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Legion Guide/Stunning Strategy
Basic Strategy
- Set up Embrava and Stun orders before you enter.
- Enter the outer chamber via Mayuyu in Rolanberry Fields
- The WHMs cast buffs (Protectra, Shellra, Boost, etc.) - For Mul, you will rotate the BRD(s), but for other chambers it doesn't really matter. Make the CORs party leaders.
- The first SCH casts Embrava on all the parties and gives the PLD Perpetuance Regen V. Accession/Perpetuance Thunderstorm also does not hurt.
- The PLD then drops and will get reinvited only for buffs between waves.
- When buffs are up:
- Enter the chamber
- Have the Paladin aggro/supertank the monsters
- Follow the chamber specific strategy below.
- While fighting:
- Every monster should get at least Dia II and Light Shot, which a COR/RDM can keep track of alone.
- The Thief is likely to die, so it is important to bring a ranged weapon with your TH gear. Wave 1 monsters don't drop anything good. Try to stay unweak so that you can pull the next monster.
- You will cycle through buffers hopefully between waves but perhaps between monsters. Pay attention to how long buffs have been up, as fighting unbuffed can take a long time and result in wipes. It is recommended that your Bards have -DT sets to wear when they run in.
Hall of An
Wave 1 - Kill in the order of Behemoth -> Wyrm -> Adamantoise for the first wave. Use Magic Finale on the Behemoth and don't flail the Wyrm. Have the Scholars kite/fight the Adamantoise, as the Wyrm does not require Stun and the Behemoth is unstunnable. The Wyrm will fly at 66% and land at 33%, so try to time your WSs so you push him between those points.
Wave 2 - Kill in the order of Zilant -> Elasmoth -> Ferromantoise. Make sure your Scholars have Klimaform before you pull this wave, and consider using Focalization instead of Alacrity when stunning the Zilant. Fight the Zilant from behind and make sure your mages stay 20'+ for the Elasmoth fight. The Elasmoth gets very messy without Perfect Defense, so you may wipe even with your best effort. Just prepare for it. The turtle hits super hard, so have your Paladin kite it.
Wave 3 - Lofty Harpeia is the only unique monster in Wave 3 and she's easy to Stun if you've made it this far. Just do a normal Stun order and also Stun after her big swirly (normal) attack.
Hall of Ki
Wave 1 - Kill in the order of Hydra -> Khimaira -> Mired Cerberus for the first wave. Hydra can be somewhat resistant to Stun, so make sure you put Klimaform up before the pull. Cerberus tends to use Gates of Hades/Sulfurous Breath very quickly, so your scholars will want to use Alacrity.
Wave 2 - Kill in the order of Alfard -> Orthrus -> Khrysokhimaira for the second wave. Alfard is also somewhat resistant to Stun, so reapply Klimaform between waves. Be aware that Khrysokhimaira is unstunnable and can do a lot of damage quickly with AoEs, so your Scholars should switch to Light Arts and pick a party to cast Accession+Cure IV on.
Wave 3 - Mired Mantis is the only unique monster in Wave 3. If not, he doesn't hit *that* hard for a Legion monster, but he's fairly resistant to Stun (use Klimaform) and his TP moves have terrible additional status effects (including death). Also stun after he uses his jumping (normal) attack. He seems to also have Regain, so expect a potential TP move on pull. Your melee should spread out around him so they can't all be hit with it at once if it does happen to go off.
Hall of Im
Wave 1 - Kill in the order of Soaring Vampyr -> Soaring Dvergr -> Soaring Corse (LOCK) for the first wave. These monsters are not particularly difficult, but the Corse can randomly one-shot people with auto-Dread Spikes that seem to be triggered by readying TP moves. These spikes can do upwards of 300 damage per hit, so they can one-shot an unlucky THF. Also, his charm move is fast so it is recommended to Stun lock him.
Wave 2 - Kill in the order of Soaring Strigoi -> Soaring Dweorg -> Soaring Kumakatok for the second wave. This is pretty similar to the previous wave, except that you will want to make sure that everyone is 20'+ from the Kumakatok and you may want to take one Madrigal against the Strigoi if you are new to Legion.
Wave 3 - Soaring Naraka is the only unique monster in Wave 3. Stun all of his TP moves, especially Yaksha Stance, and make sure you Stun after he uses his four-sword-stab normal attack. Your WHM should use Banish III to reduce his damage resistances.
Hall of Muru
Wave 1 - Kill in the order of Veiled Amphiptere -> Veiled Ixion -> Veiled Sandworm for the first wave. You will want to give Sentinel's Scherzo on this run and make sure it stays up when fighting the Ixion type monsters. It is going to be very important to have a very solid SCH/BLM team for this wave, specifically for the Sandworm. The Sandworm switches between absorbing physical (after a successful TP move) and magical damage (after a successful spell), so Stunning all its TP moves are very important. Additionally (and just to raise the stakes), it can use Extreme Purgiation, which will steal everyone's buffs including Embrava and (iirc) Perfect Defense.
Wave 2 - Kill in the order of Veiled Sanguiptere -> Veiled Alicorn -> Veiled Gigaworm for the second wave. You should use Scherzo again this wave for sure. Sanguiptere can use Warped Wail (max HP down) and follow it up with AoE damage, so it is advisable to have your mages stay at 20'+. Fight Alicorn the same way as you fought Ixion, but consider using Madrigal against him and definitely use Feint. Gigaworm cannot use Extreme Purgiation, but does use Gorge and absorbs somewhat randomly. I have personally never witnessed it attempt to use Disgorge.
Wave 3 - Veiled Ironclad is the only unique monster in Wave 3. Make sure your melee spread out around him so they aren't all hit with the same en-effect at the same time. He is pretty squishy and will go down quickly, but you need to Stun his terrible TP moves (like Ballistic Kick and Seismic Impact). -- For wave 3+ using this strategy, I prioritize killing Amphiptere/Sanguiptere > Ironclad > Ixion/Alicorn > Sandworm/Gigaworm. The Amphipteres can give your Paladin bad Max HP down, which is pretty much a death sentence. The ironclad can be mean with en-effects. The Ixion/Alicorn can one-shot him with Scintillant Lance. The Sandworm/Gigaworm are pretty harmless.
Hall of Mul
Wave 1 - Kill in the order of Veiled Ironclad -> Lofty Harpeia -> Mired Mantis -> Soaring Naraka. Your Paladin should superkite the monsters while you are not fighting them to avoid Death Prophet and generally getting killed. This wave is composed of the Wave 3 monsters from the previous three chambers and can generally be fought the same way. Stun all the TP moves and mind the resists.
Wave 2 - Kill in the order of Paramount Ironclad (LOCK) -> Paramount Harpeia -> Paramount Mantis -> Paramount Naraka. Again, have the Paladin superkite. You follow the same strategy for this wave with several specific notes.
- Ironclad: The Paramount Ironclad has random hate and will likely make a beeline for your main alliance when it is agroed. The SCHs should stun lock it starting before he makes it in to your cubby and kills everyone with his en-effect attacks, but the real solution is to have everyone come out of the cubby before the pull. One Warrior should use Mighty Strikes to bring him down quickly.
- Harpeia: The Paramount Harpeia is going to use either Chainspell or Mighty Strikes when the Ironclad is killed. She can do over 1000 damage per hit with her large AoE swirly attack when Mighty Strikes are up (let alone her TP moves), so make sure you don't pull her through the mages and make sure you Stun. It is also wise to Stun after her spells get off (or just whenever your melee get low HP). She doesn't build resistance to Stun unless you're taking a really long time to kill her, but you also want to conserve Stratagem charges.
- Mantis: The Paramount Mantis is probably the most resistant to Stun of any stunnable Legion monster. The Scholars should put a fresh Klimaform and Thunderstorm up before the pull. The last Scholar in the order can use Elemental Seal + Impact if your SCHs are confident enough to re-order themselves temporarily. Also, you can switch from Alacrity to Focalization. That will make him much less resistant.
- Naraka: The Paramount Naraka is very similar to the Tier 1 Naraka and takes the best damage of any Wave 3 monster (remember to use Banish III), but he also tends to go Invincible at 1% and can quickly cast AoE Kaustra, which will overwrite your Embrava. The scholars should stun lock him at low HP to attempt to avoid this.
Wave 3 - Unlike previous waves, the only wave 3+ monsters in Hall of Mul are Paramount Botulus (LOCK) and Paramount Gallu. Each will level up and begin to use their 2-hours (Astral Flow and Mighty Strikes, respectively) more often upon defeating the other. Gallu is the easier of the two, so if you intend to clear the wave, you should kill Paramount Botulus -> Paramount Gallu. If it is your first run or you have <5 minutes remaining, you should just kill Paramount Gallu.
- Gallu: Paramount Gallu is fairly magic resistant, so have your SCH/BLM put up a fresh Thunderstorm/Klimaform before the pull. He also hits really really hard and has en-bind, so you will want to pull him off your Paladin quickly. Try to pull him when Mighty Strikes is not up. When he uses Mighty Strikes, Gallu can hit for 2000+ damage with his 4-hit melee combo, so your melee will need to wear full PDT if PD falls. If MS goes off while you are fighting, you should just Stun Lock him and hope for the best.
- Botulus: Paramount Botulus is melee damage resistant and can be very evasive, so use Tomahawk and Feint on him in addition to normal debuffs. Your Scholars should Stun lock him (they'll get a feel for it. Stun -> wait a second or two -> next guy stuns -> repeat) to avoid all TP moves. He can cast also Kaustra normally (perhaps below a certain HP%), so you really don't want this fight to go on any longer than it has to.