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CoP Sidequests

Among players who are playing ffxi with the storylines as their top priority, I've seen a bit of interest in a list of side-quests that are worthwhile for story reasons. CoP mission characters in particular have introductions and motivations relegated to side quests, so you can feel like you missed a lot when you're just doing the missions.

This guide is tailored to the new player experience, but also contains information veteran players may have missed.

An effort was made to group sidequests with missions based on a common level range or dungeon, but you don't need to follow these recommendations exactly. Notes in the table below can be used to help decide whether a quest is of interest for your goals. Fame requirements are easily met, you usually won't need to worry about them when starting a quest.

The recommended level will match the original level cap for any areas where trusts are available, otherwise it will be a recommended level suitable for clearing solo. The level caps were removed from the game and cannot be re-enabled, leveling a new job can create a more challenging experience. For storyline reasons, THF will be the best choice for this expansion due to the characters involved in THF-only quests. Otherwise, SMN and RNG make for good choices if you haven't completed their quests.

  • TODO
    • Add links to additional relevant outside material: Tribune, Life In Vana'diel, Story Ultimania, SE Interviews
    • Time estimates: there's always someone asking how long it takes to play through the story
    • Identify quests with CoP story importance
    • Timeline with missions and which quests to do During/After each mission: Some pre-requisites are not confirmed
Chapter Number Mission/Quest Name Suggested Level Type Notes
Ancient Flames Beckon
Chapter 1 1-1 The Rites of Life Any Cutscene
1-2 Below the Arks 30 Dungeon/BCNM Dungeon: Promyvions.
Can start at level 25+ and level up during the Promy climb.
Quest Empty Memories 30 Dungeon/BCNM Available after entering Promyvion.
Rewards items to weaken Promy bosses.
Spare items can be saved for Promyvion - Vahzl in chapter 5.
Quest Promyvion Crag Maps 30 Dungeon/BCNM (Time-consuming and not necessary. No cutscenes.)
Trade memosphere to a ??? on top level near spire (multiple locations)
Holla: Teal Memosphere
Dem: Beryl Memosphere
Mea: Indigo Memosphere
Quest Promyvion Vahzl Map - Part 1 30 Dungeon/BCNM (Time-consuming and not necessary. No cutscenes.)
Obtain any one of these NM remnants from same NMs that drop memospheres.
Hold for later.
Holla: Cerebrator
Dem: Satiator
Mea: Coveter
Lore The Empty Any Log entry Empty are the remnants of creatures absorbed by the emptiness. Do you see a resemblance between the Empty and the outside region's wildlife?
Craver: Exclusive to Mea, with the gait of a Dhalmel and the long legs and tail of a Coeurl.
Thinker: Exclusive to Holla, pulling from La Theine / Ordelle's Caves with its Crabs, Morbols, and more.
Gorger: Exclusive to Dem with a Sheep-like shape.
The Empty have an elemental core, based on their last memories.
The Empty hunger for memories, and even feed from other Empty.
[Wanderer and Weeper (Official Site)]
1-3 The Mothercrystals 30 Dungeon/BCNM Dungeon: Promyvions.
Unlocks Level 30 cap ENMs (see Venessa).
Unlocks Investigation of the Emptiness (weekly Adventuring Fellow quest for Tactics Pearl and food).
The Isle of Forgotten Saints
Chapter 2
2-1 An Invitation West Any Cutscene
2-2 The Lost City Any Cutscene Can take a break to gossip with Tavnazia NPCs, their dialogue will change throughout the story.
Do any other quests you'd like before heading to the sewer entrance to finish this mission.
Lore The Marquisate of Tavnazia Any Log entry Tavnazia: The sister city of San d'Oria, seen in the opening movie, founded as a vassal state by Alphollon I Tavnazia.
20 years ago, there was a massive tectonic shift that caused Tavnazia to break away from the mainland, turning it into an archipelago. This shift also created a mountain range in the Vollbow region of southern Quon. The waters separating Tavnazia from the rest of Quon are extremely turbulent, so contact with the other nations has not been possible.
Some survivors had been able to escape aboard merchant vessels, such as Jakoh Wahcondalo and Aldo, who ended up in Norg, a city founded by Tavnazian refugees.
[Vana'diel Profiles: Jakoh Wahcondalo, Heroine of the High Seas]
[The Lost History of Tavnazia]
[Tavnazian Archipelago (Official Site)]
[Tavnazian Safehold (Official Site)]
Quest Unforgiven Cutscene Any Reward: Map of Tavnazia
Quest Chasing Dreams 30~36 Dungeon Storyline quest.
Starts in Rabao.
Since no Missions go anywhere near Rabao, it breaks the flow a bit.
Opportunity to level to 36+ while farming Eastern Gems in Sea Serpent Grotto.
2-3 Distant Beliefs 40 Cutscene/Fight Dungeon - Phomiuna Aqueducts
Note: Taurus drop Spruce Lumber, need 1 for a later quest.
Too much Fomor Hate may cause problems in later missions.
Can start at 36 and level up on the way through the dungeon.
Quest A Bitter Past 40 Fight Not important to the storyline. Tavnazian quest.
Rewards equipment.
2-4 An Eternal Melody Any Cutscene
2-5 Ancient Vows 40 Dungeon/BCNM Dungeon - Cape Riverne - Geological Site #A01
May be able to do other quests while in the area (see below).
Unlocks Level 40 cap ENMs (see Morangeart).
Quest The Search for Goldmane - Part 1 40 Dungeon Storyline quest.
Dungeon - Cape Riverne - Geological Site #A01
Not sure when quest is obtainable, may need to enter Riverne Site first before it's available.
Only need to do the first half of quest, don't go to Bibiki Bay and Purgonurgo Isle yet.
Quest Confessions of a Bellmaker 40 Fight Not important to the storyline. Time-consuming.
Starts in Dungeon - Cape Riverne - Geological Site #A01, requires multiple trips.
Rewards equipment.
A Transient Dream
Chapter 3 3-1 The Call of the Wyrmking Any Cutscene
3-2 A Vessel Without a Captain Any Cutscene Quests can be done in the middle of this mission, before heading to the Ducal audience chamber (see below).
Ru'Lude Gardens guards dialog will change throughout the story, gossip with them whenever you like.
Quest A Chocobo's Tale 40 Fight Not important to the storyline.
Will be mentioned in later Trust bonding rituals.
Quest Hook, Line, and Sinker 40 Quest Not important to the storyline.
Will be mentioned in later Trust bonding rituals.
Quest In the Mood for Love 40 Quest Not important to the storyline.
Will be mentioned in later Trust bonding rituals.
Quest Ducal Hospitality 40 Quest Not important to the storyline.
Mission cutscene will trigger on the way to the Archduke's dining hall.
Will be mentioned in later Trust bonding rituals.
Certain requested items can be picked up at the other city ports while on the next mission.
3-3-A The Road Forks (Windurst Path) 50 Cutscene/Quest/Fight While in Attohwa Chasm, farm an Attohwa Ginseng from Gallinippers, Ogreflys, and Monarch Ogreflys (for San d'Oria quest, Tea with a Tonberry below).
Complete this path before starting Sandy.
3-3-B The Road Forks (San d'Oria Path) 50 Cutscene/Quest/Fight After completing San d'Oria path, there are a few quests to finish in San d'Oria before going back to Cid.
Quest Signed in Blood 20 Quest Storyline Quest
Abelard's dialogue will change based on whether you've done Chasing Dreams.
Quest Tea with a Tonberry? 40 Quest Storyline quest.
Quest Spice Gals 50 Quest Prerequisite of a storyline quest.
Pick up quest, can be completed during a later mission.
3-3-C The Road Forks (Complete) Any Cutscene Both paths are complete. Report to Cid.
Quest Teak Me to the Stars 40 Quest Time-consuming. Not too important.
Cid's Airship quest chain (1/3).
(Needs testing) Is quest available at this point?
Quest Hyper Active 50? Fight Cid's Airship quest chain (2/3)
Quest The Naming Game 60? Fight Cid's Airship quest chain (3/3)
3-4 Tending Aged Wounds Any Cutscene
Quest A Reputation in Ruins 60+ Quest Storyline quest.
Map of Pso'Xja available from chests in quest area.
(Needs testing) May be able to sneak through some parts at a lower level?
3-5 Darkness Named 40 Dungeon/BCNM
Quest Waking Dreams 90+ Quest Not important to the storyline.
Unlocks a new Summoner spell.
The Cradles of Children Lost
Chapter 4 4-1 Sheltering Doubt Any Cutscene Changes in Tavnazia: Speak to various NPCs to learn more.
Quest X Marks the Spot Any Quest Storyline quest.
Quest In Search of the Truth Any Cutscene (Needs testing) Not important to the storyline.
Rewards equipment.
Quest The Big One 45 Quest (Needs testing) Not important to the storyline.
Rewards random fishing equipment, exp tomes.
Quest The Call of the Sea 50 Fight (Needs testing) Not important to the storyline.
Rewards equipment.
Quest Petals for Parelbriaux 50 Fight (Needs testing) Not important to the storyline.
Rewards equipment.
4-2 The Savage 50 Dungeon/BCNM Dungeon - Cape Riverne - Geological Site #B01
Boss can be weakened with reward from Fly High (see below).
Spice Gals objective can be completed during mission.
Quest Go! Go! Gobmuffin! 50 Fight (Needs testing) Not important to the storyline.
Unlocks map of Cape Riverne (both sites).
Quest Fly High 50 Fight (Needs testing) Not important to the storyline.
Rewards boss weakening item.
Quest Uninvited Guests 90+ Fight Not important to the storyline.
Rewards random items, possibility of uncapped BCNM entry item.
Quest A Hard Day's Knight 50 Fight Rewards key item allowing Sacrarium door to be opened solo (see next mission).
4-3 The Secrets of Worship 50 Dungeon/Fight Dungeon - Sacrarium
(Needs testing) Quests become available after entering Sacrarium (see below).
Quest Paradise, Salvation, and Maps 50 Dungeon/Fight Dungeon - Sacrarium
Rewards Map of Sacrarium.
Lore Promathia Any Log entry Everyone knows the tale of Altana, the Goddess of Dawn who flies on wings of freedom. But do you know of her counterpart, the God of Twilight? He has no such freedom; they say the chains that bind him are self-inflicted, perhaps as a form of penance. When you stand before his statue, do you feel his curse?
[Promathia (Official Site)]
4-4 Slanderous Utterings Any Cutscene
The Return Home
Chapter 5 5-1 The Enduring Tumult of War 50 Cutscene/Fight
Lore Brigandine Armor Any Log entry Louverance wears brigandine armor, a historically accurate suit of armor if you'll excuse some Vana'diel-specific material including the darksteel plate. The studded leather armor found in most RPG settings is attributed to authors who saw paintings of brigandine armor and mistakenly credited its defensive properties to the rivets themselves, which fasten the surcoat to the platemail underneath.
You can obtain your own set of brigandine armor from a Combat (Region) RoE objective in Beadeaux. This armor can be used for meeting the dress code requirements in certain Aht Urhgan Missions, perhaps due to its perceived high cost.
[Exoroche on Arms and Armor (Vana'diel Tribune II)]
5-2 Desires of Emptiness 50 Dungeon/Fight/BCNM Dungeon - Promyvion - Vahzl
Quest Promyvion Vahzl Map - Part 2 50 Dungeon/BCNM (Time-consuming and not necessary. No cutscenes.)
Use an NM remnant from the other Promys to spawn an NM in Vahzl that drops the White Memosphere.
Trade memosphere to a ??? on the top level.
Quest Empty Memories 30 Dungeon/BCNM This quest can be repeated for more items to weaken Promy bosses, as needed.
5-3-1-1 Ulmia's Path (Southern San d'Oria) Any Cutscene There are a few low-level San d'Oria quests to complete (see below) as pre-reqs for a later storyline quest.
These quests can be done after talking to Cid and before seeing Hinaree.
Quest A Squire's Test 10 Quest Pre-requisite quest.
Quest The Trader in the Forest 10 Quest Pre-requisite quest.
Quest A Squire's Test II 20 Quest Pre-requisite quest.
During A Squire's Test II, can pick up a Morbol Vine from Stropers in Ordelle's Cave for The Medicine Woman.
Quest The Medicine Woman 20 Quest Pre-requisite quest.
5-3-1-2 Ulmia's Path (Entanglement) Any Cutscene
5-3-1-3 Ulmia's Path (Head Wind) 50 Cutscene After completing the Windurst portion, can start Mithran Delicacies (see below) for boss weakening items before going to Attohwa Chasm.
Quest Mithran Delicacies 50 Quest Not important to the storyline.
Rewards boss weakening item.
5-3-2-1 Tenzen's Path (La Theine Plateau) Any Cutscene Go back and talk to Cid to start this path, then continue to La Theine Plateau.
5-3-2-2 Tenzen's Path (Spiral) 50~60 Quest Dungeon - Pso'Xja
5-3-2-3 Tenzen's Path (Branded) Any Cutscene
5-3-2-4 Tenzen's Path (Pride and Honor) 60 Fight Dungeon - Lower Delkfutt's Tower
5-3-2-5 Tenzen's Path (And the Compass Guides) 60 Fight Dungeon - Pso'Xja
5-3-3-1 Louverance's Path (Tavnazia) Any Cutscene/BCNM Go back and talk to Cid to start this path, then go to Despachiaire.
5-3-3-2 Louverance's Path (Southern Legend) Any Cutscene/BCNM Pick up another quest in Windurst (see below) before continuing to Bibiki Bay - Purgonurgo Isle.
Quest One Good Deed? - Part 1 Any Cutscene Storyline quest
Start this quest then proceed to Bibiki Bay - Purgonurgo Isle.
5-3-3-3 Louverance's Path (Partners Without Fame) Any Cutscene/BCNM Make progress on The Search for Goldmane and One Good Deed? before finishing this mission.
Quest The Search for Goldmane - Part 2 50 Fight/Cutscene Storyline quest.
After finishing the mission and the 2 quest objectives in Bibiki Bay, head to Rabao for this quest chain's conclusion.
Quest One Good Deed? - Part 2 50 Fight/Cutscene Storyline quest.
Awards Map of Attohwa Chasm.
Complete the rest of this quest by returning to Windurst, then Boneyard Gully, then Windurst.
Quest Out of the Depths 50 Quest Dungeon - Oldton Movalpolos
Storyline quest.
Before leaving Movalpolos, obtain a Moblin Hotrok for a later quest.
5-3-1-4 Ulmia's Path (Flames for the Dead) 60 Fight While in Uleguerand Range, complete Bombs Away! and pick up a Tiger Lily and a Ahriman Tear for later mission and quest (or purchase the Tear if you have Alchemy 20+.).
After completing the battlefield, you'll be near the top of the mountain: register Home Point #1 by crossing the frozen lake. There is a frozen waterfall that will reveal a cave when the weather is clear. Enter the cave and continue to Home Point #1.
Quest Bombs Away! 60 Quest Not important to the storyline.
Rewards boss weakening item.
Quest Over the Hills and Far Away 60 Quest Storyline quest.
Start quest after completing Ulmia's Path. Bring the Moblin Hotrok from earlier.
5-3-3-4 Louverance's Path (A Century of Hardship) 60 Cutscene/BCNM Dungeon - Oldton Movalpolos
Bring the Tiger Lily from earlier.
A Question of Faith can started before returning to Movalpolos and completed along the way.
Quest A Question of Faith 60 Fight Dungeon - Oldton Movalpolos
Storyline quest.
5-3-3-5 Louverance's Path (Departures) 60 Cutscene/BCNM Dungeon - Newton Movalpolos
Quest The Tenshodo Showdown 40 Quest Dungeon - Beadeaux
THF AF questline 1/3.
Storyline quest.
Quest As Thick as Thieves 52 Fight/Quest Dungeon - Dangruf Wadi
THF AF questline 2/3.
Storyline quest.
Quest Hitting the Marquisate 60 Fight/Quest Dungeon - Garlaige Citadel
THF AF questline 3/3.
Storyline quest.
Quest Brygid the Stylist 1 Quest Not important to the storyline.
Pre-requisite quest.
Quest Brygid the Stylist Returns 52 Quest Not important to the storyline.
Can trigger quest by wearing AF.
Rewards equipment.
5-3-3-5 Three Paths (Complete) Any Cutscene
Echoes of Time
Chapter 6 Quest Trust: Shikaree Z Any Cutscene Speak to Perih Vashai in Windurst Woods for this trust.
6-1 For Whom the Verse is Sung Any Cutscene
6-2 A Place to Return 60 Fight
6-3 More Questions than Answers Any Cutscene Note: When CoP first released, this was the last mission available. The remaining missions were added in later updates.
While the armada is getting ready for its attack, it's a natural stopping point to take a break and wrap up any unfinished business, and start some quests that didn't fit anywhere else (see below).
Quest Secrets of Ovens Lost 50 Quest Prerequisite of storyline quest.
Becomes available after turning in Spice Gals.
Quest Elderly Pursuits ? Fight Storyline quest.
Quest Chips 60 Quest Not important to the storyline.
Awards boss weakening item.
Quest The Naming Game 60? Fight Cid's Airship quest chain (3/3)
Additional completions of this quest allow for renaming Cid's airship after the airships from other FF games.
Quest Tuning In 60 Quest Storyline quest.
Quest Tuning Out ? Quest Storyline quest.
Awards equipment.
Quest Behind the Smile 40~50 Fight Not important to the storyline.
Requires you to have a mannequin.
Rewards equipment.
Quest Knocking on Forbidden Doors ? Fight Not important to the storyline.
Requires completion of Behind the Smile.
Rewards key item for posing mannequins.
Quest Missionary Moblin 50 Fight Dungeon - Oldton Movalpolos
(Needs testing)Storyline quest.
Quest For the Birds ? Quest Dungeon - Beadeaux
(Needs testing)Storyline quest.
Quest Better the Demon You Know 60? Quest Dungeon - Castle Zvahl Baileys
(Needs testing)Storyline quest.
6-4 One to be Feared 60 BCNM
In the Light of the Crystal
Chapter 7 Quest Trust: Cherukiki Any Cutscene Speak to Taillegeas in Ru'Lude Gardens for this trust.
7-1 Chains and Bonds Any Cutscene
7-2 Flames in the Darkness Any Cutscene
7-3 Fire in the Eyes of Men Any Cutscene Note: This was the last mission in the second CoP mission update.
While Cid is repairing the airship (there is a day wait), recommend finishing Rise of the Zilart Missions.
Expansion Rise of the Zilart Missions 60~75 Quest The last chapter of CoP ties into RoZ lore. Those who finished RoZ will get more out of it.
Rise of the Zilart is unlocked by completing nation missions up to rank 6.
7-4 Calm Before the Storm 70+? Cutscene/Fight
7-5 The Warrior's Path 70+? BCNM
Emptiness Bleeds
Chapter 8 8-1 Garden of Antiquity 70+ Fight This was the last mission in the third CoP mission update.
Quest In the Name of Science 70+ Quest Not important to the storyline.
Allows exchange of Luminian meat for equipment.
8-2 A Fate Decided 70~75 Dungeon/Fight
8-3 When Angels Fall 70~75 Dungeon/BCNM
8-4 Dawn 75 BCNM--Finale
Quest Return to the Depths 75+ BCNM Storyline quest.
Rewards equipment.
Quest Trust: Prishe Any Cutscene Walnut Door in Tavnazian Safehold (K-7, Top floor).
Quest Trust: Ulmia Any Cutscene Dilapidated Gate in Misareaux Coast (I-11)
Quest Tango with a Tracker 75+ BCNM (Needs testing) Not important to the storyline.
Rewards equipment.
Quest Requiem of Sin 90+? BCNM (Needs testing) Not important to the storyline.
Rewards random materials or equipment.
Epilogue Quest Dynamis 90+ Quest Endgame content storyline - Dynamis - Original Areas
Rated for level 90 due to Beaucedine boss.
Quest Dynamis Dreamworld 75+ Quest Endgame content storyline - Dynamis - Dreamworld Areas
Finish the storyline.
Quest 1 Storms of Fate 90+ BCNM Battlefield was uncapped at level 75, for 18 players.
Players with using trusts can expect to complete this at 90+.
Quest 2 Shadows of the Departed 30 Dungeon/Quest Dungeon - Promyvions
Quest 3 Apocalypse Nigh 75 BCNM
8-5 The Last Verse Any Finale
Quest Limbus 119 Quest Not important to the storyline.
Endgame content - Limbus

Gabbos Quests

Out of the Depths > A Question of Faith > Return to the Depths

Missionary Moblin > For the Birds > Better the Demon You Know

Chebukkis quests

One Good Deed?

Ducal Hospitality

Chasing Dreams > The Search for Goldmane

Cid Quests

Teak Me to the Stars > Hyper Active > The Naming Game


Prishe Quests

A Chocobo's Tale

Hook, Line, and Sinker

In the Mood for Love

Ulmia Quests

Spice Gals > Secrets of Ovens Lost > Elderly Pursuits

Shikarees Quests

Mithran Delicacies

Tuning In > Tuning Out

Tango with a Tracker > Requiem of Sin

X Marks the Spot

Louverance Quests

A Squire's Test II > The Medicine Woman > An Explorer's Footsteps > Over the Hills and Far Away

Signed in Blood > Tea with a Tonberry?

THF questline -> Introduce Atarefaunet, Vauderame, Shikaree Z, Louverance

The Tenshodo Showdown > As Thick as Thieves > Hitting the Marquisate

Misc Quests

SMN -> Introduce Ildy-Goldy, Terrestrial Avatars

I Can Hear a Rainbow > The Puppet Master > Class Reunion > Carbuncle Debacle

RNG -> Introduce Shikaree G, Perih Vashai

The Fanged One > Sin Hunting > Fire and Brimstone > Unbridled Passion

WHM -> Tavnazia mentioned in first quest.

Messenger from Beyond > Prelude of Black and White > Pieuje's Decision

Waking Dreams

Empty Memories

A Bitter Past

A Reputation in Ruins

Recycling Rods

Brygid the Stylist > Brygid the Stylist Returns

Behind the Smile > Knocking on Forbidden Doors

A Hard Day's Knight

Bombs Away!

Confessions of a Bellmaker

Fly High

Go! Go! Gobmuffin!

In Search of the Truth

In the Name of Science

The Big One (Quest)

Paradise, Salvation, and Maps

Petals for Parelbriaux

The Call of the Sea


Uninvited Guests

Adventuring Fellow quests were in the CoP era, mostly separate and sets up for ToAU

Beastmen Hero quests were in the CoP era, used some of the same system as Fellow, mostly no storyline

A Generous General?

A Moral Manifest?

An Understanding Overlord?

An Affable Adamantking?