User:Millsih/Simple Mission Guide

From FFXI Wiki

Overview (Crucial Information)

Hello. please read the following:

This is the:

Final Fantasy XI Simple Mission Guide

This guide is designed to be clean, comprehensible and to the point.

If one follows the guide in order, collecting home points, and survival guides along the way, it will naturally create a smooth and sensible flow in gameplay.

  • Note: It is crucial that you follow the guide in order, including reading the level 1-18 section. Even if you've already achieved a level beyond level 18, as it contains crucial starting information.
    • Note: Steps within this guide listed as "Fight:" will require you to interact with the listed feature, to initiate the fight.
    • Note: There are two types of "hidden" targets in FFXI. "???" and "Blank Target" (Blank targets are ??? with no text.) You must "tab" or press right/left on gamepad to find them.
    • Note: This is not a complete guide to FFXI. Join a linkshell, refer to other wiki pages, reddit and other sources to fulfill your needs. This guide is a focus on only missions.
    • Note: Finally, this is a guide. It will provide you information on a sensible course, but deviating from the course to unlock an additional job, or other activities is encouraged. "Following it in order" refers to ensuring you follow the steps, and quest layout order to optimize your mission progress. It does not indicate you must play the game the way the guide suggests.

Story and Rhapsodies of Vana'diel information:

The choice is yours if you prefer to enjoy the story, or focus on RoV missions to unlock Key items. This guide provides both options, to allow the player to focus on "just the story" or "finishing Rhapsodies of Vana'diel to unlock Key items" via footnotes in the associated missions.


  • Utilizing mods such as 60-fps, and other visual mods interferes with "Cutscenes" in FFXI. It is advised you turn these off while doing missions to avoid crashing.

Level 1-18: Starting Guide

The suggested level for the following objectives is level 1-18. (Minimum to maximum.)

Level 18-50: Missions Guide

The suggested level for the following missions is level 18-50. (Minimum to maximum.)

Level 50+: Missions Guide

The suggested level for the following missions is level 50 or above.

Level 50-75: Missions Guide

The suggested level for the following missions is level 50-75. (Minimum to maximum.)

Level 75-99: Missions Guide

The suggested level for the following missions is level 75-99. (Minimum to maximum.)

Level 99/iLvL 119: Missions

The suggested level for the following missions is level 99.

  • Note: It is also strongly suggested the player has obtained 119 Bayld equipment, as well as started farming Ambuscade, and other content for more optimal equipment.
    • (Note: The final battles of RoV and SoA as well as many battles along the way can prove challenging. You will want to seek more optimal equipment.)
    • (Note: Item level behaves differently in FFXI than more modern games. Some 119 equipment can be more powerful than others, and some equipment that is below 99, can be more powerful than some 119 equipment.)