Black Mage Guide By Kaius

From FFXI Wiki


There was a time not so long ago in which Black Mage was considered one of the weakest jobs in the game. However, the rise of Sortie heralded the dawning of a new age and a return to glory for Black Mages. Even with the cutting edge 9 boss clears favoring a melee composition, there will likely be a great many mana burn parties traversing the purple halls of Sortie for years to come - and Black Mage, by definition, plays a starring role in mana burns. For players switching to Black Mage from exclusively playing melee DD jobs, there can be a bit of a learning curve. As a Black Mage, successfully magic bursting (and having the party aligned and able to create the requisite skillchains) is critically important to your damage output. Black mage is one of the most powerful damage dealers in the game when used correctly in the right situations with proper planning and execution. You will get out of it what you put into it, and hopefully this guide allows the Black Mage community to continue the rapid growth we've seen since the arrival of Sortie.

Support Jobs

Black Mage does not have much flexibility when it comes to support job selection, there is little reason to choose anything other than /SCH. If you are looking to experiment with something solo or with trusts, it may be fun to bust on /SAM to get a little Hasso action, or maybe you really really need to Curaga or have _na spells available - but in general, when playing with others you most likely want to stick with /SCH in today's game.


Group 1
Name Description Level Notes
Elemental Seal Recast Shorten recast time by 20 seconds. 0 or 5 Elemental Seal is 10 minute CD, shaving a few (or even 100) seconds off is rarely worth it. On the other hand, perhaps you are fighting Ongo 25 where you know with certainty you are only nuking one element - then there's actually no reason not to have this maxed!
Fire Magic Potency Increase the potency of Fire spells by 2. 0 or 5 A standard option for Sortie as Fire is the element of choice for many bosses, but if you're doing a fight (perhaps in Odyssey) where you won't be using Fire, then change your merits!
Ice Magic Potency Increase the potency of Ice spells by 2. 0 or 5 As needed for specific encounters. This, or Earth could be your 2nd standard option for Sortie.
Wind Magic Potency Increase the potency of Wind spells by 2. 0 or 5 As needed for specific encounters.
Earth Magic Potency Increase the potency of Earth spells by 2. 0 or 5 As needed for specific encounters. This, or Ice could be your 2nd standard option for Sortie. (I recommend this option since B/F distortion skillchains can be extended via Leaden Salute to create darkness, and it may help to enhance Earth nukes when nuking into the lightning-hands mode).
Lightning Magic Potency Increase the potency of Lightning spells by 2. 0 or 5 As needed for specific encounters.
Water Magic Potency Increase the potency of Water spells by 2. 0 or 5 As needed for specific encounters.
Group 2
Name Description Level Notes
Ancient Magic Magic Attack Bonus Increase Ancient Magic Magic Attack Bonus by 3. 0 Ancient magic is rarely, if ever used.
Ancient Magic Magic Burst Damage Increase Ancient Magic magic burst damage by 3%. 0 Ancient magic is rarely, if ever used.
Elemental Magic Magic Accuracy Increase Elemental Magic Accuracy by 5. 0 If you are getting frequently resisted this could help alleviate it, but hopefully you can find other solutions. (good, buffs, gear, etc)
Elemental Magic Debuff Duration Increase Elemental Magic debuff duration by 12 seconds. 5 Burn is a critical debuff that should be used on every fight where it can successfully be applied. The extra duration is fantastic.
Elemental Magic Debuff Effect Increase Elemental Magic debuff potency by 2 and damage over time by 1. 5 Enhances the potency of your most important debuff - Burn. Don't be without this one.
Aspir Absorption Amount Increase the amount of MP absorbed by Aspir by 4%. 0 There are enough ways to maintain MP and other better options in group 2.


Job-Specific Armor

Elemental Magic Sets

Maximum Burst
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Ghastly Tathlum +1 icon.pngGhastly Tathlum +1 description.png
Ea Hat +1 icon.pngEa Hat +1 description.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png
Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Wicce Coat +3 icon.pngWicce Coat +3 description.png Agwu's Gages icon.pngAgwu's Gages description.png
Freke Ring icon.pngFreke Ring description.png Metamor. Ring +1 icon.pngMetamor. Ring +1 description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Wicce Chausses +3 icon.pngWicce Chausses +3 description.png Agwu's Pigaches icon.pngAgwu's Pigaches description.png
  325 INT

Enfeebling Magic Sets

Death Sets

Job Ability Sets

Idle and Misc. Sets
