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![]() The Voracious Resurgence |
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Prime Weapons • Ultimate Weapons • Ultimate Augments • Abjurations iL119 • JSE Necks • Divergence Augments • Escutcheons | |
Reforged Armor Artifact: +1 • iL109 • iL119/+2/+3 Relic: +1/+2 • iL109 • iL119/+2/+3 Empyrean: +1/+2 • iL109 • iL119/+2/+3 |
Guides • Crafting • Trusts • Apex Monsters |
Community Warrior Guide

Latest Updates
- Will slowly be reconfiguring the TP Section (and beyond) so please bare with me!
- Updated some sets as they looked more hybrid or atk cap instead of general use. Will add more sets for the gaps soon. - Neviskio (talk) 17:13, 26 April 2022 (EDT)
- Reduced the progression Great Axe TP sets down a bit, re-arranged remaining. Removed most of the Delve items, which are probably an unnecessary time sink for a beginner to worry about at this point. - Lusiphur (talk) 05:59, 30 January 2022 (EST)
- Added Ranged weapons section. Also added Steel Cyclone, Enmity, Fast Cast, and Evasion sets; while updating Fell Cleave and Breaks sets to be more current. Lusiphur (talk) 18:18, 28 January 2022 (EST)
- Added high end Idle sets. Created this Updates section to keep all recent update notices in an easy to find place so readers can see what's been updated recently. Lusiphur (talk) 10:15, 24 January 2022 (EST)
- Adding my personal idle sets, some are not exactly optimal as I'm reworking them now after I've got sakpata and not sure what to put in some slots. Feel free to improve them --Neviskio (talk) 06:26, 24 January 2022 (EST)
- Added a ukko's fury set that may be viable, plan to update all sets eventually if I can find good sources as I'm not an expert --Neviskio (talk) 00:42, 17 January 2022 (EST)
- Working through updating these at the best of my knowledge, added for now a high end hybrid TP set --Neviskio (talk) 00:25, 17 January 2022 (EST)
Warrior is one of the premier damage-dealing jobs, with access to a huge array of weapon types and supporting armor. It also has the tools to function as a back-up tank when the need arises. In the current endgame landscape, Warrior's spectrum of damage types and options on how to use those weapons is often sought after for Odyssey. In other content like Ambuscade, Dynamis - Divergence, Escha, and Omen; Warrior's strong Weapon Skill output and ability to skillchain with any job makes it a favorite among players. Warrior is an evergreen popular damage dealer in nearly every type of content, making it a great job to take up.
Food & Medicines
Accuracy Options:
Sublime Sushi
- Stats: HP+40, MP+20, STR+6, DEX+7, MND-3, CHR+6 Accuracy / Ranged Accuracy+10% (Max. 100), "Resist Slow" +1.
- One of the best accuracy-based foods in the game.
- Purchased from the Auction House. Crafted only.
- One of the best accuracy-based foods in the game.
Grape Daifuku
- Stats: HP+20, STR+2, VIT+3, Accuracy / Ranged Accuracy+10% (Max. 80), Attack / Ranged Attack+10% (Max. 50), "Magic Attack. Bonus " +3. Mirrored Pet Stats.
- If Sublime Sushi is the best accuracy-based, Grape Daifuku comes in as a close second. Adding moderate attack in exchange for a small loss of accuracy.
- Purchased from the Curio Moogle for 4,000 gil, 48,000 a stack.
- If Sublime Sushi is the best accuracy-based, Grape Daifuku comes in as a close second. Adding moderate attack in exchange for a small loss of accuracy.
Seafood Gratin
- Stats: DEX+7, MND+7, Accuracy / Ranged Accuracy+20% (Max. 70), Evasion / Magic Evasion+12% (Max. 60).
- An honorable mention. A step down in accuracy, however, Seafood Gratin exchanges the further accuracy loss for a significant boost in magic evasion. (Which becomes a much bigger dealer in mid to late-endgame content.)
- Purchased from the Auction House. Crafted only.
- An honorable mention. A step down in accuracy, however, Seafood Gratin exchanges the further accuracy loss for a significant boost in magic evasion. (Which becomes a much bigger dealer in mid to late-endgame content.)
Attack Options:
Red Curry Bun
- Stats: Attack / Ranger Attack+23% (Max. 150), Demon Killer +4.
- One of the oldest attack foods in the game. Tried and true (if you have the accuracy to use it of course).
- Purchased from the Curio Moogle for 7,000 gil, 84,000 a stack.
- One of the oldest attack foods in the game. Tried and true (if you have the accuracy to use it of course).
Popo. Con Queso
- Stats: STR+5, MND+5, Attack / Ranged Attack+20% (Max. 130), Evasion / Magic Evasion+12% (Max. 60).
- Honorable mention. Introduced around the same time as the above Seafood Gratin (serves as the attack food version).
- Purchased from the Auction House. Crafted only.
- Honorable mention. Introduced around the same time as the above Seafood Gratin (serves as the attack food version).
Specialty Options:
Marine Stewpot
- Stats: HP+90, Accuracy/R. Accuracy/M. Accuracy +90, Mirrored Pet Stats, -20 each.
- Group Food (~6 Party members within 10 yalms).
- A highly desired food choice--particularly in endgame content and scenarios. Only exists as singles and does not stack. As mentioned in the above description, a Marine Stewpot will work on up to an entire party as long as each member is within 10 yalms of the person using it.
- Any party member with an existing food effect on will not receive the effect of the stewpot.
- Purchased from the Auction House. Crafted only.
Riverfin Soup
- Stats: Accuracy / Ranged Accuracy +14% (Max. 90), Attack / Ranged Attack +18% (Cap: 80), Amorph Killer +5
- Honorable mention. Slightly stronger version of Daifuku. Only exists as singles and does not stack.
- Purchased from the Auction House. Crafted only.
- Honorable mention. Slightly stronger version of Daifuku. Only exists as singles and does not stack.
- Stats: Double Attack"+5%, Weapon skill damage +5%
- Introduced September '22. Largely speaks for itself. No addtional stats, so make sure you can actually hit something if you're going to use it.
- Purchased from the Auction House. Crafted only.
- Introduced September '22. Largely speaks for itself. No addtional stats, so make sure you can actually hit something if you're going to use it.
Popoto Gratin
- Stats: Double Attack+5%, Store TP+5!!!
- Honorable mention. Very interesting food with a duration of 5 minutes but stacks to 99. Great for short battles.
- NPC purchasable only. Available for purchase during The Green Festival in Lower Jeuno.
- Honorable mention. Very interesting food with a duration of 5 minutes but stacks to 99. Great for short battles.
Defensive Options
Om. Sandwich
- Stats: HP+11% (Max. 150), VIT+7, MND+7, Accuracy+11% (Max. 80), DEF+11% (Max. 120), Enmity+4.
- Introduced in The Voracious Resurgence mission-line. Comparable to Miso Ramen in HP and Defense; exchanging Magic Evasion and Magic Defense Bonus for accuracy and enmity+.
- Purchased from the Auction House. Crafted only.
- Introduced in The Voracious Resurgence mission-line. Comparable to Miso Ramen in HP and Defense; exchanging Magic Evasion and Magic Defense Bonus for accuracy and enmity+.
Echo Drops
- Useful for when silenced and no one else can (or is able to) Silena you. Keep these stocked.
- Purchased from the Curio Moogle for 700 Gil.
- Useful for when silenced and no one else can (or is able to) Silena you. Keep these stocked.
- Useful for curing most debuffs curable with -na spells (ie: Paralyna). You can receive 12 a month for free from ambuscade. Keep these stocked.
- Purchased from the Curio Moogle for 3,000 Gil.
- Useful for curing most debuffs curable with -na spells (ie: Paralyna). You can receive 12 a month for free from ambuscade. Keep these stocked.
Reraiser /
- Nothing wrong with keeping extra sources of Reraise in your pocket. Keep these stocked.
- Purchased from the Curio Moogle for 1,000 and 1,500 Gil.
- Nothing wrong with keeping extra sources of Reraise in your pocket. Keep these stocked.
Holy Water
- Extremely useful to have, especially when spell priority or universal cool downs from back=line supports are bottle necked... Keep them stocked.
- Purchased from the Curio Moogle for 1,000 Gil.
- Extremely useful to have, especially when spell priority or universal cool downs from back=line supports are bottle necked... Keep them stocked.
- Sometimes you are overwhelmed with a number of debuffs (like an Impact) that need Erase and this is much faster than waiting on a support to erase them. Keep these stocked.
- Purchased from the Curio Moogle for 20,000 Gil.
- Sometimes you are overwhelmed with a number of debuffs (like an Impact) that need Erase and this is much faster than waiting on a support to erase them. Keep these stocked.
Vile Elixir /
Vile Elixir +1
- You never know when these might come in handy. Even for other party members... Great for putting in a bazaar for back-line supports when in a pinch as well! A single Vile Elixir or HQ can save you in those situations. Keep these stocked.
- Purchased from the Curio Moogle; 20,000 Gil for NQ. 40.000 Gil for HQ.
- Often cheaper to buy off the Auction House.
- A number of NM's and various content drop these for free as well.
- You never know when these might come in handy. Even for other party members... Great for putting in a bazaar for back-line supports when in a pinch as well! A single Vile Elixir or HQ can save you in those situations. Keep these stocked.
- Great for switching food on the fly when the situation calls for it. Keep a few, just in case.
- Purchased from the Curio Moogle for 1.000 Gil.
- Great for switching food on the fly when the situation calls for it. Keep a few, just in case.
El. Pachira Fruit
- Effect: 1hp/tick Poison Effect for 2 minutes.
- Perhaps you aren't engaged and can't swap to a particular piece of equipment with a damage over time effect. Poisoning yourself is a good option. Keeps you awake when you know the mobs you are fighting will spam sleep. Keep a few on hand.
- Purchased from the Ghemi Sinterilo for 154 Gil in Kazham.
- Perhaps you aren't engaged and can't swap to a particular piece of equipment with a damage over time effect. Poisoning yourself is a good option. Keeps you awake when you know the mobs you are fighting will spam sleep. Keep a few on hand.
A quick note on Trusts
Some recommended trusts for leveling and general purpose solo play. When you are by yourself, you should be doing enough damage that most of the time you will be the de-facto tank. So we want to lean heavily on healers and support trusts that boost your DPS and keep you alive. For standard gameplay, the following easily obtainable trusts are recommended:
- Apururu or Yoran-Oran unity as healer
- Koru-Moru (gives Haste, Phalanx II, Refreshes healer, Dispels and enfeebles mobs)
- Ulmia and Joachim (these two BRDs will generally provided double Marches along with Minuet, Madrigal, and Ballads as needed)
- Qultada or Mayakov
Occasionally, your battle target may be a mob that does a devastating single-target TP move (instant KO, Charm, etc.). That's when you want to call a tank trust and let them eat them, holding back your DPS enough for them to keep hate most of the time.
Abilities and Traits
Support Jobs
- With a wide variety of valuable Job Traits, this subjob features excellent damage output in exchange for limited utility. Preferred subjob for Fencer-focused builds. High Jump and Super Jump provide a welcome way to reduce enmity in protracted fights.
- The premier defensive subjob against enemies which utilize physical damage, thanks to Utsusemi. Also provides the fastest attacks when Dual Wielding. Preferred subjob for Decimation-focused builds.
- The premier defensive subjob against enemies which utilize physical damage, thanks to Utsusemi. Also provides the fastest attacks when Dual Wielding. Preferred subjob for Decimation-focused builds.
- A high-utility subjob which provides Dual Wield and Job Ability Haste in the form of Haste Samba; survivability via Curing Waltz and Healing Waltz; debuffs such as Quickstep and Box Step; Sneak and Invisible via Spectral Jig, and self-Skillchains with Reverse Flourish. More ideal for soloing content which doesn't allow Trusts or subjects you to frequent debuffs.
- A solid subjob when starting out fresh. Upgrade to one of the other subjobs mentioned after reaching level 30.
Group 1 | |||
Name | Description | Level | Notes |
Berserk Recast | Shorten recast time by 10 seconds. | 5/5 | No brainer. This substantially raises your Berserk uptime. |
Defender Recast | Shorten recast time by 6 seconds. | 0/5 | Doesn't get much use. |
Warcry Recast | Shorten recast time by 10 seconds. | 0/5 | Falls short of the other categories, even with Savagery. |
Aggressor Recast | Shorten recast time by 10 seconds. | 0~5/5 | You may choose to merit this to align the recasts of Berserk and Aggressor, but Double Attack is usually more valuable. |
Double Attack Rate | Increase double attack rate by 1 percent. | 0~5/5 | Typically the best category, but with current gear it is possible to reach 100% Double Attack rate without these merits. |
Group 2 | |||
Name | Description | Level | Notes |
Warrior's Charge | Will double your next attack. Recast: 5min. Increase chance of triple attack by 5 percent. | 0~1/5 | Warrior's current armory and total traits giving a ridiculous high rate of Double Attack renders this skill's benefits marginal. Don't bother beyond a single level, if at all. |
Tomahawk | Expends a throwing tomahawk to inflict a special defense down effect on an enemy. Recast: 3min. Increase duration of effect by 15 seconds. | 4~5/5 | Rarely useful, but indispensable when needed. The worst part of this skill is its recast. |
Savagery | Adds TP bonus effect to Warcry. Increase weapon skill TP bonus by 100. | 5/5 | Affects your entire party, and synergizes well with many strong Weapon Skills. You will be expected to have this at 5/5. |
Aggressive Aim | Adds ranged accuracy bonus to Aggressor. Increase ranged accuracy bonus by 4. | 0/5 | Warrior does not utilize ranged attacks in any meaningful capacity. Even if it did, the accuracy boost is too minor to give up the other options. |
Job-Specific Armor
Warrior's sets are quite interesting with the artifact armor buffing key job abilities and being great for the times you need a full accuracy set for TP. Relic is more expensive and also more niche option with the most potential for new/returning players that are looking to play with dual wield or Fencer builds, and empyrean is the odd one of the bunch, being not only incomplete at +1 instead of +3 but being generally not a preferred choice outside of macro pieces or ukonvasara use. That said this is just an opinion section and you should definitely make your own choices on what to upgrade and which pieces to focus on is entirely arguable depending on content you're doing or accessibility of other gear choices. If you literally have no idea what warrior is all about this could be a starting point to hit things (written mainly with a Great Axe in mind).
Artifact Armor - Pummeler's Armor Set +3 | |||
Worth making? | Description Image | Priority + Reasoning | |
Yes | ![]() |
Fourth. Head +3 icreases the duration of aggressor, while it is an important macro piece on precast when using the JA other pieces are used in actual TP sets/ws sets. You will want it but it won't change the job entirely at first. It's also great for a FULL accuracy set, when underbuffed or fighting something very evasive. Can also be used in a niche enmity set for provoke due to its enmity +12. | |
Yes | ![]() |
Third. This is the piece you want after your TP sets are sorted as it increases your WSD by 10% and boosts berserk's duration, it is a great piece again for a FULL accuracy set. | |
Yes | ![]() |
Fifth. While the retaliation bonus is nice for a JA swap and it has the same benefits of the set for FULL accuracy sets, it's not an amazing piece and is barely used. Again usable in niche situations for enmity but not really a priority. | |
Yes | ![]() |
First. This is a great TP piece and likely to be you first item to upgrade, the DA helps you reach 100% DA rate especially if not job master, the damage taken -5% is nice, and a solid piece all around. While there are alternatives it is a solid piece to chase first to get into the swing of things. | |
Yes | ![]() |
Second. The other part of your AF tp sets, again double attack +9% and also store tp+4 is a great tp piece, helps with accuracy, great stats. While there are alternatives it is one of the most impactful pieces. |
Relic Armor - Agoge Armor Set +3 | |||
Worth making? | Description Image | Priority + Reasoning | |
Yes | ![]() |
First. Fantastic piece for enhancing Warcry in combination with merits. It's also used for dual wield/fencer weaponskills in some sets such as Savage Blade that is all the rage nowadays, or Cloudsplitter sets. Solid piece especially nowadays that everyone is using and abusing savage blade. | |
Yes | ![]() |
Second. The aggressor enhancement both increases duration and reduces the evasion penalty, the merits AGI effect is unlikely to be of much consequence, but it's there. This is used nowadays to TP when dual wielding but it's not a super common occurrence. A solid piece | |
Maybe | ![]() |
Fourth. The defender enhancement is not really interesting but it is beneficial if you ever need to pop defender for any reason. It can be used in some niche sets for fencer builds when Fighter's Roll is active but I would not recommend to chase this too early as it's less usable than other pieces. If you only use a fencer build this shoots up in priority, obviously. | |
Maybe | ![]() |
Third. A nice double attack heavy piece used when fighting with a polearm like Shining One or some dual wield sets, depending how often you use those weapons this might be more important than others especially if you have your Pumm. Cuisses +3 already as they can be used as an alternative in those sets anyway. | |
Yes | ![]() |
Fifth. Another nice macro piece to buff Berserk, and on a side bonus Tomahawk! Definitely usable as a macro piece but not really used much for TP or WS sets, it could be less relevant if you are doing more fencer/dual wield builds than great axe. The only reason it's this low is that all considered the other pieces can be better than it depending on situation |
Empyrean Armor - Boii Armor Set +3 | |||
Worth making? | Description Image | Priority + Reasoning | |
Maybe | ![]() |
Fifth. The entire set is great if you're using Ukonvasara for white damage, but this is not really that common and this piece is not exactly exciting. No special effects, just stats. It is usable but you should not prioritize it when starting out. | |
Yes | ![]() |
Third. 38 More seconds to Blood Rage when worn on activation is pretty great, and this is an excellent great axe TP piece with added DT. | |
YES | ![]() |
First. WSD. | |
Maybe | ![]() |
Second. TP Bonus and PDL for full buffed situations. | |
Yes | ![]() |
Fourth. Boosting Critical Hit Damage by 13% during Mighty Strikes can be useful. +31% damage for Retaliation if worn while retailiating most likely won't be relevant in very high end content. When soloing/tanking as a warrior in lowman content it can be useful, nothing to write home about but a usable piece. If you pull hate and do more damage on content that needs a real tank, either you're in a hybrid/dt set and hoping to finish off the boss, or this isn't helping you shed off hate. |
Warrior can use a wide variety of weapon types quite well, allowing you to take advantage of an enemy's weakness and work around their strengths. While leveling, stick to Great Axes and just try to upgrade your weapon every 5-10 levels to increase your DPS. We'll be focusing on gear for level 99 and beyond in this guide.
Great Axes
The Great Axe is Warrior's bread and butter. It is your primary weapon when skillchaining matters and also features the Break line of weaponskills that weaken the enemy.
Eminent Voulge
- Baby's first Great Axe, if you haven't been to Adoulin yet. Otherwise skip to a weapon below. Purchased from a Sparks NPC.
Homestead Labrys
- Newer players only. As soon as you can raise enough Bayld and get to Adoulin, make your way to the Peacekeepers' Coalition in Eastern Adoulin where Craggy Bluff is to buy this. You can convert previously gained Copper Vouchers to at least 3,000 Bayld in order to buy this swiftly. You probably want some of the Gorney Armor Set +1 from Vesca as well, so raise 12,100 Bayld if this applies to you.
- Obtained from Oboro and will require some resources to put together and augment, where it becomes a more significant upgrade from the Homestead Labrys. It is entirely possible (and preferable) to skip this one by doing lower tier Ambuscade or qualifying to use the Hepatizon Axe, but I'll leave it here for the time being for those operating at a different pace.
Voluspa Chopper
- If you started collecting Domain Points from Domain Invasion, this is an easy iLvl 119 Great Axe. An added bonus is Volupsa Chopper gains large stat increases during Domain Invasion. Cost: 80 Domain Points from Zurim.
- A near direct upgrade (although neglected and forgotten) Great Axe option. Can be bought for 200 Domain Points from Zurim or obtained as a random drop from the Tier 2 Escha - Ru’Aun NM, Palila.
- A “relic” of its time (pun intended). Part of the augmented line of equipment from Reisenjima. Purchasable for 800 Domain Points from Zurim... Not recommended.
Hepatizon Axe
- If you have more Job Points than you know what to do with, but have yet somehow avoided Ambuscade, this or the HQ version of it is a nice pick up until you advance through some of the Lycurgos stages. Note that this is a su2 piece of equipment, which requires 100 Job Points spent for Warrior.
- More established players can start here. The final form of the Ambuscade Great Axe. Note that you can probably upgrade from the an earlier weapon once this weapon is at Ajja Chopper stage. At the time of this writing, you can use this Great Axe until you make one of the Ultimate Great Axe options below.
- A niche Great Axe with a higher than average bar to entry to gain access to. An established player would likely have no problem acquiring a Reikiono. Here for honorable mention and reference more so than an actual use scenario. ‘’Although, if you were to stumble upon a Reikiono,it makes for an interesting hybrid holdover option.
Bunzi's Chopper
- A Great Axe with a relatively moderate to high bar to entry. Honorable mention as Bunzi's Chopper has a rare stat boost unique to Warrior, Retaliation Damage+. Again, an established player would likely have no issue acquiring a Bunzi's Chopper.
Great Swords
Great Swords were once the "me too!" Bandwagon Warriors' weapon of choice for zerging, but Resolution has been outshined by a new hotness. Good.
Regardless, Resolution is still a perfectly fine weapon skill and Shockwave enables a Warrior to land Sleep on a group of mobs themselves. Useful for some scenarios.
Montante +1
- Obtained from the Unity Concord NM Sarama, which you'll need some help with. A fantastic Great Sword that saw a life extension thanks to augmenting through Lustreless Wings. If you already have this one from earlier, you may consider sticking with it augmented rather than making the next option.
- The final form of the Ambuscade Great Sword. I'd imagine these days, most Warriors will just start with this line of Great Swords when expanding their armory.
Sword-and-board Warrior has come back in style -- it's not just for newbies in the Dunes anymore!
Thanks to Warrior's Fencer trait and some relatively newer gear, Savage Blade is the new defacto Warrior weaponskill of choice for mindless zerging with others. Swords should only be used when skillchaining doesn't matter.
- The final form of the Ambuscade Sword. As of the time of this writing, this is basically a must have for Warriors at this point and really the only sword you need for now. The Kaja Sword and earlier stages of the weapon will do fine as you work towards it, but the boost to Savage Blade doesn't kick in until the Kaja Sword. When completed, it will often outperform even REMA weapons in fully buffed content.
Dual Wield option(s):
Sangarius +1
- A weapon introduced with Unity Wanted fights from Lumber Jill. Updated with augmented stats (DMG +35, Accuracy & Magic Accuracy +30 , and Quadruple Attack +3%) making it a fun offhand option.
- Similar to an augmented Sangarius +1, your mileage may vary on how well it performs against one. Just like a Sangarius +1, this is primarily an offhand weapon. Chance droprate from Odin Prime High Tier Mission Battle, via a Stygian Pact phantom gem.
Remember Axes? Warrior can use them, and use them well! They don't get a lot of press these days, though.
- The final form of the Ambuscade Axe. Like the other Ambuscade weapons, you get a boost to a weapon skill starting at the Kaja stage. Some very respectable numbers can be seen from Decimation using it.
Dual Wield option(s):
Barbarity +1
- Warrior's Superior 2 (SU2) weapon. Sporting a rather large increase in HP, STR, Attack as well as Weapon Skill Damage +5/+8, makes for a great companion weapon for big-hitter one-hit weapon skills. Craftable & purchasable on the Auction House.
Renaud's Axe +2
- A relic (pun not intended) of the pre-Adoulin, level cap 99 days courtesy of the Trial of the Magians upgrading & augmenting system. Where it fall short in base damage and accuracy, if you follow the correct upgrade path, you gain a massive TP Bonus +1,000. Essentially closing the gap between a single wield Fencer build and a Dual Wield build.
Ikenga's Axe
- Added in the introduction of Odyssey, Ikenga's Axe is a more advanced Item Level version to Renaud's Axe +2 / Fernagu. Fair Warning: Requires a boss clear AND Rank points to reach its full potential augmented "TP Bonus +500" but is well worth the hassle. By the time you are able to equip and use this properly, you'll be at the top of the food chain.
A Warrior's best piercing weapon choice.
Shining One
- The final form of the Ambuscade Polearm. Like the other Ambuscade weapons, you get a boost to a weaponskill starting at the Kaja stage. You'll want one of these in your toolkit, especially if doing Odyssey.
Clubs provide a source of Blunt damage for Warriors.
Loxotic Mace +1
- Obtained from the Unity Concord NM Grand Grenade. This can be augmented through the Odyssey item Lustreless Hides. Fully Augmented, Loxotic Mace +1 sports an additional DMG +33, Accuracy & Magic Accuracy +40, and Weapon Skill Damage +10%. With this Mace, you're capable of putting out some really nice numbers through Judgement or Black Halo. Part of a Warrior's expected toolkit for Odyssey, allowing you to beat down the Undead and other slashing resistant monsters. When /DRG and doing any Slashing-resistant monsters, just swap from Naegling to this.
Sometimes Provoke is down or should be saved. Sometimes you need the distance so you can thin the mob herd a little. Sometimes you want to pull a mob while waiting for buffs to finish being setup.
- An under-appreciated hero. Darts are cheap and fast, but what makes them great is you can swap to a Dart from any other ammo slot piece and not lose TP. There's really no reason to not carry a stack of these and be able to use them when the need arises.
Throwing Tomahawk
- Necessary to utilize the merited Tomahawk ability. Don't leave them in the Mog House and feel like a goober the rare times you can utilize it.
Ultimate Weapons
- The Aeonic Great Axe that unlocks the ability to perform Ultimate Skillchains. This will require grouping with others for some more difficult content, which might even require you leveling additional jobs to partake in. If you have access to the help, a great weapon to work on as an upgrade from your Lycurgos.
Ukonvasara (Level 119 III)
- The Empyrean Great Axe is a white damage beast. Making this weapon will require accumulating more resources over a large number of stages, but a person with fewer connections with others could work on this more easily over time.
- The Divergence Great Axe. Offers three augment paths, making it into a mini-Empyrean, a hybrid Mythic, or a hybrid version of an Empyrean.
Laphria (Level 119 III)
- The Prime Great Axe. Will get a proper write up when more is known about it.
Helheim (Level 119 III)
- The Prime Great Sword. Has been becoming a favorite due to the multiple jobs that can use it.
Conqueror (Level 119 III)
- The Mythic Great Axe. Many Warriors regard this as a "Meme" weapon. But if you have the tenacity to make one, it might have use.
Bravura (Level 119 III)
- Most of the Relic Weapons are lagging behind at the time of this writing. Makes for a nice collector's item.
- The other Empyrean Weapon that Warrior can wield. It might seem like an afterthought that Warrior is on this BST weapon, but Empyrean Aftermath from Cloudsplitter can generate impressive white damage numbers with the extra critical hit rate from Fencer. Can also generate respectable damage numbers using Calamity and Mistral Axe once Aftermath is active.
Idle & Utility Sets
There are a number of pieces of "Idle" gear. Use this section as a benchmark to gauge where you are at personally and where you can make improvements based on the circumstances. Your priorities (in order) should be:
- Maximize Damage Taken (DT-50%).
- Gain high Magic Evasion. (Advanced sets will utilize Elemental Resistance as well)
- Take advantage of Utility stats.
- Work in Progress
TP Sets Section
- Here's where the pavement meets the road. Or, your weapon meets your foe's skull. Depending upon your weapon choice, there are three (3) standardized TP modes you should consider:
- Single Wield
- Dual Wield
- Two-Handed
- When using a One-Handed weapon, you are either using a single weapon and shield, or Dual Wielding two (2) weapons. There are reasons for both builds and you should make considerations for both.
- Two-Handed builds are fairly self-explanatory and just like with One-Handed builds, there is a time and place to use them.
- Will slowly be reconfiguring the TP Section (and beyond) so please bare with me!
- Work in Progress
Starting Out
Single Wield TP Sets
- These sets are functional for any single wield weapon, such as Naegling or Loxotic Mace +1. If you are lacking a +1 Boii Earring or +2 Warrior's Beads, you can swap Cichol's Mantle's Store TP augment to Double Attack.
- Sets herein serve as benchmark targets to gauge gear progression.
Dual Wield TP Sets
- These sets are functional for a variety of Main-hand / Off-hand weapon combinations, not just the ones listed.
- Sets herein serve as benchmark targets to gauge gear progression.
Two-Handed TP Sets
- Two-Handed Sets will apply for Great Axe, Great Sword, and Polearm (Content & Build depending). Perhaps in some far flung scenario Staff.
- Sets herein serve as benchmark targets to gauge gear progression.
Great Axe Weaponskill Sets
Work In Progress
- Upheaval is an interesting Weapon Skill. Depending on your TP threshold , Upheaval can be used two ways:
- At low TP threshold (1,000 ~ 1,749 TP), it benefits more from a multi-hit approach.
- At mid to high TP threshold (1,750+ TP), it benefits more from a front loaded Weapon Skill Damage (WSD) approach.
- For beginners, just focus on landing it accurately. And as your WSD and Multi-hit options improve, craft sets for both scenarios.
The sets for Upheaval herein can effectively be copy/pasted to King's Justice--which utilizes a Strength modifier instead of Vitality, and has a lower fTP multiplier.
Upheaval sets are nearly identical to King's Justice and to save time and space this subsection will be used for both.
Ukko's Fury
Metraton's Torment / Disaster
Misc Great Axe WS
Sword Weaponskill Sets
Savage Blade
Savage Blade is the current weaponskill of choice for pure zerging with other melee when skillchaining doesn't matter or might be detrimental (like when skillchain elements can heal the target). This is largely in part thanks to the overpowered Ambuscade Sword weapon, Naegling (Naegling being its final form).
Most front-line jobs can spam Savage Blade without a care currently, and contribute fairly well. Warrior as a job with its Fencer trait and access to its damage dealer friendly job abilities, does this very well.
Axe Weaponskill Sets
Decimation & Ruinator
Decimation only gains physical accuracy with higher TP thresholds and as such doesn't benefit as much from a Fencer build. Given this fact, Decimation becomes a spam at 1,000 TP Weapon Skill.
The sets for Decimation herein can effectively be copy/pasted to Ruinator--the key difference being ruinator gains a 10% (1.1) attack bonus. To save time and space this subsection will be used for both weapon skills.
Mistral Axe & Calamity
- Given both Mistral Axe & Calamity's damage scale with TP, they both follow a similar gearing route as Savage Blade. However, for this section the focus will be on Dual Wield sets.
- So while sets can effectively be copypasta'd from the Savage Blade section above, let's see what differences pop up when using Offhand options.
Club Weaponskill Sets
- Judgment can essentially be geared the same as Savage Blade.
Great Sword Weaponskill Sets