Template:Jeuno Quest Checklist

From FFXI Wiki


  • Each quest line may be notated with "Active" or "Done". Omission of any quest, or writing anything other than "Active" or "Done" for any quest, will result in the quest being marked as default/unaccepted.
  • (Optional) Redefine Active-Color (the color for active quests), Complete-Color (the color for completed quests), and Default-Color (for quests that have not been accepted yet). Also, specify background if you wish to use an alternate background color.
{{Jeuno Quest Checklist
|Active-Color = red
|Complete-Color = green
|Default-Color = blue
|background = #ffffff
|A Candlelight Vigil = Done
|A Chocobo's Tale = Done
|A Clock Most Delicate = Active 
|A Minstrel in Despair = 
|A New Dawn = 
|A Reputation in Ruins = 
|All in the Cards = 
|Apocalypse Nigh = 
|Atop the Highest Mountains = 
|Axe the Competition = 
|Beat Around the Bushin = 
|Beyond Infinity = 
|Beyond the Stars = 
|Beyond the Sun = 
|Blessed Radiance = 
|Blighted Gloom = 
|Borghertz's Calling Hands = 
|Borghertz's Chasing Hands = 
|Borghertz's Dragon Hands = 
|Borghertz's Harmonious Hands = 
|Borghertz's Healing Hands = 
|Borghertz's Loyal Hands = 
|Borghertz's Lurking Hands = 
|Borghertz's Shadowy Hands = 
|Borghertz's Sneaky Hands = 
|Borghertz's Sorcerous Hands = 
|Borghertz's Stalwart Hands = 
|Borghertz's Striking Hands = 
|Borghertz's Vermillion Hands = 
|Borghertz's Warring Hands = 
|Borghertz's Wild Hands = 
|Candle-making = 
|Chameleon Capers = 
|Child's Play = 
|Chocobo on the Loose! = 
|Chocobo's Wounds = 
|Collect Tarut Cards = 
|Comeback Queen = 
|Community Service = 
|Cook's Pride = 
|Crest of Davoi = 
|Deal with Tenshodo = 
|Dormant Powers Dislodged = 
|Ducal Hospitality = 
|Empty Memories = 
|Expanding Horizons = 
|Fistful of Fury = 
|Full Speed Ahead! = 
|Girl in the Looking Glass = 
|Hook, Line, and Sinker = 
|In Defiant Challenge = 
|In the Mood for Love = 
|Kazham Airship Pass = 
|Lakeside Minuet =
|Lure of the Wildcat (Jeuno) = 
|Martial Mastery = 
|Mirror Images = 
|Mirror, Mirror = 
|Mixed Signals = 
|Mysteries of Beadeaux I = 
|Mysteries of Beadeaux II = 
|Never to Return = 
|New Worlds Await = 
|Northward = 
|Painful Memory = 
|Path of the Bard = 
|Path of the Beastmaster = 
|Past Reflections = 
|Prelude to Puissance = 
|Pretty Little Things = 
|Regaining Trust = 
|Riding on the Clouds = 
|Rubbish Day = 
|Save My Sister = 
|Save My Son = 
|Save the Clock Tower = 
|Scattered into Shadow = 
|Searching for the Right Words = 
|Shadows of the Departed = 
|Shattering Stars = 
|Shifty Shades of Prey = 
|Storms of Fate = 
|Teleports by Twilight = 
|Tenshodo Membership = 
|The Antique Collector = 
|The Circle of Time = 
|The Clockmaster = 
|The Gobbiebag Part I = 
|The Gobbiebag Part II = 
|The Gobbiebag Part III = 
|The Gobbiebag Part IV = 
|The Gobbiebag Part V = 
|The Gobbiebag Part VI = 
|The Gobbiebag Part VII = 
|The Gobbiebag Part VIII = 
|The Gobbiebag Part IX = 
|The Gobbiebag Part X = 
|The Goblin Tailor = 
|The Kind Cardian = 
|The Lost Cardian = 
|The Old Monument = 
|The Requiem = 
|The Road to Aht Urhgan = 
|The Road to Divadom = 
|The Unfinished Waltz = 
|The Wonder Magic Set = 
|To Kill Mocking Birds = 
|Unlisted Qualities = 
|Whence Blows the Wind = 
|Wings of Gold = 
|Your Crystal Ball = 