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Strategy / Testimonial

Vengeance 0


Solo'd on RDM (mastered, decent gear) using Amchuchu, Selh'teus, King of Hearts, Kupipi, and Karaha. With saboteur, enfeebles (paralyze 2, slow 2, frazzle 3, and distract 3) landed fairly easily. Use barwater, haste 2, and phalanx 2 on all of your trusts. Refresh 3 Kupipi, Karaha, and Amchuchu. Use enfire and spam sanguine blade. Consider using seraph blade if you have the gear for it. The battle took around 12 minutes excluding buffing time. --HitomeOfBismarck (talk) 03:55, 3 June 2021 (EDT)


BLU, WHM with AAEV, Ulmia, Joachim and Monberaux (paid off for AoE na). BLU is near BiS. Just spammed Expiacion (7~10k damage), maintained AM3 and AAEV never lost hate. Normal DPS load out on BLU. Raskovniche likes to AoE Blind, Poison and Paralyze but Monb took care of that issue. WHM stayed ~18 yalms away. --Dagna (talk) 05:19, 22 February 2021 (EST)

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Vengeance 5


RDM, WHM, COR, BRD with Amchuchu and Monberaux (paid off). RDM melees with Enareo + Sanguine Blade. COR buffs Fighters/Wizards stays at range and uses Leaden Salute. BRD buffs HM, Quick, Swift and Madrigal. Debuff with Dark Threnody II. WHM does WHM things. Long fight but took a while to try Dark Thrernody II (difference between ~3k Leadens and ~11k Leadens). --Dagna (talk) 02:06, 20 May 2021 (EDT)


PUP(Kenkonken required) with Valaineral, Joachim, Ulmia, Monberaux, Koru-Moru. Make Detonation with Howling Fist -> Backhand blow. 3 Ice on BLM Automaton to burst Aero. Keep AM3 Up. Very close but doable with practice. Benjaman (talk) 22:05, 18 February 2024 (UTC)

NIN Star Sibyl, August, Koru-Moru, Joachim, Monberaux, Ygnes. Used Seafood Gratin and RR. Self: Yain, Myoshu, Kakka, Innin. Mob: Yurin landed within 2 retries. Fought from behind with Innin. Kamu>Shun for Light, double MB Huton(Wind). Raskovniche Hundred Fists SP ~50% killed August, pop Issekigan, ride Utsusemi, call ArkEV. Once she gains hate, rinse and repeat. First try I dilly-dallied a bit, but finished with a minute to spare. --ShadeofSeraph (talk) 12:12, 3 March 2024 (UTC)

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Vengeance 10

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Vengeance 15

Melee setup is not recommended, it is simply too resistant to physical damage and repeated use of Stink Bomb will slow down or potentially kill DPS caught in WS sets.


WHM kept an eye on the RUN.

SCH did Accession Windstorm II and Manifestation Klimaform before generating Fragmentation skillchains.

RDM did all Enhancing Magic and Enfeebling Magic as required.

COR did Wizard's Roll and Tactician's Roll before moving away from the party to do Samurai Roll on themselves.

BLM kept Burn on the target but needed Elemental Seal to stick it after the second landing.

RUN used Flabra Gambit and Rayke.

Skillchain was SCH Fragmentation > Last Stand (Light) > Last Stand (Radience). BLM and RDM went to town on the NM with Aero bursts.


WHM: Barwater, Boost-INT

COR: Wizard + Warlock

GEO: Bolster Acumen, Focus, Entrust Haste on BLM

SCH: Windstorm2 on BLM, make Skillchain to MB Wind. Anemohelix 2 MB at start if possible.

Time can be very tight, SCH need to spam SC as much as possible. Need to coordinate Wild Card, Random Deal with COR to get as many Stratagem Charge as possible. Ideally: Use all Stratagems, Random Deal, use all Stratagems, Tabula Rasa, use all Stratagems, Wild Card, use all Stratagems, (Tabula Rasa again if Wild Card reset SP), Random Deal.

Infaunal Flop hurts a lot, back 2 back Infaunal Flop can kill the tank. NM seems to resist physical damage.

This fight is very similar to Marmorkrebs. Enfeebles associated with its TP moves makes PLD solo healing this much more difficult, so a WHM or SCH is more valuable for this NM.

Melee strat isn't too bad with good DD, to quote our tank after the run: "people use a mb strat for -this-?"


Typical melee zerg with typical melee buffs + Barwater/Auspice. Keep NM turned away from DD (who should be in hybrid sets considering this is Gaol V15) and things should be OK.

Ended with plenty of time so you can probably be creative with DD choice as long as they do good damage. Other options include replacing tank with PUP tank and using the whm's spot for smn or a geo for even more buffs.

-Nesspoot of Asura

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Vengeance 20

RUN COR SCH BLM RDM BRD SV'd March Int Int Ballad Water Carol, Numbing Shot > Water for Fragmentation on Raskov

RDM heals and debuffs Frazzle Para/Slow/Etc all lands ok Bind/Gravity add and can sleep as well after a few Immunobreaks. Raskov didnt seem do to any bad AoE Dmg since Numbing Shot is a Melee distance Ranged WS.

Wota (talk) 09:40, 12 January 2022 (EST)


SV CC Honor March, Minuet x2, Dirge / Sirvente, Water Carol Chaos / Sam Rolls

WHM Barwatera - we did this without a yagrush but would have been much easier to remove paralyna, blindna with one.

RDM enfeebles, haste 2, phalanx 2, refresh on WAR for schere earring (not sure if it was required or not).

COR, BRD, RDM helped melee with the RDM going off to take care of the add when it started moving. Basically a savage blade spam. Be careful of using job abilities when paralyze is up as it will eat them.

Finished with about 2min left.


General Strategy: This boss does an annoying AoE paralyze so it is generally smoothest to have few people in melee range. If you do a long skillchain and magic burst wind spells, he dies very quickly.

Recommend the following 4 step skillchain: Leaden Salute (COR) > Black Halo (RDM) > Last Stand (COR) > Dimidiation (RUN). If you don't want the RDM in, give Samurai Roll and March/Haste to RUN and do: Leaden Salute (COR) > Dimidiation (RUN) > Last Stand (COR) > Dimidiation (RUN)

GEO Lobby bubbles = Refresh (SCH), INT (COR), Acumen (BLM), Focus (RDM).

SCH: Manifestation Klimaform for the BLM. At the beginning, MB an Anemohelix II on the last step of the SC. Keep everyone healed up and Paralyna when people get hit.

COR: Boost the final SC's with Wind Shot, using enhancing gear to boost the next Wind elemental dmg. Use Samurai and Wizard's roll for the most part; start the fight with Wizard's Roll (for BLM) + Warlock Roll. Then go aside with RUN and do a Crooked Samurai's roll (to overwrite Wizard).

BLM: Nukes Wind element with mostly Aeroja and Aero VI. Keep up Burn (can MB it on a light SC for more magic accuracy). Keep on Manawall in case add comes for you. Do not stack Subtle Sorcery at the same time as Rayke, stagger it.

BRD: HM, int etude x2, ballad x2. Pianissimo Scherzo, Madrigal, Water Carol II on tank. Pianissimo Prelude on COR.

RUN: Keep up Flabra Gambit & Rayke as much as possible; get resets from COR. Time the first Rayke right before closing SC with Dimidiation for max uptime. Keep on Barblizzard and Barparalyze. Use Temper to help with TPing to maintain skillchain.

RDM: There is pretty heavy aoe damage so only go in long enough to get TP and Black Halo. Do not cast spells near boss (squishy midcast sets). Keep the add bound. It will either go to COR or BLM. Whoever has hate needs to kite it until bound. Keep Haste up on RUN and BLM, Flurry on COR. Do normal debuffs on boss.

--Silvermutt (Asura), Kitsune LS


With the WS wall in place, the melee method for this NM in V25 has become considerably more difficult. As a result, it's now recommended to actually respect the NM's strengths and weaknesses and use the Burst setup. RUN BLM COR RDM GEO SCH. Burst Aero, control the adds, and it can be cleared with at least 6 minutes remaining. Ice > Water (Fragmentation) > Last Stand (Light) > Dimidiation (Light).

RUN: Apply Rayke/Gambit to reduce the NM's resistance to Wind. As with Sgili, you *must* bring Remedy/Panacea to manage debuffs, as the Scholar will not be able to babysit you. Close the SC with Dimidiation when you can, but the group should not wait for your TP.

BLM: Apply Burn and Impact. Vidohunir to get AM2 if you can/desire. Burst Aero.

COR: Crooked Wizard's Roll / Samurai Roll. Shoot for TP to Last Stand. Apply Wind Shot during the Skillchain to boost Aero damage and gain TP. The SCH will likely need at least Random Deal during this fight.

RDM: Crowd control the adds at 75% and 40%. Buff/Debuff as normal. Burst when available.

GEO: Geo-Malaise / Indi-INT / Entrust Indi-Acumen. Burst during windows. Bolster around 40%.

SCH: Start the skillchain. Use Tabula Rasa as soon as you are low on Stratagems. Apply Embrava to the party to cap Haste. Klimaform can be helpful to the group as well. Burst Anemohelix II as soon as possible. Blizzard > Hydrohelix is the preferred start to Fragmentation, as it leaves a longer burst window available.