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Abjuration Overview

Abjurations are items that are used to "purify" cursed pieces of armor and food items. Abjurations are obtained in many different ways. Abjurations are Rare and Exclusive. To use an abjuration a person must have the corresponding cursed item.

Obtaining Abjurations

Abjurations are obtained in five ways: HNMs, Einherjar, Voidwatch, Legion, and Geas Fete in Escha - Ru'Aun. Sky and land HNMs, as well as Einherjar, drop abjurations corresponding the eight level 73~75 armor sets and consumables. Voidwatch and Legion drop abjurations which correspond to the five level 99 armor sets. With Geas Fete in Escha - Ru'Aun dropping the abjurations corresponding to the eleven Item Level 119 armor sets.

Cursed, Hexed, Bewitched, Voodoo, Vexed, and Jinxed Armor

Cursed (level 73&75), hexed, bewitched, voodoo, vexed, and jinxed (all five level 99) equipment are synthesizable items that can be found on the Auction House under Others -> Cursed Items.
Cursed equipment cannot be equipped until "uncursed" or "purified;" while hexed, bewitched, voodoo, vexed, and jinxed equipment can be equipped while "cursed," incurring severe penalties to a player's various attributes while equipped.
The HQ version of cursed and hexed equipment is denoted by a -1 (e.g. Cursed Slacks -1), with voodoo gear being the HQ version of bewitched gear, and jinxed being the HQ version of vexed. Once uncursed, voodoo, jinxed, and -1 gear will become the HQ version of the corresponding abjuration armor (e.g Zenith Slacks +1).

I've already removed the curse for my Cursed and Hexed Gears in the past, what now?
In order to enhance equipment that has already been cleansed using this method, the cleansed equipment must have its original curse or hex restored using the synergy crucibles. Refer to the Update Notes for details under the New synergy recipes Section :

  • For the Hexed/Cursed gears that had previous augments on it, it must be restored to the original state. Just trade the gear to the crucible WITHOUT any scrap/tatter and complete the synergy recipe.

Purifying Cursed Items

Once you have obtained a cursed item and its corresponding abjuration, proceed to Northern San d'Oria. In a small room to the left inside the cathedral, you will find Alphollon C Meriard. Trade him the cursed item and abjuration; he will use the abjuration to lift the curse, and reward you immediately with the purified item.

Augmenting Purified Armor

The thirteen level 73~99 Abjuration armors can be enhanced with augments via Synergy:

  • For the original eight (sky/HNM/Einherjar) abjuration sets. See Tatter and Scrap Synergy for more details.
  • Both the NQ and HQ versions of abjuration armor from the five Voidwatch sets can be augmented via Synergy using Abdhaljs's Honors, which are obtained from Legion. Augmenting the NQ armors requires three Abdhaljs's Honor whereas augmenting the HQ armors only requires one. See Abdhaljs's Honor Synergy for more details.
    • Note: Augments can also be removed by simply trading the piece of armor to the synergy furnace and performing a simple Synergy recipe.
  • The eleven item level 119 Abjuration armors can be enhanced with augments via the NPC Nolan at (I-7) in Norg:
    • As with other Escha Rewards, there are four possible augment paths that may be chosen and advanced in increasing potency levels with the application of Eschalixir/+1/+2s. See Nolan for more details.

Amrita & Ambrosia

In addition to equipment, two ex food items can be obtained only by purifying the corresponding cursed items which can be obtained from various sky NMs as well as 99 seal KSNM battles:

Abjuration Sets (Sky/HNMs/Einherjar)

There are eight sets of Abjurations obtained from Sky and land HNMs as well as Einherjar: Aquarian, Wyrmal, Martial, Neptunal, Earthen, Dryadic, Hadean, and Phantasmal. Most can be obtained from all of HNM, sky, and Einherjar activities; however, the Phantasmal and Hadean set are exclusive to Einherjar, and some specific abjurations from the other sets are exclusive to HNMs and/or sky.

Re-cursing Armor

You are able to re-curse any non-item level piece of purified armor back into the cursed/hexed item, including their HQ counterparts. This ability was introduced in the August 2015 version update. The main purpose of being able to do this was in case players wanted to upgrade the armor they already owned to the item level variety, as this was also the update that added the Item level 119 abjurations and equipment.

The process is completed via Synergy and requires the Apprentice rank to perform. See the recipe list here for details. NQ recipes cannot HQ into HQ cursed pieces or vice-versa. NQ pieces re-curse into NQ cursed items, and the same goes with HQ.

Note: The piece of purified armor that you wish to turn back into cursed armor must have any AugRank.png Augments removed before performing the Synergy recipe to re-curse it. Simply trade only the augmented purified piece of armor to a Synergy furnace to remove any augment.









Abjuration Sets (Voidwatch/Legion)

There are five sets of Abjurations obtained from Voidwatch and Legion: Corvine, Foreboding, Lenitive, Supernal, and Transitory. The legs and hands abjurations from each set can be obtained from the Hyacinth and Amber paths (Tavnazia and Aht Urhgan) of Voidwatch. Hands are also obtained from Provenance radiance battles. Feet and head abjurations are obtained exclusively from Legion. Body abjurations are obtained exclusively from the final battles of Voidwatch and Legion: Provenance Watcher in Provenance, and Paramount Botulus and Paramount Gallu in Hall of Mul.






Abjuration Sets (Escha - Ru'Aun)

There are eleven sets of Abjurations obtained from Geas Fete in Escha - Ru'Aun: Abyssal, Arean, Bushin, Cronian, Cyllenian, Grove, Jovian, Shinryu, Triton, Vale, and Venerian. Each Abjuration comes from a specific Notorious Monster from Escha - Ru'Aun's Geas Fete event.

The sets are augmentable via Nolan with Eschalixirs in Norg.

See also: Escha Rewards












Pages in category "Abjurations"

The following 122 pages are in this category, out of 122 total.