The Voracious Resurgence Mission 3-2

From FFXI Wiki
Claidie's Concern
Series The Voracious Resurgence
Starting NPC Halver, Chateau d'Oraguille
Title None
Repeatable No
Description Mission Orders: Halver has another request on the eve of the ball. Trion once fell ill with a mysterious malady, and such a tragedy cannot be allowed to repeat. A special remedy is available, and you have been asked to procure it from Chalvatot.
Previous Mission Next Mission
Dancing Prince Curilla Unleashed


  • Speak with Halver for a cutscene to begin the mission.
  • Head towards Queen Leaute's Memorial Garden (F-7) to the west of the Central Garden for a cutscene.
  • Head to Attohwa Chasm with some Sickle icon.png Sickles and harvest at the glowing flower Harvesting Point (H-8) to receive Key Item Solidago flower.
    • This is a specific location, you cannot just find any harvesting point in the zone.
    • Unity Warp 125 is the fastest way to get there.
      • Turn around and follow the tunnel until it reaches (H-8).
    • The Harvesting Point can disappear after getting the KI for your character only, in case you escorted others to the spot together.
    • The Harvesting Point counts for RoE Harvesting goals.
  • Head back to the Majesty's Garden and speak with Chalvatot for a cutscene.
  • Return to Halver for the final cutscene and your reward.

Attohwa Chasm-map.jpg