
From FFXI Wiki

RUNicon.gif RUN/mage, RNGicon.gif RNG, CORicon.gif COR, SCHicon.gif SCH, BLMicon.gif, BLM, and GEOicon.gif GEO

  • GEO: Bolster Indi Focus, Geo-Malaise, entrust Acumen. Widen Compass as the mob moves from the bubble.
  • COR: Samurai and Wizard Rolls
  • SCH: Tabula Imanence Fusion spam. Fire Storm the BLM and yourself.
  • BLM: Elemental Seal Impact and cast Burst. Burst like a champ and not a chump.
  • RNG: Needs ~1,630 Racc after food, Closes True Flight.
    • This fight can be done in under 3 minutes with an Aeonic RNG, Mythic is not required.
  • RUN: Uses x2 Light (Lux) and x1 Fire (Ignis) runes for Gambit and Rayke.
    • RUN should sub mage and heal themselves. If ML30, /sch, otherwise WHM or RDM.

You can beat this in less than 3 minutes, before Setting the Stage, if your timing is proper, sets are refined, and coordination is on point.

  • Otherwise the SCH needs to Caper Emissarius the BLM which then Mana Walls and runs away from the group to eat the Setting the Stage. Enmity Douse after the move. Bring Vile Elixir to replenish MP afterwards.
    • Find some way to time Setting the Stage.
      • E.g. A Lux x3 Valiance used on everyone before engaging Triboulex has a 3 minute duration so everyone can keep an eye on it and call it out, for example.

Battle Flow

  • Buff up.
  • RUN uses x3 Lux and Valiance on everyone then Ignis x1 right before running in.
  • RUN claims it with flash and throws out Foil and Swordplay.
  • BLM Elemental Seal Impacts then uses Burn.
  • At the same time, Geo-Malaise gets down, Bolster, Dematerialize, etc and SCH Tabula Rasas and then goes to town with fire to thunder for fusion while BLM bursts.
  • RUN uses Gambit, and then repeats runes for Rayke ASAP as this goes on.
  • RNG is going pew pew with double shot, etc and closing with True Flight to create light despite losing TP regularly as it can shoot for TP quickly.
    • SCH can burst Helix off the first light.
  • COR is using Fire Shot with Empy feet before burst goes off.
  • BLM uses Fire to burst on Fusions, and Thunder to burst when lights occur.
    • Keep Firaja up instead of Thundaja, they reset each other.
  • If the pace of battle isn't fast enough or the BLM is getting resisted then Caper the BLM ~30 seconds out then get the party 30'+ away to be safe.
    • Enmity Douse, and then repeat. Wild Card if needed at this point.

Common Issues:

  • RNG needs enough ranged accuracy.
  • SCH needs to me efficient and go to town SCing.
  • BLM needs to eat a Tropical Crepe, and wear a good magic accuracy set.
    • Doing ~20-30k means you are being resisted. You should be doing 70,80,90k+ depending on your BLM, buffs (bubble in range), etc.

--Spicyryan (talk) 00:39, 8 November 2022 (EST)


RUNicon.gif RUN, CORicon.gif COR, CORicon.gif COR, SCHicon.gif SCH, BLMicon.gif, BLM, GEOicon.gif GEO

  • You must defeat Triboulex within the 3:00 or your RUN is a goner; unless you use the Mana Wall + Caper trick.
  • SCH does Liquefaction to Fusion.
  • COR follows with Exenterator to extend to Light (Exenterator is far less likely to miss than Savage Blade).
  • RUN follows with Dimidiation to extend to Double Light.
    • This can be tricky to pull off due to TP resets and Amnesia, but this many burst windows will deal severe damage to Triboulex.
  • COR rotate Random Deal resets on Rayke. You will need it restored to beat the DPS check.


RUNicon.gif RUN, CORicon.gif COR, WARicon.gif WAR, DRKicon.gif DRK, BRDicon.gif, BRD, WHMicon.gif WHM

  • RUN/DRK Hybrid DD set. Flash,Stun,Foil as needed. LR,Sword Play, Battuta LUXx3. Rayke/Gambit for SC damage boost. Stack all the Fetters in one spot. They are not dangerous in a decent Hybrid set.
  • Melee Zerg, No SPs needed.
  • DRK spamming Torcleavor, WAR alternated Ukko's Fury and Upheaval.

I will update after the next run, we did this on the fly as a test and it went better than expected.

Melee Zerg


Metal KI recommended. We like to do this fight at the start of the run so the SPs are back up right at the end of the run.

You have 3 minutes to win. You can unload with SPs until you reach a comfort level to go without them (except SVCC).

ML50, but you can probably survive with less. Grape Daifukus for food for all. Assumes R20 Nyame as a minimum.

  • WAR: Pull with Provoke, Chango R15 Upheaval spam, MS/BR and go all out. Could probably be fine with Naegling SB but we use Chango to avoid WS wall. You could open with an Armor Break.
  • SAM: Doji R15 Tachi: Fudo spam. Yaegasumi/Meikyo and go all out.
  • DRK: Caladbolg R15 Torcleaver spam. Blood Weapon/Soul Enslavement and go all out.
  • BRD: SVCC 3xMinuet, 1xHonor March, 1xMadrigal, Naegling SB but /DNC to apply Haste Samba, emergency cures.
  • WHM: Nothing out the ordinary. Dia II and cures. Regen IV AOE.
  • COR: Chaos/Samurai, Naegling SB, Random Deal/Wild Card.

Fight ends within 2 minutes or less. WHM will probably be dumping a lot of Curagas.

Kriz (talk) 13:29, 8 June 2023 (UTC)

Melee 4 step light

PLDicon.gif PLD/DRK, WARicon.gif WAR/DRG, BLUicon.gif BLU/DRG, CORicon.gif COR/NIN, BRDicon.gif BRD/WHM, WHMicon.gif WHM/SCH

SV Minuet, Madrigal, March and HM. Chaos and Allies Rolls. Eat your food of choice.

Efflux + Tourbillion after PLD pulls

4 step light\radiance: Expiacion, Upheavel, SB (Cor), Upheavel

WAR used MS. BLU had 2k TP before the fight started, so put up AM3 instead of using Chain Affinity for Tourbillion.

Multistep as far as can, BLU covers SB or 2nd Upheavel (CDC) if needed. Avoid pillars. Killed before StS. If DPS pulls hate, Super Jump.

Dagna (talk) 03:35, 17 August 2023 (UTC)

WS Spam


Good gear except Nyame ~r15 and no prime weapons\instruments.

SV: Madrigal x1 Minuet x3, HM, Chaos and Monk rolls, Barfire and Baramnesia.

BRD Box steps, DRG Angons, RDM Dia III, COR Lightshot, everyone but WHM spams Fragmentation WS (SB, BH, Reso, Caml).

Avoid pillars (bind sucks), move Triboulex if needed (pillar range is very short).

Takes <3 min to kill.

Dagna (talk) 03:44, 5 September 2023 (UTC)