Tabula Rasa

From FFXI Wiki
Job Ability Information
Job Scholar
Type SP Ability  
Level Obtained 1
Description Optimizes both white and black magic capabilities while allowing charge-free stratagem use.
Duration 00:03:00
Recast 01:00:00
Cumulative Enmity 1 Volatile Enmity 300
Command /ja "Tabula Rasa" <me> 
Job Points
Category Tabula Rasa Effect Ranks Available 20
Effect of each Rank Increase amount of MP recovered by 2%.


  • Resets Light Arts and Dark Arts timers and restores all Stratagems upon activation
  • While under the effect of Tabula Rasa, Light Arts, Dark Arts, and all Stratagems have no ability recast delay. Additionally, Stratagems do not consume charges upon use.
  • During Tabula Rasa, unique spells (Kaustra and Embrava) are accessible.
  • During Tabula Rasa, Regen and Helix spells receive a bonus much greater than the normal Light Arts and Dark Arts bonuses, regardless of which Arts are in effect. Source
    • On the test server, the bonus seems to be +24 damage per tick for Helix spells Source
    • Helix duration appears to be extended by +16%.
    • The bonus is +36 HP recovered per tick for Regen spells (50% greater than the normal Light Arts bonus) and double the normal Light Arts duration bonus at level 99 (Tabula Rasa bonus overwrites the Light Arts bonus).


Equipment Modifying Ability
Equipment Lvl. Slot Modifier
Argute Pants +2 icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Argute Pants +2 90 Legs Increases Tabula Rasa duration by 30 seconds.
Pedagogy Pants icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Pedagogy Pants 99 Legs Increases Tabula Rasa duration by 30 seconds.
Peda. Pants +1 icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Pedagogy Pants +1 99 Legs Increases Tabula Rasa duration by 30 seconds.
Peda. Pants +2 icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Pedagogy Pants +2 99 Legs Increases Tabula Rasa duration by 30 seconds.
Peda. Pants +3 icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Pedagogy Pants +3 99 Legs Increases Tabula Rasa duration by 30 seconds.
