Trial 994

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Trial 994
Starting NPC Magian Moogle
Location Ru'Lude Gardens (H-5)
Previous Trial Next Trial
Trial 995
Vajra (Level 75) description.png
Vajra (Level 75) description.png
AugRank.png DMG:+2


Suggested Locations

  • Buzzfly in Abyssea - Misareaux (Conflux #5)
  • Chasm Gnat in Abyssea - Attohwa (Conflux #4)
  • Nematocera in Abyssea - Tahrongi (Conflux #5)
  • Apex Eruca in Moh Gates (J-6)
  • Tax'et in Ceizak Battlegrounds (Spawned in northwest corner of (G-10) with a Celadon Yggrete Shard V)
    • Since this trial doesn't involve Killing Blows, you can use the unique mechanics of this NM to complete this trial.
    • Tax'et possesses incredibly high amounts of -Damage Taken, as long as it doesn't cast Exuviation, which is triggered by enfeebling it.
    • Summon Trusts which do not cast any enfeebling spells (ex: Trion, Curilla, Joachim, Ulmia, Ygnas, Moogle, Apururu, etc..) and just spam Mandalic Stab whenever TP allows.
    • You'll likely need to fight Tax'et more than once to complete the trial, since it will despawn due to timeout before you kill it.
  • Crawlers' Nest (S) - Apex flies, crawlers, beetles, scorpions on map 3. Flies are most optimal because they don't have defense and evasion buffs.