The Voracious Resurgence Mission 5-5

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(Redirected from The Sea Sage)
The Sea Sage
Series The Voracious Resurgence
Starting NPC N/A
Title Beloved by the Sea God
Repeatable No
Description Mission Orders: Bijoux, the apkallu elder, has provided you with a good deal of information. You must look for a breathing pearl to dive into the water and find the pteraketos. Bijoux notes that the Olduum civilization, once located in Wajaom Woodlands, may contain clues. Head for the designated location.
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The Seagull Phratrie Sky, Moon, Incantrix


  • Note: You need the Thunder Hammer icon.png Thunder Hammer you received from Mission 5-3 to complete this.
  • Head to Map 3 of Arrapago Reef (F-7) and speak with Apkallu Guide for a cutscene to begin the mission.
  • Proceed to (G-8) in Wajaom Woodlands to examine the Leypoint for a cutscene.
    • You may use an Olduum Ring icon.png Olduum Ring to teleport directly to the spot.
    • Alternatively, use the Wajaom Woodlands Survival Guide or Unity Warp (125).
  • Travel to (G-9), where the Hydra usually spawns.
    • To get here, first go to (E-10) in Wajaom Woodlands, entrance 8 on the map to enter the Aydeewa Subterrane (Map 3).
      • Voidwatch Warp to Mamook will put you close to this entrance, but it's much faster to just run there.
    • Follow the path, along the left wall the whole way, do not drop down, and exit at (J-8).
      • This is exit 7 on the map below.
  • Once outside keep going and after the first ledge drop you will be in an open area.
    • If you see raptors or spiders then you went the wrong way in the Subterrane.
  • Equip the Thunder Hammer icon.png Thunder Hammer in your main weapon slot and approach the Marolith for a cutscene.
    • The Marolith is not targetable. If Hydra is up, you can walk around it without aggro if you do not want to kill it.
    • You will receive Key Item Aeropearl afterwards.
  • Return to the Apkallu Guide in Arrapago Reef (F-7) via the Caedarva Mire Survival Guide for a cutscene.
  • Speak with Ghatsad in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (I-7) for another cutscene.
  • Head to Alzadaal Undersea Ruins and defeat Qiqirn to spawn Panaiveriyamman (WAR), an Acrolith NM.
    • Uses Two-Hour ability Mighty Strikes, but doesn't hit very hard or accurately in general.
    • Resistant to magic, especially Element: Dark dark-based spells, but is very susceptible to Element: Water water damage.
    • Has approximately 150k HP.
    • Recommended to summon trusts beforehand, the NM can appear immediately upon killing any Qiqirn.
      • You may need to defeat many Qiqirns before Panaiveriyamman spawns.
      • Some users report higher spawn rates with melee engagement compared to one shot BLU magic, although more data is required. See Panaiveriyamman Discussion.
    • You will receive the Key Item Man-made solution after the fight.
      • The key item will drop to everyone in a party/alliance, even if you are not on the same map.
  • Return to Ghatsad for a cutscene.
    • Note: FastCS may cause you to get stuck on a black screen during this CS. Unload FastCS or use the prtscr button to unlock from a soft freeze.
    • You will receive Key Item Repaired aeropearl afterwards.
  • Head back to the ??? (H-10) Map 1 Arrapago Reef.
    • Survival guide warp to Arrapago Reef.
    • You will, yet one more time, require a Lamian Fang Key icon.png Lamian Fang Key.
  • Return to the Apkallu Guide via the Caedarva Mire Survival Guide for the final cutscene and your reward.
    • Note: FastCS may or may not lock up XI on this cutscene. If you do get locked up, attempt prntscn first, if that does not work, ctrol/alt/dlt force close screens, relogin under regular playonline portal, finish CS then change back to regular operations for which you were using before the freeze.
      • May need to do //config FrameRateDivisor 2 as well.

Wajaom Woodlands-map-additional-markers.jpg Aydeewa Subterrane-map3.jpg



Art gallery of images used in the cutscenes of this mission.