
From FFXI Wiki

Work in Progress can be found here. Please look forward to it.


You're welcome to contact me on the Blue Gartr discord server or on my user talk page User Talk:Alexeina.
Responses may take up to 3 days; sorry for the inconvenience.

Useful stuff for editing BGWiki

I've created these tools for making some tasks in BGWiki easier. Let me know if you have any questions, suggestions, or bugs.



  • Incorporate the information on the Killer thread on FFXIAH on the Killer Effects page.
  • Update the page Macro with all new macro/commands.
    • The history pages might be a useful resource to do this. New commands have been added into the update entries.
      • Task depends on finishing personal project to create plaintext files of all update notes
  • Discuss this project task with Funk - regarding the project to update all armor sets with new design and combined NQ/HQ layout. It might be possible to auto-generate a good deal of what's needed, seems to be a task with plenty of boilerplate
  • Assist Neviskio with the Reforged armor pages.
    • Generator for page updates to Artifact armor - generator sent to Neviskio; waiting for feedback
    • Generator for page updates to Relic armor - not working on this generator until after Artifact armors are converted

Misc. TODO List

  • Voidwalker NM page needs a section about Abyssea Voidwalkers. or the Abyssea Category page needs a section about the Voidwalker NMs. I don't care which, but in either case there needs to also be mention and/or transclusion to the other page, so we don't duplicate the Abyssea Voidwalkers information. See if there is any kind of page about Abyssea Voidwalkers, I haven't found such a page after a cursory search.
  • Create searchable plaintext history of all SE update notes; for research purposes
  • Knockback Mechanics Page
  • Level Correction: Table with specific zones level correction has been removed PDIF cRatio section. Create a redirect for Level Correction to the cRatio section perhaps, or maybe a game mechanics page specifically about Level Correction that links to cRatio section on PDIF page.
  • Test for WKR Equipment exchange on all RoE NPCs
  • Adventurer's Mutual Aid Network Category Page
  • Keep an eye on the Dark Mode effort
  • Guide focused on strengths of each subjob in general; main job agnostic(main job synergies belong in the job guides). I wouldn't want to work on this alone, need to team up with others for this to happen.
  • Scan and replace all deprecated-markup for image popups
  • Category:Geomancy - add section with table of Game Content that has reduced efficacy of Geomancy enfeebling effects
  • Zilart missions page names don't follow the Mission page naming convention; a holdover from the original clopedia import.

Template Conversion Requests Here

Please order by priority, top is highest priority.
Generally we should prioritize automating when there is a large number of pages and the changes are very consistent and/or minimal. Edits requiring non-simple decisions are less likely to be good candidates for automation.
Origin Template Name >> New Template Name

  • Adversary Pages - example pages River Crab and Apex Crab
    • Template:Adversary Description >> Template:Adversary Description 2
    • Template:Adversary Table >> Template:Adversary Table 2
    • Template:Adversary Row >> Template:Adversary Row 2
  • Item Used in Synth - Add more information please
  • Mob drop 2 - Add more information please