
From FFXI Wiki

Notable Gear

Proud owner of a Dalmatica, Errant Cape, 8/8 HQ Staves, Enfeebling Earring, Novia Earring, Duelist's Chapeau +1 and self-signed Dusk Gloves +1.

Crafting Skills

Leathercraft 100+3, Smithing 60+1, Alchemy 60, Clothcraft 60.

Red Mage Stats

White Mage Stats

Gear Sets

Formatting template credit Charitwo's FFXIclopedia user page.

Relic Armor

Name Piece
Head Body Hands Legs Feet Accessory
Bard's Attire Set O
Duelist's Attire Set O O O O O
Sorcerer's Attire Set O O O
Cleric's Attire Set O O O O
Koga Garb Set O O

Abjuration Armor and Sky Gear

Name Piece
Head Body Hands Legs Feet
Kirin's Osode Set O O O O
Dalmatica Set O O O
Crimson Scale Mail Set O O O O


Name Piece
Head Body Hands Legs Feet
Pahluwan Khazagand Set O
Yigit Gomlek Set O O O O O
Goliard Saio Set O O O


Name Piece
Head Body Hands Legs Feet
Nashira Manteel Set O O O O
Warlock's Armor +1 O O O O O
Wizard's Attire +1 O O O O
Healer's Attire +1 O O
Choral Attire +1 O
Name Piece
Ancient Beastcoin Reward
Loquac._Earring O
Brutal Earring O
Musical Earring O


Name Piece
Ix'aern (DRG)
Ix'aern (DRK) O
Ix'aern (MNK) O
Name Piece
Weapon Torque
Jailer of Faith
Jailer of Fortitude
Jailer of Hope
Jailer of Justice
Jailer of Prudence O
Jailer of Temperance
Name Piece
Weapon Torque Novio Novia
Jailer of Love O


These are my major item goals:

FFXI Works in Progress

Notable Contributions

  • Improved maps of the first two floors of The Garden of Ru'Hmet that show Ix'Aern and Fortitude/Faith ??? pop locations. Based on the "Sky Angel" maps.
Pop Hierarchy Chart

In search of good testing data ..

  • that show that INT+2 enhances the magic accuracy of black magic by 1. It's a reasonable claim to be sure, because it's analogous to the relationships between STR/Attack, VIT/Defense and DEX/Accuracy, but I have yet to see proof. While we're at it, show me testing data that proves that MND+2 enhances the magic accuracy of white magic by 1.
  • that show that the elemental obis enhance enfeebling magic spells. Gain Full Effect of Day/Weather Bonuses makes the implied claim that they improve magic accuracy, but where's the proof? I couldn't find it on KI or BG forums. And what about potency, i.e. proc rate of paralyze, slow % and blind accuracy down %?
  • that quantifies the evasion down effect of Gravity. Is it -10, -5%, or something else?
  • that quantifies the relationship between Magic Accuracy and elemental and enfeebling skill. Is Macc+N equivalent to Elemental Skill+N and Enfeebling Skill+N (ignoring the side effect skill has on spell interruption rate)? Or is there a synergy between the two stats, as some people claim, that makes a balanced mix of the two, whatever that means, more effective than skill alone?
  • that determines how or whether at all the Accuracy down % of Blind depends on INT.

Merit Points

Category Level Points
HP 3 6
MP 5 15
STR 1 3
INT 2 9
MND 2 9
Dagger Skill 5 15
Evasion Skill 4 9
Enfeebling Magic Skill 8 21
Elemental Magic Skill 8 21
Critical Hit Rate 3 6
Spell Interruption Rate 4 10
Cure Cast Time 5 15
Bar Spell Effect 4 10
Devotion 3 12
Ice Magic Potency 5 15
Lightning Magic Potency 5 15
Flare II 1 3
Freeze II 1 3
Tornado II 1 3
Quake II 1 3
Burst II 1 3
Flood II 1 3
Convert Recast 3 6
Ice Magic Accuracy 3 6
Wind Magic Accuracy 2 3
Earth Magic Accuracy 2 3
Dia III 1 3
Slow II 1 3
Paralyze II 1 3
Phalanx II 1 3
Bio III 2 7
Lullaby Recast 2 3
Minuet Effect 4 10
Subtle Blow Effect 1 1
Total 96 260