Frazzle II

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Frazzle II (Scroll) icon.png Spell Information "Pages on this wiki that reference this item"
Description: Lowers target's magic evasion.
Type: Black Magic Skill: Enfeebling Magic
Target: Enemy Element: Element: Dark
Casting Time: 3 seconds Recast Time: 6 seconds
Cost: 64MP Duration: 5 minutes
Cumulative Enmity: Question Volatile Enmity: Question
Command: /ma "Frazzle II" <t>
Scroll: Frazzle II (Scroll) description.png
Scroll Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, Usable inside Mog Garden, Can Use, CanSendPOL, NPC tradable
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Scrolls ➞ Black Magic "Find Item on FFXIAH" "Find Frazzle II on FFXIDB"
Spell/Job Level Information
Job Level Condition
Red Mage 92 N/A

Note: All drop data from FFXIDB


  • Grants magic evasion down based on the casters Enfeebling Magic skill and the differential in caster MND to target MND.
    • Lowest value at ±0 dMND compared to enemy: 0
    • Highest value at +50 dMND compared to enemy: 10
    • When enfeebling magic skill is 350, players will reach the highest value of -40 magic evasion. The value from MND above will be added to this.
      • Caps at -50 magic evasion.
  • Added in the July 2014 Version Update.
  • This spell has an innate magic accuracy bonus of +150.
  • Unlike most other black magic spells, this spell relies on player dMND to target dMND for magic accuracy correction rather than dINT.

Purchased From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Nilerouche Tavnazian Safehold - (F-7) 217,000 Gil
Mazuro-Oozuro Tavnazian Safehold - (F-9) 217,000 Gil
