Cruor Prospector

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Cruor Prospector.png
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Location: All Abyssea Areas - (Multiple, see below)
Type: Vendor
Description: A type of NPC whose purpose is to exchanges Cruor for items, temporary items, key items, and temporary boosts. See below for tables of wares.


Purchasable Equipment/Items/Key Items

Name Price (in Cruor) Zone/Add-On
Ravager's Mask icon.pngRavager's Mask366px link= 5,000 Attohwa
Tantra Crown icon.pngTantra Crown366px link= 5,000 Attohwa
Orison Cap icon.pngOrison Cap366px link= 5,000 Attohwa
Goetia Petasos icon.pngGoetia Petasos366px link= 5,000 Attohwa
Estq. Chappel icon.pngEstoqueur's Chappel366px link= 5,000 Attohwa
Raider's Bonnet icon.pngRaider's Bonnet366px link= 5,000 Attohwa
Unkai Kabuto icon.pngUnkai Kabuto366px link= 5,000 Vunkerl
Iga Zukin icon.pngIga Zukin366px link= 5,000 Vunkerl
Lancer's Mezail icon.pngLancer's Mezail366px link= 5,000 Vunkerl
Caller's Horn icon.pngCaller's Horn366px link= 5,000 Vunkerl
Mavi Kavuk icon.pngMavi Kavuk366px link= 5,000 Vunkerl
Navarch's Tricorne icon.pngNavarch's Tricorne366px link= 5,000 Vunkerl
Cirque Cappello icon.pngCirque Cappello366px link= 5,000 Vunkerl
Charis Tiara icon.pngCharis Tiara366px link= 5,000 Vunkerl
Savant's Bonnet icon.pngSavant's Bonnet366px link= 5,000 Vunkerl
Creed Armet icon.pngCreed Armet366px link= 5,000 Misareaux
Bale Burgeonet icon.pngBale Burgeonet366px link= 5,000 Misareaux
Ferine Cabasset icon.pngFerine Cabasset366px link= 5,000 Misareaux
Aoidos' Calot icon.pngAoidos' Calot366px link= 5,000 Misareaux
Sylvan Gapette icon.pngSylvan Gapette366px link= 5,000 Misareaux
Ravager's Mufflers icon.pngRavager's Mufflers366px link= 5,000 Altepa
Tantra Gloves icon.pngTantra Gloves366px link= 5,000 Altepa
Orison Mitts icon.pngOrison Mitts366px link= 5,000 Altepa
Goetia Gloves icon.pngGoetia Gloves366px link= 5,000 Altepa
Estq. Gantherots icon.pngEstoqueur's Gantherots366px link= 5,000 Altepa
Raider's Armlets icon.pngRaider's Armlets366px link= 5,000 Altepa
Creed Gauntlets icon.pngCreed Gauntlets366px link= 5,000 Uleguerand
Bale Gauntlets icon.pngBale Gauntlets366px link= 5,000 Uleguerand
Ferine Manoplas icon.pngFerine Manoplas366px link= 5,000 Uleguerand
Aoidos' Mnchtte. icon.pngAoidos' Manchettes366px link= 5,000 Uleguerand
Syl. Glovelettes icon.pngSylvan Glovelettes366px link= 5,000 Uleguerand
Unkai Kote icon.pngUnkai Kote366px link= 5,000 Grauberg
Iga Tekko icon.pngIga Tekko366px link= 5,000 Grauberg
Lancer's Vambraces icon.pngLancer's Vambraces366px link= 5,000 Grauberg
Caller's Bracers icon.pngCaller's Bracers366px link= 5,000 Grauberg
Mavi Bazubands icon.pngMavi Bazubands366px link= 5,000 Grauberg
Navarch's Gants icon.pngNavarch's Gants366px link= 5,000 Grauberg
Cirque Guanti icon.pngCirque Guanti366px link= 5,000 Grauberg
Charis Bangles icon.pngCharis Bangles366px link= 5,000 Grauberg
Savant's Bracers icon.pngSavant's Bracers366px link= 5,000 Grauberg
Utilis Shield icon.pngUtilis Shield366px link= 5,000 Heroes
Pyf Harp icon.pngPyf Harp366px link= 5,000 Heroes
Forbidden Key icon.pngForbidden Key366px link= 500 All
Cipher- Joachim icon.pngCipher: Joachim366px link=[1] 5,000 All
Shadow Throne icon.pngShadow Throne366px link= 2,000,000 All
Key ItemMap of Abyssea - Konschtat366px link= 3,500 Konschtat
Key ItemMap of Abyssea - Tahrongi366px link= 3,500 Tahrongi
Key ItemMap of Abyssea - La Theine366px link= 3,500 La Theine
Key ItemMap of Abyssea - Vunkerl366px link= 4,500 Vunkerl
Key ItemMap of Abyssea - Misareaux366px link= 4,500 Misareaux
Key ItemMap of Abyssea - Attohwa366px link= 4,500 Attohwa
Key ItemMap of Abyssea - Altepa366px link= 4,500 Altepa
Key ItemMap of Abyssea - Uleguerand366px link= 4,500 Uleguerand
Key ItemMap of Abyssea - Grauberg366px link= 4,500 Grauberg
Key ItemIvory abyssite of sojourn366px link= 6,000 Visions
Key ItemIvory abyssite of confluence366px link= 4,800 Visions
Key ItemIvory abyssite of expertise366px link= 4,800 Visions
Key ItemIvory abyssite of avarice366px link= 8,000 Scars
Key ItemIvory abyssite of kismet366px link= 8,000 Scars
Key ItemLunar abyssite366px link= 100,000 Scars
Key ItemIvory abyssite of merit366px link= 6,000 Heroes
Key ItemIvory abyssite of furtherance366px link= 7,500 Heroes
Key ItemIvory abyssite of celerity366px link= 9,000 Heroes
Key ItemClear demilune abyssite366px link= 300 All

Purchasable Temporary Items/Buffs

Temporary Items
Name Cost (In Cruor) Zone
Lucid Potion I 80 All
Lucid Ether I 80 All
Catholicon 80 All
Dusty Elixir 120 All
Clear Salve I 120 All
Stalwart's Tonic 150 All
Ascetic's Tonic 150 All
Champion's Tonic 150 All
Lucid Potion II 200 All
Lucid Ether II 200 All
Lucid Elixir I 300 All
Healing Powder 300 All
Mana Powder 300 All
Healing Salve I 300 All
Vicar's Drink 300 All
Clear Salve II 300 All
Primeval Brew 2,000,000[2] All

Enhancement Effects Available for Purchase

These temporary enhancements last until you leave the zone. Base amounts received without any enhancements to the effect are listed.

  • HP boost - 50 Cruor, Increases Max HP by 40%
  • MP boost - 120 Cruor, Increases Max MP by 20%
  • STR-DEX boost - 100 Cruor, +20 STR and DEX
  • VIT-AGI boost - 100 Cruor, +20 VIT and AGI
  • INT-MND-CHR boost - 100 Cruor, +20 INT, MND and CHR
  • All above enhancements - 470 Cruor

Increasing the Enhancement Effects

Possessing following Key Item Abyssites will enhance the statistics received above.


  1. Only during the appropriate Alter Ego Extravaganza event
  2. The cost of Primeval Brew icon.png Primeval Brew is reduced to 200,000 cruor when in possession of Key Item abyssite of the cosmos.