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User:Hya / Test
Increased Seal and Crest Drop Rate Campaign
An increase to BCNM Seal and Crest drop rates based on the number of players in the party. This is not a campaign I would recommend actively trying to farm for unless you are extremely dedicated to smashing your head against the Up in Arms Kraken Club wall. Play naturally, play with other party members, and let the Seals and Crests flow. When they begin to overflow through your inventories, trade them to Shami for storage.
Players who are still leveling and those who are 99 already will both benefit from this campaign.
Additional Seal Battlefield Spoils Campaign
Often overlooked, this campaign is extremely helpful in upgrading base Empyrean Armor to +1 (not Reforged Armor) without having to grind and hassle with Abyssea seals. Kupon I-Seal is the most valuable drop from this event, and is an item that you should store at least a dozen of at any given time. One Kupon I-Seal will provide a full set of Abyssea seals for a primary slot, allowing you to forgo messing around with procs. Five Kupon I-Seals per job can deplete your supply quickly if you are job-hopping, which is why having a large number saved up is recommended. Do not miss out on this opportunity, else you will be suffering later on trying to farm for eight stupid Orison Seal: Legs when all you want to do is play the job.
Taurassic Park is the most common BCNM to farm for this campaign, as it contains the most number of mobs which have the potential to drop our desired items. If you do not yet have quick access to the associated Home Point, then Last Orc-Shunned Hero, Shell Shocked, or Avian Apostates are acceptable substitutes. Any job with even basic item level 119 gear can easily solo any of these fights without trouble.
Most of the other drops from this campaign are low-value Synthesis Materials, however some of the scrolls may sell for a meaningful sum on the Auction House off-campaign. Kupon A-Lum is essentially junk, as are any Abjurations you may receive.
Finally, don't forget about the adjusted Seal/Crest conversion ratio, now 2:1 from 3:1. If you find yourself needing a particular type of seal that you are lacking, but have a plethora of a different type, visit Shami to make your desired transaction.
This event is primarily catered to level 99 players.
Assault - Nyzul Isle Uncharted Area Survey Mysterious Item Campaign
Typically referred to as Neo Nyzul. It is functionally the same as the Nyzul Isle Investigation Assault that you are hopefully already familiar with. In this event, you (and your group, don't solo Nyzul) will climb Nyzul like you always have, but this time with a different goal in mind. Nyzul Tokens earned here will be minimal, and they are not your main focus. Instead, target the floor objective while locating and killing Notorious Monsters. Reaching as many Boss floors as possible to maximize ??? Box +2] drops is recommended. Each ??? box type, when appraised, will result in an item of a similar type. For example, a ??? Sword +1 may result in an Ephemeron.
Going through the optimal method of farming Nyzul is beyond the scope of this guide, so it will not cover the intricacies of the content if you are unfamiliar. Essentially, bring a job which can quickly clear trash mobs via AoE without engaging (BLU, BST, GEO, etc), wear movement speed+ gear, understand how to do lamp order, and clear floors. If your goal is to sell any potential drops, be sure that you are in a party during the appraisal as that is the only way to force the Rare/EX items into the Treasure pool. Once in the pool, you can begin your /yell process to advertise your items.
Important items which you should keep an eye out for are:
Tier 4+ ZNM pops
Pulse Weapons
AMAN drops, especially Orpheus's Sash
This event will require level 99 to contribute.
Provides double the Mweya Plasm. There isn't a lot to talk about here. Rune Fencers and Geomancers who are seeking their Ergon weapons of Epeolatry and Idris respectively will need a substantial amount of Plasm to complete them. This event drastically reduces the number of Delves you will have to run to reach the necessary 2,500,000 Plasm. While any Delve can be solo'd by an appropriately geared and knowledgeable player on essentially any job, the event does still require three players to even enter. It's always beneficial to team up for this event, unless you are truly dead-set on hoarding the handful of valuable drops from the end boss. Some zones may be easier or present a greater challenge depending on your job compositions and damage types available, so do your research beforehand before selecting a zone to farm. When done in pickup groups, the group will typically run through trash mobs while cleaving along the way, defeat each required NM, and clear the boss. Most loot is garbage here and everything should be freelot. Notable drops include, but may not be limited to: Fucho-no-Obi, Bolelabunga, Chaac Belt, Andoaa Earring, Isa Belt, and various Synthesis Materials. Note that the Mezzotinting system is outdated and dead, so drop/NPC Airlixirs at will.
This event will require level 99 to contribute/solo, though level 95 is the minimum level for entry if you are being carried.
Unless you care about Cipher: Ygnas or the associated Questline, chances are you have been ignoring Mog Gardens, or don't even know it exists. There are some minor benefits granted by this event, but the one most players will focus on is the availability of Goblin Stew 880. This item can be traded in lieu of the requisite Synthesis Materials for any and all Gobbiebag Quests. Many new players, and those on smaller servers, find it challenging to afford and obtain some of the later quests' materials, and this item provides a solution to that issue. However, at 100,000 gil per Stew, it will be up to the player's own discretion to determine at which quest they should begin using the Stew instead of purchasing individual materials. In general, for the first several quests it should be cheaper to simply purchase the materials from the Auction House. Do your own research on ffxiah.com and make the decision when you feel it is appropriate to use this shortcut.
Players of any level can take advantage of this campaign, but note that it does require Adoulin access.
Forces all Walks in Walk of Echoes Battlefields to become Surged, increasing the content level to item level. The tradeoff for increased difficulty is an increased number of drops, specifically that of +1 gear from each specific Walk. While not as lucrative as it used to be, this is a great opportunity to farm for some saleable items, even if you already own them. Walks are basically a free-for-all. Players can enter solo, summon their own trusts, and help or ignore each other to clear the content as they desire. You only need to contribute a set amount of damage to get credit and be eligible to receive rewards at the end. Rewards are all or nothing; either you contributed enough to earn the right to open the chest, or not, there is no scaling based on performance. What this means is that even if you are undergeared, don't understand how the content works, or don't want to play with others, you can still pull a few adds, kill them, and get drops. All items are received as a personal reward from the chest outside of the Walk once it is completed.
With 13 total Walks, it may be too overwhelming to figure out which are a valuable use of your time, so these are my recommendations:
Second Walk: Austerity Belt +1
Fourth Walk: Pixie Hairpin +1
Tenth Walk: Enchanter's Earring +1
Eleventh Walk: Flume Belt +1
Thirteenth Walk: Windbuffet Belt +1
These are all big-ticket items which can sell for millions on the Auction House, or simply add to your own Wardrbobes. Also, be sure to keep an eye out for Liminal Residue, Devious Die, their associated pouches, and any Frayed Pouches. These are items which are used to unlock regular use of Empyrean Weapon Skills and can also sell for a substantial amount. Or, if you do not already have them unlocked, you should hoard them for your own use.
A common strategy is to keep an eye on which Walk other players are going to and farm the same one as they are. This will make things easier for you if you cannot clear a Walk solo. If it's a Walk which drops a Rare item you already possess, you can simply send that item to yourself via the Delivery Box, allowing you to obtain a duplicate if it appears in the chest. If your goal is to sell any drops, be aware that prices for these items will plummet during this Campaign, and you may be better off waiting until it is over to begin listing items.
This event will require level 99 to earn rewards.
Skirmish Stone and Arcane Glyptics Campaign
Provides better rolls on augments to Skirmish Armor. Carefully note that this only applies to Skirmish Armor, and not Alluvion Skirmish Armor. As a result, the remaining pool of items that benefit from this campaign are all straight up garbage. The only standout piece is Gendewitha Gages, which sees some minor use in Bard pre-cast Song macros due to its Fast Cast and potential Song Spellcasting Time- augment. Unless you are hunting this piece and augment specifically, you can safely ignore this Campaign.
This event will require level 99 to obtain the items which can be augmented.
Dynamis Granules of Time Campaign
Are you a Dynamis currency bot? Are you a player newly returning from 2006 who wants to finally complete that Relic they always desired which is (probably) obsolete now? Or are you some poor soul who needs base Relic gear for one job but only ever gets every single other jobs' gear? If any of these apply to you, then this is the campaign for you! Gone are the days of old where dozens of players would wipe constantly in Dynamis zones while your Linkshell leader collects all the currency and Relic armor drops. Dynamis is now a free-for-all zone, but it still has a time restriction. During this event, players will no longer have to hunt down and kill the time extension statues to both maximize their time limit and proc chances.
Although Relic currencies have increased in value over the past year or so, I cannot recommend spending this campaign farming out currency for that old Relic. Like the previous statement alluded to, many Relic weapons are now subpar when compared to less expensive and more easily-obtained weapons. There are several standouts as items which still have use, such as Aegis, Gjallarhorn, Apocalypse, and Annihilator. Ultimately it's up to you how you choose to spend your time. If you are dead-set on this, be sure you understand how the proc system works, bring a job like THF/DNC to abuse it, and be prepared to compete with bots in nearly every zone on every server.
If you're just in need of Relic armor, then don't worry about proccing. You can enjoy your maximized time here struggling for that one stingy piece that refuses to drop. Procs will not help with this, but having the full time duration to suffer will.
This event require level 99 to take full advantage of if farming solo.
Hyper Chocobo Digging Campaign
Allows players who have uncapped Chocobo digging to dig at a faster interval. Players whose Chocobo digging skill is capped will not benefit from this campaign.
The real question you are asking is: "Should I be doing Chocobo digging?". The answer is most resoundingly no. The most valauble item you can receive from digging is Heavy Metal, an item which sports a 0.5% Super Rare obtain rate. Not much more needs to be said here. You can safely ignore this campaign.
This event will require level 20+ at minimum for Chocobo's Wounds.
Dynamis - Divergence Statue Crusher Campaign
This is one of the more lucrative campaigns on offer, though it's not as good as the PLUS version. During this campaign, statues within Dynamis Divergence will drop either a Rusted Identification Card or Blackened Identification Card after being defeating, depending on the wave. Accumulation of these items up to 100 allows you to trade them in for Beastmen's Medal or Kindred's Medal respectively. These items are used in reforging Relic Armor and can fetch a hefty amount of gil on the Auction House.
If you are a player who is level 99 and have still not touched endgame, I would highly advise getting access to Dynamis Divergence and finding a group or Linkshell to join for this event. Even if you are fairly undergeared, there is almost always space in biweekly Divergence runs for extra players, so don't be afraid to join if you still feel like you can't contribute. Not only will you begin accumulating potential gil items, you can start working on the required Wave 1 clears to further upgrade your reforged Relic Armor. It's highly recommended to get into as many Divergence runs during this campaign as possible.
This event will require level 99.
A.M.A.N. Trove Gazillionaire Campaign
Doubles the potential gil reward in AMAN Trove from 5,000,000 to 10,000,000. This gil can only be obtained from the center chest in AMAN and is not guaranteed. If you are unfamiliar with AMAN, it is basically just a guessing game. Either you get Ka Thwack'd, get junk, or get a desireable piece of loot. The former two are the most common. There is no way to completely avoid the Mimic, except by only touching the center chest upon entering (not recommended). You don't need to do anything different to take advantage of this campaign, just run AMAN like you normally would. If you have an excess of Silver Vouchers, it may be better to save them for the next A.M.A.N. Trove Original Equipment Drop Rate Increase Campaign to improve your odds of getting something like Orpheus's Sash or Epaminondas's Ring, gear which is worth a serious amount of gil.
This event will require level 99.