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User:Millsih/Simple Mission Guide
Overview (Crucial Information)
Hello. please read the following:
This is the:
Final Fantasy XI Simple Mission Guide
This guide is designed to be clean, comprehensible and to the point.
If one follows the guide in order, collecting home points, and survival guides along the way, it will naturally create a smooth and sensible flow in gameplay.
- Note: It is crucial that you follow the guide in order, including reading the level 1-18 section. Even if you've already achieved a level beyond level 18, as it contains crucial starting information.
- Note: Steps within this guide listed as "Fight:" will require you to interact with the listed feature, to initiate the fight.
- Note: There are two types of "hidden" targets in FFXI. "???" and "Blank Target" (Blank targets are ??? with no text.) You must "tab" or press right/left on gamepad to find them.
- Note: This is not a complete guide to FFXI. Join a linkshell, refer to other wiki pages, reddit and other sources to fulfill your needs. This guide is a focus on only missions.
- Note: Finally, this is a guide. It will provide you information on a sensible course, but deviating from the course to unlock an additional job, or other activities is encouraged. "Following it in order" refers to ensuring you follow the steps, and quest layout order to optimize your mission progress. It does not indicate you must play the game the way the guide suggests.
Story and Rhapsodies of Vana'diel information:
The choice is yours if you prefer to enjoy the story, or focus on RoV missions to unlock Key items. This guide provides both options, to allow the player to focus on "just the story" or "finishing Rhapsodies of Vana'diel to unlock Key items" via footnotes in the associated missions.
- Utilizing mods such as 60-fps, and other visual mods interferes with "Cutscenes" in FFXI. It is advised you turn these off while doing missions to avoid crashing.
Level 1-18: Starting Guide
The suggested level for the following objectives is level 1-18. (Minimum to maximum.)
Welcome to Vana'diel | |
FFXI is a massive free choice MMORPG. You decide what you want to do.
the choice is yours. __________________________________________________________________________________ To start: Open your, Menu: > Select "Equipment" Now equip all your available gear.
__________________________________________________________________________________ Learn about the Map FFXI has a unique map system. After opening the map, and selecting "Wide Scan" you can use this to find specific NPC's as well as locations of enemies.
You can also purchase quested map key items from the following NPC's:
(Note: Maps costing 300 gil, 600 gil, and 900 gil will be your priority. Once you earn more gil, buy more maps.) __________________________________________________________________________________
Menu: Press "right" to view a second menu Select: Quests > Objective List > Tutorial > Basics > First Step Forward. Complete the Records of Eminence quest: "First Step Forward" __________________________________________________________________________________ Home Points Find a home point (flashing/glowing blue icons on maps) and "Set your home point" upon interacting with the first one.
You may also set multiple "Favorite" home points for quick selection. __________________________________________________________________________________ Obtain Signet: Talk: to one of the following NPC's. (Bastok Citizen:)
(San d"Oria Citizen:)
(Windurst Citizen:)
Then select: "Would you cast Signet on me?!"
__________________________________________________________________________________ Learn about "Records of Eminence" -Open Menu > Press Right > Quests > Objective List > Combat (Wide Area) > Combat (Spoils) 1 Set the following "Records of Eminence" or "RoE" Objectives:
-Open Menu > Press Right > Quests > Objective List > Combat (Wide Area) > Combat (Spoils) 2 Set the following "Records of Eminence" or "RoE" Objectives:
(Note: Records of Eminence objectives should be reguarly updated by the player to fit their current activities to maximize sparks and accolades acquisition. The above are generic "RoE" that would apply to a beginning player.) __________________________________________________________________________________ First Battle: (Travel: To one of the following locations:) "Gustaberg -or- Sarutabaruta -or- Ronfaure" Select the enemy > Select Attack > Make sure you're facing/standing close to the enemy. Achieve level 5 or above by attacking enemies very close to the city gates.
(Note: To further increase your EXP amounts earned per kill, it is strongly recommended you familiarize yourself with both of the following:)
Unlock Trusts: (Requires level 5 or above.) Complete the following "Records of Eminence" or "RoE" objectives:
(Note: Completing the first "Call Forth an Alter Ego" requires talking to the first listed NPC, a second NPC, then a sumoning the trust in the open world, > talking to second NPC once again.) (Note: To complete additional RoE objectives after the first, simply trade your new Cipher to one of the following NPC's.)
__________________________________________________________________________________ Join a Unity:
-Complete the Records of Eminence quest: "All for One"
To teleport: Talk: to one of the following NPC's.
There are also multiple other ways to earn gil, refer to other guides/pages for more information. |
Level 18-50: Missions Guide
The suggested level for the following missions is level 18-50. (Minimum to maximum.)
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel (Part 1.) | |
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel (Part 1.)
(Objective 1.) Obtain Level 18 __________________________________________________________________________________
"Rhapsodies of Vana'diel" (Step 1.) Travel: -Enter your home nation zone with a Mog House Entry point.
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Resonance" (Step 1.) Travel: Zone into either: (Selbina:)
-OR- (Mhaura:)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Emissary from the Seas" (Selbina Path) (Chosen from previous mission)
(Mhaura Path:) (Chosen from previous mission)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Set Free" (Selbina Path:)
(Mhaura Path:)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The Beginning" (Selbina Path:)
(Mhaura Path:)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Flames of Prayer" (Step 1.) Examine: Oaken Door -Norg (K-8) for Cutscene __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Complete the quest Chocobo's Wounds (Follow the link to complete this quest.) (Step 2.) Obtain: the Map of the Jeuno area (Step 3.) Talk: Mapitoto -Upper Jeuno (G-7) to start the quest Full Speed Ahead!. (Step 4.) Complete the quest's racing minigame to obtain the ♪ Raptor Mount item. (Objective 3a.) (Step 1.) Unlock sub job via:
(Option 1.) Level WHM to level 25, and purchase and gain access to Sneak, Invisible, Deodorize. [Purchased: Falgima -Selbina (H-9) and Tya Padolih -Mhaura (G-9).]
(Option 2.) Purchase from the Curio Vendor Moogle, Prism Powder, Silent Oil, and Deodorizer. (12 total each. Known as a "Stack.")
(San d'Oria) "Journey Abroad"
(Bastok) "The Emissary"
(Windurst) "The Three Kingdoms" |
Bastok (Rank 1-2.) | |
Bastok (Rank 1-2.)"The Zeruhn Report" (Step 1.) Talk: Cleades - Bastok Markets HP#1 (D-11) (Step 2.) Travel: Bastok Mines (D-2) > Zeruhn Mines. (Step 3.) Talk: Makraim-Zeruhn Mines (H-11) (obtain "Zeruhn Report" key item) (Step 4.) Talk: Naji -Metalworks HP#1 (J-8) (Top floor) (Cutscene: "This area is off-limits to...")
"A Geological Survey" (Step 1.) Talk: Cleades - Bastok Markets HP#1 (D-11) Select mission "A Geological Survey" (Step 2.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (G-8) top floor "Cid's Lab" for cutscene > Obtain KI. (Step 3.) Travel: Bastok Markets > South Gustaburg > (D-9) > Dangruf Wadi > Collect Survival Guide (Step 4.) Travel: -Dangruf Wadi (I-8) SE Corner. > "Ride a geyser that is splashing water."
(Step 5.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (G-8) Top floor "Cid's Lab" (Cutscene: "Ah, you're back!...) __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Talk: Cleades - Bastok Markets HP#1 (D-11) Select mission "Fetichism." (Step 2.) Obtain 4 items: Fetich Head, Fetich Torso, Feitch Arms, Fetich Legs.
(Step 3.) Trade: all 4 at once to Cleades - Bastok Markets HP#1 (D-11) __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Trade: 4 crystals to Rabid Wolf, I.M. -Bastok Markets HP#1 (E-11) (Step 2.) Talk: Cleades - Bastok Markets HP#1 (D-11) Select mission "The Crystal Line" (Step 3.) Obtain "Faded Crystal"
(Step 4.) Trade: "Faded Crystal" to Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (G-8) "Cid's Lab." (Step 5.) Talk: Ayame -Metalworks HP#1 > (K-7) "Cannonry" room for a cutscene
(Step 6.) Open menu > missions > Nations > Bastok (The Crystal Line should now be under "Completed" instead of "current" if you got the correct Cutscene from Ayame. __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Emissary" (Step 1.) Trade: 1 crystal to Rabid Wolf, I.M. -Bastok Markets HP#1 (E-11) (Step 2.) Talk: Cleades -Bastok Markets HP#1 (D-11) Select mission "The Emissary" (Step 3.) Talk: Naji -Metalworks HP#1 (J-8) a cutscene with Karst. (Step 4.) Talk: Baraka -Northern San d'Oria HP#3 (J-10) in "Consulate of Bastok" > Collect HP/SG.
(Step 5.) Talk: Helaku -Northern San d'Oria (K-10) in "Consulate of Bastok" for a Cutscene. (Step 6.) Talk: Halver -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d"Oraguile (I-9) "An adventurer from Bastok..." (Step 7.) Fight: "Warchief Vatgit" Ghelsba Outpost (H-7)
(Step 8.) Talk: Helaku -Northern San d'Oria HP#3 (K-10) in "Consulate of Bastok" (Step 9.) Talk: Melek -Port Windurst HP#1 (F-6) in "Bastokan Consul" CS > Obtain KI.
(Step 10.) Talk: Kupipi -Windurst Walls HP#1 > (H-7) > Heavens Tower > behind Door: Clerical Chamber. (Step 11.) Fight: Burning Circle -Giddeus HP#1 > (F-12)
(Step 12.) Talk: Melek -Port Windurst HP#1 (F-6) in Door > Door "Bastokan Consul" (Step 13.) Talk Naji -Metalworks HP#1 (J-8) |
Windurst (Rank 1-2.) | |
Windurst (Rank 1-2.)"The Horutoto Ruins Experiment" (Step 1.) Talk: Rakoh-Buuma -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) Select "The Horutoto Ruins Experiment" (Step 2.) Talk: Hakkuru-Rinkuru -Port Windurst HP#1 (E-7) > Orastery for CS (Step 3.) Travel: -Windurst Woods HP#2 > (K-10) > Zone to East Sarutabaruta (Step 4.) Travel: -East Sarutabaruta (J-7) > Zone to Inner Horutoto Ruins (Step 5.) Collect: the Survival Guide. (Step 6.) Examine: Cracked Wall -Inner Horutoto Ruins (H-9) > Go through (Step 7.) Examine: Gate: Magical Gizmo -Inner Horutoto Ruins (I-9) for CS (Step 8.) Examine: Ancient Magical Gizmos, each, until you obtain "Cracked Mana Orb" Key item. (Step 9.) Talk: Hakkuru-Rinkuru -Port Windurst HP#1 (E-7) > Orastery __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Heart of the Matter" (Step 1.) Talk: Rakoh Buuma -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) Select "The Heart of the Matter" (Step 2.) Talk: Apururu -Windurst Woods HP#1 (H-9) > Manustery
(Step 3.) Travel: -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) > Zone to East Sarurtabaruta (Step 4.) Talk: Pore-Ohre -East Sarutabaruta (J-11) > Obtain Key item. (Step 5.) Travel: -East Sarutabaruta (J-11) > Outer Horutoto Ruins (Step 6.) Examine: Ancient Magical Gizmo x6 to place each Orb.
(Step 7.) Travel: Eastern Cracked Wall > Examine Gate: Magical Gizmo for CS (Step 8.) Examine: Ancient Magical Gizmo x6 to retrieve all 6 Orb KI's (Step 9.) Travel: -Outer Horototo Ruins (I-7) > East Sarutabaruta for CS (Step 10.) Talk: Apururu -Windurst Woods HP#1 (H-9) > Manustery __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Price of Peace" (Step 1.) Talk: Rakoh Buuma -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) Select "The Price of Peace" (Step 2.) Talk: Leepe-Hoppe -Windurst Waters HP#3 > Rhinostery Roof access (J-9) > (J-8)
(Step 3.) Travel: -Windurst Waters HP#1 > (G-3) > West Sarutabaruta (Step 4.) Travel: -West Sarutabaruta (F-8) > Giddeus (Step 5.) Talk: Laa Mozi -Giddeus (H-7) (Step 6.) Talk: Ghoo Pakya -Giddeus (G-7) (Step 7.) Collect: Home Point (Step 8.) Travel: near, Leppe-Hoppe -Windurst Waters HP#3 (J-8) (Step 9.) Talk: Rakoh Buuma -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Lost for Words" (Step 1.) Trade: 4 Crystals to Harara, W.W. -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) (Step 2.) Talk: Rakoh Buuma -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) Select "Lost for Words" (Step 3.) Talk: Tosuka-Porika -Windurst Waters HP#1 (G-8) (Step 4.) Talk: Nanaa Mihgo -Windurst Woods HP#1 (J-3) > Obtain KI
(Step 5.) Travel: Unity Warp (99) -Tahrongi Canyon (Step 6.) Collect: Survival Guide Tahrongi Canyon (G-4) (Step 7.) Travel: -Tahrongi Canyon (K-5) > Zone to Maze of Shakhrami (Step 8.) Colelct: Survival Guide Maze of Shakhrami (Step 9.) Travel: -Maze of Shakhrami ((G-6) > New map (Step 10.) Examine: Fossil Rocks until you obtain Lapis Coral KI
(Step 11.) Talk: Nanaa Mihgo -Windurst Woods HP#1 (J-3) Obtain Hideout Key KI (Step 12.) Travel: -Inner Horutoto Ruins Survival Guide (SG) (Step 13.) Travel: -Inner Horutoto Ruins (G-7) Cracked Wall > New Map (Step 14.) Examine: Mahogany Door -Inner Horutoto Ruins (G-8) (Hidden path) (Step 15.) Examine: Door -Windurst Walls HP#1 (G-3) "House of the Hero" (Step 16.) Talk: Tosuka-Porika -Windurst Waters HP#1 (G-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Three Kingdoms" (Step 1.) Trade: 1 Crystal to Harara, W.W. -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) (Step 2.) Talk: Rakoh Buuma -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) Select "The Three Kingdoms" (Step 3.) Talk: Kupipi -Windurst Walls HP#1 (H-7) > Zone to Heaven's Tower (WARNING)
(Step 4.) Talk: Heruze-Moruze -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 (H-9) in "Windurstian Consulate"
(Step 5.) Talk: Kasaroro -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 (H-9) in "Windurstian Consulate" (Step 6.) Talk: Halver -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d"Oraguile (I-9) (Step 7.) Travel: West Ronfaure > (E-4) > Ghalsba Outpost (Step 8.) Fight: "Warchief Vatgit" Ghelsba Outpost (H-7) (Step 9.) Talk: Kasaroro -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 (H-9) in "Windurstian Consulate" (Step 10.) Talk: Patt-Pott -Metalworks HP#1 (I-7) In "Windurstian Consulate"
(Step 11.) Talk: Pius -Metalworks HP#1 (J-8) in "President's Office" (Step 12.) Talk: Grohm -Metalworks HP#1 (H-9) in "Craftsmen's Eatery" (Step 13.) Fight: Burning Circle -Waughroon Shrine BCNM "The Three Kingdoms"
(Step 14.) Talk: Patt-Pott -Metalworks HP#1 (I-7) (Step 15.) Talk: Kupipi -Windurst Walls HP#1 (H-7) > Heaven's Tower |
San d'Oria (Rank 1-2.) | |
San d'Oria (Rank 1-2.)"Smash the Oricish Scouts" (Step 1.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) Select/accept Mission: "Smash the Orcish Scouts" (Step 2.) Travel: -Southern San d'Oria (F-10) > Zone to West Ronfaure > Open Map > "Wide scan"
(Step 3.) Fight: Orcish Fodder enemies > Until you obtain: "Orcish Axe" (Step 4.) Trade: Orcish Axe to Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) to complete the mission. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Bat Hunt" (Step 1.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) Select mission: "Bat Hunt" (Step 2.) Travel: Southern San d'Oria (L-10) > Zone to East Ronfaure > (H-11) > Zone to King Ranperre's Tomb (Step 3.) Collect: Survival Guide King Ranperre's Tomb (Step 4.) Fight: Ding Bats -King Ranperre's Tomb > Obtain "Orcish Mail Scales"
(Step 5.) Examine: Tombstone -King Ranperre's Tomb (H-10) for a cutscene. (Step 6.) Trade: Orcish Mail Scales to Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Save the Children" (Step 1.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) Select Mission: "Save the Children" (Step 2.) Talk: Arnau -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 (M-6) He is at the altar. (Step 3.) Travel: West Ronfaure > (E-4) > Zone into Ghelsba Outpost (Step 4.) Collect: Survival Guide Ghelsba Outpost. (Step 5.) Examine: Hut Door -Ghelsba Outpost (F-10) (Step 6.) Fight: Hut Door -Ghelsba Outpost (F-10) BCNM "Save the Children" (Step 7.) Examine: Hut Door -Ghelsba Outpost (F-10) for a cutscene (CS). (Step 8.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Rescue Drill" (Step 1.) Trade: 4 Crystals to Aravogue, T.K. -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-10)
(Step 2.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) Select Mission: "The Rescue Drill" (Step 3.) Travel: -Unity Warp (99) -La Theine Plateau > Collect Survival Guide (M-8) > (E-6) (Step 4.) Talk: Galaihaurat -La Theine Plateau (E-6) (Step 5.) Travel: La Theine Plateau (F-6) into Canyon > (F-7) > Zone into Ordelle's Caves (Step 6.) Collect: Survival Guide -Ordelle's Caves. (Step 7.) Talk: Ruillont -Ordelle's Caves (H-3) (Step 8.) Travel: Ordelle's Caves (H-2) > La Theine Plateau (Step 9.) Obtain: Bronze Sword from the following NPC's
(Step 10.) Trade: Bronze Sword to Ruillont -Ordelle's Caves (H-3) (Step 11.) Talk: Vicorpasse -La Theine Plateau (F-6) > obtain Rescue Training Certificate Key item. (KI.) (Step 12.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Journey Abroad" (Step 1.) Trade: 1 Crystal to Aravogue, T.K. -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-10) (Step 2.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) Select Mission: "Journey Abroad" (Step 3.) Halver -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d"Oraguile (I-9) (Step 4.) Travel: Unity Warp (99) South Gustaberg > (J-7) > Bastok Markets > (H-7) > Metalworks (Step 5.) Collect: Home points in Bastok. (Step 6.) Talk: Savae E Paleade -Metalworks HP#1 (I-9) San d'Orian Consulate (Step 7.) Talk: Pius -Metalworks HP#1 (J-8) Dept. of Industry (Step 8.) Talk: Grohm -Metalworks HP#1 (J-8) Craftsmen's Eatery (Step 9.) Travel: Port Bastok HP#1 (L-6) > North Gustaberg > (K-3) > Palborough Mines (Step 10.) Collect: Palborough Mines HomePoint (Step 11.) Fight: Waughroon Shrine BCNM (Step 12.) Talk: Savae E Paleade -Metalworks HP#1 (I-9) > Obtain KI. (Step 13.) Talk: Halver -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d"Oraguile (I-9) (Step 14.) Travel: Unity Warp (99) East Sarutabaruta > (G-11) > Windurst Woods > Collect HP's. (Step 15.) Talk: Mourices -Windurst Woods HP#1 (G-10) (Step 16.) Kupipi -Windurst Walls HP#1 > (H-7) > Heavens Tower > behind Door: Clerical Chamber. (Step 17.) Travel: West Sarutabaruta > (F-8) > Giddeus > Collect HP > (G-8) > Drop down hole (Step 18.) Fight: Zhuu Buxu the Silent -Giddeus (G-7) (Use wide scan) (Step 19.) Talk: Uu Zhoumo -Giddeus (F-7) (Step 20.) Trade: Parana Shields to Mourices -Windurst Woods HP#1 (G-10) (Step 21.) Talk: Halver -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d"Oraguile (I-9) |
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel (Part 2.) | |
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel (Part 2.)"The Path Untraveled" (Step 1.) Examine: Shattered Telepoint (Just one) at (one) Crag:
__________________________________________________________________________________ "At the Heavens' Door" (Step 1.) Examine: Undulating Confluence -Qufim Island (G-8) HP#1 (or) Unity Warp (119) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Lion's Roar" (Step 1.) Fight: Undulating Confluence -Qufim Island HP#1 > (G-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Eddies of Despair" (Step 1.) "Examine: Undulating Confluence -Qufim Island HP#1 > (G-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "A Land After Time" (Step 1.) Examine: Shattered Telepoint (Just one) at Crag:
(San d'Oria) "The Shadow Lord"
(Bastok) "Xarcabard, Land of Truths"
(Windurst) "The Shadow Awaits" |
Level 50+: Missions Guide
The suggested level for the following missions is level 50 or above.
Bastok (Rank 3-5.) | |
Bastok (Rank 3-5.)"The Four Musketeers" (Step 1.) Trade: 4 Crystals to Rabid Wolf, I.M. -Bastok Markets HP#1 (E-11) (Step 2.) Talk: Cleades -Bastok Markets HP#1 (D-11) Select mission "The Four Musketeers" (Step 3.) Talk: Iron Eater -Metalworks HP#1 (J-8) (Cutscene "Ah, you must be the...") (Step 4.) Travel: Zone into Beadeaux for a cutscene.
(Step 5.) Fight: Copper Quadavs. (x20) (WARNING: Read notes.)
(Step 6.) Travel: Zone from Beadeaux into Pashhow Marshlands (Cutscene "Good. You have all done well...")
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Jeuno" (Step 1.) Talk: Cleades -Bastok Markets HP#1 (D-11) Select mission "Jeuno." (Step 2.) Talk: Lucius -Metalworks HP#1 (J-9/I-9) "Presidential Aide's Office." > Obtain key item (KI) (Step 3.) Talk: Goggehn -Ru"Lude Gardens HP#2 > (H-10). (Step 4.) Travel: -Lower Delkfutt's Tower Survival Guide (or Qufim Island HP/SG.) (Step 5.) Travel: In Order Start > Number order. (See Maps)
(+++++WARNING+++++Do not fall when traveling between 18 > 19) (Step 6.) Fight: Porphyrion -Upper Delkfutt's Tower (H-8) (Step 7.) Trade: Delkfutt Key -Elevator -Upper Delkfutt's Tower (H-8) (Step 8.) Travel: Elevator > Down Staircase > Through Cermet Door. (Step 9.) Examine: Cermet Door -Lower Delkfutt's Tower (L-9) Cutscene. (Step 10.) Examine: "Door: Bastokan Emb." -Ru'Lude Gardens HP#2 (H-10). (Cutscene)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Magicite" (Step 1.) Trade: 8 Crystals to Rabid Wolf, I.M. -Bastok Markets HP#1 (E-11) (Step 2.) Obtain: Coeurl Meat x1
(Step 3.) Travel: -Beadeaux Survival guide > Summon trusts > Cast Sneak > Beadeaux (H-7) NE > Now on new map (You may examine "Mute" (G-7) but not needed) > (F-8) > Now on original map (Step 4.) Travel: Beadeaux (E-10) Ramp > (I-10) (Do not fall) (Step 5.) Fight: De'Vyu Headhunter (I-10) > Obtain Quadav Charm (Do not fall) (Step 6.) Fight: Go'Bhu Gascon (F-6) > Obtain Qdv. Augury Shell (Step 7.) Talk: Goggehn -Ru'Lude Gardens HP#2 > (H-10) Bastokan Embassy (No Cutscene) (Step 8.) Examine: Door: Bastokan Emb. -Ru'Lude Gardens (H-10) obtain Archducal audience permit KI. (Inside Embassy behind another Bastokan Emb. Door.) (Step 9.) Examine: Audience Chamber -Ru'Lude Gardens (H-5) obtain Letter to Aldo KI (Step 10.) Talk: Ghebi Damomohe -Lower Jeuno (I-7) Neptune's Spire > Select "Third" blank option
(Step11.) Talk: Jabbar -Port Bastok HP#3 (F-6) Warehouse#2 obtain Tenshodo Application form KI (Step 12.) Talk: Ghebi Damomohe -Lower Jeuno HP#2 (I-7) Neptune's Spire > Obtain Tenshodo Member's Card KI (Step 13.) Talk: Aldo -Lower Jeuno HP#2 (J-8) Inside Tenshodo Guild Door to obtain Silver Bell KI (Step 14.) Talk: Sattal-Mansal -Lower Jeuno (J-8) to flag quests: Mysteries of Beadeaux I, Mysteries of Beadeaux II
(Step 15.) Trade: Quadav Charm to Sattal-Mansal -Lower Jeuno HP#2 (J-8) Tenshodo . Obtain Coruscant Rosary KI.
(Step 16.) Trade: Qdv. Augury Shell to Sattal-Mansal -Lower Jeuno HP#2 (J-8) Tenshodo > Obtain Black Matinee Necklace KI. (Step 17.) Talk: Paya-Sabya -Upper Jeuno HP#3 > (I-8) (Step 18.) Talk Baudin -Upper Jeuno (G-8) (Step 19.) Trade: Coeurl Meat to Baudin -Upper Jeuno (G-8) (Step 20.) Talk: Muckvix -Lower Jeuno HP#1 > (H-9) "Muckvix's Junk Shop" obtain Yagudo Torch KI
(Step 21.) Travel: -Jugnar Forest Survival Guide > (G-12) > Zone into Davoi > Collect SG > Summon Trusts
(Step 22.) Examine: Wall of Dark Arts -Davoi (G-7) (Looks like a dead end on the map) > Zone to Monastic Cavern (Step 23.) Examine: Magicite -Monastic Cavern (F-6) > Obtain Magicite: Optistone KI (Step 24.) Travel: Unity Warp (122) -Meriphataud Mountains > (L-8) > Castle Oztroja > Collect Survival Guide. (Step 25.) Travel: -Castle Oztroja (I-8) WARNING Read carefully:
(Step 26.) Travel: Through Door> Cast Sneak/Invisible/trusts > (J-8) > New map (G-7) > New map (I-7) > New map (G-10)
(Step 27.) Examine: Magicite -Altar Room (G-8) > obtain Magicite: Orastone KI (Step 28.) Travel: -Beadeaux Survival Guide > Cast Sneak > Beadeaux (H-7) NE > New map (I-7)
(Step 29.) Examine: Magicite behind the door -Qulun Dome (F-8) > obtain Magicite: Aurastone KI (Step 30.) Examine: Audience Chamber -Ru'Lude Gardens (H-5) (Step 31.) Talk: Goggehn -Ru'Lude Gardens (H-10) Bastokan Embassy __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Talk: Cleades -Bastok Markets HP#1 (D-11) (Step 2.) Talk: Naji -Metalworks HP#1 (J-8) Cutscene/Obtain "New Fei'Yin Seal" KI. (Step 3.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) -Beaucedine Glacier (or) Survival Guide (Step 4.) Travel: -Beaucedine Glacier (J-4) > Fei'Yin > Cutscene (Step 5.) Travel: -Fei'Yin (K-8) > Collect Home Point > Qu'BIa Arena (Step 6.) Fight: "The Rank 5 Mission" BCNM (Step 7.) Talk: Naji -Metalworks HP#1 (J-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Xarcarbard, Land of Truth" (Step 1.) Talk: Cleades -Bastok Markets HP#1 (D-11) Select mission "Xarcabard, Land of Truths." (Step 2.) Examine: Door: President's Office -Metalworks HP#1 > Select Yes > Talk: Karst for Cutscene (Step 3.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) -Xarcabard > Collect Survival Guide (Step 4.) Travel: -Xarcabard (D-8) > Zone into Castle Zvahl Baileys > Collect Survival Guide (Step 5.) Travel: (See Map) > Collect Home Point
(Step 7.) Examine: Door: President's Office -Metalworks HP#1 for Cutscene |
Windurst (Rank 3-5.) | |
Windurst (Rank 3-5.)"To Each His Own Right" (Step 1.) Trade: 4 Crystals to Harara, W.W. -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) (Step 2.) Talk: Rakoh Buuma -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) Select "To Each His Own Right" (Step 3.) Talk: Kupipi -Windurst Walls HP#1 (H-7) > Heaven's Tower Obtain Starway Stairway Bauble KI (Step 4.) Travel: Up the stairs of Heaven's Tower through Door (Step 5.) Talk: Rhy Epocan -Heaven's Tower top. (Step 6.) Travel: -Castle Oztroja (I-8) (Step 7.) Examine: Handle > opens a trap floor > fall inside the trap for a CS.
(Step 8.) Travel: Warp out > Talk: Rhy Epocan -Windurst Walls HP#1 (H-7) > Heaven's Tower __________________________________________________________________________________ "A New Journey" (Step 1.) Talk: Rakoh Buuma -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) Select "A New Journey" (Step 2.) Examine: Vestal Chamber Door Windurst Walls HP#1 > Heaven's Tower (Step 3.) Talk: Pakh Jatafih -Ru'Lude Gardens HP#1 (I-9) in Windurstian Embassy (Step 4.) Travel: -Lower Delkfutt's Tower Survival Guide (or Qufim Island HP/SG.) (Step 5.) Travel: In Order Start > Number order. (See Maps.) (+++++WARNING+++++Do not fall when traveling between 18 > 19) (Step 6.) Fight: Porphyrion -Upper Delkfutt's Tower (H-8) (Step 7.) Trade: Delkfutt Key -Elevator -Upper Delkfutt's Tower (H-8) (Step 8.) Travel: Elevator > Down Staircase > Through Cermet Door. (Step 9.) Examine: Cermet Door -Lower Delkfutt's Tower (L-7) Cutscene. (Step 10.) Examine: Door: Windurstian Emb. -Ru'Lude Gardens HP#1 (I-9) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Magicite"
(Step 1.) Trade: 8 Crystals to Harara, W.W. -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) (Step 2.) Obtain: Coeurl Meat x1
(Step 3.) Travel: -Beadeaux Survival guide > Summon trusts > Cast Sneak > Beadeaux (H-7) NE > Now on new map (You may examine "Mute" (G-7) but not needed) > (F-8) > Now on original map (Step 4.) Travel: Beadeaux (E-10) Ramp > (I-10) (Do not fall) (Step 5.) Fight: De'Vyu Headhunter (I-10) > Obtain Quadav Charm (Do not fall) (Step 6.) Fight: Go'Bhugascon (F-6) > Obtain Qdv. Augury Shell (Step 7.) Talk: Pakh Jatalfih -Ru'Lude Gardens (I-9) Windurstian Embassy (Step 8.) Examine: Door: Windurstian Emb. -Ru'Lude Gardens (I-9) obtain Archducal audience permit KI. (Inside Embassy behind another Windurstian Emb. Door.) (Step 9.) Examine: Audience Chamber -Ru'Lude Gardens (H-5) obtain Letter to Aldo KI (Step 10.) Talk: Ghebi Damomohe -Lower Jeuno (I-7) Neptune's Spire > Select "Third" blank option
(Step11.) Talk: Jabbar -Port Bastok HP#3 (F-6) Warehouse#2 obtain Tenshodo Application form KI (Step 12.) Talk: Ghebi Damomohe -Lower Jeuno HP#2 (I-7) Neptune's Spire > Obtain Tenshodo Member's Card KI (Step 13.) Talk: Aldo -Lower Jeuno HP#2 (J-8) Inside Tenshodo Guild Door to obtain Silver Bell KI (Step 14.) Talk: Sattal-Mansal -Lower Jeuno HP#2 (J-8) to flag quests: Mysteries of Beadeaux I, Mysteries of Beadeaux II
(Step 15.) Trade: Quadav Charm to Sattal-Mansal -Lower Jeuno HP#2 (J-8) Tenshodo . Obtain Coruscant Rosary KI.
(Step 16.) Trade: Qdv. Augury Shell to Sattal-Mansal -Lower Jeuno HP#2 (J-8) Tenshodo > Obtain Black Matinee Necklace KI. (Step 17.) Talk: Paya-Sabya -Upper Jeuno (I-8) (Step 18.) Talk Baudin -Upper Jeuno (G-8) (Step 19.) Trade: Coeurl Meat to Baudin -Upper Jeuno (G-8) (Step 20.) Talk: Muckvix -Lower Jeuno (H-9) "Muckvix's Junk Shop obtain Yagudo Torch KI (Step 21.) Travel: -Jugnar Forest Survival Guide > (G-12) > Zone into Davoi > Collect Survival Guide > Summon Trusts (Step 22.) Examine: Wall of Dark Arts -Davoi (G-7) (Looks like a dead end on the map) (Step 23.) Examine: Magicite > Obtain Magicite: Optistone KI (Step 24.) Travel: Unity Warp (122) -Meriphataud Mountains > (L-8) > Castle Oztroja > Collect Survival Guide. (Step 25.) Travel: -Castle Oztroja (I-8) WARNING Read carefully:
(Step 26.) Travel: Through door > Cast Sneak/invisible/trusts > (J-8) > New map (G-7) > New map (I-7) > New map (G-10)
(Step 27.) Examine: Magicite to obtain Magicite: Orastone KI (Step 28.) Travel: -Beadeaux SurvialGuide > Cast Sneak > Beadeaux (H-7) NE > New map (I-7)
(Step 29.) Examine: Magicite behind the door to obtain Magicite: Aurastone KI (Step 30.) Examine: Audience Chamber -Ru'Lude Gardens (H-5) (Step 31.) Talk: Pakh Jatalfih -Ru'Lude Gardens (I-9) Windurstian Embassy
"The Final Seal" (Step 1.) Examine: Door: Vestal Chamber -Windurst Walls HP#1 > Heaven's Tower top (Step 2.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) -Beaucedine Glacier (or) Survival Guide (Step 3.) Travel: -Beaucedine Glacier (J-4) > Fei'Yin (Step 4.) Travel: -Fei'Yin (K-8) Cutscene > Collect Home Point (Step 5.) Fight: "The Rank 5 Mission" BCNM (Step 6.) Examine: Door: Vestal Chamber -Heaven's Tower top __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Shadow Awaits" (Step 1.) Talk: Rakoh Buuma -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) Select "The Shadow Awaits" (Step 2.) Examine: Door: Vestal Chamber -Windurst Walls HP#1 > Heaven's Tower top (Step 3.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) -Xarcabard > Collect Survival Guide (Step 4.) Travel: -Xarcabard (D-8) > Zone into Castle Zvahl Baileys > Collect Survival Guide (Step 5.) Travel: (See Map) >Collect Home Point
(Step 7.) Examine: Door: Vestal Chamber -Windurst Walls HP#1 > Heaven's Tower top |
San d'Oria (Rank 3-5.) | |
San d'Oria (Rank 3-5.)"Infiltrate Davoi" (Step 1.) Trade: 4 Crystals to Aravogue, T.K. -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-10) (Step 2.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) Select Mission: "Infiltrate Davoi" (Step 3.) Examine: Door: Prince Royal's Rm. -Chateau d'Oraguille (H-7) (Step 4.) Travel: Jugner Forest SG > (G-12) > Davoi (Step 5.) Talk: Quemaricond -Davoi roaming (H-7) > Obtain KI. (Step 6.) Examine: Door: Prince Royal's Rm. -Chateau d'Oraguille (H-7) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Appointment to Jeuno" (Step 1.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) Select Mission: Appointment to Jeuno (Step 2.) Examine: Door: Great Hall -Chateau d'Oraguille (I-9) (Step 3.) Talk: Nelcabrit -Ru'Lude Gardens HP#1 (H-9) San d'Orian Embassy (Step 4.) Travel: -Lower Delkfutt's Tower Suvival Guide (or Qufim Island HP/SG.) (Step 5.) Travel: In Order Start > Number order. (See Maps) (+++++WARNING+++++Do not fall when traveling between 18 > 19) (Step 6.) Fight: Porphyrion -Upper Delkfutt's Tower (H-8) (Step 7.) Trade: Delkfutt Key -Elevator -Upper Delkfutt's Tower (H-8) (Step 8.) Travel: Elevator > Down Staircase > Through Cermet Door. (Step 9.) Examine: Cermet Door -Lower Delkfutt's Tower (L-8) Cutscene. (Step 10.) Examine: Door: San d'Orian Emb. -Ru'Lude Gardens HP#1 (G-10)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Magicite" (Step 1.) Trade: 8 Crystals to Aravogue, T.K. -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-10) (Step 2.) Obtain: Coeurl Meat x1
(Step 3.) Travel: -Beadeaux Survival guide > Summon trusts > Cast Sneak > Beadeaux (H-7) NE > Now on new map (You may examine "Mute" (G-7) but not needed) > (F-8) > Now on original map (Step 4.) Travel: Beadeaux (E-10) Ramp > (I-10) (Do not fall) (Step 5.) Fight: De'Vyu Headhunter (I-10) > Obtain Quadav Charm (Do not fall) (Step 6.) Fight: Go'Bhugascon (F-6) > Obtain Qdv. Augury Shell (Step 7.) Examine: Door: San d'Orian Emb. -Ru'Lude Gardens HP#1 (G-10) (Step 8.) Examine: Audience Chamber -Ru'Lude Gardens (H-5) obtain Letter to Aldo KI (Step 9.) Talk: Ghebi Damomohe -Lower Jeuno (I-7) Neptune's Spire > Select "Third" blank option
(Step 10.) Talk: Jabbar -Port Bastok HP#3 (F-6) Warehouse#2 obtain Tenshodo Application form KI (Step 11.) Talk: Ghebi Damomohe -Lower Jeuno HP#2 (I-7) Neptune's Spire > Obtain Tenshodo Member's Card KI (Step 12.) Talk: Aldo -Lower Jeuno HP#2 (J-8) Inside Tenshodo Guild Door to obtain Silver Bell KI (Step 13.) Talk: Sattal-Mansal -Lower Jeuno HP#2 (J-8) to flag quests: Mysteries of Beadeaux I, Mysteries of Beadeaux II
(Step 14.) Trade: Quadav Charm to Sattal-Mansal -Lower Jeuno HP#2 (J-8) Tenshodo . Obtain Coruscant Rosary KI.
(Step 15.) Trade: Qdv. Augury Shell to Sattal-Mansal -Lower Jeuno HP#2 (J-8) Tenshodo > Obtain Black Matinee Necklace KI. (Step 16.) Talk: Paya-Sabya -Upper Jeuno (I-8) (Step 17.) Talk Baudin -Upper Jeuno (G-8) (Step 18.) Trade: Coeurl Meat to Baudin -Upper Jeuno (G-8) (Step 19.) Talk: Muckvix -Lower Jeuno (H-9) "Muckvix's Junk Shop obtain Yagudo Torch KI (Step 20.) Travel: -Jugnar Forest Survival Guide > (G-12) > Zone into Davoi > Collect Survival Guide > Summon Trusts (Step 21.) Examine: Wall of Dark Arts -Davoi (G-7) (Looks like a dead end on the map) (Step 22.) Examine: Magicite > Obtain Magicite: Optistone KI (Step 23.) Travel: Unity Warp (122) -Meriphataud Mountains > (L-8) > Castle Oztroja > Collect SG (Step 24.) Travel: -Castle Oztroja (I-8) WARNING Read carefully:
(Step 25.) Travel: Cast Sneak/Invisible > Through door > New map (G-7) > New map (I-7) > New map (G-10)
(Step 26.) Examine: Magicite to obtain Magicite: Orastone KI (Step 27.) Travel: -Beadeaux SG > Cast Sneak > Beadeaux (H-7) NE > New map (I-7)
(Step 28.) Examine: Magicite behind the door to obtain Magicite: Aurastone KI (Step 29.) Examine: Audience Chamber -Ru'Lude Gardens (H-5) (Step 30.) Talk: Nelcabrit -Ru'Lude Gardens HP#1 (G-9) San d'Orian Emb. __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Ruins of Fei'Yin" (Step 1.) Talk: Halver -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d"Oraguile (I-9) (Step 2.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) Select Mission: "The Ruins of Fei'Yin" (Step 3.) Talk: Halver -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d"Oraguile (I-9) > Obtain KI (Step 4.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) -Beaucedine Glacier (or) Survival Guide (Step 5.) Travel: -Beaucedine Glacier (J-4) > Fei'Yin (Step 6.) Travel: -Fei'Yin (K-8) Cutscene > Collect Home Point (Step 7.) Fight: "The Rank 5 Mission" BCNM (Step 8.) Talk: Halver -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d"Oraguile (I-9) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Shadow Lord" (Step 1.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) Select Mission: The Shadow Lord" (Step 2.) Talk: Halver -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d"Oraguile (I-9) (Step 3.) Examine: Door Prince Royal's Rm. -Chateau d'Oraguille (H-7) (Step 4.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) -Xarcabard > Collect Survival Guide (Step 5.) Travel: -Xarcabard (D-8) > Zone into Castle Zvahl Baileys > Collect Survival Guide (Step 6.) Travel: (See Map) > Collect Home Point
(Step 8.) Examine: Door: Great Hall -Chateau d'Oraguille (I-9) |
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel (Part 3.) | |
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel (Part 3)"Fate's Call" (Step 1.) Travel: To your home nation. __________________________________________________________________________________ "What Lies Beyond" (Step 1.) Travel: -Norg HP#1 (Step 2.) Examine: Oaken Door -Norg (K-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Ties that Bind" (Step 1.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) -Sea Serpent Grotto > (M-5) > New map (Step 2.) Examine: ??? -Sea Serpent Grotto (J-12) > Collect Survival Guide __________________________________________________________________________________ "Impurity" (Step 1.) Travel: -Sea Serpent Grotto Survival Guide > (N-3) > Zone to Yuhtunga Jungle (Step 2.) Examine: ??? - Yuhtunga Jungle (F-11) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Lost Avatar" (Step 1.) Fight: ??? Yuhtunga Jungle (F-11) (Step 2.) Examine: ??? Yuhtunga Jungle (F-11) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Volto Oscuro" (Step 1.) Examine: Oaken Door -Norg (K-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ Congratulations! You have now unlocked crucial Key Items and trusts to continue onward to level 99 (first job only) and completing missions.
Suggested Trust Party for Leveling/low level missions:
(Additionally once obtained)
Level 50-75: Missions Guide
The suggested level for the following missions is level 50-75. (Minimum to maximum.)
Bastok (Rank 6-10.) | |
Bastok (Rank 6-10.)(Note: This story section is not required to complete Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.)
(Step 1.) Trade: 8 Crystals to Rabid Wolf, I.M. -Bastok Markets HP#1 (E-11) (Step 2.) Talk: Cleades -Bastok Markets HP#1 (D-11) Select Missoin "Return of the Talekeeper" (Step 3.) Talk: Medicine Eagle -Bastok Mines HP#1 (H-5) (Step 4.) Talk: Drake Fang -Zeruhn Mines (H-6) (Step 5.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) -Western Altepa Desert > (G-8) (Step 6.) Fight: ??? -Western Altepa Desert (G-8) (Step 7.) Examine: ??? -Western Altepa Desert (G-8) > Obtain KI. (Step 8.) Talk: Tall Mountain -Bastok Mines HP#3 (J-7) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Pirates' Cove" (Step 1.) Talk: Cleades -Bastok Markets HP#1 (D-11) Select Mission: "The Pirates' Cove" (Step 2.) Talk: Naji -Metalworks HP#1 (J-8) (Cutscene "Ah -name- it looks like you're...") (Step 3.) Talk: Gilgamesh -Norg HP#1 > (K-8) (Cutscene: "Arrrg, so you're the...") (Step 4.) Obtain: Adaman Ore
(Step 5.) Travel: Unity Warp (122) -Yhoator Jungle > (I-5) > Zone into Ifrit's Cauldron (Step 6.) Travel: Cast Sneak/Invisible > -Ifrit's Cauldron (H-7) (Step 7.) Fight: Trade Adaman Ore to ??? -Ifrit's Cauldron (H-7) (Step 8.) Trade: Gilgamesh -Norg HP#1 > (K-8) "Frag Rock" (Step 9.) Talk: Naji -Metalworks HP#1 (J-8) (Cutscene: "You're finally back...") __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Final Image" (Step 1.) Trade: 10 Crystals to Rabid Wolf, I.M. -Bastok Markets HP#1 (E-11) (Step 2.) Talk: Cleades -Bastok Markets HP#1 (D-11) Select Mission: "The Final Image" (Step 3.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (H-8) (Cutscene: "Ah, it's nice to see...") (Step 4.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) -RoMaeve > Collect Survival Guide (Step 5.) Fight: ??? (Check map, location changes every 15 minutes.) (Step 6.) Examine: ??? (It has now moved to a new location.) (Step 7.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (H-8) (Cutscene: "Ha ha! You got...") __________________________________________________________________________________ "On My Way" (Step 1.) Talk: Cleades -Bastok Markets HP#1 (D-11) Select Mission: "On My Way" (Step 2.) Talk: Karst -Metalworks HP#1 (K-8) (President's Office) (Step 3.) Talk: Hilda -Port Bastok HP#3 (E-6) (She is upstairs, talk to her from the bottom floor.) (Step 4.) Fight: BCNM "Waughroon Shrine" (Home Point-Palborough Mines.) (Step 5.) Talk: Karst -Metalworks HP#1 (K-8) (President's Office.) (Step 6.) Talk: Gumbah -Bastok Mines HP#1 (J-7) (Cutscene: "This...this is a letter") __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Chains that Bind Us" (Step 1.) Complete the quest "Open Sesame" (Steps 1.a-1.d is the quest "Open Sesame.")
(Step 2.) Trade: 12 Crystals to Rabid Wolf, I.M. -Bastok Markets HP#1 (E-11) (Step 3.) Talk Cleades -Bastok Markets HP#1 (D-11) Select Mission: "The Chains that Bind Us" (Step 4.) Talk: Iron Eater -Metalworks HP#1 (J-8) (Cutscene: "We've been expecting...") (Step 5.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) -Western Altepa Desert > (G-5) > Zone Quicksand Caves. (Step 6.) Travel: Quicksand Caves (H-8) (Stand on round platform to open door) > (I-10) (Step 7.) Travel: Quicksand Caves (I-10) (Stand on round platform to open new door) > (G-11) (Step 8.) Fight: ??? Quicksand Caves (G-11) (It is a stone structure) (Step 9.) Examine: ??? Quicksand Caves (G-11) for Cutscene
(Step 10.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) -Western Altepa Desert > (C-11) > (D-12) Hidden path.
(Step 11.) Travel: Quicksand Caves (K-8) (Platform > door) > New map. (WARNING: Read note)
(Step 13.) Examine: ??? Quicksand Caves (H-8) (Cutscene) (Step 14.) Talk: Iron Eater -Metalworks HP#1 (J-8) (Cutscene: "I welcome you back...") __________________________________________________________________________________ "Enter the Talekeeper" (Step 1.) Talk: Cleades -Bastok Markets HP#1 (D-11) Select Mission: "Enter the Talekeeper" (Step 2.) Talk: Drake Fang -Zeruhn Mines (H-6)
(Step 3.) Travel: Kuftal Tunnel Survival Guide > Cast Sneak upon entry.
(Step 4.) Examine: ??? -Kuftal Tunnel (H-8) (Near the roped off cliff.) (Step 5.) Fight: ??? -Kuftal Tunnel (Other side of H-8, loop around the bend.) (Step 6.) Examine: ??? -Kuftal Tunnel (Ensure you obtain Keyitem.) (Step 7.) Talk: Drake Fang -Zeruhn Mines (H-6) (Cutscene: "Well, it looks like...")
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The Salt of the Earth" (Step 1.) Trade: 18 Crystals to Rabid Wolf, I.M. -Bastok Markets HP#1 (E-11) (Step 2.) Talk: Cleades -Bastok Markets HP#1 (D-11) Select mission: "The Salt of the Earth" (Step 3.) Talk: Alois -Metalsworks HP#1 (J-8) (Door: Conference Room.) (Step 4.) Talk: Dancing Wolf -Rabao HP#2 (G-7) (Cutscene: "Wait, you must be..") (Step 5.) Travel: Unity Warp (128) -Gustav Tunnel > (G-6) (Step 6.) Fight: ??? -Gustav Tunnel (G-6) (North-Middle section.) (Step 7.) Examine: ??? -Gustav Tunnel (G-6) > Obtain key item. (Step 8.) Talk: Dancing Wolf -Rabao HP#2 (G-7) (Cutscene: "Oh, I'm glad...") (Step 9.) Talk: Alois -Metalworks HP#1 (J-8) (Conference Room) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Where Two Paths Converge" (Step 1.) Talk: Cleades -Bastok Markets HP#1 (D-11) Select mission: "Where Two Paths Converge" (Step 2.) Talk: Iron Eater -Metalworks HP#1 (J-8) (Cutscene: "We've been waiting...") (Step 3.) Travel: Castle Zvahl Keep Home Point > Throne Room. (Step 4.) Fight: BCNM "Where Two Paths Converge" (Step 5.) Talk: Iron Eater -Metalworks HP#1 (J-8) (Cutscene: "Welcome back from..") |
Windurst (Rank 6-10.) | |
Windurst (Rank 6-10.)(Note: This story section is not required to complete Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.)
"Written in the Stars"
(Step 1.) Talk: Rakoh Buuma -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) Select "Written in the Stars"
(Step 2.) Talk: Zubaba -Windurst Walls HP#1 (H-7) > Heaven's Tower
(Step 3.) Travel: -Inner Horutoto Ruins Survival Guide (Step 4.) Travel: -Inner Horutoto Ruins (G-7)/(G-8) Cracked wall > New Map (Step 5.) Travel: -Inner Horutoto Ruins (D-10) > New Map (Step 6.) Travel: -Inner Horutoto Ruins (H-9) > Open Three Mage Gate
(Step 7.) Examine: Gate of Light -Inner Horutoto Ruins (G-7) for CS (Step 8.) Talk: Zubaba -Windurst Walls HP#1 > Heaven's Tower top __________________________________________________________________________________ "Full Moon Fountain" (Step 1.) Trade: 8 Crystals to Harara, W.W. -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) (Step 2.) Talk: Rakoh Buuma -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) Select "Full Moon Fountain" (Step 3.) Talk: Hakkuru-Rinkuru -Port Windurst HP#1 (E-7) Orastery (Step 4.) Travel: -Port Windurst HP#2 > (A-4) > Zone to West Sarutabarta (Step 5.) Travel: -West Sarutabaruta (F-11) > Zone to Outer Horutoto Ruins (Step 6.) Travel: Cracked Wall -Outer Horutoto Ruins (J-8) (Step 7.) Fight: Gate: Magical Gizmo -Outer Horutoto Ruins (J-8) (Step 8.) Examine: Gate: Magical Gizmo -Outer Horutoto Ruins (J-8) for CS
(Step 9.) Travel: -Inner Horutoto Ruins Survival Guide (Step 10.) Travel: -Inner Horutoto Ruins (G-7)/(G-8) Cracked wall > New Map (Step 11.) Travel: -Inner Horutoto Ruins (D-10) > New Map (Step 12.) Travel: -Inner Horutoto Ruins (H-9) > Open Three Mage Gate (Step 13.) Travel: -Inner Horutoto Ruins (H-8)
(Step 14.) Travel: Through the left door on a path on the left at (H-6) > Zone to Toraimarai Canal (Step 15.) Collect: Survival Guide > Home Point (Step 16.) Travel: -Toraimarai Canal (G-7) Next to HP > Examine: Door > Zone for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Saintly Invitation" (Step 1.) Talk: Rakoh Buuma -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) Select "Saintly Invitation" (Step 2.) Examine: Door: Vestal Chamber -Windurst Walls HP#1 > Heaven's Tower top (Step 3.) Fight: -Giddeus HP#1 > Balga's Dais BCNM "Saintly Invitation" (Step 4.) Travel: -Castle Oztroja Survival Guide > (I-8) WARNING
(Step 5.) Travel: New Map > (G-8)
(Step 6.) Travel: -Castle Oztroja (G-9) > New Map > (I-11) > New Map (Step 7.) Obtain: Judgement Key > Farmed Yagudo Flagellants (On this map.) WARNING
(Step 8.) Examine: Unlit Torch -Castle Oztroja (H-7) WARNING
(Step 9.) Examine: Brass Statue > Enter combination
(Step 10.) Trade: Judgement Key to Brass Door -Castle Oztroja (H-5) (Step 11.) Talk: Kaa Toru -Castle Oztroja (H-5) > Obtain KI + Ashura Necklace (Step 12.) Examine: Door: Vestal Chamber -Windurst Walls HP#1 > Heaven's Tower top __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Sixth Ministry" (Step 1.) Trade: 10 Crystals to Harara, W.W. -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) (Step 2.) Talk: Rakoh Buuma -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) Select "The Sixth Ministry" (Step 3.) Talk: Tosuka-Porika -Windurst Waters HP#1 (G-8) "Opistery" > Obtain KI (Step 4.) Travel: -Toraimarai Canal HP#1 (Step 5.) Travel: -Toraimarai Canal (J-7) > New Map > (G-8)
(Step 6.) Fight: Hinge Oils x4 > Examine: Marble Door
(Step 7.) Examine: Tome of Magic -The Animastery (?-?) (Step 8.) Talk: Tosuka-Porika -Windurst Waters HP#1 (G-8) "Opistery" > Obtain KI __________________________________________________________________________________ "Awakening of the Gods" (Step 1.) Talk: Rakoh Buuma -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) Select "Awakening of the Gods" (Step 2.) Talk: Leppe-Hoppe -Windurst Waters HP#3 (J-9) on Roof of Rhinostery
(Step 3.) Talk: Kerutoto -Windurst Waters HP#3 (J-8) inside Rhinostery.
(Step 4.) Talk: Roma Mihgo -Kazham (H-11) "Mihgo's Residence."
(Step 5.) Travel: Unity Warp (122) -Yhoator Jungle > (J-7) > Zone to Den of Rancor (Step 6.) Travel: -Den of Rancor (K-9) > Zone to Temple of Ugglepih > (J-9) (Step 7.) Fight: Bronze Marberry -Temple of Ugglepih (J-9) > Obtain Cursed Key (Step 8.) Trade: Cursed key to Granite Door -Temple of Ugglepih (J-6) WARNING
(Step 9.) Talk: Leepe-Hoppe -Windurst Waters HP#3 (J-9) on Roof of Rhinostery __________________________________________________________________________________ "Vain" (Step 1.) Trade: 12 Crystals to Harara, W.W. -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) (Step 2.) Talk: Rakoh Buuma -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) Select "Vain" (Step 3.) Talk: Moreno-Toeno -Windurst Waters HP#2 (L-6) Aurastery > Obtain KI. (Step 4.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) -Ro'Maeve > (H-6) (Step 5.) Collect Survival Guide (SG) (Step 6.) Examine: Qu'Hau Spring -Ro'Maeve (H-6) for CS (Step 7.) Travel: Unity Warp (122) -Jugner Forest > (G-12) > Zone to Davoi (Step 8.) Collect Survival Guides (Step 9.) Travel: -Davoi (H-11) > Zone to Monastic Cavern (Step 10.) Travel: -Monastic Cavern (I-8) > Zone to Davoi (Step 11.) Fight: Dirtyhanded Gochakzuk > Obtain Curse Wand
(Step 12.) Travel: Down elevator to -Davoi (J-8) Do not fall off cliff. (Step 13.) Talk: Sedal-Godjal -Davoi (J-8) > Obtain 2 KI's. (Step 14.) Trade: Curse Wand to Sedal-Godjal for CS (Step 15.) Talk: Moreno-Toeno -Windurst Waters HP#2 (L-6) Aurastery for CS. __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Jester Who'd Be King" (Step 1.) Talk: Rakoh Buuma -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) Select "The Jester Who'd Be King" (Step 2.) Talk: Apururu -Windurst Woods HP#1 (H-9) Manustery > Obtain Opistry Ring KI. (Step 3.) Talk: Tosuka-Porika -Windurst Waters HP#1 (G-8) (Step 4.) Travel: Travel: Unity Warp (125) -Beaucedine Glacier > (J-4) > Zone to Fei'yin (Step 5.) Collect: HP#1 -Fei'Yin (K-8) > (G-9) > New Map > (I-6) Collect HP#2. (Step 6.) Examine: Cermet Door -Fei'Yin (F-6) CS with Rukususu (Step 7.) Travel: -Davoi SG > (H-11) > Zone to Monastic Cavern > (H-8) > Zone to Davoi (Step 8.) Talk: Sedal-Godjal -Davoi (J-8) (Step 9.) Talk: Apururu -Windurst Woods HP# 1 (H-9) Manustery (Step 10.) Talk: Kupipi -Windurst Walls HP#1 > (H-7) > Heavens Tower (Step 11.) Travel: -West Sarutabaruta SG > (F4) > Zone to Outer Horutoto Ruins (Step 12.) Travel: -Outer Horutoto Ruins Cracked Wall (I-6) > New Map (Step 13.) Fight: Cracked Wall (G-8) (Step 14.) Examine: Cracked Wall (G-8) for CS > Obtain Orastery Ring KI (Step 15.) Talk: Apururu -Windurst Woods HP#1 (H-9) Manustery (Step 16.) Talk: Shantotto -Windurst Walls HP#3 (K-7) > Obtain Glove of Perpetual Twilight KI (Step 17.) Talk: Apururu -Windurst Woods HP#1 (H-9) Manustery (Step 18.) Travel: -Toraimarai Canal Survival Guide > (F-5) > Zone to Inner Horutoto Ruins (Step 19.) Examine: Gate of Darkness (I-7) SouthEast Door (Step 20.) Talk: Apururu -Windurst Woods HP#1 (H-9) Manustery __________________________________________________________________________________ "Doll of the Dead" (Step 1.) Trade: 18 Crystals to Harara, W.W. -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) (Step 2.) Talk: Rakoh Buuma -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) Select "Doll of the Dead" (Step 3.) Talk: Apururu -Windurst Woods HP#1 (H-9) Manustery (Step 4.) Travel: -Windurst Walls HP#1 (H-7) > Heaven's Tower for CS (Step 5.) Examine: Door Vestal Chamber Heaven's Tower top. (Step 6.) Obtain: Goobbue Humus
(Step 7.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) -The Boyahda Tree > (H-5) > New Map (Step 8.) Trade: Goobbue Humus to Mandragora Warden -The Boyahda Tree (F-4) (Step 9.) Talk: Apururu -Windurst Woods HP#1 (H-9) Manustery (Step 10.) Travel: -Toraimarai Canal HP#1 > Zone to Full Moon Fountain for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Moon Reading" (Step 1.) Talk: Rakoh Buuma -Windurst Woods HP#2 (K-10) Select "Moon Reading" (Step 2.) Examine: Door: Vestal Chamber -Windurst Walls HP#1 > Heaven's Tower top (Step 3.) Examine: Qu'Hua Spring -Ro'Maeve Survival Guide > (H-6) > Obtain Ancient Verse of Ro'Maeve KI (Step 4.) Complete 4a-4d to complete the quest "Open Sesame"
(Step 5.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) -Western Altpa Desert > (D-12) > Zone to Quicksand Caves
(Step 6.) Travel: -Quicksand Caves (F-7) > (D-4) (Step 7.) Collect: HomePoint > Zone to Chamber of Oracles > CS > Obtain Ancient Verse of Altepa KI (Step 8.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) -Temple of Uggalepih (Step 9.) Obtain: Uggalepih Key
(Step 10.) Trade: Uggalepih Key to Granite Door -Temple of Uggaelpih (I-10) > Go through (Step 11.) Examine: ??? -Temple of Uggalepih (E-8) > Obtain Ancient Verse of Uggalepih KI (Step 12.) Examine: Door: Vestal Chamber -Windurst Walls HP#1 > Heaven's Tower top (Step 13.) Travel: -Toraimarai Canal HP#1 > Zone to Full Moon Fountain (Step 14.) Fight: Full Moon Fountain BCNM "Moon Reading" (Step 15.) Examine: Door: Vestal Chamber -Windurst Walls HP#1 > Heaven's Tower top (Step 16.) Examine: Door: Vestal Chamber -Windurst Walls HP#1 > Heaven's Tower top |
San d'Oria (Rank 6-10.) | |
San d'Oria (Rank 6-10.)(Note: This story section is not required to complete Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.)
"Leaute's Last Wishes" (Step 1.) Trade: 8 Crystals to Aravogue, T.K. -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-10) (Step 2.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) Select Mission: "Leaute's Last Wishes" (Step 3.) Talk: Halver -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d"Oraguile (I-9) (Step 4.) Examine: Door: Great Hall -Chateau d'Oraguille (I-9) (King asks for Dreamrose) (Step 5.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) Western Altepa Desert > (G-7) (Step 6.) Fight: Dreamrose -Western Altepa Desert (G-7) (Step 7.) Examine: Dreamrose -Western Altepa Desert (G-7) > Obtain KI (Step 8.) Talk: Halver -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d"Oraguile (I-9) (Step 9.) Travel: -Chateau d'Oraguille (F-8) for a CS > Obtain KI __________________________________________________________________________________ "Ranperre's Final Rest" (Step 1.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) Select Mission: "Ranperre's Final Rest" (Step 2.) Examine: Door: Prince Royal's Rm. -Chateau d'Oraguille (H-7) (Step 3.) Travel: King Ranperre's Tomb Survival Guide > (H-8) (Step 4.) Fight: Heavy Stone Door -King Ranperre's Tomb (H-8) (Step 5.) Examine: Heavy Stone Door -King Ranperre's Tomb (H-8) (Step 6.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) for CS (Step 7.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) for dialog. (Step 8.) Travel: -Southern San d'Oria > West Rongaure > Southern San d'Oria (to zone.) (Step 9.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) (Step 10.) Examine: Door: Prince Royal's Rm. -Chateau d'Oraguille (H-7) (Step 11.) Examine: Heavy Stone Door -King Ranperre's Tomb (H-8) for CS (Step 12.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Prestige of Papsque" (Step 1.) Trade: 10 Crystals to Aravogue, T.K. -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-10) (Step 2.) Talk Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) Select Mission: "Prestige of the Papsque" (Step 3.) Examine: Door: Papal Chambers -Northern San d'Oria HP#3 > (M-6) Third floor in Cathedral (Step 4.) Travel: Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d'Oraguille (I-8) > Bostaunieux Oubliette (Step 5.) Travel: Bostaunieux Oubliette (F-8) > Examine: Sewer Lid > New Map (Step 6.) Travel: Bostaunieux Oubliette (E-10) > West Ronfaure (Step 7.) Fight: ??? -West Ronfaure (E-8) (Step 8.) Examine: Door: Papal Chambers -Northern San d'Oria HP#3 > (M-6) Third Floor/Cathedral. __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Secret Weapon" (Step 1.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) (Step 2.) Travel: -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d'Oraguille (F-8) for CS. (Step 3.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) Select Mission: "The Secret Weapon" (Step 4.) Travel: Ghelsba Outpost Survival Guide > (H-8) > Fort Ghelsba (See map if needed.) (Step 5.) Travel: Fort Ghelsba (J-8) > Yughott Grotto > (J-6) > Collect HomePoint > Horlais Peak (Step 6.) Fight: BCNM "The Secret Weapon" > Obtain KI. (Step 7.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Coming of Age" (Step 1.) Trade: 12 Crystals to Aravogue, T.K. -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-10) (Step 2.) Travel: Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d'Oraguille for CS (Step 3.) Talk: Halver -Chateau d'Oraguille (Step 4.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) Quicksand Caves > (F-10) > New map (Step 5.) Travel: Quicksand Caves (E-11) > Drop down hole > (G-14) (Step 6.) Examine/Fight: Fountain of Kings (Step 7.) Examine: Fountain of Kings > Obtain KI (Step 8.) Talk: Halver -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d"Oraguile (I-9) (Step 9.) Wait 1 Earth Minute > Travel: Northern San d'Oria for CS. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Lightbringer" (Step 1.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) Select Mission: "Lightbringer" (Step 2.) Examine: Door: Great Hall -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d"Oraguile > (I-9) (Step 3.) Talk: Rahal -Chateau d'Oraguille (H-9) > Obtain KI
(Step 4.) Travel: Unity Warp (128) -Den of Rancor (Step 5.) Obtain: Prelate Key > Farmed: Tonberry Slasher
(Step 6.) Travel: Den of Rancor (I-5) > New Map > (G-4) > Temple of Uggalepih (Step 7.) Fight: Temple Guardian -Temple of Uggalepih (I-10) > Go through door.
(Step 8.) Trade: Prelate Key to Granite Door -Temple of Uggalepih (J-10) > Go through door > New Map (Step 9.) Examine: ??? -Temple of Uggalepih (G-10), (H-10), (I-10) > Obtain Broken Key KI's. (Step 10.) Fight: ??? -Temple of Uggalepih (H-10) (Second door here) (Step 11.) Examine: ??? -Temple of Uggalepih (H-10) for a CS. (Step 12.) Examine: Door: Great Hall -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d"Oraguile > (I-9) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Breaking Barriers" (Step 1.) Trade: 18 Crystals to Aravogue, T.K. -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-10) (Step 2.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) Select Mission: "Breaking Barriers" (Step 3.) Examine: Door: Great Hall -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d"Oraguile (I-9) (Step 4.) Obtain Magicked Astrolabe Key item
(Step 5.) Travel: Unity Warp (128) Cape Teriggan > Collect HomePoint (HP is not near -J-8.) > (J-8) > Valley of Sorrows > Collect Survival Guide (Step 6.) Examine: ??? -Valley of Sorrows (I-8) > Obtain KI (Step 7.) Examine: ??? -Xarcabard Survival Guide > (H-7) (Upper level) > Obtain KI. (Step 8.) Travel: Upper Jeuno HP#1 > Batallia Downs > (I-10) > The Eldieme Necropolis (Step 9.) Collect: Survival Guide The Eldieme Necropolis > Cast Sneak/Indivisible/Trusts. (Step 10.) Travel: -The Eldieme Necropolis (G-9) Drop down Center hole (Step 11.) Travel: The Eldieme Necropolis (L-12) > New Map > (J-9) > Batallia Downs
(Step 12.) Fight: ??? -Batallia Downs (J-11) (Near Stone Monument/Edge of the Cliff.) (Step 13.) Examine: ??? -Batallia Downs (J-11) > Obtain KI. (Step 14.) Examine: Door: Great Hall -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d"Oraguile (I-9) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Heir to the Light" (Step 1.) Talk: Endracion -Southern San d'Oria HP#1 (F-9) Select Mission: "The Heir to the Light" (Step 2.) Travel: Northern San d'Oria HP#2 for CS. (Step 3.) Travel: Chateau d'Oraguille for CS. (Step 4.) Travel: Fei'Yin HP#1 > (Cutscene) > Qu'Bia Arena (Step 5.) Fight: BCNM "The Heir to the Light" (Step 6.) Travel: Northern San d'Oria HP#2 for CS. (Step 7.) Examine: Door: Great Hall -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d"Oraguile (I-9) for CS (Step 8.) Examine: Heavy Stone Door -King Ranperre's Tomb SG > (H-8) for CS. (Step 9.) Talk: Halver -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d"Oraguile (I-9) (Step 10.) Travel: Zone into Southern San d'Oria for final Cutscene. |
Rise of the Zilart | |
Rise of the Zilart"The New Frontier" (Step 1.) Travel: Norg for a cutscene (CS)
(Step 1.) Talk: Tales' Beginning -Norg (H-9) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Welcome t'Norg" (Step 1.) Examine: Oaken Door -Norg (L-8) > Select Yes for Cutscene with Lion __________________________________________________________________________________ "Kazham's Chieftainness" (Step 1.) Talk: Jakoh Wahcondalo -Kazham (J-9)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The Temple of Uggalepih" (Step 1.) Travel: Unity Warp (128) Den of Rancor. (or HP#1)
(Step 2.) Examine: HP#1 -Den of Rancor > Zone to Burning Circle (BCNM) (Step 3.) Fight: "The Temple of Uggalephi" BCNM.
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Headstone Pilgrimage" (Step 1.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) Western Altepa Desert > Turn around, drop into ravine. (Step 2.) Travel: Western Altepa Desert (H-9)
(Step 3.) Examine: Cermet headstone -Western Altepa Desert (H-9) > Obtain Earth Fragment KI
(Step 4.) Travel: Survival Guide > Ordelle's Caves
(Step 5.) Travel: Ordelle's Caves (I-6) > New map (H-9) > New Map (H-11) Drop into hole > New map (Step 6.) Travel: Ordelle's Caves (I-11) > New Map (G-10) > New Map La Theine Plateau (Step 7.) Travel: La Theine Plateau (G-11) (Step 8.) Examine: Cermet headstone -La Theine Plateau (G-11) > Obtain Water Fragment KI
(Step 9.) Travel: Fei'Yin HP#2
(Step 10.) Examine: Cermet headstone -Cloister of Frost > Obtain Ice Fragment KI
(Step 11.) Obtain: Ice Cluster x3 (At least, more is better.)
(Step 12.) Change to subjob WHM for Sneak/Invis/Reraise (Or obtain items.) (Step 13.) Travel: Unity Warp (122) Yhoator Jungle
(Step 14.) Travel: Yhoator Jungle (G-6) > Ifrit's Cauldron (Western Entrance) (Step 15.) Utilize Sneak/Invisible/Reraise
(Step 16.) Travel: Follow map # (Number) order > zone into Yuhtunga Jungle
(Step 17.) Travel: South > Then > East After zoning into Yuhtunga Jungle
(Step 18.) Fight: Cermet headstone -Yuhtunga Jungle (L-7) (Step 19.) Examine: Cermet headstone > Obtain Fire Fragment KI
(Step 20.) Travel: Unity Warp (135) -Behemoth's Dominion > G-9) (Step 21.) Fight: Cermet Headstone -Behemoth's Dominion (G-9) (Step 22.) Examine: Cermet headstone > Obtain Lightning Fragment KI
(Step 23.) Travel: Unity Warp (128) - Cape Teriggan (Step 24.) Travel: Cape Teriggan (H-5) (Step 25.) Fight: Cermet Headstone -Cape Teriggan (H-5) (Step 26.) Examine: Cermet headstone > Obtain Wind Fragment KI
(Step 27.) Travel: Unity Warp (122) -The Scantuary of Zi'tah > Collect Survival Guide. (Step 28.) Travel: The Sanctuary of Zi'tah (J-9) > (I-7) (Step 29.) Fight: Cermet Headstone -The Sanctuary of Zi'tah (I-7) (Step 30.) Examine: Cermet headstone > Obtain Light Fragment KI
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Through the Quicksand Caves" (Step 1.) Unlock Proto-Waypoints
(Step 2.) Complete the quest "Open Sesame" (Steps 2a-2d is the quest "Open Sesame.")
(Step 3.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) -Western Altepa Desert (Step 4.) Travel: Western Altepa Desert (C-11) > (D-11) > Hidden Path > (D-12) > Ravine > Quicksand Caves (Step 5.) Travel: Quicksand Caves (F-7)
(Step 6.) Travel: Drop into hole > Collect HP#1 Quicksand Caves (D-5) > (D-4) to zone (Step 7.) Fight: "Through the Quicksand-Caves" BCNM (WARNING: Read note)
"The Chamber of Oracles" (Step 1.) Examine: All 8 Device to place Elemental Fragments. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Return to Delkfutt's Tower" (Step 1.) Travel: Lower Deklfutt's Tower Survival Guide > (E-8) > Through Cermet Door > New map. (Step 2.) Travel: Lower Delkfutt's Tower (J-8) > Through Cermet Door > New map. (Step 3.) Examine: ??? Lower Delkfutt's Tower (H-8) > "Let the flow carry you to the tenth floor?" (Step 4.) Travel: Upper Delkfutt's Tower (F-8) > (J-7) > Collect: Home Point > Zone to Stellar Fulcrum (Step 5.) Examine: Qe'lov Gate for a Cutscene (Step 6.) Fight: "Return to Delkfutt's Tower" BCNM __________________________________________________________________________________ "Ro'Maeve" (Step 1.) Examine: Oaken Door -Norg HP#1 (L-8) for a Cutscene. __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Temple of Desolation" (Step 1.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) -Ro'Maeve (Step 2.) Travel: -Ro'Maeve (H-5) > Zone into The Hall of the Gods (Step 3.) Examine: "Cermet Grate" (Step 4.) Examine: "Cermet Grate" (a second time.) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Hall of the Gods" (Step 1.) Examine: Oaken Door -Norg HP#1 (L-8) for a Cutscene __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Mithra and the Crystal" (Step 1.) Talk: Maryoh Comyujah -Rabao HP#2 (G-7) (Step 2.) Travel: Proto-Waypoint > Quicksand Caves. (Do not fall.) (Step 3.) Travel: Quicksand Caves - See Maps (Step 4.) Fight: ??? Inside Hole -Quicksand Caves (Step 5.) Examine: ??? -Quicksand Caves > Obtain Key item "Scrap of Papyrus." (Step 6.) Talk: Maryoh Comyujah -Rabao HP#2 (G-7) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Gate of the Gods" (Step 1.) Travel: -Ro'Maeve Survival Guide (Step 2.) Travel: -Ro'Maeve (H-5) > Zone into The Hall of the Gods (Step 3.) Examine: "Cermet Grate" for Cutscene (Step 4.) Examine: "Shimmering Circle" for a Cutscene (Step 5.) Travel: North to zone into Ru'Aun Gardens.
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Ark Angles" (Step 1.) Zoning into Ru'Aun Gardens your first time flags this mission. (Step 2.) Travel: -Ru'Aun Gardens Survival Guide > (H-11) Take portal > (H-8) > Zone into The Shrine of Ru'Avitau (Step 3.) Examine: A blank target -The Shrine of Ru'Avitau (H-11) (Step 4.) Travel: Red Portal -Ru'Aun Gardens (G-10) Upper Level. (Step 5.) Starting #1Red Portal, (G-10) teleport on Red/Blue Portals collecting Home Points while clicking "Pincerstones" to activate Blue Portals. (See Map) (You may choose to fight along the way or not.) Traveling in # order.
(Step 6.) Fight: Defeat all 5 BCNM near each HP.
"The Sealed Shrine" (Step 1.) Examine: Oaken Door -Norg HP#1 (L-8) for a Cutscene.
(Step 2.) Travel: -Ru'Aun Garden HP#1 (Step 3.) Travel: -Ru'Aun Gardens (I-6) Bottom left corner of map on a long bridge (the "wall" is a mirage. go through it) to zone into The Shrine of Ru'Avitau for a cutscene. __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Celestial Nexus" (Step 1.) Ensure you have Sneak/Invisible. (Step 2.) Travel: -The Shrine of Ru'Avitau (H-9) Staircase > Collect Home Point
(Step 3.) Fight: BCNM "The Celestial Nexus" __________________________________________________________________________________ "Awakening" (Step 1.) Travel: Norg HP#1 for a cutscene. (Step 2.) Examine: Neptune's Spire Inn -Lower Jeuno HP#2 (J-7) for a cutscene. |
Level 75-99: Missions Guide
The suggested level for the following missions is level 75-99. (Minimum to maximum.)
Chains of Promathia | |
Chains of Promathia"The Rites of Life" (Step 1.) Travel: -Lower Delkfutt's Tower Survival Guide (Cutscene)
(Step 1.) Talk: Tales' Beginning -Lower Delkfutt's Tower (H-10) (Step 2.) Travel: Upper Jeuno HP#3 (Cutscene) (Step 3.) Talk: Monberaux -Upper Jeuno HP#3 (G-10) (Cutscene) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Below the Arks" (Step 1.) Talk: Pherimociel -Ru'Lude Hardens HP#1 (G-6) Door: Guard Post __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Mothercrystals" (Step 1.) Examine: Shattered Telepoint -La Theine Plateau Survival Guide > (K-8) (Step 2.) Examine: Large Apparatus on the left to zone into Promyvion. (Step 3.) Fight: Memory Receptacle to progress through the zone.
(Step 4.) Repeat Step 3 until you reach "Level 4" (Step 5.) Travel: Spire of Holla (Step 6.) Fight: Web of Recollections BCNM.
(Step 7.) Examine: Shattered Telepoint Unity Warp (99) -Konschtat Highlands > (I-7) (Step 8.) Repeat: Steps 2-6 for "Spire of Dem" BCNM.
(Step 9.) Examine: Shattered Telepoint -Tahrongi Canyon Survival Guide > (I-6) (Step 10.) Repeat: Steps2-6 for "Spire of Mea" BCNM. __________________________________________________________________________________ "An Invitation West" (Step 1.) (Cutscene upon clearing all 3 Promyvion) (Step 2.) Travel: -Lufaise Meadows (F-10) > Tavnazian Safehold (Cutscene) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Lost City" (Step 1.) Talk: Despachiaire -Tavnazian Safehold HP#3 > (K-10) (Top Floor behind Walnut Door) (Step 2.) Examine: Sewer Entrance -Tavnazian Safehold HP#2 > (I-7) (Bottom Floor) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Distant Beliefs" (Step 1.) Examine: Sewer Entrance -Tavnazian Safehold HP#2 > (I-7) > Phomiuna Aqueducts (G-4) > New map (Step 2.) Fight: Minotaur -Phomiuna Aqueducts (J-2) (Step 3.) Obtain: Bronze Key from "Fomor" type enemies.
(Step 4.) Trade: Bronze Key > Iron Gate -Phomiuna Aqueducts (G-8) (Step 5.) Examine: Wooden Ladder -Phomiuna Aqueducts (E-8) (Cutscene with Nag'molada) (Step 6.) Examine: Wooden Ladder -Phominua Aqueducts (E-8) (To climb up) > (F-7) (Step 7.) Examine: (WARNING READ CAREFULLY) ??? -There are two ??? One is a trap.
(Step 8.) Type /clock into your game to view the current "Vana'diel" Elemental day. (Step 9.) Examine: 2 of the 10 corresponding Oil Lamps on the wall (Vana'day + Opposing Element)
From South to North:
(Step 10.) Examine: Ornate Grate for cutscene
(Step 11.) Talk: Justinius -Tavnazian Safehold HP#3 > (J-6)
"An Eternal Melody" (Step 1.) Examine: Walnut Door -Tavnazian Safehold (K-7) > Obtain Mysterious amulet KI (Step 2.) Talk: Justinius -Tavnazian Safehold HP#3 (J-6) (Step 3.) Travel: Tavnazian Safehold HP#1 > (G-6) > Misareaux Coast (Step 4.) Examine: Dilapidated Gate -Misareaux Coast (I-11) (Step 5.) Travel: Tavnazian Safehold HP#1 > (H-8) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Ancient Vows" (Step 1.) Travel: Unity Warp (122) -Misareaux Coast > (F-7) (Step 2.) Examine: Dilapidated Gate -Misaeraux Coast (F-7) (Step 3.) Examine: Spatial Displacement > Zone into Riverne - Site #A01 (Step 4.) Obtain: Giant Scale x2 (Farmed from Firedrakes inside Riverne)
(Step 5.) Travel: Map > Collect Home Point > Monarch Linn
(Step 6.) Fight: "Ancient Vows" BCNM
"Call of the Wyrmking" (Step 1.) Travel: Port Bastok HP#3 > (F-7) > "Airship Departures" for CS (Step 2.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (H-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Vessel Without a Captain" (Step 1.) Examine: Door: "Neptune's Spire" Lower Jeuno HP#2 (J-7) for CS (Step 2.) Travel: -Ru'Lude Gardens HP#1 > (H-7) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The Road Forks" (Step 1.) Travel: Northern San d'Oria HP#2 for a CS (Step 2.) Talk: Arnau -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 (M-6) (Step 3.) Talk: Chasalvige -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 (L-6) "Manuscript Room" (Step 4.) Travel: Jugner Forest Survival Guide > (E-6) > Zone into Carpenters' Landing (Step 5.) Fight: Guilloud -Carpenters' Landing (H-10) (Talk until Fight begins.) (Step 6.) Talk: Guilloud -Carpenters' Landing (H-10) (Step 7.) Talk: Hinaree -Southern San d'Oria HP#4 (B-6) (Second floor) (Step 8.) Travel: Windurst Waters HP#3 for a CS (Step 9.) Talk: Ohbiru-Dohbiru -Windurst Waters HP#3 (J-9)
(Step 10.) Talk: Yoran-Oran -Windurst Walls HP#1 (E-5) for CS (Step 11.) Talk: Kyume-Romeh -Windurst Waters HP#4 (F-10) for CS (Step 12.) Talk: Honoi-Gomoi -Windurst Waters HP#3 (E-7)
(Step 13.) Talk: Yoran-Oran -Windurst Walls HP#1 (E-5) (Step 14.) Travel: Attohwa Chasm HP#1 (or) Unity Warp (125) Attohwa Chasm (Step 15.) Travel: Attohwa Chasm (L-8) (Step 16.) Fight: WARNING !!WARNING!! > Loose Sand -Attohwa Chasm (K-8)
(Step 17.) Examine: Loose Sand -Attohwa Chasm (K-8) (Step 18.) Travel: WARNING Without a mount, > the top of Mount Parradamo.
(Step 20.) Examine: Geomagnetic Fount also atop the mountain
(Step 21.) Talk: Yoran-Oran -Windurst Walls HP#1 (E-5) (Step 22.) Talk: Yujuju -Port Windurst HP#3 (M-6) (Step 23.) Talk: Tosuka-Porika -Windurst Waters HP#1 (G-8) (Step 24.) Talk: Yoran-Oran -Windurst Walls HP#1 (E-5) for a CS (Step 25.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (H-8) (Ensure Mission is completed.) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Tending Aged Wounds" (Step 1.) Travel: Lower Jeuno HP#2 for a cutscene (Step 2.) Examine: Door: "Neptune's Spire" for a cutscene
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Darkness Named" (Step 1.) Talk: Monberaux -Upper Jeuno HP#3 (G-10) > Infirmary (Step 2.) Talk: Ghebi Damohmohe -Lower Jeuno HP#2 (I-7) Door: "Neptune's Spire" (Step 3.) Travel: Beaucedine Glacier Survival Guide > (H-8) > Zone into Pso'Xja (Step 4.) Obtain: "Color" Chip (Grey drop from Diremite) Per Character
(Step 5.) Trade: Ghebi Damohmohe -Lower Jeuno HP#2 (I-7) Door: Neptunes Spire, the Color Chip obtained. (Step 6.) Travel: Beaucedine Glacier Survival Guide > (H-8) > Zone into Pso'Xja (Step 7.) Travel: -Pso'Xja > (H-8) > Red aura wall > Purple Aura > Red > Purple
(Step 8.) Travel: Elevator (H-8) > North path > West path > Stone Gate > "The Shrouded Maw" Collect HomePoint (Step 9.) Fight: Memento Circle "Darkness Named" (Step 10.) Talk: Monberaux -Upper Jeuno HP#3 (G-10) > Infirmary __________________________________________________________________________________ "Sheltering Doubt" (Step 1.) Travel: Tavnazian Safeold HP#3 for CS (Step 2.) Talk: Despachiaire -Tavnazian Safehold HP#3 (K-10) (Step 3.) Talk: Justinius -Tavnazian Safehold HP#3 (J-6) (Step 4.) Travel: Tavnazian Safehold HP#1 > (G-6) > Zone Misareaux Coast (Step 5.) Examine: Dilapidated Gate -Misareaux Coast (I-11)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The Savage" (Step 1.) Travel Unity Warp (122) -Misareaux Coast > (F-7) (Step 2.) Examine: Dilapidated Gate -Misareaux Gate (F-7) (Step 3.) Travel: Map > Monarch Linn
(Step 4.) Collect: home point. (Step 5.) Fight: Spatial Displacement "The Savage" (Step 6.) Talk: Justinius -Tavnazian Safehold HP#3 (J-6) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Secrets of Worship" (Step 1.) Examine: Walnut Door -Tavnazian Safehold HP#3 (K-7) for CS (Step 2.) Complete the following. (A Hard Day's Knight quest)
(Step 3.) Examine: Iron Gate -Misareaux Coast HP#1 (G-4) for CS (Step 4.) Travel: Via maps
(Step 6.) Examine: Wooden Gate -Sacrarium (G-8) for CS (Step 7.) Fight: ??? in each room behind desk until NM "Old Professor Mariselle" spawns.
(Step 8.) Examine: ??? that the NM spawned from > Obtain Reliquiarium Key KI (Step 9.) Examine: Wooden Gate -Sacrarium (G-8) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Travel: near, Despachiaire -Tavnazian Safehold HP#3 (K-10) (Step 2.) Examine: Iron Gate -Tavnazian Safehold HP#2 > (H-9) > Sealion's Den for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Enduring Tumult of War" (Step 1.) Travel: Port Bastok HP#1 for CS (Step 2.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (H-8) (Step 3.) Travel: -Beaucedine Glacier Survival Guide > (F-7) > Zone into Pso'Xja (Step 4.) Fight: Stone Door -Pso'Xja (H-8) (Step 5.) Examine: Stone Door -Pso'Xja (H-8) (Step 6.) Travel: Ride elevator down > Next Stone Door > Zone into Promyvion -Vahzl for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Desires of Emptiness" (Step 1.) Fight: Memory Receptacle to progress through the zone. (WARNING Read note)
(Step 2.) Repeat Step 1 until you reach "Level 3" (WARNING)
(Step 3.) Fight: Memory Flux -Promyvion Vahzl (J-8) (Step 4.) Examine: Memory Flux -Promyvion Vahzl (J-8) for a cutscene. (Step 5.) Travel: Level 4 (Step 6.) Fight: Memory Flux -Promyvion Vahzl (M-6) (Step 7.) Examine: Memory Flux -Promyvion Vahzl (M-6) for a cutscene. (Step 8.) Travel: Level 5 (Step 9.) Fight: Memory Flux -Promyvion Vahzl (D-6) (Step 10.) Examine: Memory Flux -Promyvion Vahzl (D-6) for a cutscene. (Step 11.) Fight: Spire of Vahzl -Promyvion Vahzl (F-8) "Desires of Emptiness"
(Step 12.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (H-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Three Paths" (Investigate Al'Taieu > Find Selh'Teus > Find Prishe) (Louverance>Tenzen>Ulmia) (Step 1.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (H-8) > Select "Investigate Al'Taieu" (Step 2.) Talk: Despachiaire -Tavnazian Safehold HP#3 (K-10) (Step 3.) Talk: Perih Vashai -Windurst Woods HP#1 (K-7) for a cutscene. (Step 4.) Travel: -Purgonorogo Isle (H-11)
(Step 5.) Examine: ??? Warmachine -Purgonorogo Isle (H-11) for CS (Step 6.) Travel: -Oldton Movalpolos Survival Guide for Cutscene
(Step 8.) Fight: Mine Shaft #2716 "A Century of Hardship" (Step 9.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (H-8) (Step 10.) Talk: Tarnotik -Oldton Movalpolos Survival Guide > (K-10) (Step 11.) Obtain: Gold Key > Newton Movalpolos HP#1 > (I-6)
(Step 12.) Trade: Gold Key to Shaft Entrance -Newton Movalpolos HP#1 > Mine Shaft #2716 (Step 13.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (H-8) (Step 14.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (H-8) Select "Find Selh'Teus" (Step 15.) Travel: Unity Warp (99) -La Theine Plateau > (G-6) (Step 16.) Examine: ??? -La Theine Plateau (G-6)
(Step 17.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) -Beaucedine Glacier > (J-8) > Zone Pso'Xja (Step 18.) Travel: Through Pso'Xja by Examine/Fight "Stone Door" x16. (WARNING)
(Step 19.) Travel: Down Elevator (Step 20.) Examine: Avatar Gate -Pso'Xja for CS (Step 21.) Talk: Monberaux -Upper Jeuno HP#3 (G-10) > Obtain Envelope from Monberaux KI. (Step 22.) Talk: Pherimociel -Ru'Lude Gardens HP#1 (G-6) for CS with Wolfgang (Step 23.) Travel: -Upper Jeuno HP#1 > Zone Batallia Downs (Step 24.) Examine: ??? -Batallia Downs (K-9) for CS (Step 25.) Examine: ??? -Batalia Downs (K-9) obtain Delkfutt Recognition Device KI. (Step 26.) Fight: Cermet Door -Lower Delkfutt's Tower Survival Guide > (H-5) (Step 27.) Examine: Cermet Door -Lower Delkfutt's Tower (H-5) (Step 28.) Travel: Unity Warp (125) Beaucedine Glacier > (H-10) > Zone Pso'Xja (Step 29.) Travel: Via map (Step 30.) Examine: Avatar Gate -Pso'Xja for CS (Step 31.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (H-8) (Step 32.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (H-8) Select "Find Prishe" (Step 33.) Talk: Hinaree -Sounthern San d'Oria HP#4 (B-6) (Step 34.) Travel: -Port San d'Oria HP#1 For CS (Step 35.) Talk: Chasalvige -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 (L-6) "Cathedral's Manuscript Room" (Step 36.) Talk: Kerutoto -Windurst Water HP#3 (J-8) > Rhinostery for CS ("Whoa! Your aura is...") (Step 37.) Talk: Yoran-Oran -Windurst Wall HP#1 (E-5) (Step 38.) Travel: -Attohwa Chasm HP#1 > Boneyard Gully
(Step 39.) Fight: Boneyard Gully BCNM "Head Wind" (Step 40.) Fight: Bearclaw Pinnacle -Uleguerand Range HP#2 "Flames for the Dead"
(Step 41.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (H-8) for CS (Step 42.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (H-8) for the final Cutscene. __________________________________________________________________________________ "For Whom the Verse is Sung" (Step 1.) Talk: Pherimociel -Ru'Lude Gardens HP#1 (G-6) (Step 2.) Examine: Door: "Marble Bridge" -Upper Jeuno HP#1 (F-7) (Step 3.) Travel: Ru'Lude Gardens HP#1 for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "A Place to Return" (Step 1.) Travel: -Ru'Lude Gardens HP#1 (H-7) for CS (Step 2.) Travel: -Tavnazian Safehold HP#1 > (G-6) > Zone Misareaux Coast (Step 3.) Fight: Dilapidated Gate -Misareaux Coast (I-11) (Step 4.) Examine: Dilapidated Gate -Misareaux Coast (I-11) __________________________________________________________________________________ "More Questions than Answers" (Step 1.) Talk: Pherimociel -Ru'Lude Gardens HP#1 (G-6) (Step 2.) Examine: Audience Chamber -Ru"Lude Gardens (H-7) (Step 3.) Talk: Mathilde -Selbina HP#1 (H-9) "Weaver's Guild" __________________________________________________________________________________ "One to be Feared" (Step 1.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (H-8) (Step 2.) Examine: Iron Gate -Tavnazian Safehold HP#2 > (H-10) > Sealion's Den (Step 3.) Examine: Iron Gate -Sealion's Den (Step 4.) Fight: Iron Gate -Sealion's Den "One to be Feared" __________________________________________________________________________________ "Chains and Bonds" (Step 1.) Travel: -Tavnazian Safehold HP#2 for CS (Step 2.) Travel: Sealion's Den for CS (Step 3.) Examine: Sewer Entrance -Tavnazian Safehold HP#2 > (I-7) for CS (Step 4.) Examine: Walnut Door -Tavnazian Safehold HP#3 (K-7) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Flames in the Darkness" (Step 1.) Examine: Dilapidated Gate -Misareaux Coast HP#1 (F-7) (Step 2.) Talk: Sueleen -Tavnazian Safehold HP#2 > (H-10) > Sealion's Den (Step 3.) Travel: -Ru'Lude Gardens HP#1 (H-7) for CS (Step 4.) Examine: Door: "Marble Bridge" -Upper Jeuno HP#1 (F-7) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Fire in the Eyes of Men" (Step 1.) Examine: Shaft Entrance -Newton Movalpolos HP#1 > Mine Shaft #2716 for CS (Step 2.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (H-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Calm Before the Storm" (Step 1.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 > (H-8)
(Step 2.) Fight: Storage Compartment Unity Warp (122) -Misareaux Coast > (E-7) (Step 3.) Examine: Storage Compartment -Misareaux Coast (E-7) (Step 4.) Fight: ??? -Carpenters' Landing SurvivalGuide > (I-9)
(Step 5.) Examine: ??? -Carpenters' Landing (I-9) (Step 6.) Fight: ??? -Bibiki Bay SurvivalGuide > (F-6) (Step 7.) Examine: ??? Bibiki Bay (F-6) (Step 8.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (H-8) (Step 9.) Talk: Sueleen -Tavnazian Safehold HP#2 > (H-10) > Sealion's Den __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Warrior's Path" (Step 1.) Examine: Iron Gate -Tavnazian Safehold HP#2 > (H-10) > Sealion's Den (Step 2.) Fight: Iron Gate "The Warrior's Path" BCNM __________________________________________________________________________________ "Garden of Antiquity" (Step 1.) Examine: Crystalline Field -Al'Taieu (H-11) (Step 2.) Fight: Rubious Crystal x3 (D-10), (H-13), (L-10) (WARNING)
(Step 3.) Examine: Crystalline Field -Al'Taieu (H-11) > Zone to The Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi (Step 4.) Collect Home Point (Step 5.) Examine: Gate of the Gods -The Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi __________________________________________________________________________________ "A Fate Decided" (Step 1.) Examine: Particle Gate -Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi (H-8) (Eastern side of H-8) (Step 2.) Examine: Particle Gate -Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi (H-8) E > Enter Palace (Step 3.) Travel: Escort + Protect the "Quasilumin" Orb NPC's
(Step 4.) Fight: Cermet Portal -Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi (H-8) (Step 5.) Examine: Cermet Portal -Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi (H-8) for cutscene __________________________________________________________________________________ "When Angels Fall" (Step 1.) Examine: Gate of the Gods -Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi HP#1 (H-8) > Zone The Garden of Ru'Hmet
(Step 2.) Travel: Via maps > Race associated tower.
(Step 3.) Examine: Ebon Panel -The Garden of Ru'Hmet (Race) for CS (Step 4.) Examine: Ebon Panel -The Garden of Ru'Hmet > Obtain Light of..(Race)-Key-Item (Step 5.) Travel: (Warp out > Use HP to return.) > -Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi HP#1 (WARNING)
(Step 6.) Collect: Home Point > Travel to Elevator > Select "Ascend" on Elevator. > Obtain Brand of Dawn key item via map. (Step 7.) Travel: Warp out > Take HP > -The Garden of Ru'Hmet HP#1 > Travel by Ascending on Elevator > Obtain Brand of Twilight key item Via map. (Step 8.) Travel: Warp out > Take HP > -The Garden of Ru'Hmet HP#1 > Ascend on elevator > Take Elevator once more > Ascend to highest floor. (Step 9.) Examine: Particle Gate -The Garden of Ru'Hmet (H-8) for Cutscene (Step 10.) Fight: Particle Gate -The Garden of Ru'Hmet (H-8) (Step 11.) Examine: Luminous Convergence -The Garden of Ru'Hmet (H-7) for Cutscene
(Step 12.) Travel: -Al'Taieu for Cutscene
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Dawn" (Part 1.) (Step 1.) Travel: -The Garden of Ru'Hmet HP#1 > "Descend" at main elevator > Empyreal Paradox. (Step 2.) Examine: Transcendental Radiance for Cutscene (Step 3.) Fight: Transcendental Radieance "Dawn" BCNM
(Step 1.) Wait: Japanse Midnight
(Step 2.) Talk: Hinaree -Southern San d'Oria HP#4 (B-6) (Step 3.) Travel: Uleguerand Range any HomePoint for CS (Step 4.) Talk/Travel: -Southern San d'Oria (B-6) > Towards Count Caffaule's Manor for CS (Step 5.) Talk: Chipmy-Popmy -Port Windurst HP#1 (C-8) (Step 6.) Talk: ??? Warmachine -Purgonorgo Isle (H-11)
(Step 7.) Travel: -Mhaura HP#1 for CS (Step 8.) Travel: -Oldton Movalpolos SG for CS (Step 9.) Talk: Cid -Metalworks HP#1 (H-8) for CS (Step 10.) Travel: -Ru'Lude Gardens (H-7) for CS (Step 11.) Examine: Door: Marble Bridge -Upper Jeuno (F-7) for CS (Step 12.) Obtain: Reward from Door: Marble Bridge -Upper Jeuno (F-7) (Step 13.) Examine: Walnut Door -Tavnazian Safehold HP#3 (K-7) for CS (Step 14.) Travel: -Lufaise Meadows (J-6) for final CS |
Treasures of Aht Urhgan | |
Treasures of Aht Urhgan"The Road to Aht Urhgan" (Step 1.) (Optional) > Complete: Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Mission "Numbering Days"
(Step 2.) Talk: Faursel -Lower Jeuno HP#2 > Door: "Neptune's Spire" > (J-8) for CS.
(Step 3.) Talk: Faursel -Lower Jeuno HP#2 (J-8) > Select " I want to go."
(Step 4.) Travel: Board the Ship in Mhaura to Al Zahbi > Collect HP's/SG. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Land of Sacred Serpents" (Step 1.) Travel: near, Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10) > Collect HPs __________________________________________________________________________________ "Immortal Sentries" (Step 1.) Travel: Aht Urhgan Whitegate (E-9) > Al Zahbi (Step 2.) Travel: Al Zahbi (F-7) > Wajaom Woodlands > Collect SurvivalGuide (Step 3.) Travel: Wajaom Woodlands (D-12) > Mamook (Step 4.) Travel: Mamook (F-10) > Bhaflau Thickets (Step 5.) Travel: Bhaflau Thickets (H-10) > Examine: Heavy Iron Gate > Enter Staging Point. (Step 6.) Talk: Daswil -Bhaflau Thickets (H-10) > Turn in KI. (Step 7.) Examine: Runic Portal -Bhaflau Thickets (H-11) / which unlocks this teleport. (Step 8.) Talk: Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10)
"President Salaheem" (Step 1.) Talk: Rytaal -Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-10) about assaults (Step 2.) Travel: Zone to any other zone. (Step 3.) Talk: Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10) CS-1 (Step 4.) Talk: Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10) CS-2 __________________________________________________________________________________ "Knight of Gold" (Step 1.) Talk: Cacaroon -Aht Urhgan Whitegate (G-11) (Step 2.) Trade: Cacaroon -Aht Urhgan Whitegate (G-11) 1,000 gil -or- Imperial Bronze Piece (Step 3.) Travel: -Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-8) Walahra Temple for CS (Step 4.) Travel: -Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-12) Shararat Teahouse for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Confessions of Royalty" (Step 1.) Talk: Halver -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > (J-6) > -Chateau d'Oraguille (I-9) > Show him Raillefal's Letter KI. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Easterly Winds" (Step 1.) Travel: Ru'Lude Gardens (H-7) HP#1 for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Westerly Winds" (Step 1.) Travel: -Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-11) (Shararat Teahouse) for CS/KI (Step 2.) Talk: Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Nyzul Isle Staging Point" (Not a mission/vital staging point/teleport.) (Step 1.) Travel: Aht Urhgan Whitegate (E-9) > Al Zahbi (Step 2.) Travel: Al Zahbi (G-6) > Bhaflau Thickets > (F-6) (Step 3.) Trade: Imperial Silver Piece to Kamih Mapokhalam > Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (Step 4.) Travel: Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (H-8) > Take portal at north. WARNING
(Step 5.) Travel: Alzadaal Understead Ruins (H-9) > Take portal to the West. (Step 6.) Travel: Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (J-9) > Examine: Runic Seal (Southern one)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "A Mercenary Life" (Step 1.) Travel: Zone out > -Aht Urhgan Whitegate (I-10) Salaheem's Sentinels for CS
"Undersea Scouting" (Step 1.) Travel: Aht Urhgan HP#2 > (L-7) > Runic Portal > Nyzul Isle Staging Point.
(Step 2.) Travel: Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (H-9) > Travel on device. (SE blue dot on map.) (Step 3.) Travel: Right Portal Device / Eastern device on map > Cutscene upon teleporting. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Astral Waves" (Step 1.) Talk: Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Azouph Isle Staging Point" (Not a mission, but unlocks vital staging point/teleport.) (Step 1.) Travel: Board Ferry from Aht Urhgan Whitegate (I-6) (Step 2.) Collect: Home Points, Survival Guides in Nashmau. (Step 3.) Travel: Nashmau (H-6) > Caedarva Mire (Step 4.) Travel: Caedarva Mire (K-9) > Examine: Heavy Iron Gate > Enter Staging Point (Step 5.) Examine: Runic Portal -Caedarva Mire (K-9) __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Travel: Nashmauh HP#1 > (F-7) > Caedarva Mire > (E-11) (Step 2.) Trade: Imperial Silver PIece to Nasheefa -Caedarva Mire (E-11) > Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (Step 3.) Travel: -Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (I-9) > Avoid Apex eneimes > Take Northern Device. (Step 4.) Travel: Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (G-6) > Zone to Caedarva Mire. (Step 5.) Talk: Nuimahn to exit > Travel: Caedarva Mire (I-9) (Step 6.) Examine: Heavy Iron Gate > Enter Staging point. (Step 7.) Examine: Runic Portal -Caedarva Mire (I-9) > Zone to Aht Urhgan Whitegate. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Imperial Schemes" (Step 1.) Talk: Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Royal Puppeteer" (Step 1.) Wait: 1 gameday/zone from "Imperial Schemes" mission. (Step 2.) Travel: near, Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10) for CS (Step 3.) Talk: Pyopyoroon -Nashmau (H-7)
(Step 4.) Obtain: Joby's Acid farmed from Ameretats -Bhaflau Thickets
(Step 5.) Trade: Jody's Acid to Pyopyorooon -Nashmau (H-7) > Obtain Vial of Spectral Scent KI __________________________________________________________________________________ "Lost Kingdom" (Step 1.) Examine: Jazarratt's Headstone -Caedarva Mire HP#1 > (E-10) (Step 2.) Fight: Jazarratt's Headstone -Caedarva Mire (E-10) (Step 3.) Examine: Jazarratt's Headstone -Caedarva Mire (E-10) > Obtain Ephramadian Gold Coin KI __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Dolphin Crest" (Step 1.) Talk: Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10) for Cutscene __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Black Coffin" (Step 1.) Travel: Aht Urhgan HP#2 > (L-7) > Runic Portal > Dvucca Isle Staging (Step 2.) Travel: Caedarva Mire (G-9) Southwestern tip > Zone to Arrapago Reef (Step 3.) Travel: Arrapago Reef (H-8) (Near a boat) for CS (Step 4.) Fight: Cutter -Arrapago Reef (H-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Ghosts of the Past" (Step 1.) Talk: Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10) (Step 2.) Obtain: 1 Item listed below based on your job. (WARNING)
(Step 3.) Talk: Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10) with item equipped.
(Step 4.) Examine: Imperial Whitegate -Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-8) for CS
(Step 1.) Travel: near, Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Sweets for the Soul" (Step 1.) Travel: -Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-11) (Shararat Teahouse) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Teahouse Tumult" (Step 1.) Travel: Unity Warp (135) Wajaom Woodlands > (I-10) > Aydeewa Subterrane for CS
(Step 2.) Collect: Survival Guide (Step 3.) Travel: Aydeewa Subterrane (E-9) > Travel down ramp at SW (E-9) (Step 4.) Examine: "A blank target" -Aydeewa Subterrane (G-8) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Finders Keepers" (Step 1.) Travel: near, Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Shield of Diplomacy" (Step 1.) Travel: Unity Warp (135) Mount Zhayolm > (D-8) Collect HP (Step 2.) Travel: Mount Zhayolm (D-8) > Navukgo Execution Chamber for CS. (Step 3.) Examine: Decorative Bronze Gate -Navukgo Execution Chamber (Step 4.) Fight: Decorative Bronze Gate BCNM "Shield of Diplomacy" __________________________________________________________________________________ "Social Graces" (Step 1.) Travel: near, Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Foiled Ambition" (Step 1.) Travel: near, Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Playing the Part" (Step 1.) Talk: Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Seal of the Serpent" (Step 1.) Examine: Imperial Whitegate -Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-9)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Misplaced Nobility" (Step 1.) Travel: Aydeea Subterrane Survival Guide (Step 2.) Travel: Aydeewa Subterrane (E-9) > Travel down ramp at SW (E-9) (Step 3.) Examine: "A blank target" -Aydeewa Subterrane (G-8) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Bastion of Knowledge" (Step 1.) Travel: -Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-7) Walahra Temple for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Puppet in Peril" (Step 1.) Travel: Aht Urhgan HP#2 > (L-7) > Runic Portal > Mamool Ja Staging Point (Step 2.) Travel: Bhaflau Thickets (I-9) > Collect HP > Jade Sepulcher (Step 3.) Examine: Ornamental Door -Jade Sepulcher (Step 4.) Fight: Ornamental Door -Jade Sepulcher
"Prevalence of Pirates" (Step 1.) Travel: Aht Urhgan HP#2 > (L-7) > Runic Portal > Dvucca Isle Staging (Step 2.) Travel: Caedarva Mire (G-9) Southwestern tip > Zone to Arrapago Reef for CS (Step 3.) Travel: Arrapago Reef (H-8) (Near a boat) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Shades of Vengeance" (Step 1.) Travel: Travel: Aht Urhgan HP#2 > (L-7) > Runic Portal > Dvucca Isle Staging Point (Step 2.) Fight: Runic Seal -Caedarva Mire (I-9)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "In the Blood" (Step 1.) Talk: Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Sentinels' Honor" (Step 1.) Talk: Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Testing the Waters" (Step 1.) Travel: -Caedarva MIre HP#1 > (E-10) >Jazraat's Headstone (Step 2.) Examine: Jazaraat's Headstone > obtain Ephramadian Gold Coin KI (Step 3.) Travel: Aht Urhgan HP#2 > (L-7) > Runic Portal > Dvucca Isle Staging (Step 4.) Travel: Caedarva Mire (G-9) Southwestern tip > Zone to Arrapago Reef (Step 5.) Travel: Arrapago Reef (H-8) (Near a boat) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Legacy of the Lost" (Step 1.) Fight: Rock Slab -Talacca Cove (From previous mission.) BCNM "Legacy of the Lost"
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Gaze of the Saboteur" (Step 1.) Travel: Via Directions
(Step 2.) Travel: Caedarva Mire (D-10) > Hazhalm Testing Grounds (Step 3.) Examine: Entry Gate -Hazhalm Testing Grounds for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Path of Blood" (Step 1.) Travel: near, Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Stirrings of War" (Step 1.) Travel: -Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-12) Shararat Teahouse for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Allied Rumblings" (Step 1.) Travel: -Ru'Lude Gardens HP#1 (H-7) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Unraveling Reason" (Step 1.) Talk: Pherimociel -Ru'Lude Gardens (G-6)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Light of Judgement" (Step 1.) Talk: Rodin-Comidin -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 > (I-7) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Path of Darkness" (Step 1.) Travel: Aht Urhgan HP#2 > (L-7) > Runic Portal > Nyzule Isle Staging Point (Step 2.) Examine: Blank Target -Alzadaal Undersea Ruins
(Step 3.) Fight: Runic Seal -Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (I-9) "Path of Darkness"
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Fangs of the Lion" (Step 1.) Travel: near, Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Nashmeira's Plea" (Step 1.) Travel: Aht Urhgan HP#2 > (L-7) > Runic Portal > Nyzule Isle Staging Point (Step 2.) Examine: Blank Target -Alzadaal Undersea Ruins
(Step 3.) Fight: Runic Seal -Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (I-9) "Nashmeira's Plea"
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Ragnarok" (Step 1.) Travel: near, Naja Salaheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Imperial Coronation" (Step 1.) Examine: Imperial Whitegate -Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-8) for CS
"The Empress Crowned" (Step 1.) Examine: Imperial Whitegate -Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-8) for Reward
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Eternal Mercenary" (Step 1.) Travel: near, Naja Saleheem -Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 (I-10) for Reward |
Wings of the Goddess | |
Wings of the Goddess(Part 1.)
Playing through WotG is a bit different from other Story missions. If you're just focusing on RoV, disregard this message, proceed to the first mission "Cavernous Maws." WotG (Part 1) can be completed solo. To complete WotG (Part 2, starts with the mission "When One Man is Not Enough") you must perform one of the following:
Getting assistance: Requires a player with the associated Key Item from Written in the Stars or forming a party of 1 White Mage, 1 Black Mage, and 1 Red Mage to open the gate manually. (Note: Completing Written in the Stars is very easy to do solo if you're rank 6 in Windurst. It is also easy to switch nations and reach rank 6 if you're rank 6 in any other nation. Written in the Stars is only a rank 3 mission, and can be done with help to get the Key item yourself sooner. Written in the Stars is found in Windurst 7-10 section of this guide.)
(Step 1.) Examine: Cavernous Maw -Batallia Downs (H-5) (Step 2.) Examine: Cavernous Maw -RandomZone
(Step 3.) Examine: Cavernous Maw -RandomZone from step 2.
__________________________________________________________________________________ Snakes on the Plains (OR "The Fighting Fourth," OR "Steamed Rams") (Step 1.) Join 1 of 3 Nation Allegiance (WIndurst) WARNING
(Step 2.) Travel: -Crawlers' Nest (S)
(Step 3.) Collect: Survival Guide Crawlers' Nest (S) (Step 4.) Talk: Kalsu-Kalasu -Crawlers' Nest (S) (L-8) > Obtain Green Recommendation Letter KI (Step 5.) Travel: -Crawlers' Nest (S) (M-7) > Zone to Rolanberry Fields > (L-5) > Zone to Sauromugue Champaign (S) (Step 6.) Travel: -Sauromugue Champaign (S) (K-11) > Zone to Meriphataud Mountains (S) (Step 7.) Collect: Survival Guide -Meriphataud Mountains (S) (L-8) (Step 8.) Travel: -Meriphataud Mountains (S) (D-8) > Zone to Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) (Step 9.) Collect: Survival Guide Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) (Step 10.) Travel: Fort Karugo-Narugo (D-14) > Zone to West Sarurutabaruta (S) (Step 11.) Collect: Survival Guide West Sarutabaruta (S) (I-5) (Step 12.) Travel: -West Sarutabaruta (J-8) > Zone to Windurst Waters (S) (Step 13.) Collect: Survival Guide + Home Point
(Step 14.) Talk: Miah Riyuh -Windurst Waters (S) (H-9) > Complete the following for quest "Snakes on the Plains"
(Step 15.) Talk: Miah Riyuh -Windurst Waters (S) (H-9) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Tigress Stirs" (Windurst Mission) (Step 1.) Travel: -Windurst (S) for CS. > Obtain Inky Black Yagudo Feather KI
(Step 2.) Talk: Dhea Prandoleh -Windurst Waters (S) (H-10) for CS (Step 3.) Examine: ??? -West Sarutabaruta (S) (I-6) > Obtain Small Starfruit KI (Step 4.) Examine: Door: Acolyte Hostel -Windurst Waters (S) (K-5) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Tigress Strikes" (Windurst Mission) (Step 1.) Talk: Dhea Prandoleh -Windurst Waters (S) (H-10) (Step 2.) Travel: -Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) Survival Guide > (F-8) > Through Calvary Gate > New Map (Fivespires) (Step 3.) Talk: Rotih Moalghetti -Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) Fivespires (I-8) (Step 4.) Travel: -Fort Karugo-Narugo Fivespires (F-5) > New Map (Step 5.) Examine: ??? -Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) (I-9) (Step 6.) Fight: ??? -Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) (I-9) (Step 7.) Examine: ??? -Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) (i-9) for CS (Step 8.) Talk: Dhea Prandoleh -Windurst Waters (S) (H-10) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Back to the Beginning" (Step 1.) Travel: -Crawlers' Nest (S) Survival Guide WARNING read notes. first.
(Step 2.) Travel: -Crawlers' Nest (S) (M-7) > Zone to Rolanberry Fields (S) (Step 3.) Travel: Rolanberry Fields (S) (H-4) > Zone to Batallia Downs (S) (Step 4.) Examine: Cavernous Maw -Batallia Downs (S) (H-4) (In the past) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Talk: Dhea Prandoleh -Windurst Waters (S) (H-10) (Step 2.) Examine: Door: Acolyte Hostel -Windurst Waters (S) (K-5) for CS (Step 3.) Travel: -Sauromugue Champaign (S) Survival Guide
(Step 4.) Obtain: 108-Knot Quipu
(Step 5.) Examine: Bulwark Gate -Sauromugue Champaign (S) (F-6) (Step 6.) Trade: 108-Knot Quipu to Bulwark Gate -Sauromugue Champaign (S) (F-6) (Step 7.) Examine: Bulwark Gate -Sauromugue Champaign (S) (F=6) (Step 8.) Travel: -Batallia Downs (S) Survival Guide > (F-9) > Zone to Jugner Forest (S)
(Step 9.) Travel: -Jugner Forest (S) (L-6) > Zone to Vunkerl Inlet (S) (Step 10.) Travel: - Vunkerl Inlet (S) (J-7) > Cross the bridge > (E-7) Collect SG. (Step 11.) Travel: Vunkerl Inlet (S) (E-7) > Zone to Jugner Forest (S) (Step 12.) Travel: -Jugner Forest (S) (F-5) > Zone to East Rongaure (S) (Step 13.) Collect: East Ronfaure (S) SG. (Step 14.) Travel: East Ranfaure (S) (E-6) > Zone to Southern San d'Oria (S) for CS (Step 15.) Collect: S. San d'Oria (S) SurvivalGuide + HomePoint (Step 16.) Examine: Door: House -S. San d'Oria (S) (M-8) for CS + Reward __________________________________________________________________________________ "A Manifest Problem" (Windurst Mission) (Step 1.) Travel: -Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) SG > (F-8) > New Map (Step 2.) -Talk: Rotih Maolghett -Fort Karugo-Narugo Fivespires (S) (I-8) (Step 3.) Travel: Meriphataud Mountains (S) (K-8) > Zone to Castle Oztroja (S) for CS (Step 4.) Travel: -Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) SG > (F-8) > New Map (Step 5.) Talk: Rotih Maolghett -Fort Karugo-Narugo Fivespires (S) (I-8) (Step 6.) Travel: -Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) (H-9) > New Map (Fivespires). (Step 7.) Fight: Colorful Door -Fort Karugo-Narugo Fivespires (S) (H-5)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Cait Sith" (Step 1.) Travel: -S. San d'Oria (S) SG > Zone to East Ronfaure (S) > Zone S. San d'Oria (S) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Queen of the Dance" (Step 1.) Examine: Lion Springs Tavern Door -S. San d'Oria (S) (K-6) for CS (Step 2.) Talk: Tulough -Upper Jeuno (G-7) HP#1 > Obtain KI. (Step 3.) Examine: Lion Springs Tavern Door -S. San d'Oria (S) (K-6) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "While the Cat is Away" (Step 1.) Travel: -S. San d'Oria (S) SG > Zone to East Ronfaure (S) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "A Timeswept Butterfly" (Step 1.) Travel: Vunkerl Inlet (S) SurvivalGuide > (D-10) > Zone to Jugner Forest (S) (Step 2.) Travel: Jugner Forest (S) (G-7) > Collect Survival Guide (G-11) > Examine: Wooden Gate to zone to Davoi (S)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Purple, The New Black" (Step 1.) Examine: Reinforced Gateway -Davoi (S) (F-9) for CS
(Step 2.) Fight: Reinforced Gateway -Davoi (S) (F-9) WARNING
"When One Man is Not Enough" (Windurst Mission) (Step 1.) Obtain: Pipira
(Step 2.) Talk: Dhea Prandoleh -Windurst Waters (S) (H-10) (Step 3.) Examine: Sealed Entrance -West Sarutabaruta (S) (F-11) (Step 4.) Talk: Dhea Prandoleh -Windurst Waters (S) (H-10) (Step 5.) Trade: Sealed Entrance Pipira -West Sarutabaruta (S) (F-11) Select "Yes" > "No" to continue. __________________________________________________________________________________ "A Feast for Gnats" (Windurst Mission) (Step 1.) Travel: -Windurst Waters (S) for CS (Step 2.) Talk: Mham Lahrih -Sauromugue Champaign (S) Survival Guide > (K-9) for CS. (Step 3.) Examine: Abandoned Mineshaft -Sauromugue Champaign (S) (K-9) > Obtain KI. (Step 4.) Fight: Abandoned Mineshaft -Sauromugue Champaign (S) (K-9) "A Feast for Gnats"
(Step 5.) Talk: Dhea Prandoleh -Windurst Waters (S) (H-10) __________________________________________________________________________________ "In the Name of the Father" (Step 1.) Examine: The Lion Springs Tavern -Southern San d'Oria (S) (K-6) for CS
"Dancers in Distress" (Step 1.) Talk: Raustigne -Southern San d'Oria (S) (I-7) for CS. (Step 2.) Travel: -East Ronfaure (S) Survival Guide > Jugner Forest (S) (Step 3.) Examine: Elegant Footprints -Jugner Forest (S) (I-6) for CS.
(Step 4.) Obtain: Requested item.
(Step 5.) Trade: Item to Elegant Footprints -Jugner Forest (S) (I-6) (Step 6.) Obtain: Cernunnous Bulb
"Daughter of a Knight" (Step 1.) Talk: Amaura -Southern San d'Oria HP#4 > (G-6) > Obtain Cernunnos Resin KI. (Step 2.) Trade: Cernunnos Bulb to Amaura -Southern San d'Oria HP#4 (G-6) (Step 3.) Travel: Jugner Forest (S) Survival Guide > (E-6) (Step 4.) Trade: Cernunnos Bulb to Humus-rich Earth -Jugner Forest (S) (E-6) (Step 5.) Travel: Jugner Forest (present day) Survival Guide > (E-6) (Step 6.) Examine: Humus-rich Earth -Jugner Forest (E-6) (Step 7.) Fight: Humus-rich Earth -Jugner Forest (E-6) (Step 8.) Examine: Humus-rich Earth -Jugner Forest (E-6) > Obtain KI. (Step 9.) Talk: Amaura -Southern San d'Oria HP#4 (G-6) (Step 10.) Wait: 1 Vana'day > Talk: Amaura -Southern San d'Oria HP#4 (G-6) > Obtain KI
__________________________________________________________________________________ "A Spoonful of Sugar" (Step 1.) Talk: Raustgne -Southern San d'Oria (S) (I-7) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Affairs of State" (Step 1.) Travel: -Rolanberry Fields (S) Survival Guide > (H-14) > Pashlow Marshlands (S) > Collect SG. (Step 2.) Travel: -Pashlow Marshlands (S) (G-11) > Grauberg (S) > Collect Survival Guide. (Step 3.) Travel: -Grauberg (S) (B-14) > North Gustaberg (S) > Collect Survival Guide (Step 4.) Travel: -North Gustaberg (S) (J-9) > Bastok Markets (S) > Collect HP/SG. (Step 5.) Talk: Radford -Bastok Markets (S) (H-6) (Step 6.) Talk: Velda-Galda -Windurst Waters (S) HP#1 (K-9) > Obtain KI. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Borne by the Wind" (Step 1.) Examine: Bulwark Gate -Sauromugue Champaign (S) SG > (F-6) > Obtain KI. __________________________________________________________________________________ "A Nation on the Brink" (Step 1.) Examine: Underpass Hatch -Batallia Downs (S) Survival Guide > (J-9)
(Step 2.) Fight: Underpass Hatch -Batallia Downs (S) (J-9)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The Long March North" (Windurst Mission) (Step 1.) Travel: -Windurst Waters (S) HP#1 for CS. (Step 2.) Talk: Raustigne -Southern San d'Oria (S) HP#1 (I-7) (Step 3.) Talk: Hauberliond -Southern San d'Oria (S) (H-9) (Step 4.) Examine: New-turned Earth (At the specified location.) > Obtain KI.
(Step 5.) Talk: Striking Snake -Metalworks HP#1 (H-7) (Present day.) (Step 6.) Obtain: Liquid Quicksilver KI + Gelid Sulfur KI > Mining Node -North Gustaberg (S).
(Step 7.) Talk: Striking Snake -Metalworks HP#1 (H-7) > Obtain KI
(Step 8.) Talk: Rotih Moalghett -Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) SG > (F-8) > Fivespires (I-8) (Step 9.) Fight: Warding Door -Fivespires (E-7) (Step 10.) Examine: Warding Door -Fivespires (E-7)
(Note: You will need to have completed Written in the Stars or have assistance with step 2 of this mission. The assisting players must have the associated key item, or comprise a party of 1 White Mage, 1 Black Mage and 1 Red Mage.) (Step 1.) Travel: -Windurst Waters (S) for CS. (Step 2.) Travel: -Toraimarai Canal SuirvivalGuide > Inner Horutoto Ruins (Present day)
(Step 3.) Examine: Gate of Darkness -Inner Horutoto Ruins (I-7) > Obtain KI (Step 4.) Obtain: Any Job Testimony.
(Step 5.) Change: Any job -not- GEO or RUN, the following cannot be done as either. (Step 5.) Travel: Meriphataud Mountains (S) SG > Castle Oztroja (S) (Step 6.) Obtain: Bottled Pixie from Yagudo High Priest 100% drop rate.
(Step 7.) Examine: Writhing Flame -Castle Oztroja (S) (G-7) North section for CS (Step 8.) Trade: Job Testimony to Writhing Flame -Castole Oztroja (S) (G-7) > Obtain KI. (Step 9.) Travel: -Grauberg (S) SG > (F-5) (Step 10.) Examine: Fey Blossoms -Grauberg (S) (F-5) for CS. (Step 11.) Trade: Bottled Pixie to Fey Blossoms -Grauberg (S) (F-5) > Obtain KI.
(Step 12.) Talk: Velda-Galda -Windurst Waters (S) (K-9) turn in KI 1. (Step 13.) Talk: Velda-Galda -Windurst Waters (S) (K-9) turn in KI 2. (Step 14.) Talk: Velda-Galda -Windurst Waters (S) (K-9) turn in KI 3. (Step 15.) Wait: 1 Vana'day > Talk: Velda-Galda -Windurst Waters (S) (K-9) for CS. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Crossroads of Time" (Step 1.) Travel: -Southern San d'Oria (S) > East Ronfaure (S) > Southern San d'Oria (S) for CS. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Sandswept Memories" (Step 1.) Examine: Lion Springs Tavern -Southern San d'Oria (S) (K-6) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Northland Exposure" (Step 1.) Travel: Batallia Downs (S) SG > (E-4) > Beaucedine Glacier (S) for CS. (Step 2.) Collect: Survival Guide. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Traitor in the Midst" (Step 1.) Examine: Regal Pawprints x5 near towers at following locations.
(Step 2.) Examine: Regal Pawprints -Beaucedine Glacier (S) (H-10)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Betrayal at Beaucedine" (Step 1.) Examine: Regal Pawprints -Beaucedine Glacier (S) (H-9) for CS.
(Step 2.) Fight: Regal Pawprints -Beaucedine Glacier (S) (H-9) (Step 3.) Examine: Regal Pawprints -Beaucedine Glacier (S) (H-9) __________________________________________________________________________________ "On Thin Ice" (Step 1.) Talk: Raustigne -Southern San d'Oria (S) (I-7) for CS. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Proof of Valor" (Step 1.) Obtain 20+ Signatures
(Step 2.) Talk: Raustgne -Southern San d'Oria (S) (I-7) Select: "Yes, please." > "I surely am." to turn in signatures. __________________________________________________________________________________ "A Sanguinary Prelude" (Step 1.) Travel: Beaucedine Glacier (S) Survival Guide for CS. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Dungeons and Dancers" (Step 1.) Examine: Regal Pawprints -Beaucedine Glacier (S) (G-9)
(Step 2.) Fight: Regal Pawprints -Beaucedine Glacier (S) (G-9) (Step 3.) Examine: ??? at the marked walls to destory them, via map.
"Distorter of Time" (Step 1.) Fight: Regal Pawprints -Beaucedine Glacier (S) (H-7)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The Will of the World" (Step 1.) Talk: Raustigne -Southern San d'Oria (S) (I-7) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Sins of the Mothers" (Windurst Mission) (Step 1.) Talk: Dhea Prandoleh -Windurst Waters (S) (H-10) (Step 2.) Talk: Velda-Galda -Windurst Waters (S) (K-9) (Step 3.) Examine: Stone Monument -Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) Survival Guide > (E-7) (Step 4.) Examine: Succulent Cactus -Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) (F-5) > Obtain KI. (Step 5.) Examine: Stone Monument -Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) (E-7) (Step 6.) Examine: Sunken Hollow -Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) (G-7) (Step 7.) Fight: Sunken Hollow -Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) (G-7)
(Step 8.) Travel: -Windurst Waters (S) for CS. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Howl from the Heavens" (Windurst Mission) (Step 1.) Travel: -Windurst Waters (S) for CS
(Step 2.) Obtain: Magicite x3. (Present day.)
(Step 3.) Talk: Velda-Galda -Windurst Waters (S) (K-9) (Step 4.) Travel: West Sarutabaruta (S) from Windurst Waters (S) for CS (Step 5.) Examine: Windurstian Bulwark -West Sarutabaruta (S) (J-8) WARNING read ahead. (Step 6.) Fight: Windurstian Bulwark -West Sarutabaruta (S) (J-8) WARNING read notes.
(Step 7.) Examine: Windurstian Bulwark -West Sarutabaruta (S) (J-8) for CS. (Step 8.) Travel: -Windurst Waters (S) for CS. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Fate in Haze" (Step 1.) Examine: Lion Springs Tavern -Southern San d'Oria (S) (K-6) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Scent of Battle" (Step 1.) Examine: Bulwark Gate -Sauromugue Champaign (S) (Survival Guide) > (F-6) for Cutscene. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Another World" (Step 1.) Travel: Southern San d'Oria HP#2 > East Ronfaure (Present day) > San d'Oria for CS. (Step 2.) Talk: Halver -Chateau d'Oraguille (I-9)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "A Hawk in Repose" (Step 1.) Obtain: Lilac > Purchased Areebah Upper Jeuno HP#1 (H-6) (Step 2.) Travel: The Eldieme Necropolis Survival Guide > Batallia Downs > (I-10) (Step 3.) Examine: Weathered Gravestone -Batallia Downs (I-10) (Step 4.) Trade: Lilac to Weathered Gravestone __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Battle of Xarcarbard" (Step 1.) Travel: Beaucedine Glacier (S) Survival Guide > (F-6) > Xarcarbard (S) > Collect HP. (Step 2.) Examine: Rally Point: Red (F-8)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Prelude to a Storm" (Step 1.) Examine: Rally Point: Green -Xarcabard (S) (G-9) > Obtain KI. (Step 2.) Fight: Spell-Worked Snow -Xarcabard (S) (G-9)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Storm's Crescendo" (Step 1.) Examine: Rally Point: Blue -Xarcabard (S) (H-8) NW corner > Obtain KI. (Step 2.) Fight: Excavated Snow -Xarcabard (S) (H-8) WARNING read ahead.
(Step 3.) Examine: Rally Point: Red -Xarcabard (S) (F-8)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Into the Beast's Maw" (Step 1.) Travel: Castle Zvahl Baileys (S) for CS > Collect SuirvivalGuide. (Step 2.) Examine: Peculiar Glint -Castle Zvahl Baileys (S) (G-7) CS > Obtain KI. (Step 3.) Fight: Peculiar Glint -Castle Zvahl Baileys (S) (G-7) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Hunter Ensnared" (Step 1.) Examine: Rally Point: Red -Xarcabard (S) (F-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Flight of the Lion" (Step 1.) Examine: Bulwark Gate -Sauromugue Champaign (S) Survival Guide > (F-6) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Fall of the Hawk" (Step 1.) Travel: Castle Zvahl Baileys (S) Survival Guide for CS. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Darkness Descends" (Step 1.) Travel: Castle Zvahl Baileys (S) > Castle Zvahl Keep (S) > Throne Room (S) > HP.
(Step 2.) Collect: Throne Room (S) HP. (Step 4.) Fight: Throne Room (S) BCNM "Darkness Descends" __________________________________________________________________________________ "Manifest Destiny" (Windurst Mission) (Step 1.) Talk: Dhea Prandoleh -Windurst Waters (S) (H-10) (Step 2.) Examine: Mithran Bivouac -Meriphataud Mountains (S) Survival Guide > (I-8) (Step 3.) Travel: Castle Oztroja (S) for CS. (Step 4.) Obtain: Dorter Keys (x3) (or 1-2 more just in case.)
(Step 5.) Travel: Castle Oztroja (S) Through Trap/door > (J-8) > New map > (G-7) (Step 6.) Examine: Iron Grilles to determine if anyone is inside. (10 on this map.) (Step 7.) Trade: Dorter Key to Iron Grilles with prisoner's inside.
(Step 8.) Obtain: Once having freed 3 prisoners, > Obtain Poet God's Key KI. (Step 9.) Travel: Back to the map shown below > Proceed to step 10.
(Step 11.) Examine: Torch -Castle Oztroja (S) (H-7) NE > Run to (H-7) NW through door. (Step 12.) Examine: Collapsing Floor (Step 13.) Fight: Collapsing Floor for BCNM __________________________________________________________________________________ "At Journey's End" (Windust Mission) (Step 1.) Examine: Mithran Bivouac -Meriphataud Mountains (S) Survival Guide > (I-8) > Obtain Poet god's Key KI. (Step 2.) Travel: Castle Oztroja (S) Through Trap/door > (J-8) (Step 3.) Travel: Castle Oztroja (S) (F-9) > (G-9) > New map > (H-11) > New map (Step 4.) Examine: Torch -Castle Oztroja (S) (H-7) NE > Run to (H-7) NW through door. (Step 5.) Examine: Collapsing Floor for a cutscene (Step 6.) Fight: Collapsing Floor BCNM (Step 7.) Examine: Mithran Bivouac -Meriphataud Mountains (S) Survival Guide > (I-8) for a cutscene. (Step 8.) Talk: Dhea Prandoleh -Windurst Waters (S) (H-10) for a cutscene. (Step 9.) Examine: Sealed Entrance -West Sarutabaruta (S) (F-10) (Step 10.) Travel: Windurst Waters (S) for cutscene and reward. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Adieu, Lilisette" (Step 1.) Examine: Lion Springs Tavern -Southern San d'Oria (S) (K-6) __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Examine: Red Rally Point -Xarcabard (S) HP#1 > (F-8) __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Examine: Cavernous Maw -Batallia Downs (H-5) (Present day.) __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Travel: Southern San d'Oria (Present Day) HP#2 > East Ronfaure > Southern San d'Oria for CS. (Step 2.) Talk: Thierride -Port San d'Oria HP#1 (G-7) inside Rusty Anchor Pug > Obtain KI. (Step 3.) Talk: Amaura -Southern San d'Oria HP#4 (G-6)
(Step 4.) Talk: Thierride -Port San d'Oria HP#1 (G-7) > Obtain KI. __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Talk: Abioleget -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 (M-7) (Step 2.) Talk: Bertenont -Northern San d'Oria HP#4 (E-4) > Obtain KI. __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Talk: Halver -Northern San d'Oria HP#2 > Chateau d'Oraguille (Step 2.) Obtain: Lilac > Purchase Areebah -Upper Jeuno HP#1 (H-6) (Step 3.) Travel: The Eldieme Necropolis Survival Guide > Batallia Downs > (I-10) (Step 4.) Examine: Weathered Gravestone -Batallia Downs (I-10) (Step 5.) Trade: Lilac to Weathered Gravestone -Batallia Downs (I-10) > Obtain KI.
(Step 1.) Talk: Amaura -Southern San d'Oria HP#4 (G-6) (Step 2.) Talk: Monberaux -Upper Jeuno HP#3 (G-10) (Step 3.) Examine: Library Book -Windurst Waters HP#1 (G-7) Opistery for a cutscene.
(Step 4.) Obtain: Philosopher's Stone Auction House > Materials > Alchemy (Step 5.) Trade: Philosopher's Stone to Fey Blossoms -Grauberg (S) Survival Guide > (F-5) (Step 6.) Wait: 1 Vana'day + zone. (Step 7.) Examine: Fey Blossoms -Grauberg (S) Survival Guide > (F-5) > Obtain KI. (Step 8.) Talk: Raustgne -Southern San d'Oria (S) (I-7) > Obtain KI. __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Travel: Batallia Downs (S) SurvivalGuide > Jugner Forest (S) > Batallia Downs (S) for CS. (Step 2.) Examine: Bulwark Gate -Sauromugue Champaign (S) Survival Guide > (E-6) (Step 3.) Obtain: Rice Vinegar, Ground Wasabi, and Holy Basil.
(Step 4.) Trade: Rice Vinegar, Ground Wasabi, Holy Basil to Leadavox -Vunkerl Inlet (S) Survival Guide > (J-6) for KI. (Step 5.) Examine: Bulwark Gate -Sauromugue Champaign (S) SurvivalGuide > (E-6) (Step 6.) Travel: Eldieme Necropolis (S) Survival Guide > Batallia Downs (S) > (K-10) > Rolanberry Fields (S) > Batallia Downs (S) for a cutscene. __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Travel: Windurst Waters (S) > West Sarutabaruta (S) > Windurst Waters (S) For CS. (Step 2.) Talk: Miah Riyuh -Windurst Waters (S) (H-9) (Step 3.) Examine: Sealed Entrance -West Sarutabaruta (S)
(Step 4.) Talk: Miah Riyuh -Windurst Waters (S) > (H-9) > Obtain KI. __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Examine: Cavernous Maw -Batallia Downs Survival Guide > (H-5) for Cutscene __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Obtain: Punch Bug
(Step 2.) Examine: Verdical Conflux -Grauberg (S) Survival Guide > (F-5)
(Step 1.) Examine: Veridical Conflux -Grauberg (S) Survival Guide > (F-5) for CS
(Step 1.) Trade: Punch Bug to Veridical Conflux -Grauberg (S) SurvivalGuide > (F-5) for CS > Obtain KI.
(Step 1.) Travel: Grauberg (S) Survival Guide > (F-5) > Veridical Conflux > Into Walk of Echoes. (Step 2.) Examine: Ornate Door (after entering Walk of Echos > travel north.) (Step 3.) Fight: Ornate Door -Walk of Echoes BCNM __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Examine: Veridical Conflux -Grauberg (S) Survival Guide > (F-5) for CS.
(Step 1.) Examine: Veridical Conflux -Grauberg (S) Survival Guide > (F-5) for CS
(Step 1.) Examine: "A blank target" -Southern San d'Oria (S) Survival Guide > East Ronfaure (S) (H-7) > Obtain KI.
(Step 1.) Examine: "A Blank Target" -Southern San d'Oria (S) (K-6)
(Step 2.) Examine: "A Blank Target" -East Ronfaure (S) Survival Guide > Jugner Forest (S) (I-6) (Step 3.) Examine: "A Blank Target" -Jugner Forest (S) Survival Guide > La Vaule (S) > (K-9) (Step 4.) Examine: "A Blank Target" -Beaucedine Glacier (S) Survival Guide > (H-9)
(Step 5.) Examine: "A Blank Target" -Xarcabard (S) HP#1 > (F-8) (Step 6.) Examine: "A Blank Target" -Castle Zvahl Keep (S) HP#1 > Throne Room
(Step 7.) Examine: "A Blank Target" -Grauberg (S) Survival Guide > (F-5) > Veridical Conflux > Walk of Echoes.
(Step 8.) Obtain: Primal Glow KI after completing the above. __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Examine: Veridical Conflux -Grauberg (S) Survival Guide > (F-5) for CS.
(Step 2.) Examine: Ornate Door -Grauberg (S) Veridical Conflux > Head north. (Step 3.) Fight: Ornate Door BCNM. __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Examine: Lion Springs Tavern -Southern San d'Oria (S) Survival Guide > (K-6) > Obtain KI. __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Unequip: Weapons/Ammo > Examine: Bulwark Gate -Sauromugue Champaign (S) Survival Guide > (E-6) (Step 2.) Examine: Bulwark Gate -Sauromugue Champaign (S) without weapons/ammo for CS. __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Examine: Veridical Conflux -Graubergs (S) Survival Guide > (F-5) for CS. (Step 2.) Obtain: Rewards/Augment your earring! Congratulations, you've completed WotG!
Level 99/iLvL 119: Missions
The suggested level for the following missions is level 99.
- Note: It is also strongly suggested the player has obtained 119 Bayld equipment, as well as started farming Ambuscade, and other content for more optimal equipment.
- (Note: The final battles of RoV and SoA as well as many battles along the way can prove challenging. You will want to seek more optimal equipment.)
- (Note: Item level behaves differently in FFXI than more modern games. Some 119 equipment can be more powerful than others, and some equipment that is below 99, can be more powerful than some 119 equipment.)
Seekers of Adoulin | |
Seekers of Adoulin"Rumors from the West" (Step 1.) Travel: -Windurst Woods HP#2 > (J-10) for CS
(Step 2.) Talk: Darcia -Lower Jeuno (H-7) HP#2 select "I would like to apply!" > Obtain KI. __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Geomagnetron" (Step 1.) Travel: -Crawlers' Nest Survival Guide > (F-7) (Step 2.) Examine: Geomagnetic Fount -Crawlers' Nest (F-7) (Step 3.) Talk: Darcia -Lower Jeuno (H-7) HP#2 > Obtain KI. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Onward to Adoulin" (Step 1.) Examine: Waypoint -Lower Jeuno (H-7) HP#2 __________________________________________________________________________________ "Heartwings and the Kindhearted" (Step 1.) Travel: Ceizak Battlegrounds (K-7) > Zone to Western Adoulin
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Pioneer Registration" (Step 1.) Talk: Brenton -Western Adoulin (E-8) for CS. WARNING (Step 2.) Talk: Task Delegator -Western Adoulin (E-8) start "Imprimaturs" currency. WARNING
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Adoulin Waypoints" (Step 1.) Examine: Waypoints in Western Adoulin and Eastern Adoulin.
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Grind to Sawdust" (Survival Skill) (Step 1.) Fight: Colonization Reive -Ceizak Battlegrounds
(Step 2.) Talk: Elmric -Ceizak Battlegrounds (K-7) > Obtain KI.
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Life on the Frontier" (Step 1.) Talk: Brenton -Western Adoulin (E-8) for CS > Obtain KI.
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Meeting of the Minds" (Step 1.) Talk: Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (K-9) between 15:00-22:00 Vana'time for CS.
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Flavors of Our Lives" (Step 1.) Talk: Berghent -Western Adoulin (J-9)
(Step 4.) Travel: -Western Adoulin HP#2 (I-12) > Zone to Rala Waterways (Step 5.) Talk: Chalvava -Rala Waterways (F-11) (Step 6.) Obtain: Sickle from Tevigogo -Western Adoulin (D-9)
(Step 8.) Harvest: KI from Harvest points -Yahse Hunting Grounds.
(Step 9.) Talk: Berghnet -Western Adoulin (J-9)
"Arciela Appears Again" (Step 1.) Talk: Levil -Western Adoulin HP#1 (E-8)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Budding Prospects" (Step 1.) Talk: Levil -Western Adoulin HP#1 (E-8) (Step 2.) Talk: Masad -Western Adoulin (G-10) Mummers' Coalition
"The Light Shining in Your Eyes" (Step 1.) Talk: Levil -Western Adoulin HP#1 (E-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Heirloom" (Step 1.) Travel: -Eastern Adoulin (L-9) Castle Gate for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "A Stone's Throw Away" (Survival Skill) (Step 1.) Travel: -Yahse Hunting Grounds Bivouac #2 (B#2) > (H-5) > Zone to Moh Gates (Step 2.) Travel: -Moh Gates (G-5) > Zone to Morimar Basalt Fields (Step 3.) Talk: Apolliane -Morimar Basalt Fields (K-10) (Step 4.) Mine: Marble Nugget
(Step 5.) Trade: Marble Nugget to Apolliane -Morimar Basalt Fields for KI > Collect: Bivouacs/Home Point __________________________________________________________________________________ "I'm on a Boat" (Survival Skill) (Step 1.) Obtain: The following items:
(Step 2.) Travel: -Ceizak Battlegrounds: Bivouac #3 (B#3) > (E-10) > Zone to Sih Gates (Step 3.) Travel: -Sih Gates (H-11) > Zone to Foret de Hennetiel (Step 4.) Talk: Choubollet -Foret de Hennetiel (J-6) (Step 5.) Trade: Listed items to Choubollet -Foret de Hennetiel (J-6) > Cast sneak (Step 6.) Examine: Castoff Point -Foret de Hennetiel (I-7) South (Step 7.) Examine: Castoff Point -Foret de Hennetiel (J-9) West (Step 8.) Talk: Choubollet -Foret de Hennetiel (J-6) > Collect Bivouacs/Home Point. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Hide and Go Peak" (Survival Skill) (Step 1.) Travel: -Foret de Hennetiel HP#1 > (E-10) > Zone to Dho Gates (Step 2.) Travel: -Dho Gates (F-6) > Zone to Marjami Ravine (Step 3.) Talk: Toppled Tree -Marjami Ravine (L-7) > Collect Bivouac (Step 4.) Examine: Velkk Cache -Marjami Ravine (K-10) Lower floor near a tent and enemies > Obtain KI (Step 5.) Talk: Toppled Tree -Marjami Ravine (L-7) > Obtain KI (Step 6.) Examine: Scalable Area -Marjami Ravine (K-7) for CS > Obtain KI __________________________________________________________________________________ "An Aimless Journey" (Step 1.) Travel: -Ceizak Battlegrounds: Bivouac #3 (B#3) > (E-10) > Zone to Sih Gates (Step 2.) Travel: -Sih Gates (C-5) > Zone to Cirdas Caverns (Step 3.) Travel: near, the Ergon Locus -Cirdas Caverns (E-9) for CS.
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Ortharsyne" (Step 1.) Travel: -Cirdas Caverns (I-10) NW Path > (I-8) > Zone to Yorcia Weald for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "In the Presence of Royalty" (Step 1.) Obtain: Yorcia's Tear KI.
(Step 2.) Examine: Pellucid Afflusion -Yorcia Weald (G-6) for CS/KI __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Twin World Trees" (Step 1.) Travel: towards Oscairn -Eastern Adoulin HP#1 (G-7) Peacekeepers' Coalition for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Honor and Audacity" (Step 1.) Travel: Eastern Adoulin HP#1 (F-7) > Zone to Rala Waterways for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Watergarden Coliseum" (Step 1.) Travel: Eastern Adoulin HP#1 (F-7) > Rala Waterways (Step 2.) Talk: Yeggha Dolashi -Rala Waterways (M-6) for CS. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Friction and Fissures" (Step 1.) Talk: Levil -Western Adoulin HP#1 (E-8) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The Celennia Memorial Library" (Step 1.) Travel: Eastern Adoulin HP#2 (F-10) > Celennia Memorial LIbrary (Step 2.) Examine: The book "History." Between NPC's Yefafa and Vainrachault
(Step 3.) Talk: Levil -Western Adoulin HP#1 (E-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "For Whom Do We Toil" (Step 1.) Travel: -Western Adoulin (F-5) > Rala Waterways for CS
(Step 2.) Examine: Sluice Gate -Rala Waterways (C-6) > Password: HGSI > Obtain KI __________________________________________________________________________________ "Aiming for Ygnas" (Step 1.) Talk: Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (K-9)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Calamity in the Kitchen" (Step 1.) Travel: -Western Adoulin HP#2 (I-12) > Rala Waterways (Step 2.) Talk: Chalvava -Rala Waterways (F-11) > Obtain KI __________________________________________________________________________________ "Arciela's Promise" (Step 1.) Talk: Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (K-9)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Predators and Prey" (Step 1.) Travel: -Western Adoulin (F-5) > Rala Waterways
(Step 2.) Examine: Sluice Gate -Rala Waterways (C-6)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Behind the Sluices" (Step 1.) Travel: Western Adoulin (K-8) > Rala Waterways
(Step 3.) Examine: Sluice Gate -Rala Waterways (C-6) for CS (Step 4.) Examine: Sluice Gate -Rala Waterways (C-6) > New area (Step 5.) Fight: Antiquated Sluice Gate -Rala Waterways "Behind the Sluices" __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Leafkin Monarch" (Step 1.) Travel: near, Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (K-9) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Yggdrasil" (Step 1.) Talk: Levil -Western Adoulin HP#1 (E-8)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Return of the Exorcist" (Step 1.) Travel: -Western Aoudlin (H-4) for CS
"The Merciless One" (Step 1.) Travel: near, Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (K-9) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "A Curse from the Past" (Step 1.) Talk: Ploh Trishbahk-Eastern Adoulin (K-9)
(Step 3.) Examine: Fontis Xanira -Western Adoulin (H-8) > Obtain KI
"The Purgation" (Step 1.) Travel: near, Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (K-9) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The Key" (Step 1.) Talk: Levil -Western Adoulin HP#1 (E-8)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The Princess's Dilemma" (Step 1.) Travel: -Eastern Adoulin HP#2 (F-10) > Celennia Memorial Library
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Dark Clouds Ahead" (Step 1.) Talk: Levil -Western Adouin HP#1 (E-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Smallest of Favors" (Step 1.) Travel: -Western Adoulin HP#1 (C-9) > Ceizak Battlegrounds for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Summoned by Spirits" (Step 1.) Travel: -Eastern Adouin HP#2 (F-10) > Celennia Memorial Library for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Evil Entities" (Step 1.) Talk: Elmric -Ceizak Battlegrounds B#FrontierStation > (K-7) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Adoulin Calling" (Step 1.) Examine: Boardering House Door -Eastern Adoulin (H-9) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The Disappearance of Nyline" (Step 1.) Travel: near, the Ergon Locus -Foret de Hennetiel B#FrontierStation > (J-7) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Shared Consciousness" (Step 1.) Examine: Bordering House Door -Eastern Adouin (H-9) for CS
(Step 1.) Obtain: Items >
(Step 2.) Travel: -Yorcia Weald B#3 > (F-7) > Woh Gates (Step 3.) Travel: -Woh Gates (H-4) > Kamihr Drifts (Step 4.) Talk: Traiffeaux -Kamihr Drifts (K-10)
(Step 5.) Trade: Rabbit Hide x3, Raaz Tusk to Traiffeaux > Obtain KI
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Clear Skies" (Step 1.) Talk: Levil -Western Adoulin HP#1 (E-8)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The Man in Black" (Step 1.) Talk: Masad -Western Adoulin (G-10) Mummers' Coalition
"An Extraordinary Gentleman" (Step 1.) Talk: Levil -Western Adoulin HP#1 (E-8)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The Order's Treasures" (Step 1.) Travel: -Eastern Adouin HP#2 (F-10) > Celennia Memorial Library for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "August's Heirloom" (Step 1.) Talk: Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (K-9) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Beauty and the Beast" (Step 1.) Examine: Signs of Struggle -Ceizak Battlegrounds B#FrontierStation (I-7)/(I-8)/(J-7)/(J-8)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Wildcat with a Gold Pelt" (Step 1.) Travel: near, Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (K-9) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "In Search of Arciela" (Step 1.) Talk: Levil -Western Adoulin HP#1 (E-8) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Looking for Leads" (Step 1.) Travel: near, Wegellion -Eastern Adoulin (F-9) Scouts Coalition > Obtain KI
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Drifting Northwest" (Step 1.) Travel: -Kamihr Drifts B#2 for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Kumhau, the Flashfrost Naakual" (Step 1.) Examine: Crawling Cave -Kamihr Drifts B#2 (F-11) for CS > Obtain KI __________________________________________________________________________________ "Soul Siphon" (Step 1.) Examine: Hollowed Pathway -Kamihr Drifts B#2 (G-11) SW for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Stonewalled" (Step 1.) Fight: Hollowed Pathway -Kamihr Drifts B#2 (G-11) "Stonewalled" __________________________________________________________________________________ "Salvation" (Step 1.) Examine: Crawling Cave -Kamihr Drifts B#2 (F-11) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Glimmer of Portent" (Step 1.) Talk: Levil -Western Adoulin HP#1 (E-8)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "...Into the Fire" (Step 1.) Talk: Kipligg -Western Adoulin (G-7)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Melvien de Malecrouix" (Step 1.) Examine: Port Storage Door -Western Adoulin (J-4) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Courier Catastrophe"
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Done and Delivered" (Step 1.) Talk: Kipligg -Western Adoulin (G-7)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Ministerial Whispers" (Step 1.) Talk: Levil -Western Adoulin HP#1 (G-7) for reward. __________________________________________________________________________________ "A Day in the Life of a Pioneer" (Step 1.) Talk: Levil -Western Adoulin HP#1 (G-7) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Lighting the Way" (Step 1.) Examine: Alpine Trail -Kamihr Drifts B#3 (H-5) > Mount Kamihr for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Sajj'aka" (Step 1.) Travel: Eastern Adoulin HP#2 (F-10) > Celennia Memorial Library (Step 2.) Read: the stories within the CS to continue. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Studying Up" (Step 1.) Examine: Alpine Trail -Kamihr Drifts B#3 (H-5) for CS
(Step 1.) Travel: -Kamihr Drifts B#FrontierStation > (K-11) > Woh Gates for CS __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Travel: -Woh Gates (I-5) to fall > Fall at (H-6) > (G-7) (Step 2.) Examine: Darkened Crevice -Woh Gates (G-7) for CS > Obtain KI __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Fight: Darkened Crevice -Woh Gates (G-7) "The Gates" BCNM __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Examine: Alpine Trail -Kamihr Drifts B#3 (H-5) __________________________________________________________________________________ "A New Force Arises" (Step 1.) Examine: Liseran Door: Entrance -Kamihr Drifts B#4 (F-8) > Outer Ra'Kaznar
(Step 3.) Examine: Alpine Trail -Kamihr Drifts B#3 (H-5) __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Talk: Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (L-9) Select "Tree Grafting" to continue.
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Tree Grafting" (Step 1.) Talk: Levil -Western Adoulin HP#1 (E-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "A Shrouded Canopy" (Step 1.) Examine: Blockaded Path -Kamihr Drifts B#2 (G-11) > Leafallia
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Leafallia" (Step 1.) Examine: Aged Stump -Leafalia (H-8) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Rosulatia's Promise" (Step 1.) Examine: Heroic Footprints -Leafallia (H-8) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Lightsland" (Step 1.) Talk: Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (L-9) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The Light of Dawn Comes from the East" (Step 1.) Talk: Levil -Western Adoulin HP#1 (E-8)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Cries from the Deep" (Step 1.) Travel: near, Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (L-9) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Seeds of Doubt" (Step 1.) Travel: -Western Adoulin HP#2 > (I-12) > Rala Waterways (Step 2.) Talk: Chalvava -Rala Waterways (F-11) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Tomatoes of Wrath" (Step 1.) Talk: Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (L-9) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "A Grave Mistake" (Step 1.) Travel: -Eastern Adoulin HP#1 (F-7) > Rala Waterways (Step 2.) Talk: Sainene -Rala Waterways (N-7) (Step 3.) Examine: Waterway Overlook (I-6) (Step 4.) Talk: Stout Weir -Rala Waterways (D-8) > Obtain KI (Step 5.) Talk: Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (L-9)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "An Emergency Convocation" (Step 1.) Travel: Zone out > back to Eastern Adoulin (Step 2.) Talk: Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (L-9) for CS
(Step 1.) Talk: Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (L-9) for CS
(Step 1.) Trade: Ploh Trishbahk Adoulin Necklace, rewarded from a previous mission.
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Just the Thing" (Step 1.) Travel: Eastern Adoulin HP#2 (F-10) > Celennia Memorial Library (Step 2.) Talk: Andreine -Celennia Memorial Library > Obtain KI __________________________________________________________________________________ "Sugarcoated Salvation" (Step 1.) Talk: Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (L-9) for CS > Obtain KI
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Arciela's Resolve" (Step 1.) Travel: -Eastern Adoulin HP#1 (F-7) > Rala Waterways (Step 2.) Examine: Royal Sepulcher -Rala Waterways (N-10) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Balamor's Ruse" (Step 1.) Obtain: Consummate Simulacrum KI
(Step 2.) Travel: -Western Adoulin (F-5) > Rala Waterways
(Step 3.) Fight: Augural Conveyor -Rala Waterways (B-6) "The Charlatan" __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Charlatan" (Step 1.) Talk: Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (L-9) for reward
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Royal Blessings" (Step 1.) Talk: Levil -Western Adoulin HP#1 (E-8)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Arboreal Rumors" (Step 1.) Talk: Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (L-9) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Arciela's Missive" (Step 1.) Examine: Hastily Scribbled Note KI in Key items menu. (Step 2.) Examine: Sunrise Beacon -Western Adoulin (J-4) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Heroes, Unite!" (Step 1.) Examine: Alpine Trail -Kamihr Drifts B#3 (H-5) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "A Portent Most Ominous" (Step 1.) Examine: Aged Stump -Leafallia HP#1 > Obtain KI x2 __________________________________________________________________________________ "Yggdrasil Beackons" (Step 1.) Travel: -Yorcia Weald B#FrontierStation (I-8) > Cirdas Caverns (Step 2.) Examine: Wavering Flux -Cirdas Caverns (K-11) for CS (Step 3.) Fight: Wavering Flux -Cirdas Caverns (K-11) (Step 4.) Travel: -Yorcia Weald B#1 (H-6) (Step 5.) Examine: Wavering Flux -Yorcia Weald (H-6) for CS (Step 6.) Fight: Wavering Flux -Yorcia Weald (H-6)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Returning to the Trees" (Step 1.) Travel: -Leafallia HP#1 for CS > Select: "Ask for forgiveness" > I promise" to continue. __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Key to the Turris" (Step 1.) Travel: Ra'Kaznar Turris by 1 of 3 methods available.
(Step 2.) Examine: Ominous Postern -Ra'Kaznar Turris for a Cutscene. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Teodor's Summons" (Step 1.) Examine: Alpine Trail -Kamihr Drifts B#3 (H-5)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The Seventh Guardian" (Step 1.) Travel: -Eastern Adoulin HP#1 (F-7) > Rala Waterways (Step 2.) Talk: Yeggah Dolashi -Rala Waterways (M-6) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Watery Grave" (Step 1.) Examine: Entrance: Coliseum -Rala Waterways (M-6) for CS (Step 2.) Fight: Entrance: Coliseum -Rala Waterways (M-6) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Blood for Blood" (Step 1.) Travel: Inner Ra'Kaznar Inner Court HP#1 > Ra'Kaznar Turris (Step 2.) Examine: Ominous Postern -Ra'Kaznar Turris for CS __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Fight: Ominous Postern -Ra'Kaznar Turris __________________________________________________________________________________ "Abomination" (Step 1.) Fight: Ominous Postern -Ra'Kaznar Turris __________________________________________________________________________________ "Undying Light" (Step 1.) Travel: Western Adoulin HP#1 > Ceizak Battlegrounds > Western Adoulin for CS (Step 2.) Talk: Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (L-9) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The Light Within" (Step 1.) Travel: Western Adoulin HP#1 > Ceizak Battlegrounds for CS
(Step 2.) Talk: Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (L-9) for CS + Reward.
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel (Part 4.) | |
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel (Part 4.)(Note: Regarding RoV missions, jumping around expansions missions without a guide can result in locking you out of RoV progress due to the NPC being involved in the associated mission. This results in the "name" of the RoV being a "dead" mission, directing you to complete the associated mission, thus many RoV missions are considered "dead" in this guide.) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Ring My Bell" (Step 1.) Examine: Oaken Door -Norg (K-8) (Step 2.) Talk: Gilgamesh -Norg (K-8) CS with Tenzen, Aldo, Prishe. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Spirits Awoken" (Step 1.) Travel: Lower Delkfutt's Tower Survival Guide for CS. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Crashing Waves" (Note: This mission requires your missions log to list as Current: "Chains of Promathia: The Road Forks" to begin.) (Step 1.) Travel: -Ru'Lude Gardens (H-7) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Call to Serve" (Step 1.) Travel: Port Jeuno HP#1 for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Numbering Days" (Step 1.) Examine: Door: Marble Bridge -Upper Jeuno (F-7) HP#1 for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Inescapable Binds" (Step 1.) Travel: Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#1 for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Ever Forward" (Note: This mission requires your missions log to list as Current: "Treasures of Aht Urhgan: Royal Puppeteer" to begin.) (Step 1.) Check your current RoV mission, and Ever Forward for issues.
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The Endless Sky" (Step 1.) See "Ever Forward"
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Aphmaus' Light" (Step 1.) Examine: Imperial Whitegate -Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-9) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Reunited" (Step 1.) Talk: Nadeey -Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-7) Walahra Temple __________________________________________________________________________________ "Take Wing" (Step 1.) Travel: -Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-12) Shararat Teahouse for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Prime Number" (Step 1.) Travel: Aht Urhgan Whitegate HP#2 > (L-7) > Nyzul Isle Staging Point for CS. __________________________________________________________________________________ "From the Ruins" (Step 1.) Examine: Imperial Whitegate -Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-9) for CS > Obtain KI
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Cauterize" (Note: This mission requires your missions log to list as Current: "Wings of the Goddess: In the Name of the Father" to begin.) (Step 1.) Examine: ??? (The sparkling one) -Batallia Downs (H-5)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Uncertain Destinations" (Step 1.) Examine: ??? -Batallia Downs (H-5)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Ganged Up On" (Step 1.) Travel: Southern San d'Oria (S) HP#1 for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Sacrifice" (Step 1.) Examine: ??? (sparkling blue one) -Batallia Downs (H-5) > Walk of Echoes (Step 2.) Examine: Ornate Door within Walk of Echoes.
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Somber Dreams" (Step 1.) Travel: Grauberg (S) > (F-5)
(Step 2.) Fight: ??? NE of Veridical Conflux -Grauberg (S) (F-5) (Step 3.) Examine: ??? NE of Veridical Conflux -Grauberg (S) (F-5) (Step 4.) Travel: Walk of Echos from ??? beside Veridical Conflux -Grauberg (S) (F-5) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Of Light and Darkness" (Step 1.) Examine: Oaken Door -Norg (K-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Temporary Farewells" (Step 1.) Examine: ??? -Misareaux Coast HP#1 (G-5) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Brushing Up" (Step 1.) Examine: ??? -Misareaux Coast HP#1 (G-5) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Keep On Giving" (Step 1.) Trade: Food from "Brushing Up" to ??? -Misareaux Coast HP#1 (G-5) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Past Imperfect" (Step 1.) Examine: Oaken Door -Norg (K-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Cursed Temple" (Note: This mission requires your missions log to list as Current: "Rise of the Zilart: Headstone Pilgrimage" to begin.) (Step 1.) Travel: Yhoator Jungle SG > (J-11) > Temple of Uggalepih for CS (Step 2.) Travel: Temple of Uggalepih (J-3) (Hidden path behind a Granite door) > Yhoator Jungle (Step 3.) Travel: Yhoator Jungle > Back to Temple of Uggalepih (Hug right wall.) (Step 4.) Examine: Granite Door -Temple of Uggalepih (J-6) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) This mission is skipped based on mission progress, consult the Wisdom of Our Forefathers page. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Where Divinities Collide" (Step 1.) Examine: Just (one) Shattered Telepoint at (one) Crag:
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Visions of Dread" (Step 1.) Proceed to next mission. __________________________________________________________________________________ "To the Skies" (Step 1.) Examine: Oaken Door -Norg (K-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Escha - Ru'Aun" (Step 1.) Examine: Undulating Confluence -Misareaux Coast HP#1 > (G-5) for CS > Escha __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Decisive Heroine" (Step 1.) Examine: ??? -Escha Ru'Aun (H-10) NW > Obtain KI __________________________________________________________________________________ "Fall from Grace" (Step 1.) Examine: Just (one) Shattered Telepoint at (one) Crag:
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Banishing the Darkness" (Step 1.) Examine: Oaken Door -Norg (K-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Over the Rainbow" (Step 1.) Talk: Shantotto -Windurst Walls HP#3 > (K-7) > Obtain KI __________________________________________________________________________________ "Cacophonous Discord" (Step 1.) Examine: Undulating Confluence -Misareaux Coast HP#1 > (G-5) > Escha for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Eddies of Dispair" (Step 1.) Examine: ??? -Escha - Ru'Aun (H-11) Next to Dremi > Obtain Eschan Droplets (Step 2.) Examine: Eschan Portal (H-11)/(H-10) to teleport using Eschan Droplets (Step 3.) Repeat process of obtaining Eschan Droplets > Teleporting Using Eschan Droplets.
(Step 4.) Examine: Shining ??? Portal #15 for CS. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Pretender to the Throne" (Step 1.) Fight: ??? Portal#15 Escha - Ru'Aun (Step 2.) Examine: ??? Portal #15 Escha -Ru'Aun for CS (Step 3.) If you wish to return to start, click ??? next to portal for Eschan Droplets. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Banished" (Step 1.) Examine: Oaken Door -Norg (K-8) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Call of the Void" (Step 1.) Examine: Dimensial Portal at any Crag
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Both Paths Taken" (Step 1.) Fight: Transcendental Radiance BCNM __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Man Behind the Mask" (Step 1.) Examine: Oaken Door -Norg (K-8) __________________________________________________________________________________ "Uncertain Futures" (Step 1.) Travel: To your home nation. > Obtain KI __________________________________________________________________________________ "Darkness Beckons" (Step 1.) Examine: Dimensial Portal at any Crag > Select "Reisenjima"
(Step 2.) Examine: Etched Rock -Reisenjima (K-9) for CS WARNING
(Step 1.) Fight: Perfervid Narakas (x3) between 20:00-4:00
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The River Runs Red" (Step 1.) Examine: Etched Rock -Reisenjima (K-9) for CS
__________________________________________________________________________________ "The Crucible" (Note: The following 4 RoV missions requires your missions log to list as Current: "Seekers of Adoulin: Meeting of the Minds -through- Behind the Sluices " to begin.)
(Step 1.) Travel: Western Adoulin HP#1 > Ceizak Battlegrounds (Step 2.) Obtain: Dim. Ring (???) Based on your nation from Curio Vendor Moogle 115k gil.
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Forward Thinking" (Step 1.) Completed from Previous mission. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Tears of the Generals" (Step 1.) Talk: Ploh Trishbahk -Eastern Adoulin (K-9)
__________________________________________________________________________________ "What He Left Behind" (Step 1.) Travel: Augural Conveyor -Rala Waterways > Examine: ??? glowing for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Gone but Not Forgotten" (Step 1.) Travel: Western Adoulin (F-5) > Rala Waterways
(Step 2.) Examine: Sluice Gate -Rala Waterways (C-6) > Enter
(Step 3.) Examine: Inconspicious Barrel > Obtain KI __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Examine: ??? -Rala Waterways Augural Conveyor for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Solemnity" (Step 1.) Travel: Eastern Adoulin (F-10) HP#2 > Celennia Memorial Library for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Eyes on You" (Step 1.) Travel: Ru'Aun Gardens Survival Guide > Hall of the Gods for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Exploring the Ruins" (Step 1.) Examine: Cermet Grate -Hall of the Gods for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Become Something More" (Step 1.) Travel: Etched Rock-Reisenjima (K-9) > Reisenjima Sanctorium for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Unshakable Nightmares" (Step 1.) Examine: Glowing ??? -Batallia Downs Survival Guide (H-5) > Walk of Echoes __________________________________________________________________________________ "What Remains of Hope" (Step 1.) Examine: ??? glowing white -Walk of Echoes > Empyreal Paradox > Obtain KI
__________________________________________________________________________________ "Death Cares Not" (Step 1.) Examine: Transcendental Radiance for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "No Time like the Future" (Step 1.) Fight: Transcendental Radiance "No Time Like the Future" BCNM __________________________________________________________________________________ "Sin" (Step 1.) Examine: Transcendental Radiance for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Penance" (Step 1.) Already completed. __________________________________________________________________________________ "Vessel of Light" (Step 1.) Examine: Etched Rock -Reisenjima EI#6 (K-9) > Reisenjima Scanctorium for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Lifestream of Reisenjima" (Step 1.) Examine: ??? Reisenjima (H-5) EI#5
(Step 1.) Fight: Obstreperous Panopts (x11)
(Step 1.) Examine: Etched Rock -Reisenjima EI#6 (K-9)
(Step 1.) Examine: Reisen Crystal -Reisenjima Sanctorium for CS
(Step 1.) Examine: Reisenjima Crystal for a cutscene.
(Step 1.) Fight: Transcendental Radiance "The Winds of Time" BCNM __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Already Completed.
(Step 1.) Already completed. __________________________________________________________________________________ "An Unending Song" (Step 1.) Travel: Your home nation for CS. __________________________________________________________________________________ "A Deep Sleep" (Step 1.) Examine/Travel: Etched Rock -Reisenjima EI#6 (K-9) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Guardians" (Step 1.) Examine: ??? -La Theine Plateau Survival Guide > (G-6) for CS __________________________________________________________________________________
(Step 1.) Examine/Travel: Etched Rock -Reisenjima EI#6 for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "Asolute Trust" (Step 1.) Examine: Reisen Crystal -Reisenjima Sanctorium for CS __________________________________________________________________________________ "The Orb's Radiance" (Step 1.) Fight: Reisen Crystal -Reisenjima Sanctorium BCNM WARNING
__________________________________________________________________________________ "A Rhapsody for the Ages" (Step 1.) Already completed. Congratulations!!! |
The Voracious Resurgence | |
The Voracious ResurgenceTo begin the The Voracious Resurgence Missions, you must complete all of the Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Missions, as well as numerous other missions to continue your progres. Simply click the link to The Voracious Resurgence Missions to begin the first mission. This guide does not include this mission line. |