Talk:Fantastic EXPs and Where to Find Them

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I would like to recommend splitting the 51-75 section to make a 70-80 section. There is too much overlap with the 70s. Maybe make 70+ every 10 levels to reduce the overlap. --Ohgami (talk) 20:50, 17 November 2016 (UTC)

  • Can also add in Idle Wanderer, Woeful Weeper, and Livid Seether in Promyvions Holla, Dem, Mea for levels 76 thru 85 . At Level 79 they check Very Tough +, and at lv.80 they check between Tough + and Very Tough + Danallen (talk) 22:06, 9 September 2018 (EDT)

Thank you Dan. Any Camp suggestions? Just the first floor I would imagine? --Spicyryan (talk) 23:49, 10 September 2018 (EDT)

  • Any "floor"/section works in any Promyvion for these, since each floor only has one area with the higher level targets (except section 3, which is split into two disparate areas in each one, and each section has its own group). I didn't notice much if any differences in difficulties between Seethers, Weepers, and Wanderers, nor which floor i was on too. They ALL seemed to bring same exp and skill-ups, no matter which section or Promyvion. Danallen (talk) 21:06, 11 September 2018 (EDT)

Ty Dan, I'll get around to adding that. --Spicyryan (talk) 15:55, 3 October 2018 (EDT)

Added. --Spicyryan (talk) 09:56, 4 October 2018 (EDT)

I would like to recommend Chaser Bats and Bleeder Leeches in Maze of Shakhrami. They're all at I-6/I-7 on the second map and there's a ton of them with nothing else in the way. And there's a Grounds Tome for extra exp. Was good for lv 75-80. I don't think they aggro (?) but they do link. --Kreed (talk) 01:11, 23 December 2018

More Level 85-90 Locations?

I've been trying to kill Condors, haven't tried the Champion Crawlers yet, but... the condors in particular are annoying due to linking and staying close to one another. I've had trusts die three times already because I had to wait 10 minutes for a favorable pull, and still ended up having one of my trusts get aggro from a pathing one. Their path range is pretty large, but can sometimes stop short of maximum pathing. Coldreactive (talk) 23:49, 17 March 2019 (EDT)

  • That sounds like a good place for SMN pet pulls. I have tried the Crawlers and can endorse them. Leethosoh (talk) 13:02, 18 March 2019 (EDT)
  • Do summoned pets (and by extension fellows) not trigger linking? Or do you mean to just de-summon the pet immediately? Coldreactive (talk) 13:04, 18 March 2019 (EDT)
  • They do trigger linking. The trick is that you can leave/deactivate/release your pet. All linked mobs at that point are temporarily stunned and will not link back to your original target. Your target will link onto other mobs as it is pathing back. This works on BST, PUP, and SMN. Leethosoh (talk) 13:26, 18 March 2019 (EDT)
  • Thanks. Don't worry, I know all about summon pulling from Perfect World International. Coldreactive (talk) 13:27, 18 March 2019 (EDT)
But sometimes, it's still not good, and I have to wait like 5 minutes to initiate a battle, and lose my exp chain: Coldreactive (talk) 07:51, 19 March 2019 (EDT)

You can stay in Dangruf Wadi for awhile. I added the camp of opo and crabs after worms and goblins to the guide. --Spicyryan (talk) 15:58, 18 March 2019 (EDT)

  • Do enemies not link cross-species / family? Because I just attacked an Opo, and the nearby trimmers didn't care. Even newly spawned onces that walked toward my trusts, which were still fighting. Still is pretty difficult when three spawn together on one side, and then you can never pull one at a time because of it. I think I might just have to go back to rockmills and deal with 200 EXP per kill. Because pathing is stupidly large for all three of these farming areas. Coldreactive (talk) 09:01, 19 March 2019 (EDT)
  • Lol no, only the same species links with a few exceptions like treants and saplings link. --Spicyryan (talk) 13:31, 19 March 2019 (EDT)

Another camp that is not listed, that I use when RoE - Vanquish Lizards is going, is Drachenlizard in North Gustaberg (S). They link by sound but are not aggressive. Two spawn areas to pull from. It should be good to gap 85-90. Leethosoh (talk) 16:15, 19 March 2019 (EDT)

Added Fields and Grounds of Valor Info

I have added additional information to the guide some of these were lacking there corresponding Field and Grounds of Valor information so I did it and added a note to the Experience Points Section to point it out so one can max out their experience amount when leveling. --Dirkus (talk) 03:38, 29 January 2021 (EDT)

Thank you for the contributions to the guide. --Spicyryan (talk) 19:45, 29 January 2021 (EST)

I have added more page info as I am going through the guide. --Dirkus (talk)

Added Additional Job information

I have added additional information for new players for Subjobs in the form a "New to leveling up?" and added quest information and where to get it for the starting characters home nation, I also added information at 30 about getting advanced jobs and guides for them I also figured out how to do the proper page linking.

really getting the EXP guide put together.

--Dirkus (talk)

Upper Delkfutt's Tower 30-45

Would it be possible to add instructions on how to get to the Upper Delkfutt's Tower Camp at 30? New players won't have the HP warp available, and getting there from Lower Delkfutt's Tower can be confusing if it's your first time in the area. --02:06, 21 March 2021‎ YenzelleM

Will probably just link to the zone page as it is on there iirc. --Spicyryan (talk) 10:53, 21 March 2021 (EDT)

Apparently it is not, and what I was remembering was on the 3-3 mission page. I added it to the camp though, thank you for the suggestion. --Spicyryan (talk) 22:42, 21 March 2021 (EDT)

Garlaige Citadel 32-46?

As good as the XP is in Garlaige Citadel, would it be better to recommend new and returning players go to Crawlers' Nest instead? GC's first map (where this guide has people stay) is a nightmare to navigate with trusts, since the pathing doesn't play nice with the holes in the floor. Arkevorkhat (talk) 16:47, 4 February 2022 (EST)

The trusts don't just get lost in an ether and vanish because they went in a hole. That being said, I added the nest to the list for the same level range. --Spicyryan (talk) 17:30, 4 February 2022 (EST)

It's not that they vanish, they get completely stuck on the paths around the holes and are basically impossible to extract from either direction. Arkevorkhat (talk) 18:57, 4 February 2022 (EST)

Camp Changes

Removed the 70-80 Bhaflau Thickets Greater Colibri camp. This is now a Locus Colibri camp. --Pkrockin (talk) 08:26, 30 July 2022 (EST)

Additional Information Added and the State of This Guide 06/2024

I added a spark gear link for each 10 level so people can get new gear to continually get new equipment every 10 levels, I did this for 1-99, I also added information about Merit Points and unlocking it at 75 and Job Points at 99, I also added information in the Experience points section for new and returning players about easiest EXP bonuses to get starting or returning.I also bolded the preface about trusts in that section of the guide, so it isn't skipped over when read.
I am thinking about adding a power level section that includes external help along with good trust combos for leveling and I would love some input.

Overall, I think this guide has come together very well, with the current information you can easily grind levels 1 to 99 in less than a week with the minimum of bonuses. --07:11, 9 June 2024 Dirkus (talk)

Guide Addition 2/25 Update

I added a small section for combat and magic skill leveling and added information that should be easy for newer players to access and I sourced and linked them so they now where and how to unlock them along with a few strategies. Dirkus (talk) 20:02, 12 February 2025 (UTC)

State of the guide

This guide really only needs to be a short, at-a-glance reference for potential leveling areas for any given level range. Long-winded run-on sentences focusing on tangential information is outside the scope of the guide and should be contained within their own specific guides (or more general ones). Also, there's no need to add sections where contributors request that readers thank them personally for their efforts on a collaborative guide. If you want praise, create your own personal guide and ask for it there. Hya (talk) 00:39, 13 February 2025 (UTC)