g Scission SC Icon.png Scission → Detonation SC Icon.png Detonation over and over will not work like it would with normal skillchains.

For Example:

Level 1 Synthchain:
Choose Wind Crystal icon.png Wind Crystal + Deton. Sphere icon.png Detonation Sphere, you will perform a wind synthesis. Follow this up by a Earth Crystal icon.png Earth Crystal + Sciss. Sphere icon.png Scission Sphere to create a Scission synthchain onto the device, which is a successful level 1 synthchain.
Continuing Level 1 Synthchain:
From here, you are able to then use a Fire Crystal icon.png Fire Crystal + Lique. Sphere icon.png Liquefaction Sphere to make a Liquefaction synthchain.
Upgrading to Level 2 Synthchain:
You may then follow with a Lightning Crystal icon.png Lightning Crystal + Impac. Sphere icon.png Impaction Sphere to then create a level 2 Fusion synthchain.
Upgrading to Level 3 Synthchain:
After the above Fusion synthchain, you should then be able to use a Wind Crystal icon.png Wind Crystal + Fragm. Sphere icon.png Fragmentation Sphere to create a Light Synthchain.
Continuing Level 3 Synthchain:
You may then combine this with Light Crystal icon.png Light Crystal + Light Sphere icon.png Light Sphere for another Light synthesis chain.
Although this is technically Double Light, you only receive 15 spirit.

Note: The time allowed seems to be a lot more strict than performing a skillchain with actual weapons. It is very hard, if not impossible, to successfully perform a double light with the above synthchain. It is for informational purposes only.

You may synthesize an HQ result while doing the synthesis. This will grant bonus spirit.

  • For example HQing a Tier 2 → 3 synthchain grants 23 spirit.
  • Initial sphere synthesis: NQ=1, HQ1=2, HQ2=4
  • Tier 1 Synthchain  : NQ=2, HQ1=3, HQ2=6
  • Tier 2 Synthchain  : NQ=5, HQ1=8, HQ2=10
  • Tier 3 Synthchain  : NQ=15, HQ1=23, HQ2=29

After the Transmution bar on the Synthesis Focuser II is filled, you will receive your craft's Apex Crystal.

Craft Crystal Material
Alchemy.gif Alchemy A. Crystal- Alch. icon.png Apex Crystal: Alchemy
Bonecraft.gif Bonecraft A. Crystal- Bone. icon.png Apex Crystal: Bonecraft
Clothcraft.gif Clothcraft A. Crystal- Cloth. icon.png Apex Crystal: Clothcraft
Cooking.gif Cooking A. Crystal- Cook. icon.png Apex Crystal: Cooking
Goldsmithing.gif Goldsmithing A. Crystal- Gold. icon.png Apex Crystal: Goldsmithing
Leathercraft.gif Leathercraft A. Crystal- Leath. icon.png Apex Crystal: Leathercraft
Smithing.gif Smithing A. Crystal- Smith. icon.png Apex Crystal: Smithing
Woodworking.gif Woodworking A. Crystal- Wood. icon.png Apex Crystal: Woodworking

This part of phase four is now complete, and it is time to synthesize your final shield.

Phase Four Completion

After completing your Apex Crystal, you will receive a cutscene with Mewk who will ask you to trade her the following:

After trading the items, she will request that you speak to your Guild Master for the final ingredient.

Visit your Guild Master, who will congratulate you, but inform you that the "Guild Emblem: Craft" was shipped to Mewk.

Craft Crystal Material
Alchemy.gif Alchemy G. Emblem- Alch. icon.png Guild Emblem: Alchemy
Bonecraft.gif Bonecraft G. Emblem- Bone. icon.png Guild Emblem: Bonecraft
Clothcraft.gif Clothcraft G. Emblem- Cloth. icon.png Guild Emblem: Clothcraft
Cooking.gif Cooking G. Emblem- Cook. icon.png Guild Emblem: Cooking
Goldsmithing.gif Goldsmithing G. Emblem- Gold. icon.png Guild Emblem: Goldsmithing
Leathercraft.gif Leathercraft G. Emblem- Leath. icon.png Guild Emblem: Leathercraft
Smithing.gif Smithing G. Emblem- Smith. icon.png Guild Emblem: Smithing
Woodworking.gif Woodworking G. Emblem- Wood. icon.png Guild Emblem: Woodworking

Upon returning to Mewk, you receive one last cutscene and the "Guild Emblem: Craft".

Perform your final shield synthesis and you will then have a completed Escutcheon. View their page for the specific synthesis recipe.

Craft Final Phase Escutcheon
Alchemy.gif Alchemy Br. Escutcheon icon.png Brewer's Escutcheon
Bonecraft.gif Bonecraft Os. Escutcheon icon.png Ossifier's Escutcheon
Clothcraft.gif Clothcraft Pl. Escutcheon icon.png Plaiter's Escutcheon
Cooking.gif Cooking Chef's Escutcheon icon.png Chef's Escutcheon
Goldsmithing.gif Goldsmithing Tr. Escutcheon icon.png Toreutic Escutcheon
Leathercraft.gif Leathercraft Bv. Escutcheon icon.png Beveler's Escutcheon
Smithing.gif Smithing Sm. Escutcheon icon.png Smythe's Escutcheon
Woodworking.gif Woodworking Jo. Escutcheon icon.png Joiner's Escutcheon

Trade the completed shield to Mewk Chorosap for another cutscene with her.

Trade the completed shield to your Guild Master to be granted the aurum tome Key Item for your craft.

Craft Key Item
Alchemy.gif Alchemy Alchemist's aurum tome
Bonecraft.gif Bonecraft Boneworker's aurum tome
Clothcraft.gif Clothcraft Weaver's aurum tome
Cooking.gif Cooking Culinarian's aurum tome
Goldsmithing.gif Goldsmithing Goldsmith's aurum tome
Leathercraft.gif Leathercraft Tanner's aurum tome
Smithing.gif Smithing Blacksmith's aurum tome
Woodworking.gif Woodworking Carpenter's aurum tome

Return to Mewk Chorosap one final time to obtain a unique title for your efforts.

Craft Title
Alchemy.gif Alchemy Legendary Alchemist
Bonecraft.gif Bonecraft Legendary Boneworker
Clothcraft.gif Clothcraft Legendary Weaver
Cooking.gif Cooking Legendary Culinarian
Goldsmithing.gif Goldsmithing Legendary Goldsmith
Leathercraft.gif Leathercraft Legendary Tanner
Smithing.gif Smithing Legendary Blacksmith
Woodworking.gif Woodworking Legendary Woodworker

-1 Shield Versions

There exists in the game -1 versions of all phases of the Escutcheon except for the final form. In the past, it was theorized that failing an Escutcheon upgrade synthesis would result in the -1 shield being obtained, but this has concluded to be false. Another theory was that they are intended to be used in the future to "skip" phases, perhaps Bonanza rewards.

In actuality, these shields exist in case a player somehow disposes or loses their phase of a shield, but wishes to recover it. Because of the way a GM's One Time Account Recovery tool works, items with augment data on them cannot be recovered directly into a player's inventory. Instead, these items were added so that they can be generated on a player's character and they will not have to start over on the shield upgrade process.

Trading these -1 shields to Mewk Chorosap will result in her "repairing" the shield in a brief cutscene, and then providing you with that stage's base shield with no progress made on that stage. Additionally, any Records of Eminence completed objectives will be reset.

See this post on the official forum for details from a player's account.

Phase One "Ecu"
Beveler's Ecu -1 Brewer's Ecu -1 Chef's Ecu -1 Joiner's Ecu -1 Ossifier's Ecu -1 Plaiter's Ecu -1 Smythe's Ecu -1 Toreutic Ecu -1
Phase Two "Scutum"
Beveler's Scutum -1 Brewer's Scutum -1 Chef's Scutum -1 Joiner's Scutum -1 Ossifier's Scutum -1 Plaiter's Scutum -1 Smythe's Scutum -1 Toreutic Scutum -1
Phase Three "Shield"
Beveler's Shield -1 Brewer's Shield -1 Chef's Shield -1 Joiner's Shield -1 Ossifier's Shield -1 Plaiter's Shield -1 Smythe's Shield -1 Toreutic Shield -1