
From FFXI Wiki
Required Fame Unknown
Level Restriction: Level 50+ Blue Mage
Starting NPC Waoud/Raubahn, Aht Urhgan Whitegate - (J-10)
Pack Treasures of Aht Urhgan
Title Paragon of Blue Mage Excellence
Repeatable Yes, after Memory reset
Description A juvenile soulflayer has been discovered in the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins. Make your way to the ruins and eliminate this threat.
Previous Quest Next Quest
Omens The Beast Within

You must zone after completing Omens to start this quest!
If you dont zone and get a divination from Waoud, you will have to wait for the next game day.
NOTE: Activating this quest will allow you to quest additional BLU artifact pieces. See Lathuya or the bottom of this page for details.


  • Speak with Waoud at (J-10) as a Blue Mage level 50+.
  • Ask for a divination by selecting "Gaze away." option. He will inform you that "Your fate lies beyond the gate of nobility".
    • He will take 1,000 Gil from you like other Divinations.
      • If you continue talking to him, he will ask if you want another Divination. If you choose yes, he will continue to give you the same message and take more gil from you.
  • Go to the Imperial Whitegate door at (L-8) in Aht Urhgan Whitegate, and check it for a cut scene.
    • You may receive the cutscene to receive the Trust: Nashmeira. Examine the door again if you receive it for the correct cutscene.
  • The quest is now listed in your current quest log. At this point, you do not need to be on Blue Mage to continue the quest.
  • Your next goal is to obtain two cutscenes in the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins. The easiest way to achieve this is to do the following:
    • Use the Runic Portal in Whitegate to go to Nyzul Isle Staging Point.
    • Use the north exit from the staging point, and step on the North-East teleporter on the large map that you are on (toward Silver Sea Remnants) at (H-8).
    • After teleporting, use the east teleporter in the next room.
    • In the next room, use the west teleporter.
    • Once you arrive at (H-9), walk towards the exit to get the first cutscene.
    • Turn around and then take the west teleport in the same room.
    • Walk south towards the exit to get the second cutscene (Avoid the Apex Cogs).
Caedarva Mire-map1.jpgCaedarva Mire-map1.jpg
Map 1
  • Use the teleporter at (I-9) - the one to the right when entering the room, then examine the blank spot in the North-west corner of (G-7) to pop a Nepionic Soulflayer (small CS before pop).
  • Defeat the Soulflayer, then examine the blank spot again for another small cutscene and your reward.
    • If you zone after defeating the Soulflayer without triggering the cutscene you must fight it again.

Artifact Trace

After flagging the quest Transformations, you may commission Blue Mage Artifact Armor from Lathuya. You can chose the order in which you receive the armor and may commission a new piece one Vana'diel day (one Earth hour) after the last piece was completed.

Once you trade the ingredients, she will then ask for payment in a second, seperate trade. She will give you a Magus order slip and tell you to come back later. Speak to her after the game day changes to receive your armor (you will need to zone too - logging off is not enough).