Abyssea Lights

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Abyssea Lights are a system unique to Abyssea Zones which determines the occurrence of chests called a "Pyxis" after the defeat of a foe.
When a monster is defeated or a Red Sturdy Pyxis is opened. A player may receive a message about his or her body is aglow with a certain light.
Players may /heal at any time to check their light totals.

  • Lights are gained across all party members, but not shared.
  • Pyxises are determined by the lights of the player defeating the foe.

Light Effects

Light Type Effect Cap How to Acquire
Pearlescent Increases the occurrence frequency of all chests. 230 Red Sturdy Pyxis effect or defeat a mob with a melee hit or DoT effect.
Azure Increases the frequency and potency of Blue Sturdy Pyxises. 255 Red Sturdy Pyxis effect or defeat a mob with magic.
Ruby Increases the frequency and potency of Red Sturdy Pyxises. 255 Red Sturdy Pyxis effect or defeat a mob with a melee weapon skill.
Amber Increases the frequency and potency of Gold Sturdy Pyxises. 255 Red Sturdy Pyxis effect or defeat a mob with a magical weapon skill.
Golden Increases the amount of Experience Points that you receive from foes. 200 Higher potency Red Sturdy Pyxis effect.
Silvery Increases the amount of Cruor that you receive from foes. 200 Higher potency Red Sturdy Pyxis effect.
Ebon Increases the potency of all lights and occurrence of all box types.
Ebon will further increase EXP/Cruor beyond the cap from Golden/Silver.
200 Higher potency Red Sturdy Pyxis effect, and defeating Notorious Monsters.

Farming Lights

Players will seek to farm lights for various reasons. Such as obtaining Time Extensions, Empyrean Feet, or Key Items. Refer to the Sturdy Pyxis page to see light tiers and the light level certain rewards begin to manifest.

In general:

  • The more dominant light is most likely to appear.
  • Players never want any Ruby light.
  • Avoid damage dealing trusts as they may unintentionally obtain Ruby.
  • Pearlescent should be capped.
  • Normal foes only have a chance at granting Pearlescent, but NMs are guaranteed and drop twice the pearl of an ordinary foe.
  • NMs will provide Ebon light. While not drastic they do increase the rate of all chest types.
  • Players gaining a lot of Ebon should aim for the lower end of the recommended light range.
  • Amber is best obtained from the roaming avatars in the zone.
  • Some zones, such Scars of Abyssea (Attohwa, Vunkerl, Misaraeux) likely won't have an unknown requirement of Bastion, Quests, etc met to have the avatar of the zone spawn.
  • Ephemeral foes should be used then to build Amber at twice the value of normal foes.
  • Visions zones (Konschtat, La Theine, Tahrongi) always have their Avatars roaming a few paths.
  • Foes may be aggroed and as long as they are unclaimed, and defeated in one spell, will not grant Azure light.
  • This works for weapon skills as well.
  • If aiming for Azure lights to gain Time Extensions. Players should pay attention to the corresponding Ephemeral for of the zone in the light tables below to quickly gain Azure.
Pyxis Light Value Example
Small Gold Pyxis 230 Pearl
48-64 Amber
0 Azure
Empyrean footwear farming in Scars zones.
NM Pop item farming in Heroes zones.
Large Gold Pyxis 230 Pearl
255 Amber
128 Azure
Key Item Key Item boxes for NM farming
Blue Pyxis 230 Pearl
128-255 Azure
Time Extentions

Abyssea Adventurer Campaign

During random months the Adventurer Campaign for Abyssea becomes active which impacts the starting lights of a player. This can be helpful or counterintuitive.
If a player is trying to farm golden boxes then the extra azure will decrease their occurrence rate in favor of blue chests. While this works out if the player is saying in the zone for awhile anyway and seeks Time Extension Chests. It would be counter productive if the goal is to briefly farm nothing but golden boxes for empyrean feet armor or key items.

Abyssea Battle Content Campaign

Multiple campaigns are included in the Abyssea campaign when it is active.

  • During the first campaign, all six bonuses below were available.
    • For Abyssea campaigns after the initial, we only saw Gifts 2, 3, 4 and 6.
      • Furthermore, those who have received these rewards previously are unable to do so again. The only benefit to future campaign repeats is Gift 6 below, which is still significant.
    • A blue treasure chest will appear near Horst in Port Jeuno at (H-8). Opening it for the first time will confer the benefits of Gift 2, 4, and 5 below.

[Gift 1] All Three Abyssea Add-ons
  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign was active, all adventurers could register the three Abyssea battle addons free of charge.
  • Note: This portion of the Abyssea campaign was only available during the 11th Vana'versary Celebration from August 8th, 2013 until October 11th, 2013.
[Gift 2] Eleven Different Atma
[Gift 3] One Lunar abyssite
[Gift 4] 100,000 Cruor
  • Open the above mentioned chest to obtain 100,000 Cruor.
[Gift 5] Ability to hold six Traverser stones
[Gift 6] Default light increase
  • When entering an Abyssea area during the campaign, the default values for pearlescent, azure, golden, and silvery lights are set to their respective maximum values.

Zone Light List

Abyssea - Konschtat

Monster Azure Ruby Amber
Ab'xzomit 8 16 8
Cryptonberry Occultist 16 16 16
Dapifer Imp 16 16 8
Deep Eye 8 8 8
Dybbuk 8 8 8
Gneiss Leech 8 8 8
Gunge Slug 8 16 8
Hoary Ragwort 8 8 8
Highland Rafflesia 8 16 8
Highland Treant 8 8 16
Ley Clionid 8 8 8
Licorice 8 8 16
Mesa Wivre 16 8 8
Morboling 16 8 16
Qaitu 16 16 8
Razorback 8 8 8
Shadow Funguar 8 8 8
Shadow Lizard 8 8 0
Sods Limule 8 8 8
Tonberry Bedeviler 16 8 16
Trotting Sapling 8 0 8
Viridis Wyvern 8 16 16
Ypotryll 8 16 8
Ephemeral Clionid 16~128 16 16
Ephemeral Limule 16 16~128 16
Pavan 16 16 16~128

Abyssea - La Theine

Monster Azure Ruby Amber
Angler Tiger 8 8 8
Bathyal Gigas 8 8 8
Black Merino 8 8 8
Brae Opo-Opo 8 8 8
Cankercap 8 8 8
Crapaudy 8 8 8
Crepuscule Puk 8 8 8
Demersal Gigas 8 8 8
Farfadet 8 8 8
Geier 8 8 8
Gigadaphnia 8 8 8
Great Wasp 8 8 8
Hadal Gigas 8 8 8
Hammering Ram 8 8 8
Irate Sheep 8 8 8
Luison 8 8 8
Pasture Funguar 8 8 8
Plateau Glider 8 8 8
Plateau Hare 8 8 8
Poroggo Seducteur 8 8 8
Psychopomp 8 8 8
Rock Grinder 8 8 8
Sentinel Crab 8 8 8
Veld Clionid 8 8 8
Ephemeral Clionid 16~128 16 16
Ephemeral Limule 16 16~128 16
Akash 16 16 16~128

Abyssea - Tahrongi

Monster Azure Ruby Amber
Beholder 8 0 0
Canyon Eft 8 0 0
Canyon Scorpion 8 8 0
Gully Clionid 8 0 8
Blood Bat 8 0 0
Bog Body 8 8 0
Caoineag 8 0 0
Cluckatrice 8 0 0
Hieracosphinx 8 8 0
Gulch Limule 8 0 0
Jaguarundi 8 0 0
Lamenter 8 0 0
Naul 8 8 8
Nematocera 8 8 0
Pachypodium 8 0 0
Thalassinon 8 8 8
Vermes Carnium 8 8 8
Wiederganger 8 8 0
Ephemeral Clionid 16~128 16 16
Ephemeral Limule 16 16~128 16
Bhumi 16 16 16~128

Abyssea - Attohwa

Monster Azure Ruby Amber
Amuckatrice 8 8 8
Chasm Coeurl 8 8 8
Crevice Amoeban 8 8 0
Chasm Gnat 8 0 8
Decayed Flesh 8 8 8
Defile Scorpion 0 8 8
Entozoon 0 8 8
Funnel Antlion 8 8 8
Gullycampa 8 8 8
Hannequet 8 8 8
Ignis Eruca 8 8 8
Inugami 8 8 8
Murrain Chigoe 8 0 8
Myriadeyes 0 8 8
Rift Dragon 8 16 0
Rift Treant 0 0 16
Rock Murex 8 0 8
Schnitter 8 8 8
Spuk 8 8 0
Terminus Eft 8 8 0
Treacle Slug 0 8 8
Ephemeral Murex 16~128 16 16
Ephemeral Amoeban 16 16~128 16
Tejas 16 16 16~128

Abyssea - Misareaux

Monster Azure Ruby Amber
Abyssobugard 8 8 16
Ancient Orobon 0 16 8
Atrociraptor 8 8 8
Boartrap 8 8 0
Buzzfly 8 8 8
Coastal Colibri 8 0 8
Dusk Lizard 8 8 8
Dynamo Cluster 0 8 8
Escarp Murex 8 0 8
Frigatebird 8 8 8
Gasher 8 8 8
Gore Bats 0 8 8
Limestone Hare 8 8 0
Maritime Peiste 16 8 0
Observer 8 8 8
Orapodium 8 8 0
Overking Apkallu 0 0 16
Protoamoeban 8 8 0
Shore Spider 8 0 8
Slasher 8 8 8
Squib 0 8 8
Ephemeral Murex 16~128 16 16
Ephemeral Amoeban 16 16~128 16
Jala 32 32 16~128

Abyssea - Vunkerl

Monster Azure Ruby Amber
Aestutaur 8 8 0
Blademaw Pugil 8 8 0
Clammy Imp 0 8 8
Coccinelle 8 8 8
Devegetator 0 8 8
Gruesome Gargouille 0 8 8
Helter-skelter 8 8 8
Jasconius 8 8 0
Morose Marid 0 8 8
Peapuk 8 8 8
Pneumaflayer 8 8 8
River Murex 8 0 8
Russet Rarab 8 8 0
Shewriwhile 8 8 8
Slaughterous Smilodon 8 0 8
Slough Bats 8 0 8
Speltercap 8 8 8
Spitting Spider 8 8 8
Stream Amoeban 8 8 0
Wily Opo-opo 0 8 8
Ephemeral Murex 16~128 16 16
Ephemeral Amoeban 16 16~128 16
Fulmotondro 16 16 16~128

Abyssea - Altepa

Monster Azure Ruby Amber
Akrab 8 8 8
Arid Limule 8 8 8
Baelfyr 16 8 8
Barrens Treant 8 8 8
Bonfire 8 8 8
Byrgen 16 8 8
Camelopardalis 8 8 8
Desert Clionid 8 8 8
Desert Puk 8 8 8
Dune Cockatrice 8 8 8
Dune Manticore 8 8 8
Ergdrake 8 8 8
Fear Dearg 8 8 8
Gastornis 8 8 8
Gefyrst 16 8 8
Manigordo 8 8 8
Nannakola 8 8 8
Oasis Amoeban 8 8 8
Sand Murex 8 8 8
Sand Sweeper 8 8 8
Surveyor 8 8 8

Abyssea - Uleguerand

Monster Azure Ruby Amber
Adasaurus 0 8 8
Benumbed Vodoriga 0 8 8
Baelfyr 16 8 8
Bluffalo 8 8 8
Byrgen 16 8 8
Ectozoon 8 8 8
Ermit Imp 8 8 0
Floe Amoeban Question Question 8
Gefyrst 16 8 8
Hoarmite 8 8 8
Iceberg Murex Question Question Question
Mechanical Menace 8 8 8
Olyphant 8 8 8
Sierra Tiger 8 0 8
Snowflake Question 0 8
Spectator 8 8 0
Sub-zero Gear 8 8 8
Svelldrake 8 Question 8
Verglas Golem 8 8 8

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