Category:Adventurer Campaigns

From FFXI Wiki
(Redirected from Mog Gardens Campaign)


Monthly Adventurer campaigns have been run by Square Enix ever since the release of the Seekers of Adoulin expansion pack. Beginning with a simple Double Experience Points campaign, more campaigns were introduced with the newest type added as recently as July 2019.

It is suggested that you take advantage of these campaigns when they appear, especially if you're looking to work on certain aspects of your character targeted by a campaign.
For instance, the Delve campaigns make it much faster to gather Plasm needed to create an Ergon Weapon.

Below is a full list of all campaigns that may run at any month. We usually do not know about any month's campaigns until the last few days before the next month begins.
Official announcements are made on telling us what we have to look forward to.
Furthermore, Square Enix sometimes pairs certain campaigns together. An example is the EXP/CP/Monstrosity EXP campaigns usually run during the same months.
Typically, all campaigns in some form are active in May as it is the anniversary month of Final Fantasy XI, and November as it is the 11th month of the year.

February 2025

Start: Thursday, February 13, 2025, at 12:00 a.m. (PST)

End: Sunday, March 2, at 6:59 a.m. (PST)}


Abyssea Battle Content Campaign

Multiple campaigns are included in the Abyssea campaign when it is active.

  • During the first campaign, all six bonuses below were available.
    • For Abyssea campaigns after the initial, we only saw Gifts 2, 3, 4 and 6.
      • Furthermore, those who have received these rewards previously are unable to do so again. The only benefit to future campaign repeats is Gift 6 below, which is still significant.
    • A blue treasure chest will appear near Horst in Port Jeuno at (H-8). Opening it for the first time will confer the benefits of Gift 2, 4, and 5 below.

[Gift 1] All Three Abyssea Add-ons
  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign was active, all adventurers could register the three Abyssea battle addons free of charge.
  • Note: This portion of the Abyssea campaign was only available during the 11th Vana'versary Celebration from August 8th, 2013 until October 11th, 2013.
[Gift 2] Eleven Different Atma
[Gift 3] One Lunar abyssite
[Gift 4] 100,000 Cruor
  • Open the above mentioned chest to obtain 100,000 Cruor.
[Gift 5] Ability to hold six Traverser stones
[Gift 6] Default light increase
  • When entering an Abyssea area during the campaign, the default values for pearlescent, azure, golden, and silvery lights are set to their respective maximum values.


Ambuscade Point Bonus Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, hallmarks and badges of gallantry will yield double the normal amount once per day when participating in each Ambuscade difficulty level.
    • This bonus will reset at Japanese Midnight Earth time and stacks with the effects of Abdhaljs Seals to yield a total of four times the normal amount.
      • Unclear on whether a mistranslation. Currently observed value with Campaign active and Seal used is 5 times the normal amount.
        • As of July 2024, using a Seal during the Campaign stacks multiplicatively, resulting in 6 times the usual Gallantry.

Ambuscade Gallantry Campaign


Nyzul Isle Uncharted Area Mysterious Item Campaign

A.M.A.N. Trove

A.M.A.N. Trove Test Your Luck Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, players will receive two Silver Vouchers the first time they log in each day during the campaign.
    • All characters receive two vouchers, regardless of their level or days since character creation.
    • Note that this campaign is announced separately, and ran as an independent event from other monthly campaigns on this page.

A.M.A.N. Trove Original Equipment Drop Rate Increase Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, the drop rate of the following equipment is increased.
    • From reports while this campaign was active, it seems that Loud Thuds have a higher chance of yielding one of the following Trove exclusive pieces of equipment. It is unknown how much higher of a chance it is. It is a mystery.gif

Kyrene's Earring / Hypaspist Earring / Sroda Earring / Nicander's Necklace / Sroda Necklace / Epaminondas's Ring / Menelaus's Ring / Sroda Ring / Orpheus's Sash / Sroda Belt / Sroda Tathlum

A.M.A.N. Trove Gazillionaire Campaign


Bonus Bayld Campaign


Increased Seal and Crest Drop Rate Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, BCNM seals drop at a higher rate.
    • All types of seals drop at increased rates based on the number of players in a party, up to a maximum of six per kill.
      • Trusts have no effect on this drop rate, only actual player characters.

Additional Seal Battlefield Spoils Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, KCNM and HKCNM BCNMs drop extra spoils.
    • Drops are different depending on battlefield, but follow the same overall pattern. Promyvion Battlefields are not included in this event.
    • The Armory Crate contents are the same as they were without the campaign active. The new drops come directly from the monster defeated.
      • Example: when there are two or more unique NMs in the battlefield, they each have a loot pool.
    • Additionally, seals can be exchanged for other types at a 2:1 ratio instead of the normal 3:1.

Campaign eligible battlefields are below:


(Exchange Rate)

Zone Battlefield Name Entry Restriction Monsters
Phobos Orb icon.png Phobos Orb
Kindred's Crest icon.png Kindred's Crest x30
Horlais Peak Kindergarten Cap

Level Cap: None
Time Restriction: 15 minutes
Party Members: 3 people

Malodorous Mort
Waughroon Shrine The Palborough Project Mahuika
Balga's Dais The V Formation Kutkha
Deimos Orb icon.png Deimos Orb
Kindred's Crest icon.png Kindred's Crest x50
Horlais Peak Last Orc-Shunned Hero

Level Cap: None
Time Restriction: 30 minutes
Party Members: 6 people

Bruteborn Krushkosh
Bonesetter Medokvok
Crackshot Zwogchog
Wyvernking Dragzagg

Waughroon Shrine Shell Shocked

Ga'Khu Bloodglee
Ro'Mho Unrelenting
Vu'Dhe Impervious
Zi'Pha Foecrippler

Balga's Dais Avian Apostates

Kaa Xhei the Doomsayer
Pha Groxo the Aloof
Xee Khoyi the Shrouded
Zuu Feya the Impassive

Chamber of Oracles Dragon Scales (Battlefield)


Sacrificial Chamber Whom Wilt Thou Call

Grievous Gozar
Puffy Marshmaw
Slimey Simeon
Zymotic Zuulie

Zelos Orb icon.png Zelos Orb
H. Kindred Crest icon.png High Kindred's Crest x30
Boneyard Gully Antagonistic Ambuscade

Level Cap: None
Time Restriction: 15 minutes
Party Members: 6 people

Bearclaw Pinnacle Taurassic Park Predataur x5
Bia Orb icon.png Bia Orb
H. Kindred Crest icon.png High Kindred's Crest x50
Mine Shaft 2716 The Mobline Comedy


Monarch Linn Nest of Nightmares Gullinkambi

As mentioned above, there are slots for each drop type:

Orb Unique Battlefield Drops
Phobos Orb icon.png Phobos Orb

Kindergarten Cap - All Frayed Pouch types, Frayed Sack (D)
The Palborough Project - All Frayed Pouch types, Frayed Sack (L)
The V Formation - All Frayed Pouch types, All Ergon Tinctures

Deimos Orb icon.png Deimos Orb

Last Orc-Shunned Hero - Corvine Abjurations
Shell Shocked - Supernal Abjurations
Avian Apostates - Transitory Abjurations
Dragon Scales (Battlefield) - Foreboding Abjurations
Whom Wilt Thou Call - Lentitive Abjurations

Zelos Orb icon.png Zelos Orb

Antagonistic Ambuscade - Kupon AW-Pan and Kupon AW-Abs
Taurassic Park - Skirmish Rank III segments

Bia Orb icon.png Bia Orb

The Mobline Comedy - Relic/Mythic/Empyrean Currency singles U, 100-pieces/pouches R
Nest of Nightmares - Hexed U, Hexed -1 R equipment

Macrocosmic Orb Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, vanquishing certain monsters in the following battlefields will occasionally reward players with Paragon Job Cards as well as a variety of other items:
    • Drops are different depending on battlefield, but follow the same overall pattern.
    • Note: Regarding Treasure drops, the first five drop slots all have the same chance of obtaining treasure regardless of difficulty chosen. The sixth slot, however, depends on the difficulty you choose for the BCNM. On Very Difficult, there is around a 28% chance of obtaining sixth slot treasure from any monster inside.
    • The Armory Crate contents are the same as they were without the campaign active. The new drops come directly from the monster defeated.
      • Example: when there are two or more unique NMs in the battlefield, they each have a loot pool.
    • Additionally, seals can be exchanged for other types at a 2:1 ratio instead of the normal 3:1.
    • Note: If the campaign ends after you enter the BCNM, you will still receive the campaign benefits.

Campaign eligible battlefields are below:


(Exchange Rate)

Zone Battlefield Name Entry Restriction Monsters
Macrocosmic Orb icon.png Macrocosmic Orb
S. Kindred Crest icon.png Sacred Kindred's Crest x20
Sacrificial Chamber Amphibian Assault II

Level Cap: None
Time Restriction: 30 minutes
Party Members: 6 people

Hyohh the Conchblower
Pevv the Riverleaper
Qull the Fallstopper
Rauu the Whaleswooner

Jungle Boogymen II

Sable-tongued Gonberry
Virid-faced Shanberry
Cyaneous-toed Yallberry
Vermillion-eared Noberry

Throne Room Kindred Spirits II

Grand Marquis Chomiel
Duke Amduscias
Count Andromalius
Duke Dantalian

Qu'Bia Arena Demolition Squad II

Nephiyl Moatfiller
Nephiyl Rampartbreacher
Nephiyl Keepcollapser
Nephiyl Pinnacletosser

Brothers D'Aurphe II

Vaicoliaux B D'Aurphe
Maldaramet B D'Aurphe
Disfaurit B D'Aurphe
Jeumouque B D'Aurphe

Chamber of Oracles Legion XI Comitatensis II

Secutor XI-XXXII
Retiarius XI-XIX
Hoplomachus XI-XXVI
Centurio XI-I

Horlais Peak Dismemberment Brigade II

Armsmaster Dekbuk
Longarmed Gottditt
Keeneyed Aufwuf
Invulnerable Mazzgozz
Undefeatable Sappdapp
Mind's-eyed Klugwug

Waughroon Shrine Grimshell Shocktroopers II

Yo'Bhu Hideousmask
Zo'Dha Legslicer
Ka'Nha Jabbertongue
Bi'Fho Jestergrin
Ku'Tya Hotblood
Ea'Tho Cruelheart

Balga's Dais Divine Punishers II

Voo Tolu the Ghostfist
Cuu Doko the Blizzard
Zuu Xowu the Darksmoke
Gii Jaha the Racous
Aa Nawu the Thunderblade
Yoo Mihi the Haze

Note: The BCNMs listed above that have six monsters inside only have four monsters who have Slot 1-5 drops, and two of them do not have any Slot 1-5 drops. These monsters do, however, have a treasure pool for the Slot 6 drops. The chance of obtaining a Slot 6 drop from these monsters are the same as any other monster during this campaign.


As mentioned above, there are slots for each drop type:

Drop Slot

(1-5 are 100%)

Common Rewards

Chances of obtaining anything other than a Rem's Tale may be noted by each item.

First Rem's Tale Ch.1 icon.png Rem's Tale Ch.1

Frayed Sack (Pel) icon.png Frayed Sack (Pel), Frayed Sack (Fer) icon.png Frayed Sack (Fer), Frayed Sack (Tau) icon.png Frayed Sack (Tau)
Frayed Sack (M1) icon.png Frayed Sack (M1), Frayed Sack (A1) icon.png Frayed Sack (A1), Frayed Sack (H1) icon.png Frayed Sack (H1)
Ghastly Stone +2 icon.png Ghastly Stone +2, Verdigris St. +2 icon.png Verdigris Stone +2, Wailing Stone +2 icon.png Wailing Stone +2
Snowslit Stone +2 icon.png Snowslit Stone +2, Snowtip Stone +2 icon.png Snowtip Stone +2, Snowdim Stone +2 icon.png Snowdim Stone +2, Snoworb Stone +2 icon.png Snoworb Stone +2
Leafslit Stone +2 icon.png Leafslit Stone +2, Leaftip Stone +2 icon.png Leaftip Stone +2, Leafdim Stone +2 icon.png Leafdim Stone +2, Leaforb Stone +2 icon.png Leaforb Stone +2
Duskslit Stone +2 icon.png Duskslit Stone +2, Dusktip Stone +2 icon.png Dusktip Stone +2, Duskdim Stone +2 icon.png Duskdim Stone +2, Duskorb Stone +2 icon.png Duskorb Stone +2
Lebondopt Wing icon.png Lebondopt Wing, Frayed Sack (Pul) icon.png Frayed Sack (Pul), Frayed Sack (Mel) icon.png Frayed Sack (Mel)
O. Bronzepiece icon.png O. Bronzepiece, M. Silverpiece icon.png M. Silverpiece, 1 Byne Bill icon.png 1 Byne Bill
100 Byne Bill icon.png 100 Byne Bill, T. Whiteshell icon.png T. Whiteshell, L. Jadeshell icon.png L. Jadeshell


Rem's Tale Ch.2 icon.png Rem's Tale Ch.2
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal U, Hvy. Metal Pouch icon.png Heavy Metal Pouch VR
P. WAR Card icon.png Paragon Job Card VR

Third Rem's Tale Ch.3 icon.png Rem's Tale Ch.3

Alexandrite icon.png Alexandrite, Lin. Purse (Alx.) icon.png Linen Coin Purse, H-P Bayld icon.png High-Purity Bayld, Aged Box (Bayld) icon.png Aged Box (Bayld)

Reforged Empyrean Armor Job Specific Materials
2Lf. Chloris Bud icon.png Two-leaf Chloris Bud, Carabosse's Gem icon.png Carabosse's Gem, Helm of Briareus icon.png Helm of Briareus, Azdaja's Horn icon.png Azdaja's Horn, Dragua's Scale icon.png Dragua's Scale, Cirein. Lantern icon.png Cirein. Lantern, Ulhuadshi's Fang icon.png Ulhuadshi's Fang, Alfard's Fang icon.png Alfard's Fang, Itzpapa. Scale icon.png Itzpapalotl's Scale, Orthrus's Claw icon.png Orthrus's Claw, Bukhis's Wing icon.png Bukhis's Wing, Sobek's Skin icon.png Sobek's Skin, Isgebind's Heart icon.png Isgebind's Heart, Glavoid Shell icon.png Glavoid Shell, Kukulkan's Fang icon.png Kukulkan's Fang, Sedna's Tusk icon.png Sedna's Tusk

Reforged Relic Armor Job Specific Materials
Relic Iron icon.png Relic Iron, Mammoth Tusk icon.png Mammoth Tusk, Griffon Hide icon.png Griffon Hide, Griffon Leather icon.png Griffon Leather, Lancewood Log icon.png Lancewood Log, Sparkling Stone icon.png Sparkling Stone, Wootz Ingot icon.png Wootz Ingot, Malboro Fiber icon.png Malboro Fiber, Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood, Oxblood icon.png Oxblood, Damascene Cloth icon.png Damascene Cloth

Reforged Artifact Armor Job Specific Materials
Darksteel Sheet icon.png Darksteel Sheet, Tiger Leather icon.png Tiger Leather, Gold Thread icon.png Gold Thread, Imp. Silk Cloth icon.png Imperial Silk Cloth, Karakul Cloth icon.pngKarakul Cloth, Scarlet Linen icon.png Scarlet Linen, Gold Sheet icon.png Gold Sheet, Tama-Hagane icon.png Tama-Hagane

Fourth Rem's Tale Ch.4 icon.png Rem's Tale Ch.4

Pluton icon.png Pluton, Beitetsu icon.png Beitetsu, Riftborn Boulder icon.png Riftborn Boulder
Pluton Case icon.png Pluton Case, Beitetsu Parcel icon.png Beitetsu Parcel, Boulder Case icon.png Boulder Case
Pluton Box icon.png Pluton Box, Beitetsu Box icon.png Beitetsu Box, Boulder Box icon.png Boulder Box
Flame Blade icon.png Flame Blade, Holy Sword icon.png Holy Sword, Carapace Gorget icon.png Carapace Gorget, Buffalo Leather icon.png Buffalo Leather, Gold Ingot icon.png Gold Ingot,
Darksteel Ingot icon.png Darksteel Ingot, Mahogany Lbr. icon.png Mahogany Lumber, Silk Cloth icon.png Silk Cloth, Fish Mithkabob icon.png Fish Mithkabob, Ayapec's Shell icon.png Ayapec's Shell,
Ethereal Incense icon.png Ethereal Incense

Fifth Rem's Tale Ch.5 icon.png Rem's Tale Ch.5

All others are the same as the First Slot above.

Sixth Unique drop based on the BCNM completed. A sixth drop is < 100%. See the table below for each potential drop from every battlefield.
Unique Battlefield Drops Unique Battlefield Drops
Amphibian Assault II

Reforged Artifact Armor +1 Job Specific Materials

Platinum Silk icon.png Platinum Silk Thread, Ocl. Sheet icon.png Orichalcum Sheet, Damascus Ingot icon.png Damascus Ingot, Behem. Leather icon.png Behemoth Leather, Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair, Twill Damask icon.png Twill Damask, Durium Sheet icon.png Durium Sheet

Reforged Artifact Armor +1 Slot Specific Materials

Hepatizon Ingot icon.png Hepatizon Ingot, Sif's Macrame icon.png Sif's Macrame, Exalted Lumber icon.png Exalted Lumber, Beryllium Ingot icon.png Beryllium Ingot,
Maliya. Coral Orb icon.png Maliyakaleya Orb
Jungle Boogymen II

Reforged Artifact Armor +1 Job Specific Materials

Platinum Silk icon.png Platinum Silk Thread, Ocl. Sheet icon.png Orichalcum Sheet, Damascus Ingot icon.png Damascus Ingot, Behem. Leather icon.png Behemoth Leather, Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair, Twill Damask icon.png Twill Damask, Durium Sheet icon.png Durium Sheet

Voidwatch Materials

Akvan's Pennon icon.png Akvan's Pennon, Celaeno's Cloth icon.png Celaeno's Cloth, Kaggen's Cuticle icon.png Kaggen's Cuticle
Kindred Spirits II

Vagary Materials

Etched Memory icon.png Etched Memory, Plovid Flesh icon.png Plovid Flesh, Plovid Effluvium icon.png Plovid Effluvium, Tartarian Soul icon.png Tartarian Soul,
Tartarian Chain icon.png Tartarian Chain, Macuil Plating icon.png Macuil Plating, Macuil Horn icon.png Macuil Horn, Defiant Sweat icon.png Defiant Sweat, Defiant Scarf icon.png Defiant Scarf,
Hades' Claw icon.png Hades' Claw, Dark Matter icon.png Dark Matter
Demolition Squad II

Reforged Artifact Armor +1 Job Specific Materials

Platinum Silk icon.png Platinum Silk Thread, Ocl. Sheet icon.png Orichalcum Sheet, Damascus Ingot icon.png Damascus Ingot, Behem. Leather icon.png Behemoth Leather, Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair, Twill Damask icon.png Twill Damask, Durium Sheet icon.png Durium Sheet, Raxa icon.png Raxa

Delve Materials

Bztavian Stinger icon.png Bztavian Stinger, Gabbrath Horn icon.png Gabbrath Horn, Rockfin Fin icon.png Rockfin Fin, Rockfin Tooth icon.png Rockfin Tooth , Yggdreant Bole icon.png Yggdreant Bole, Waktza Rostrum icon.png Waktza Rostrum, Waktza Crest icon.png Waktza Crest, Cehuetzi Pelt icon.png Cehuetzi Pelt, Cehuetzi Claw icon.png Cehuetzi Claw, C. Ice Shard icon.png Cehuetzi Ice Shard, Yggdreant Root icon.png Yggdreant Root, Bztavian Wing icon.png Bztavian Wing
Brothers D'Aurphe II

Corvine Abjuration Set

All Hexed Haubert icon.png Hexed Haubert Set pieces
All Hexed Haubert -1 icon.png Hexed Haubert Set -1 pieces
All C.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png Corvine Abjuration pieces
Legion XI Comitatensis II

Supernal Abjuration Set

All Hexed Domaru icon.png Hexed Domaru Set pieces
All Hexed Domaru -1 icon.png Hexed Domaru Set -1 pieces
All S.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png Supernal Abjuration pieces
Dismemberment Brigade II

Transitory Abjuration Set

All Hexed Jacket icon.png Hexed Jacket Set pieces
All Hexed Jacket -1 icon.png Hexed Jacket Set -1 pieces
All T.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png Transitory Abjuration pieces
Grimshell Shocktroopers II

Foreboding Abjuration Set

All Hexed Doublet icon.png Hexed Doublet Set pieces
All Hexed Doublet -1 icon.png Hexed Doublet Set -1 pieces
All F.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png Foreboding Abjuration pieces
Divine Punishers II

Lenitive Abjuration Set

All Hexed Bliaut icon.png Hexed Bliaut Set pieces
All Hexed Bliaut -1 icon.png Hexed Bliaut Set -1 pieces
All L.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png Lenitive Abjuration pieces

There is a rumor that Mog Bonanza tier items may come from this campaign, such as the Cat's Eye icon.png Cat's Eye, Dense Cluster icon.png Dense Cluster, Bayld Crystal icon.png Bayld Crystal, etc.. That rumor was started based on this dev post here. The translation is somewhat similar to "There is no doubt that there is an image of Mog Bonanza in this campaign, and you may obtain a superior item! If gold tier items are appearing, you are lucky you participated!".

Some say this is a pun on Gold Ingot icon.png Gold Ingots appearing during this campaign, and is meaningless. Other say that due to the confirmation of 10,000 pieces being available in the Campaign Festa campaign, it may be possible. JP Wiki is dismissing a screenshot on of a Cat's Eye icon.png Cat's Eye to be a photoshop. There is also a Screenshot of a Dense Cluster icon.png Dense Cluster dropping now.

High-Tier Mission Battlefield Campaign


Campaign Festa

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, multiple changes happen with the Campaign system:
    • Experience Points and Allied Notes earned for evaluations in Campaign battles are doubled.
    • The amount of spoils from participating in Allied Union groups are doubled.
    • The four major beastmen Campaign Ops have additional rewards according to the charts below:
      • Note: Specific drop figures below are not known as they are unpublished. They are simple best guess based on community reports.
Drop Slot Probability Splitting Heirs (S) Cracking Shells (B) Plucking Wings (W) Fiat Lux
First 100%

O. Bronzepiece icon.png Ordelle Bronzepiece C
M. Silverpiece icon.png Montiont Silverpiece R
R. Goldpiece icon.png Ranperre Goldpiece UR
10,000 Byne Bill icon.png 10,000 Byne Bill UR
R. Stripeshell icon.png Rimilala Stripeshell UR

1 Byne Bill icon.png 1 Byne Bill C
100 Byne Bill icon.png 100 Byne Bill R
R. Goldpiece icon.png Ranperre Goldpiece UR
10,000 Byne Bill icon.png 10,000 Byne Bill UR
R. Stripeshell icon.png Rimilala Stripeshell UR

T. Whiteshell icon.png Tukuku Whiteshell C
L. Jadeshell icon.png Lungo-Nango Jadeshell R
R. Goldpiece icon.png Ranperre Goldpiece UR
10,000 Byne Bill icon.png 10,000 Byne Bill UR
R. Stripeshell icon.png Rimilala Stripeshell UR

O. Bronzepiece icon.png Ordelle Bronzepiece C
1 Byne Bill icon.png 1 Byne Bill C
T. Whiteshell icon.png Tukuku Whiteshell C
Umbral Marrow icon.png Umbral Marrow VR

Second 100%

Scrolls: C
Haste II (Scroll) icon.png Haste II, Flurry II (Scroll) icon.png Flurry II, Distract II (Scroll) icon.png Distract II, Frazzle II (Scroll) icon.png Frazzle II, Indi Geomancy plates (Lvl 70~), "-ra II" GEO Black Magic

Scrolls: R
Meteor (Scroll), Arise (Scroll)

Scrolls: C
Ancient Magic

Scrolls: C
Absorb-DEX (Scroll) icon.png Absorb-DEX, Carnage Elegy (Scroll) icon.png Carnage Elegy, Raise II (Scroll) icon.png Raise II

Third 100%

Dragon Meat icon.png Dragon Meat C
Voidwatch Materials: U
Hahava's Mail icon.png Hahava's Mail, Celaeno's Cloth icon.png Celaeno's Cloth, Voidwrought Plate icon.png Voidwrought Plate, Kaggen's Cuticle icon.png Kaggen's Cuticle
Pil's Tuille icon.png Pil's Tuille, Akvan's Pennon icon.png Akvan's Pennon, Scarletite Ingot icon.png Scarletite Ingot, Penelope's Cloth icon.png Penelope's Cloth, Staghorn Coral icon.png Staghorn Coral
The chance of obtaining a Dragon Meat is around 70%, and any Voidwatch related item is around 30%.

Devious Die icon.png Devious Die
Frayed Sack (D) icon.png Frayed Sack (D)
Liminal Residue icon.png Liminal Residue
Frayed Sack (L) icon.png Frayed Sack (L)
All above items are 25% each.


< 100%
low probability

Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal R
Hvy. Metal Pouch icon.png Heavy Metal Pouch R
Riftcinder icon.png Riftcinder VR
Riftdross icon.png Riftdross VR

Alexandrite icon.png Alexandrite R
Ctn. Purse (Alx.) icon.png Cotton Coin Purse R
Lin. Purse (Alx.) icon.png Linen Coin Purse R

H-P Bayld icon.png High-Purity Bayld R
Aged Box (Bayld) icon.png Aged Box (Bayld) R

Talekeeper icon.png Talekeeper VR
Sagasinger icon.png Sagasinger UR

Fifth+ -

The fifth and higher slots are used for the normal BCNM drops. See the BCNM page by clicking the titles above.

Capacity Points

Double Capacity Points Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, all players simply earn double the amount of Capacity Points.
    • Some forms of earning Capacity Points are not doubled, such as:
    • The first 16 Capacity Point campaigns were a simple double up gain rate mechanic. After these, they changed the way the campaign worked and it became the chain capacity campaign.

Chain Capacity Bonus Points Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, players earn double to triple the normal amount of Capacity Points from appropriate levelled monsters when they earn a chain kill.
    • Depending on the number of chains, Capacity Points earned accumulate at double to triple the normal rate.

Chain Capacity Bonus Points Campaign - PLUS!

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, the capacity point chain bonus campaign described above is in effect. Additionally, items that grant the Dedication effect are also doubled.
    • An item that grants Capacity Points +150% is increased to a bonus of +300%. Additionally, a maximum bonus of 30,000 is increased to 60,000.
      • This has an effect on all capacity point bonus items, not just the ones that offer +150%/30,000. The above was an example.

Chocobo Digging

Chocobo Digging Skill Increase Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, your Chocobo's Chocobo Digging skill increases faster.
    • Your Chocobo will have an increased chance for digging skill to increase every time it digs.
    • Note: When run concurrently with the Hyper Chocobo Digging Campaign below, experience gains will be properly applied even though there are no changes in visual effects.

Hyper Chocobo Digging Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, Chocobos can dig faster between intervals.
    • The delay between subsequent digs and the time you need to wait between zoning and your first dig will both be decreased.
      • If your Chocobo Digging skill is already at its maximum, this campaign does not apply.
    • Note: As mentioned above, this is not a "Plus!" campaign. these are two entirely different campaigns, even though the name does not imply that.


Delve Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, Delve will receive the following adjustments for the duration of the campaign:
    • Players will earn double the usual amount of Mweya Plasm from defeating Delve monsters.
    • Twice the usual amount of Mweya Plasm will drop when clearing Delve.
  • Note: This campaign was only run twice, and has been replaced with the Delve Campaign - PLUS! below. It is unlikely that this campaign will run again, as the only difference are Airlixir drops.

Delve Campaign - PLUS!

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, Delve will receive the following adjustments for the duration of the campaign:
    • Players will earn double the usual amount of Mweya Plasm from defeating Delve monsters.
    • Twice the usual amount of Mweya Plasm will drop when clearing Delve.
    • Monsters may drop Airlixir +1s and Airlixir +2s when vanquished.
      • Overall, it is possible to obtain 180,000+ Plasm for one run upon clearing an entire Delve zone during this campaign.

Domain Invasion

Note: These campaigns have been deprecated with the large overhaul of Domain Invasion.

Domain Invasion Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, adds do not spawn alongside the three main dragons Azi Dahaka, Naga Raja, and Quetzalcoatl.
    • No additional adds will spawn during a Domain Invasion. This includes all dragons, lamia, and peists.
    • Note: The version upgrade in April 2016 reduced the spawn time of these Domain Invasion NMs to 15 minutes from the 3 hours it used to be. This campaign used to make them appear every 1.5 hours. With that said, this campaign now only removes the extra adds spawned during the battle.

Domain Invasion Anti-Predator Campaign

Domain Invasion Treasure Coffer Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, players may occasionally receive additional spoils from Geas Fete content in the applicable area when vanquishing Azi Dahaka, Naga Raja, and Quetzalcoatl in Domain Invasion.
    • Possible loot rewards for defeating Azi Dahaka, Naga Raja, and Quetzalcoatl during this campaign are listed below.
      • Note: Even with very low evaluations, players are still eligible for loot rewards from this campaign. This is also the case if the overall evaluation is in the negatives.
      • Note: With an incredibly high amount of players in the area, it is possible that you may not receive a message in your log that you obtained any loot. Be sure to check your Inventory!
Area NM Additional Loot
Escha - Zi'Tah Azi Dahaka Eschite Ore icon.png Eschite Ore
Escha - Ru'Aun Naga Raja All JSE weapons from the zone obtained via Geas Fete
Reisenjima Quetzalcoatl Odyssean Armor Set, Valorous Armor Set, Merlinic Attire Set, Herculean Attire Set, Chironic Attire Set

Note that you can only obtain a single armor piece per battle.


Dynamis Granules of Time Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, time extensions are all available upon entry to Dynamis.
    • All time extensions in a zone are automatically given to a player every time they zone into any Dynamis area.
      • Note: Divergence areas are not part of this campaign, only the level 75 era zones are.

Dynamis - Divergence

Statue Crusher Campaign

Statue Crusher Campaign - PLUS!

Experience Points

Double Experience Points Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, all players simply earn double the amount of Experience Points.
    • The first 18 Experience Point campaigns were a simple double up gain rate mechanic. After these, they changed the way the campaign worked and it became the chain experience campaign.

Chain Experience Bonus Points Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, the base Experience Points from a monster is doubled. The exception is the first monster, as that one yields normal gains.
    • Depending on the number of chains, Experience Points obtained is double to triple the normal rate. See the below tables for bonus values.
Chain Count Experience Points Multiplication
1 x1.2
2 x1.25
3 x1.3
4 x1.4
5-9 x1.5
10-19 x1.575
20-29 x1.65
30-39 x1.725
40-49 x1.8
50-59 x1.875
60-69 x1.95
70-79 x2.025
80-89 x2.1
90-99 x2.175
100+ x2.25

Chain Experience Bonus Points Campaign - PLUS!

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, the chain bonus campaign described above is in effect. Additionally, items that grant the Dedication effect are also doubled.
    • An item that grants Experience Points +150% is increased to a bonus of +300%. Additionally, a maximum bonus of 30,000 is increased to 60,000.
      • Example during the campaign: (120 EXP x 2) x 1.5 x 2 = 720. With a dedication band active: (120 EXP × 2) + 720 = 960 EXP.
      • This has an effect on all experience point bonus items, not just the ones that offer +150%/30,000. The above was an example.

Geas Fete

Geas Fete Campaign

Geas Fete Campaign - PLUS!

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, two bonuses are in effect for the duration of the campaign:
    • Players receive double the usual amount of escha Silt from defeating monsters in Escha areas (including Reisenjima) during the campaign.
    • Personal rewards from Geas Fete are increased by two items, and players will receive either an Eschalixir, Eschalixir +1, or Eschalixir +2.
      • Note: This campaign does not allow for an addition equipment drop, as the first slot is still the only possible direct drop slot for Equipment.
        • See the Reisenjima Geas Fete Equipment Campaign below for information on that campaign. This campaign is simply for two additional direct drops used for augmentation.
      • Note: In Reisenjima, players will receive either Pellucid Stones, Fern Stones, or Taupe Stones.

Reisenjima Geas Fete Equipment Campaign

Dark Matter Arcane Glyphics Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, six free "Technique" augments are available every earth day via Oseem.
    • Through the power of Arcane Glyptics, Reisenjima armor drops can be engraved for free up to six times per earth day at no charge. The only requirement is that you are on or past Rhapsodies of Vanadiel Mission 3-1.
      • Dark Matter augments are highly random, and sometimes surpass the maximum values of Taupe, Pellucid, and Fern stones. This is the way players obtain Treasure Hunter and Refresh on pieces that normally do not have it.
    • The equipment will receive the same benefits as if they were engraved with Dark Matter.
    • Visit Oseem in Norg at (I-7) to engrave your equipment. This resets every day at JP Midnight.
    • Note: This campaign usually starts at 1AM Pacific time on the months it runs. This essentially gives six extra augments before the JP Midnight reset 6-7 hours later after the campaign starts. Be sure to take advantage of this!

Dark Matter Arcane Glyphics Campaign - PLUS!

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, twelve free "Technique" augments are available every earth day via Oseem (instead of six from the NQ campaign).
    • The other details of this campaign are the same as the NQ version described above.
    • Note: As of the September 10, 2020 version update: On the day of the switchover from the normal Dark Matter Arcade Glyphics Campaign to Dark Matter Arcade Glyphics Campaign PLUS, the number of times you may augment an item will increase even if you have already augmented items that day.

Gobbie Mystery Box

Abjuration Dial Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, a free Dial Key #Ab is distributed to players.
    • Every character will receive a Dial Key #Ab upon logging in that Earth Day. Upon trading this key to a goblin at a Gobbie Mystery Box, an Abjuration dial can be opened.
      • Characters must be at least 45 days old in order to use this dial.
      • There is no charge to your daily tally to use this dial.
      • Note: If you already own the Abjuration you were meant to receive, you will instead obtain a random "Goblin" item. Example: A Goblin Weel.

Adoulin Dial Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, a bonus Adoulin dial is added to the Gobbie Mystery Box.
    • This dial can be opened once per day. Various Adoulin event materials can be obtained from it.
      • Characters must be at least 45 days old in order to use this dial.
      • There is no charge to your daily tally to use this dial.
    • Occasionally, the chance of obtaining equipment while using SP Gobbie Keys is also increased during this campaign.
      • The equipment in question is any equipment obtained from the box, not only Adoulin equipment.
    • Potential rewards include:

SP Dial Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, free SP Gobbie Keys are distributed to players.
    • Every character will receive a SP Gobbie Key upon logging in that Earth Day.
      • Characters must be at least 45 days old in order to use this dial.
      • There is no charge to your daily tally to use this dial.

Wanted Dial Campaign


Incursion Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, an additional item will drop from monsters when vanquished inside of Incursion.
    • This campaign affects all monsters in the zone, and the number of Velkk Coffers, Grand Velkk Coffers, and Boss Coffers obtained from defeating monsters are doubled.
    • Note: This campaign used to increase the quality of boxes dropped from monsters. After the July 5th, 2017 version update, this campaign was made into a permanent quality of life improvement. Now, this campaign doubles the drops of the coffers obtained.

Meeble Burrows

Meeble Burrows Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, better items can be obtained when exchanging phantom worms gained from completing Meeble Burrows.
    • In addition, trading a grimoire to the Burrow Researcher will provide you with the maximum number of Moblin pheromone sacks once every Earth hour. Should you run out, you will be able to undergo the same process once an hour (Earth time) has passed to receive up to the maximum yet again.
    • See below for a table of which rewards are swapped, and for their replacements:

The Mundus Shield was available for the first time during this campaign. Items with already rare appearance rate such as the Dervish Sword (and thus its replacement item Arise (Scroll)) might never be seen.

Wizened Tunnel Worm
Normal Drop Event Drop
Hi-Ether Mundus Shield
Fish Bones Kupon I-Skill
Petrified Log Miratete's Memoirs
Super Reraiser XX Super Reraiser
Yellow Curry Bun XX Yellow Curry Bun
Alacrity Palimpsest Rem's Tale Ch.1
Obliteration Palimpsest Rem's Tale Ch.2
Safeguard Palimpsest Rem's Tale Ch.3
Intimidation Palimpsest Rem's Tale Ch.4
Prize Powder Rem's Tale Ch.5
Orc Belt Leech Belt
Tukuku Whiteshell Philosopher's Stone
Dervish Sword Arise (Scroll)
Kahin Turban Meteor (Scroll)
Wizened Morion Worm
Normal Drop Event Drop
Hyper Potion Phoenix Feather
One Byne Bill Malboro Fiber
Remedy Black Beetle Blood
Miratete's Memoirs Damascene Cloth
Mahogany Log Oxblood
Alacrity Palimpsest Alexandrite
Obliteration Palimpsest One Byne Bill
Safeguard Palimpsest Ordelle Bronzepiece
Intimidation Palimpsest Tukuku Whiteshell
Quadav Belt Kupon AW-Abs
Angel Skin Slime Belt
Gold Thread Galley Kitchen
Ankylosis Wand Arise (Scroll)
Feline Mantle Meteor (Scroll)
Wizened Phantom Worm
Normal Drop Event Drop
Imperial Wootz Ingot XX Imperial Wootz Ingot
Panacea Dragon Meat
Ordelle Bronzepiece Frayed Sack (D)
Powder Boots Kupon I-S5
Hi-Elixir Heavy Metal
Alacrity Palimpsest Savory Shank
Obliteration Palimpsest Sweet Tea
Safeguard Palimpsest Red Pondweed
Intimidation Palimpsest Frayed Sack (L)
Yagudo Belt Hecteyes Belt
Flame Gem Riftdross
100 Byne Bill Alza'daal Table
Adflictio Riftcinder
Baalmuian Robe Pandemonium Key

Mog Garden

Mog Gardens Campaign

Monster Breeding / Rearing Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, it is easier to evolve monsters.
    • Monsters that you are rearing are simply twice as likely to evolve. Normal food requirements for evolution, as well as feeding procedures are still in effect.


Double Monstrosity Bonus Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, all players simply earn double the amount of Experience Points while participating in Monstrosity content.
    • The first 11 Monstrosity campaigns were a simple double up gain rate mechanic. After these, they changed the way the campaign worked and it became the chain monstrosity bonus campaign.

Chain Monstrosity Bonus Campaign

Chain Monstrosity Bonus Campaign - PLUS!

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, the chain bonus campaign described above is in effect. Additionally, items that grant the Dedication effect are also doubled.
    • An item that grants Infamy/Experience Points +150% is increased to a bonus of +300%. Additionally, a maximum bonus of 30,000 is increased to 60,000.


The Great Odyssey Campaign


Omen Job Card Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, Paragon Job Cards undergo the following adjustments:
    • It is easier to obtain job cards upon clearing additional objectives.
    • It is easier to obtain job cards when defeating lesser monsters along specific routes.

Omen Job Card Campaign - PLUS!

  • In addition to the above bonuses, the following benefit is also in place during this campaign:
    • There will be a greater chance of obtaining Paragon Job Cards when completing main and additional objectives.

Omen Light Double-Up Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, better omens appear when defeating monsters.
    • Two Omen lights will be activated when vanquishing monsters.
      • Note: If the first light is a good one, the second will not appear.
        • This means that you essentially have a better chance at obtaining bonus treasure floors.

Salvage II

Design Plan Drop Rate Doubled Campaign


Skirmish Treasure Coffer Upgrade Campaign

Double Simulacra Segment Campaign

Skirmish Frenzy Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, both of the above campaigns are in effect.
    • The Skirmish Treasure Coffer Upgrade Campaign bonuses are in effect.
    • The Double Simulacra Segment Campaign bonuses are also in effect.

Skirmish Frenzy Campaign - PLUS!

Skirmish Stone and Arcane Glyptics Campaign

Subscriptions & Payments

Discount Campaign

Note: This campaign is basically held in conjunction with the Welcome Back Campaign, so both are outlined in this section.

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, various discounts are available for new, returning, and veteran players alike!
    • All World Transfers are reduced from $18 normal price down to $9. This is a 50% savings.
      • Note that the 3 day wait period between transfers still applies.
    • The Final Fantasy XI Ultimate Collection: Seekers Edition is on sale at the Square Enix E-Store for $10 (or 1,980 Yen), resulting in a 65%~ discount in both currencies.
      • This edition includes the full game and all expansions and add-on content. The code can be used on a Square Enix account that is missing a few, or even all expansions/add-ons.
      • Do not confuse this with the Steam Store, as the game does not follow the same discounts over there. It is sometimes for sale on Steam when this Discount Campaign is not active. It is advised that you check both.

Welcome Back/Return Home to Vana'diel Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, characters are eligible to login for free without paying for a subscription.
    • Note: Only characters in the "Cancelled" status are eligible for this campaign.
      • You usually need to change this at least 5 days before the campaign starts.
    • Usually, free login access begins the day before a free login campaign is announced on the official website. Be sure to keep this in mind if you wish to play. Nothing further needs to be done within your Square Enix account. If your characters are eligible, simply log into the game to play!
    • It is recommended to use the "CHECK FILES" feature within PlayOnline prior to a free login period beginning in order to avoid the wait involved with updating the game files.
    • Characters that remain logged in when the free login campaign ends usually have extra play time involved before the game disconnects you. This amount of time varies and is based on luck, but there are reports that it has been up to 48 additional hours.

For further details on both of these campaigns, it is recommended to review the Official Website.

Skill Up

Combat and Magic Skill Increase Campaign


Double Synthesis Skill Increase Campaign

Trust Magic

Alter Ego Expo

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, Trusts receive various bonuses to their stats and performance.
    • Maximum HP and MP raises by +50% for every active Trust that you summon.
      • These amounts are added on top of any always-on effects already in place. In the case of Ferreous Coffin, he always has -10% Maximum HP and +35% Maximum MP. When the campaign is on, he has +40% Maximum HP and +85% Maximum MP.
    • All trusts have a higher resistance to all Status Effects.

Alter Ego Expo Campaign – PLUS!

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, Trusts the above mentioned effects as well as a recovery effect.
    • When a Trust is defeated by reducing its HP to 0, it will instead recover HP and MP to their maximum value without a Weakened state. Note that status effects will still remain.
      • The Trust Iroha is not eligible for this benefit.
      • Note: In the case of the spell Death or the effect of Doom, Trusts will not recover and will disappear as normal.


Double Unity Accolade Campaign

Unity Wanted Campaign


Vagary Campaign


Voidwatch Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, every Voidwatch battle starts with alignments at the maximum level.
    • White proc is still possible to perform but it is already at 100%, so it is suggested to complete the Voidwatch Quests and easily obtain all of the Voidwatch Key Items during this campaign.
    • It is still possible to increase the four alignments by an additional 150% after using the following cells: Cobalt Cell, Rubicund Cell, Xanthous Cell, and Jade Cell.
    • Note: The battlefields that take place in Provenance are not eligible for this campaign.
    • Note: There is no reason to take your time on kills during this campaign. It is recommended that you team up with other players, and take advantage of Phase Displacers to kill the NMs as quickly as possible. This will expedite your number of kills, thus granting the highest amount of loot and Empyrean Weapon upgrade materials.

Walk of Echoes Battlefields

Surge Walk Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, all Walks in the Walk of Echoes become surged.
    • The walks do not automatically change to Surged at the time of the campaign activation. A Walk must be defeated at least once during the campaign.
      • Surge walks have a chance at dropping the +1 armor from Walk of Echoes. There is not a higher chance to obtain any given piece, but because the walks are always surged, many more copies of these items are generated.
    • Additionally, Experience Points and Capacity Points gained upon completing a walk are tripled.

Wildskeeper Reives

Wildskeeper Reive Campaign

Wildskeeper Reive Campaign - PLUS!


This category has only the following subcategory.