Teleport into Tu'Lia

From FFXI Wiki

Notice: This pages first draft will be rough and require a more experienced editor later to make it "look better". Also apologies to mobile users the first version here is not 100% friendly.

Step 1: Complete Zilart Mission 13 and progress past this point.
Step 2: Complete Promathia Mission 8-3 and progress past this point.
Step 3: Either have or change your player title to "Warrior of the Crystal" by visiting Aligi-Kufongi located in Tavnazian Safehold (the main floor) at (H-9) for the price of 300g (each time the service is used).

  • If you cannot find the title "Warrior of the Crystal" at the above npc then you've not completed step 2 and will need to revisit The Garden of Ru'Hmet and climb the tower that matches your characters race to obtain one of the needed key items below:
    • Light of Mea - Elvaan
    • Light of Dem - Mithra
    • Light of Holla - Tarutaru
    • Light of Vahzl - Hume
    • Light of Al'Taieu - Galka

Consulting the maps located on Promathia Mission 8-3 is advised should you need to return there for the key item.

Step 4: Enter Ru'Aun Gardens and locate the green teleport pads at (G-9) or (I-9) with your title still set as "Warrior of the Crystal". You will then be greeted by some unusual registration messages that read as follows:

"Wel...ome, Warrior of the Crystal."
Option: Use the portal? (Choose: Yes)
"Your d...ta wil... be ...gistered."
"Regis... ...omplete."

After this the registration process is done here.

  • There are 2 different green pads one up-stairs and one down-stairs.
    • You want the green pad up-stairs for this process.
    • The correct pad has a small green glow ring that hovers in the center of it, just stepping onto this pad activates it.
Correct Registration Pad
Green Registration Teleport Pad (G-9)
Teleporter sends you here
Arrival Pad (G-9) from Hall of Transference

Step 5: Buy a Clear Chip (or 3 if you want access from each basic region) from one of the npc's on it's page, such as Gaudylox in Northern San d'Oria at (F-4) for the price of 21,000g per x1 but beware the time of day as you can only make purchases from 11:00 - 22:00 (in-game time). Also Gaudylox is located near Home Point #4 for quicker access.

Step 6: Choose to visit one or all 3 of the crags: Holla, Dem, or Mea. Enter the Shattered Telepoint to access the Hall of Transference for however many locations you choose to setup teleport access from..

Step 7: Once inside the Hall of Transference go to the right-side 'Large Apparatus' and place the Clear Chip into it by using your trade menu option. You don't need to have your characters face pressed against the device for this part.

  • Inspecting the device before repair yields the message: "You see a honeycomb-like sheet made up of tiny clear hexagonal chips arranged here."
  • Trading the Clear Chip yields the message: "You fit the clear chip into the missing space."
    • Afterwards it will say in your chat log: "The device has been repaired."
  • If you simply 'must know': The left-side 'Large Apparatus' is used during the missions to seal away the players memories which allows them to attempt other Promyvion areas; provided they've not completed Promathia Mission 1-3.

Step 8: Step onto the pad & select "use this device" to teleport into Ru'Aun Gardens (G-9) (aka: Tu'Lia). You don't need to 'use' the pad via target, simply walking onto it will give you the prompt.

Warning: Using the exact same crag-region to teleport more than once per "earth day" could cause the Clear Chip to break and thus require replacement. It is strongly advised to have all 3 regions setup to reduce this possibility by the expectation here being you would use the others and not the same one. Having access to all 3 doesn't mean it reduces breaking of the chips.