Category:Aeonic Weapons

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Aeonic Weapons.jpg

Aeonic Weapons are a series of powerful high-damage and low-delay weapons created via defeating some of the strongest Notorious Monsters in the game, offering Relic-equivalent weapons to Seekers of Adoulin jobs.
These weapons require completely defeating all Geas Fete Notorious Monsters in all three Escha zones.

The unique weapon skills linked with these weapons may be unlocked for use with any weapon via completion of the quest Martial Mastery, and purchasing the Weapon Skill in stages of increasing potency via Merit Points, up to the level granted from the weapon itself.

While the linked weapon skills may be unlocked via merits for use with any weapon, and with many jobs that may not equip the Aeonic Weapon; the Aeonic Weapons add Skillchain properties to the associated weapon skills to include the Light and Darkness properties. Properties formerly reserved only for Relic and Empyrean Weapon Skills.
Aeonic Aftermath grants the ability to perform the "Ultimate Skillchains" of Radiance and Umbra. These properties are applied to Weapon Skills used during the Aftermath's duration.

Weapon Weapon Skill Weapon Type Job Malformed Key Item Base Required Fragment Required Attestation
Godhands icon.png Godhands Shijin Spiral Hand-to-Hand MNK, PUP Malformed knuckles Mystic Fragment Attestation of Might
Aeneas icon.png Aeneas Exenterator Dagger THF, BRD, DNC Malformed dagger Ornate Fragment Attestation of Celerity
Sequence icon.png Sequence Requiescat Sword RDM, PLD, BLU Malformed sword Holy Fragment Attestation of Glory
Lionheart icon.png Lionheart Resolution Great Sword RUN Malformed great sword Intricate Fragment Attestation of Righteousness
Tri-edge icon.png Tri-edge Ruinator Axe BST Malformed axe Runaeic Fragment Attestation of Bravery
Chango icon.png Chango Upheaval Great Axe WAR Malformed great axe Seraphic Fragment Attestation of Force
Anguta icon.png Anguta Entropy Scythe DRK Malformed scythe Tenebrous Fragment Attestation of Vigor
Trishula icon.png Trishula Stardiver Polearm DRG Malformed polearm Stellar Fragment Attestation of Fortitude
Heishi Shorinken icon.png Heishi Shorinken Blade: Shun Katana NIN Malformed katana Demoniac Fragment Attestation of Legerity
Dojikiri Yasutsuna icon.png Dojikiri Yasutsuna Tachi: Shoha Great Katana SAM Malformed great katana Divine Fragment Attestation of Decisiveness
Tishtrya icon.png Tishtrya Realmrazer Club WHM, GEO Malformed club Heavenly Fragment Attestation of Sacrifice
Khatvanga icon.png Khatvanga Shattersoul Staff BLM, SMN, SCH Malformed staff Celestial Fragment Attestation of Virtue
Fail-Not icon.png Fail-Not Apex Arrow Bow RNG Malformed bow Snarled Fragment Attestation of Transcendence
Fomalhaut icon.png Fomalhaut Last Stand Gun RNG, COR Malformed gun Ethereal Fragment Attestation of Accuracy
Marsyas icon.png Marsyas Honor March§ Instrument BRD Malformed flute Mysterial Fragment Attestation of Harmony
Srivatsa icon.png Srivatsa ---x--- Shield PLD Malformed shield Supernal Fragment Attestation of Invulnerability
§ It should be noted that instead of a weapon skill, Marsyas grants access to a unique song and Srivatsa rewards the player in another manner. For further details, follow the links to their individual pages.


The process of creating an Aeonic Weapon involves the complete defeat of all Geas Fete Notorious Monsters and specific Dynamis Notorious Monsters.

  • The Key Item:"Scintillating Rhapsody", obtained from the final Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Mission, must be obtained first in order to begin the process.
  • Speak to Temprix in Reisenjima (?-? Ethereal Ingress #8), who will demand successive amounts of Escha Beads in payment for "secrets":
    • First 10, then 100, then 1000, and then finally 1. (Make sure you scroll down further on the list as the extra menu options will not be displayed and hidden).
  • Now Temprix will begin offering the Malformed base Key Item for 50,000 Escha Beads.
    • The Key Item he sells is based upon which job a player currently is on and what jobs may equip the Aeonic Weapon.
(eg: he will sell a Malformed sword only to a PLD, RDM, or BLU; as those are the only jobs capable of wielding Sequence. Note that it is possible to acquire malformed weapons at any level of the job. For example, you can acquire a Malformed gun as a level 1 RNG)
Defeating the Notorious Monsters may be done on any job. They are not required to be defeated with the job that purchased the Key Item.
  • Temprix will keep track of which Notorious Monsters have and have not been defeated.
  • In order to get credit the monster must die claimed. If it is defeated unclaimed (through DoT effects) you will not be given credit.
It is important to note that use of a Primeval Brew is prohibited, and any win where one is used will result in completion not being recognized.
  • After clearing Reisenjima Geas Fete, Temprix will request a specified Fragment and Attestation item from specific Dynamis Notorious Monsters:[1][2]
    • To find the correct Attestation for your weapon you will need to acquire the associated Parchment for the NM.
Below is a list of which Hydra Job to hunt for each weapon and the resulting NM for the Attestation you need.
Weapon Parchment Hydra Job Attestation NM
Godhands icon.png Godhands Villain's Fortune Hydra Monk, Hydra Ninja, Hydra Thief Attestation of Might Mildaunegeux (H-10)
Aeneas icon.png Aeneas Sadist's Fortune Hydra Bard, Hydra Black Mage, Hydra White Mage Attestation of Celerity Quiebitiel (G-10)
SE Corner
Sequence icon.png Sequence Despot's Fortune Hydra Paladin, Hydra Red Mage, Hydra Warrior Attestation of Glory Goublefaupe (I-7)
Lionheart icon.png Lionheart Despot's Fortune Hydra Paladin, Hydra Red Mage, Hydra Warrior Attestation of Righteousness Goublefaupe (I-7)
Tri-edge icon.png Tri-edge Traitor's Fortune Hydra Beastmaster, Hydra Dragoon, Hydra Summoner Attestation of Bravery Dagourmarche (G-9)
Chango icon.png Chango Despot's Fortune Hydra Paladin, Hydra Red Mage, Hydra Warrior Attestation of Force Goublefaupe (I-7)
Anguta icon.png Anguta Deluder's Fortune Hydra Dark Knight, Hydra Ranger, Hydra Samurai Attestation of Vigor Velosareon (J-8)
Trishula icon.png Trishula Traitor's Fortune Hydra Beastmaster, Hydra Dragoon, Hydra Summoner Attestation of Fortitude Dagourmarche (G-9)
Heishi Shorinken icon.png Heishi Shorinken Villain's Fortune Hydra Monk, Hydra Ninja, Hydra Thief Attestation of Legerity Mildaunegeux (H-10)
Dojikiri Yasutsuna icon.png Dojikiri Yasutsuna Deluder's Fortune Hydra Dark Knight, Hydra Ranger, Hydra Samurai Attestation of Decisiveness Velosareon (J-8)
Tishtrya icon.png Tishtrya Sadist's Fortune Hydra Bard, Hydra Black Mage, Hydra White Mage Attestation of Sacrifice Quiebitiel (G-10)
SE Corner
Khatvanga icon.png Khatvanga Traitor's Fortune Hydra Beastmaster, Hydra Dragoon, Hydra Summoner Attestation of Virtue Dagourmarche (G-9)
Fail-Not icon.png Fail-Not Deluder's Fortune Hydra Dark Knight, Hydra Ranger, Hydra Samurai Attestation of Transcendence Velosareon (J-8)
Fomalhaut icon.png Fomalhaut Villain's Fortune Hydra Monk, Hydra Ninja, Hydra Thief Attestation of Accuracy Mildaunegeux (H-10)
Marsyas icon.png Marsyas Sadist's Fortune Hydra Bard, Hydra Black Mage, Hydra White Mage Attestation of Harmony Quiebitiel (G-10)
SE Corner
Srivatsa icon.png Srivatsa Despot's Fortune Hydra Paladin, Hydra Red Mage, Hydra Warrior Attestation of Invulnerability Goublefaupe (I-7)
  • For the required Fragment you will need to find the Satellite Weapon (in Dynamis - Xarcabard) of the same weapon type that you are making and obtain a Goad from it.
    • Then trade the Goad (usually near where the given type of Satellite Weapon spawns) to summon the Animated Weapon in order to obtain a Fragment.
  • After one game day, Temprix will yield the finished Aeonic Weapon and the title Herald of a New Age.
  • This gives the completed Item Level 119 version of the weapon.

Further Upgrades

  • These weapons can be further augmented with Oboro in Port Jeuno at (E-6).
    • Certain prerequisites are needed in order to begin this process.


Pages in category "Aeonic Weapons"

The following 18 pages are in this category, out of 18 total.