Riftborn Boulder

From FFXI Wiki

Were you looking for Pluton or Beitetsu or Boulder Case or Boulder Box or Rift Boulder Coffer?

Riftborn Boulder icon.png Riftborn boulder
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: A shiny, jet-black gemstone wrested from the abyssal depths of an unexplored crevasse.
Image: Riftborn Boulder description.png
Type: Item
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, Not vendorable
Stack size: 99
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Others ➞ Misc. 3
"Find Riftborn Boulder on FFXIAH" "Find Riftborn Boulder on FFXIDB"

Purchased From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Gorpa-Masorpa Mhaura - (G-9) Ambuscade Reward
See Ambuscade for more details
Rolandienne Southern San d'Oria - (G-10) 2 Copper Vouchers per Riftborn Boulder
Isakoth Bastok Markets - (E-11) 2 Copper Vouchers per Riftborn Boulder
Fhelm Jobeizat Windurst Woods - (J-10) 2 Copper Vouchers per Riftborn Boulder
Eternal Flame Western Adoulin - (H-11) 2 Copper Vouchers per Riftborn Boulder

Dropped from...
Monster Name Level Zone Rate Notes
All Notorious Monsters Delve U
All Notorious Monsters Unity U Chance of obtaining multiple (25~50) after using a Coffer
Eschan Porxie 115 - 119 Escha - Ru'Aun U Lottern Spawn from defeating Eschan Il'aerns.

Obtained From...
Battlefields Notes
All SKCNM 10 Battlefields
On Difficult and Above
Difficult, 0-1
Very Difficult, 1-2
All SKCNM 20 Battlefields
On Difficult and Above
Difficult, 1
Very Difficult, 2
All High-Tier Mission Battlefields
On Difficult and Below
Easy Difficulty, 0-1 R
Normal Difficulty, 1 U
Difficult, 2
Player also may receive an equal amount in their personal treasure pool.

Obtained from Reives in...
Zone Type Notes
Various Wildskeeper Reive Chance of obtaining from a successful reive.

Obtained From...
Pouch usage Notes
Boulder Case 3~15 riftborn boulders can be obtained per case.
Boulder Box 15~30 riftborn boulders can be obtained per box.
Rift Boulder Coffer 99 riftborn boulders can be obtained per coffer.
Chacharoon's Grab Bag Possibility to obtain upon activation. Riftborn Boulder is not guaranteed. Quantity is also random.
Chacharoon's Knapsack Possibility to obtain upon activation. Riftborn Boulder is not guaranteed. Quantity is also random.

Used in the following Item Upgrades
Item Name Notes
Oboro JSE Weapons Player choice of either 150 Pluton, Riftborn Boulder, or Beitetsu
Oboro JSE Weapon Augments Player choice of either 300 Pluton, Riftborn Boulder, or Beitetsu
Empyrean Weapons ilvl 119 300 Riftborn Boulders required
Empyrean Weapons ilvl 119 III 1 Riftborn Boulders and a level 119 weapon with afterglow
10,000 Riftborn Boulders and a level 119 weapon without afterglow

Used to spawn the following Notorious Monsters
Monster Name Notes
Fleetstalker Escha - Zi'Tah (x5 Required)