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![]() The Voracious Resurgence |
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Prime Weapons • Ultimate Weapons • Ultimate Augments • Abjurations iL119 • JSE Necks • Divergence Augments • Escutcheons | |
Reforged Armor Artifact: +1 • iL109 • iL119/+2/+3 Relic: +1/+2 • iL109 • iL119/+2/+3 Empyrean: +1/+2 • iL109 • iL119/+2/+3 |
Guides • Crafting • Trusts • Apex Monsters |
User:Funkworkz/sandbox/editing guide
Thank you for your interest in contributing to BG Wiki. We do our best to continue to be the best source of information pertaining to Final Fantasy XI! This page is designed to be our "Go-To" spot for new and advanced users alike to learn how to contribute to our great wiki.
We use software known as Media Wiki. The version we are running is 1.39.11.
Item Page Templates
Template: Item
Link to the template: Template:Item
Used on the following pages: Only used once on the top of all Items, including Armor, Weapons, General Items, etc.
Description of the template: The majority of pages on our wiki are called Item Pages. These pages detail items in Final Fantasy XI. This template covers every item that can appear in a players inventory, besides "usable" items.
In the upper right corner of every Item table is a miniature BG logo with the word "References" on it. By clicking this image, a user can see every page on our wiki that links to that page that was being viewed. This is an excellent resource for extremely new pages, or extremely old pages that have not yet been fully updated.
Used in conjunction with the following Sub-Templates: None!
Available Parameter Breakdown | |
|description= | All "Help Text" is placed into this field.
This includes Armor Stats such as DEF and Weapon Stats like Delay, This field has the full item description placed into it. Required |
|type= | The type of item is placed into this field. No link is added, simply text displaying what the item is. This also tells the template to include extra lines depending on its contents.
Some examples are Armor, Weapon, Item, Automaton Item, Furnishing, and Instinct, Required |
|flags= | Flags are terms telling the Final Fantasy XI client information about an item.
Includes "Obtainable from Goblin Box", "Inscribable", "NPC tradable", "Equippable", "Not vendorable", "Sendable via PoL Account", "Sendable within PlayOnline account", "Rare" and "Exclusive", Required |
|stack size= | Simply if the item can stack, and how many items can be in one stack.
Armor, and Weapons also have a stack size, but simply "1" This means the item does not stack. Choices are: 1, 12, or 99, Required |
|singular log name= | Used in order to show on the header of all item tables.
This is the same name that appears in the chat log in-game, Required |
|ffxiah= | Link to view the item on FFXIAH.com. Uses FFXI's internal item number to successfully link pages to the FFXIAH page.
By default, items link to FFXIAH and uses the website's search function to find the correct page based on the item's name. In most cases this works, but sometimes we do not use exact item names on the wiki. This is especially true with special characters in an item's name such as " : " (colons). An example are our scroll pages. They are named "Aero (Scroll)", which obviously is not a real in-game item, NOT required |
|ffxidb= | Link to view the item on FFXIDB.com. Uses FFXI's internal item number to successfully link pages to the FFXIDB page.
By default, items link to FFXIDB and uses the website's search function to find the correct page based on the item's name. In most cases this works, but sometimes we do not use exact item names on the wiki. This is especially true with special characters in an item's name such as " : " (colons). An example are our scroll pages. They are named "Aero (Scroll)", which obviously is not a real in-game item, NOT required |
|icon= | Item Icon images are the "thumbnail" images displayed in-game when viewing an item.
Item pages, by default, pull these images in the format of Item Name icon.png. If this field is present, it overwrites the default image with the image defined here, NOT required |
|description image= | Item Description images are the "main" images displayed in-game when viewing an item. Square Enix refers to this as the "help text".
Item pages, by default, pull these images in the format of Item Name description.png. If this field is present, it overwrites the default image with the image defined here, NOT required |
|guild points= | Adds Guild Point values to an item. Only used if an item can be redeemed for Guild Points.
Use this inclusion to automatically calculate points, simply add it after the equals sign and fill in the values without commas. - {{Guild Points|NQ Value|HQ Value|Max Points}}, NOT required |
|functionality= | For use with Automaton Item pages only.
Automaton Item pages use this field to describe what that attachment's functionality is, ONLY if "Type" displays "Automaton Item" |
|instinct cost= | For use with Monstrosity pages only.
Monstrosity pages use this field to describe what that instinct's cost is, ONLY if "Type" displays "Instinct" |
|element= | For use with Furnishing pages only. Type of element a furnishing gives to your Mog House.
Element accepted, such as "Water", "Ice" etc, ONLY if "Type" displays "Furnishing" |
|storage= | For use with Furnishing pages only. Amount of space an item gives you in your Mog Storage if placed in your Mog House.
Simply a numerical value is on this line, ONLY if "Type" displays "Furnishing" |
|aura= | For use with Furnishing pages only. Not to be confused with Element, the Aura field is the strength of an element you receive if an item is placed in your Mog House.
Simply a numerical value is on this line, ONLY if "Type" displays "Furnishing" |
|dimensions= | For use with Furnishing pages only. Dimensions that a piece of furniture uses if it is placed in your Mog House.
"?? x ??", ONLY if "Type" displays "Furnishing" |
|moghancement= | For use with Furnishing pages only. Moghancement that is given to a player if a furnishing is placed in your Mog House.
Link to the Key Item that is given including Moglification and Mega Moghancement, Example: [[Moghancement: Ice]], ONLY if "Type" displays "Furnishing" |
Template:Usable Item
Link to the template: Template:Usable item
Used on the following pages: Only used once on the top of all "Usable" inventory items.
Description of the template: This template covers every "usable" item in Final Fantasy XI.
In the upper right corner of every Item table is a miniature BG logo with the word "References" on it. By clicking this image, a user can see every page on our wiki that links to that page that was being viewed. This is an excellent resource for extremely new pages, or extremely old pages that have not yet been fully updated.
Used in conjunction with the following Sub-Templates: None!
You type | You get | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
{{usable item |description=This potion instantly restores some HP. |type=Usable Item |flags=Obtainable from Goblin Box, Can Use, NPC tradable |stack size=1 |singular log name=hi-potion |valid targets=Self |activation time=1 second |ffxiah=4116/hi-potion |ffxidb=4116 }} |
Available Parameter Breakdown | |
|description= | All "Help Text" is placed into this field.
This field has the full item description placed into it. Required |
|type= | The type of item is placed into this field. No link is added, simply text displaying what the item is. This also tells the template to include extra lines depending on its contents.
This template usually only has "Usable Item" in this field. Required |
|flags= | Flags are terms telling the Final Fantasy XI client information about an item.
Includes "Obtainable from Goblin Box", "Usable inside Mog Garden", "Can Use", "Inscribable", "NPC tradable", "Equippable", "Not vendorable", "Sendable via PoL Account", "Sendable within PlayOnline account", "Rare" and "Exclusive", Required |
|stack size= | Simply if the item can stack, and how many items can be in one stack.
Simply "1" means the item does not stack. Choices are: 1, 12, or 99, Required |
|singular log name= | Used in order to show on the header of all item tables.
This is the same name that appears in the chat log in-game, Required |
|valid targets= | This field shows who an item can be used on.
Valid targets include "Self", "Party", and "Pet". Required |
|activation time= | This is the length of time it takes to actually activate an item after it is used. Required |
|ffxiah= | Link to view the item on FFXIAH.com. Uses FFXI's internal item number to successfully link pages to the FFXIAH page.
By default, items link to FFXIAH and uses the website's search function to find the correct page based on the item's name. In most cases this works, but sometimes we do not use exact item names on the wiki. This is especially true with special characters in an item's name such as " : " (colons). An example are our scroll pages. They are named "Aero (Scroll)", which obviously is not a real in-game item, NOT required |
|ffxidb= | Link to view the item on FFXIDB.com. Uses FFXI's internal item number to successfully link pages to the FFXIDB page.
By default, items link to FFXIDB and uses the website's search function to find the correct page based on the item's name. In most cases this works, but sometimes we do not use exact item names on the wiki. This is especially true with special characters in an item's name such as " : " (colons). An example are our scroll pages. They are named "Aero (Scroll)", which obviously is not a real in-game item, NOT required |
|icon= | Item Icon images are the "thumbnail" images displayed in-game when viewing an item.
Item pages, by default, pull these images in the format of Item Name icon.png. If this field is present, it overwrites the default image with the image defined here, NOT required |
|description image= | Item Description images are the "main" images displayed in-game when viewing an item. Square Enix refers to this as the "help text".
Item pages, by default, pull these images in the format of Item Name description.png. If this field is present, it overwrites the default image with the image defined here, NOT required |
|guild points= | Adds Guild Point values to an item. Only used if an item can be redeemed for Guild Points.
Use this inclusion to automatically calculate points, simply add it after the equals sign and fill in the values without commas. - {{Guild Points|NQ Value|HQ Value|Max Points}}, NOT required |
|functionality= | For use with Automaton Item pages only.
Automaton Item pages use this field to describe what that attachment's functionality is, ONLY if "Type" displays "Automaton Item" |
Item Specific Templates
Link to the template: Template:armor
Used on the following pages: Only used on Armor pages.
Description of the template: This template adds further information on Armor pages ONLY for every piece of armor in Final Fantasy XI.
Used in conjunction with the following Sub-Templates: None!
You type | You get | ||||||||||||||||||||
{{armor |races=All Races |slot=Body |shield size=0 |level=99 |jobs=[[Warrior]] / [[Paladin]] / [[Dark Knight]] / [[Beastmaster]] / [[Samurai]] / [[Dragoon]] |ilevel=119 |sulevel=0 }} |
Available Parameter Breakdown | |
|races= | Used for RSE purposes, but is always displayed.
Either displays "All Races", or a specific race for RSE equipment, Required |
|slot= | This field displays the slot the piece of armor is able to be equipped to.
Example values include "Body", "Head", "Hands", "Legs", "Feet", "Ammo", etc. Also automatically adds the page into the appropriate category, Required |
|level= | This is the character level required to wear a piece of armor.
The levels in game are 1 thru 99, Required |
|jobs= | This field displays all jobs who can equip a piece of armor.
Always spell out each job and separate them with a forward slash " / " , Required |
|shield size= | Adds field for Shield Size if the value is greater than 0.
The current levels in game are level 1 thru 5, Required ONLY on Shield Armor pages |
|ilevel= | Adds field for Item Level if the value is greater than 0.
The current levels in game are level 100 thru 119, NOT required |
|sulevel= | Adds field for Superior Level if the value is greater than 0.
The current levels in game are level 1 or 2, NOT required |
Link to the template: Template:weapon
Used on the following pages: Only used on weapon pages.
Description of the template: This template adds further information on Weapon pages ONLY for every weapon in Final Fantasy XI.
Used in conjunction with the following Sub-Templates: None!
You type | You get | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
{{weapon |races=All Races |weapon skill=Sword |damage=40 |delay=236 |damage per second=10.17 |tp per hit=6.3481481481481 |level=70 |jobs=[[Warrior]] / [[Thief]] / [[Dark Knight]] / [[Beastmaster]] / [[Ranger]] / [[Samurai]] |ilevel=0 |sulevel=0 }} |
Available Parameter Breakdown | |
|races= | Used for RSE purposes, but is always displayed.
Either displays "All Races", or a specific race for RSE equipment, Required |
|weapon skill= | This field displays the type of weapon the item is.
Example values include "Sword", "Great Sword", "Scythe", "Ammo", etc. Also automatically adds the page into the appropriate category, Required |
|damage= | The amount of damage on the weapon.
Self explanatory, the amount of damage a weapon deals per swing. Always displayed on the help text, Required |
|delay= | The delay that a weapon has between swings.
Self explanatory, the amount of delay a weapon has before it can be swung again. Always displayed on the help text, Required |
|damage per second= | The base damage per second of the weapon.
Calculated damage per second based on the weapon damage and delay of the weapon, Required |
|tp per hit= | The amount of TP gained by a player.
The amount of TP a player obtains per hit of the weapon, we have a template that does the calculatons based on the delay of the weapon, Required |
|level= | This is the character level required in order to equip and wield the weapon.
The levels in game are 1 thru 99, Required |
|jobs= | This field displays all jobs who can equip and wield the weapon.
Always spell out each job and separate them with a forward slash " / " , Required |
|ilevel= | Adds field for Item Level if the value is greater than 0.
The current levels in game are level 100 thru 119, NOT required |
|sulevel= | Adds field for Superior Level if the value is greater than 0.
The current levels in game are level 1 or 2, NOT required |
Link to the template: Template:enchantment
Used on the following pages: Only used on armor & weapon pages that have an enchantment.
Description of the template: This template adds further information on armor and weapon pages that have an enchantment.
Used in conjunction with the following Sub-Templates: None!
You type | You get | ||||||||||||||||
{{enchantment |max charges=30 |casting time=8 seconds |use delay=3 seconds |reuse delay=60 seconds |valid targets=Self }} |
Available Parameter Breakdown | |
|max charges= | Maximum charges an item has.
Maximum charges that an item has when fully charged. If its an unlimited use item, 1 is displayed, Required |
|use delay= | Delay before using an item.
After equipping an item, this is the delay before it can actually be used, Required |
|casting time= | Time to use an item.
The time it takes to use an item after the "Use Delay" is 0 and it is activated, Required |
|reuse delay= | The time between item uses.
After using an item once, the time you must wait before it can be used again. Includes "Use Delay". Only displays if the item has an additional charge on it, Required |
|valid targets= | Targets an item can be used on.
Targets that an enchanted weapon can be used on. Includes "Self", "Party Member", "Enemy", "Ally" or "Corpse" , Required |
Template:Aftermath Weapon
Link to the template: Template:Aftermath Weapon
Used on the following pages: Only used on certain REME (Ultimate Weapon) pages
Description of the template: Adds the weapon skill associated with the weapon page it is used on, as well as displays links to every upgraded version of said weapon.
Used in conjunction with the following Sub-Templates: None!
You type | You get | |||||||||||||||||||
{{Aftermath Weapon |weapon=Excalibur |ws=Knights of Round |am=[[Regen]]+10/tick |am duration=[[Floor]]( 0.02{{math|times}}TP ) }} |
Available Parameter Breakdown | |
|weapon= | Name of the Weapon
Name of the Weapon, first letter capitalized. Injects it into the Version links in order to link to each version of the weapon on the wiki, Required |
|ws= | Weapon's Weapon Skill.
Displays a link to the weapon skill that a weapon grants to a wielder, Required |
Relic Weapons Only | |
|am= | Aftermath effect granted by a weapon.
After a weapon skill is used, this is the Aftermath effect granted by the weapon, Required on Relic Weapons |
|am duration= | Aftermath effect duration granted by a weapon.
After a weapon skill is used, this is the Aftermath effect duration granted by the weapon, Required on Relic Weapons |
Empyrean & Mythic Weapons Only | |
|am1= | Aftermath level 1 effect granted by a weapon.
After a weapon skill is used, this is the Aftermath effect granted by the weapon, Required on Empyrean and Mythic Weapons |
|am1 duration= | Aftermath level 1 effect duration granted by a weapon.
After a weapon skill is used, this is the Aftermath effect duration granted by the weapon, Required on Empyrean and Mythic Weapons |
|am2= | Aftermath level 2 effect granted by a weapon.
After a weapon skill is used, this is the Aftermath effect granted by the weapon, Required on Empyrean and Mythic Weapons |
|am2 duration= | Aftermath level 2 effect duration granted by a weapon.
After a weapon skill is used, this is the Aftermath effect duration granted by the weapon, Required on Empyrean and Mythic Weapons |
|am3= | Aftermath level 3 effect granted by a weapon.
After a weapon skill is used, this is the Aftermath effect granted by the weapon, Required on Empyrean and Mythic Weapons |
|am3 duration= | Aftermath level 3 effect duration granted by a weapon.
After a weapon skill is used, this is the Aftermath effect duration granted by the weapon, Required on Empyrean and Mythic Weapons |
Acquisition Templates
Template:Item Synth Table
Template:Item Synergy Table
Template:Item NPC Table
Template:Item Monster Table
Template:Item Quest Reward Table
Template:Item Instance Table
Template:Item Despoil Table
Template:Item Desynth Table
Usage Templates
Template:Item Quest Usage Table
Template:Item Other Table
Template:Item Food Effect
Template:Item Desynth Table
Key Item Templates
All four of these templates are used on every Key Item page.