
From FFXI Wiki

General Information


Black Mage is a dynamic job which can make it daunting to play to its fullest. Which it arguably needs to in order to justify its position in a party. Seeing how BLM isn't the only magic game in town. With jobs like SCH putting out superior support while also packing nukes or a job like COR or RNG staying out of range and dropping powerful magical weapon skills. While otherwise still being able to engage in TP/WS burn melee DD party setups. Couple this with the general mechanics learning curve to the job as fine tuning damage varies across all foes rather than mindlessly meleeing it in the face dead. With the fact that BLM, while no longer critically dependent on needing all the support in the world, is dependent on magic bursts to do real damage. Despite the general ignorance or disregard of skill chains or not interrupting them as you furiously try to burst your balls off.
All creating a perfect storm for what is wrongly considered a job in the worst position in this game. Rather than the challenging, but uniquely rewarding and fun job it is. That is right, Black Mage is more than niche, and far from a bad job. You will get out of it what you put into it, and hopefully this guide allows the community the direction it so desperately needs.

Black Mage should be expected to:

  • Deal elemental damage
    • Switching between bursting or free nuking sets.
    • Know the elemental weaknesses of the foe.
    • Magic Burst, whether solo or coordinating with a group.
    • Understanding the gist of magic accuracy and magic damage, detailed in a section below.
  • Support
    • Elemental Debuffs and Impact are powerful
    • You can and should cure. Which means gearing for it.
    • Crowd control with Sleepga, Bind, Stun, and Breakga.
      • /SCH provides the potential for Dispelga as well.
  • Be frontline or backline
    • BLM can and should WS to SC in various situations.
    • BLM has Mana Wall, and can use it well.
    • BLM has the ability to generate TP without meleeing via Occult Acumen
    • BLM has access to AoE WSs and Spells.
    • It is often not appropriate to run just because you have hate.
  • Have robust equipment sets
    • This is not a job to be lackadaisical with. Play something else then.
    • Inventory is a problem if you play other jobs. See Inventory 201 for tips.

Abilities and Traits

Job Traits
Lvl. Name
10, 30, 50, 70, 84, 91 Magic Attack Bonus
15, 30, 45, 60, 75 Clear Mind
20, 76, 86 Conserve MP
45, 58, 71, 84, 97 Mag. Burst Bonus
50, 60, 70, 80, 90 Elemental Celerity
85, 95 Occult Acumen


Merit Points
Name Description Level Notes
Group 1
Elemental Seal Recast Shorten recast time by 20 seconds. 0/5 No.
Fire Magic Potency Increase the potency of Fire spells by 2. X/5
Ice Magic Potency Increase the potency of Ice spells by 2. X/5 5/5 this unless you are targeting a specific NM weakness.
Wind Magic Potency Increase the potency of Wind spells by 2. X/5
Earth Magic Potency Increase the potency of Earth spells by 2. X/5
Lightning Magic Potency Increase the potency of Lightning spells by 2. X/5 5/5 this unless you are targeting a specific NM weakness.
Water Magic Potency Increase the potency of Water spells by 2. X/5
Group 2
Ancient Magic Magic Attack Bonus Increase Ancient Magic magic attack damage by 3. 0/5
Ancient Magic Magic Burst Damage Increase Ancient Magic magic burst damage by 3%. 0/5
Elemental Magic Magic Accuracy Increase Elemental Magic Accuracy by 5. 0/5 You could make a case for this situationally, but it should be very niche.
Elemental Magic Debuff Duration Increase Elemental Magic debuff duration by 12 seconds. 5/5 See next note.
Elemental Magic Debuff Effect Increase Elemental Magic debuff potency by 2 and damage over time by 1. 5/5 Increasing the chance of Burn sending you to the next INT tier makes this the most important merit category.
Aspir Absorption Amount Increase the amount of MP absorbed by Aspir by 4%. 0/5 It be nice, but oh well.

Support Jobs

Healer's Cap icon.png White Mage

An important sub for not only the White Mage line of spells, especially the eventual Curaga III at ML10, but for Weapon Skills. As this is generally the preferred sub for gaining access to Earth Crusher and Cataclysm.

Otherwise, /WHM gives access to the same enfeebles as /RDM, sans Gravity with more party support. In the form of Barspells, Cuaraga, Haste, -na spells, etc.

Warlock's Chapeau icon.png Red Mage

A handy support job for Haste, Flurry, Refresh, Barspells, Silence, Paralyze, Slow, Gravity, Convert, and extra Fast Cast.

Red Mage as a support job feels like a middle ground between the offerings of White Mage and Scholar. However, Convert and Refresh are overshadowed by Dark Arts, Parsimony, and Sublimation of /SCH. Meaning you generally would sub this if you needed the remaining tools it offers over you other subs.

Scholar's M.board icon.png Scholar

Arguably the most useful support job overall for Black Mage. Especially when you hit ML5. Parsimony allows for greater MP management, Alacrity allows for more rapid -ja accumulation or recast spells such as Death or Comet for targets weak to our limited dark nukes, Manifestation allows for the rare, but funky Dispelga and Aspirgas, and Ebullience brings bigger nukes if all else isn't needed.
All that and a bag of Grimore chips. As Dark Arts reduces the cost of, casting time, and recast time of your nukes. It also will improve your C+ Enfeebling Skill to a B+.
On the flip side Light Arts provides a healing skill you actually need. Meaning you stand a better chance at removing Doom with Cursna. More powerful cures aren't a terrible thing either.
You don't always have a SCH with you as well which means casting storms on yourself and others, such as a COR, is valuable.

Myochin Kabuto icon.png Samurai

While not everyone's first thought as a support job. /SAM is situationally a very useful one. BLM can and should step up to weapon skill and open or close SCs when appropriate. However, it also can close them with itself whether it is with Occult Acumen or via meleeing. This is especially fun with AM3 on Laevateinn where you can three step your own Light or Dark SCs thanks to Hasso.

While it may seem counter intuitive to cast with Hasso on given the 50% penalty to casting and recasting. You are only likely getting one burst off anyway without a quick magic proc, and Elemental Celerity helps you to counter the penalty with a desisted Hasso Fast Cast set leveraging it.

Understanding Magic

Magic Accuracy

Writeup by User:Spicyryan.

  • Outside of minor edits please use the discussion page for the guide to discuss any major edits or corrections.

When it comes to being a BLM it is more an exercise in what you know about the foe and what you know about mechanics than just going boom-booms. It is easier for a DD to flub their way through than for you to. So let's go over the rigamarole so that we might all suck less.

While melee combat skills provide a corresponding boost to accuracy and attack at a rate of less than 1:1. Magic skill+ are a 1:1 skill to accuracy gain, but provide no extra attack.

To determine your magic accuracy total. Add up your elemental skill, magic accuracy skill, magic accuracy+, merits, gifts, food, buffs, debuffs, and then factor in dINT. Which is in the section below.

  • A Mastered BLM with a Master Level of 0 will sit at 512 before any equipment or dINT.
  • Adding an Mpaca's Staff R0 would add 40 Magic Accuracy and 255 skill for 807.

Your hit rate is simply your magic accuracy against the magic evasion of your foe. Magical hit rate caps at 95%. Meaning 5% of the time a player will otherwise be resisted.

  • If your magic hit rate is 50% or more then magic accuracy +1 is equivalent to hit rate +1%.
  • If your magic hit rate is less than 50% then magic accuracy +1 is equivalent to hit rate +0.5%.
    • Any Magic accuracy that raises you to the 50% mark then returns to being 1:1.
      • E.g. Your hit rate is 40% and you gain 40 magic accuracy. Your hit rate becomes 60%.

However, the magic evasion of the foe is not actually simple. It is a factor of the foe's magic evasion stat, dINT, the resistance tier of the corresponding element of the foe, and level correction where applicable.

  • Thus, there is no single magic accuracy number to cap hit rate for a foe as there would be a physical accuracy.

INT also plays a role in the magic accuracy of all nukes and INT based enfeebles. The magic accuracy bonus of INT depends on two things:

  1. dINT, the difference of INT between caster and foe.
  2. Magic Hit Rate, which we covered, but factors in here.
dINT and Magic Accuracy+
dINT <-70 -70 ~ -31 -30 ~ -11 -10 ~ +10 +11 ~ +30 +31 ~ +70 >+70
MAcc+ Per INT 0 0.25 0.5 1 0.5 0.25 0
Range Total +0 +10 +10 +20 +10 +10 +0
MAcc+ Total +0 +0-10 +10-20 +20-40 +40-50 +50-60 +60

So, INT has a sweet spot from -10 to +10, but also a no-no spot, and that spot is 70+. Which by that age you don't expect much anyway.

  • Ba-dum-tss

Now, once your INT has become magic accuracy it affects your magic hit rate in the same way as above. For example:

Your magic hit rate is 65%.

  • dINT is +30, and you gain 19 INT.
  • Your hit rate is now 69%. Nice.
  • dINT is -38 and you gain 19 INT.
  • Your hit rate is now 72%.

Your magic hit rate is 45%.

  • dINT is -50 and you gain 20 INT.
  • Your hit rate is now 47%.
  • dINT is -10 and you gain 20 INT.
  • Your hit rate is now 60%.
Random Examples of Endgame INT
Foe Level Job INT
Ongo V0 134 RUN? 345
Ongo V20 134 RUN? 425
Apex Soldier Lugcrawler 136 WAR 261
Apex Blazer Elytra 136 PLD 241
Apex Helm Elytra 138 PLD 251
Apex Soldier Lugcrawler 136 WAR 261
Apex Rumble Lugcrawler 138 WAR 284
Apex Soldier Lugcrawler 136 WAR 261
Locus Wivre 136 WAR 256
Apex Water Ele 133 BLM 354
Locus Colibri 135 RDM 340
Triboulex 145 DRK/BLM 504
Apex Archaic Cogs 147 RNG 390
Mireu 150 WAR? 474

WAR (Crawler above) is the most common job in the game, and it is the second lower tier of INT, where PLD (Beetle above) is the lowest ranking of INT.
This should probably have a table on the INT page, but for now I will just write it here from highest to lowest.

  1. BLM
  2. SMN
  6. DNC, DRG, WAR
  7. MNK, PLD

The Resistance of a foe is the final and most important piece of the puzzle. Not only for magic accuracy, but for damage. Though we will only cover the accuracy portion of that here, just like with INT.

Low Resistance Resistance Ranks High Resistance
150% 130% 115% 100% 85% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5%

First, let me just summarize the resist page here in terms of accuracy. Foes have individual resistances to all elements, and these values are tiered out in the table above. A neutral resistance tier is 100%, where as weakness would be anything above that, and vice versa for resitance.
Any foe with a resistance status of 50% forces a resist. Resists will be either a 1/2 (-50%), 1/4 (-75%), or 1/8th (-87.5%). So a Skeleton for example, has a Element: Dark dark resistance tier of 50%. This means any dark based spell which lands is not going to either be full damage or full duration.

Now, there are two things players can do to change the resistance, Rayke and Skillchains.

  • Rayke reduces the resistance tier to the corresponding element by a tier per rune.
  • E.g. a foe has a 30% resistance tier to an element, and three runes of that element are Rayked. The reistance tier is now 60% for the duration of Rayke, which is a big deal.
  • Skillchains will temporarily lower the resistance tier of the damage of the skillchain by one tier for the window of it.
  • Magic bursting also adds a speculated +100 accuracy to a spell.
  • See the Resist#Modifying Resistance Rank for more explanation on how a SC damage type is determined.
  • It is the lowest resistance tier, but this can change depending on other steps involved.

This becomes very applicable with NMs, which can tend to have different resistance values from ordinary foes of the same family or even other NMs. For example, no tier 3 Odyssey NM in Sheol Gaol has a weakness above 30% unless their aura is on which then changes it to 100% iirc. With their neutral elements being 25% and their opposing element at the lowest 5% tier.
This means if you fight a foe like Ongo then the magic defense down from Vidohunir will not land outside of when the aura is on. Same for defense down effect from a weapon skill against Xevioso. In fact to finish that thought, they will only really stand a chance to land against Mboze unless Rayke is used.

Further, as a BLM you can uniquely bypass some of the hindrance of Resist tiers while under Subtle Sorcery. It will bypass the forced resists from a tier 50% or less, but will not solve the next component of elemental resistance tiers.

Second, the remaining factor to resistance to account for is the magic accuracy requirements imposed by resistance tiers. Which is not actually on the wiki currently. Not because I am some rumored gate keeper, but because neither I nor anyone else have gotten around to it, and it involves deciphering Japanese testing through google Translate. Not the easiest for sure, but what is clear is that as resistance tiers go lower and resistance to an element goes higher. It imposes a greater magic accuracy requirement to cap hit rate.

  • Here is the testing I am referring to, and one which corroborates the INT magic accuracy/Ongo testing from Lutes blog cited at the bottom references on both of those pages.
  • The red text is confirmed, and the black is theorized.
  • This testing lines up with the observable effective magic accuracy required for Ongo, 1,365.
  • Since you are magic bursting, yes, the resistance rank changes from 30% to 40% for the burst window, and changes the accuracy required to 1,222 before counting the +100 from bursting.
  • Accuracy requirements jump steeply below the 30% tier. The table lacks it for Ongo, but I can make an educated guess based on the data there. Which means you need an effective magic accuracy of ~1,710 to land Burn on Ongo, given it's 25% tier to fire.

Now the testing doesn't go past the 20% tier, but it doesn't need to with how steep it gets. So when it comes to nuking, SC dmg, or enfeebling any iLvl foe around the lowest tiers, forget about it unless you throw the kitchen sink at the foe. Which generally isn't practical.

Fortunately, there is a lower magic accuracy requirement for the higher resistance tiers. Let's tie this together with a practical example using a level 139 Apex Draugar. Which has a resistance tiers of Element: Fire 130%, Element: Ice 70%, and Element: Dark 50%. Spells would cap hit rate at the following:

  • Element: Fire 1,102
  • Element: Ice 1,204
  • Element: Dark 1,295
  • Due to the forced resist, if you casted sleep. Then you will either not land the spell or it will land for a reduced time.

What is cool about all of this this is that outside of anything that lowers your macc or boosts the magic evasion of the foe, you can better figure out or fine tune a set to cap hit rate.

Estimated Magic Accuracy Requirements
Level 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 85% 100% 115% 130% 150%
124 1,005 892 831 814 778 756 755 753 736 729
125 1,041 925 862 843 828 784 779 775 758 750
126 1,078 958 893 872 852 812 804 797 780 772
127 1,114 991 924 901 863 840 829 818 801 793
128 1,154 1,024 955 930 891 868 854 840 823 814
129 1,185 1,057 986 959 920 896 879 862 844 835
130 1,219 1,090 1,017 988 948 924 904 883 869 856
131 1,257 1,123 1,048 1,017 977 952 928 905 889 878
132 1,293 1,156 1,079 1,046 1,005 980 953 926 911 899
133 1,329 1,189 1,110 1,075 1,034 1,008 978 948 933 920
134 1,365 1,222 1,141 1,104 1,060 1,036 1,003 970 955 941
135 1,402 1,255 1,172 1,133 1,089 1,064 1,028 991 977 962
136 1,438 1,288 1,203 1,162 1,118 1,092 1,052 1,013 999 984
137 1,475 1,321 1,234 1,191 1,147 1,120 1,077 1,034 1,021 1,005
138 1,510 1,354 1,265 1,220 1,175 1,148 1,102 1,056 1,043 1,026
139 1,547 1,387 1,296 1,249 1,204 1,176 1,127 1,078 1,065 1,047
140 1,582 1,420 1,327 1,278 1,232 1,204 1,152 1,099 1,087 1,068
141 1,618 1,453 1,358 1,307 1,260 1,232 1,176 1,121 1,109 1,090
142 1,654 1,486 1,389 1,336 1,288 1,260 1,201 1,142 1,131 1,111
143 1,690 1,519 1,420 1,365 1,317 1,288 1,226 1,164 1,153 1,132
144 1,726 1,552 1,451 1,394 1,345 1,316 1,251 1,186 1,175 1,153
145 1,762 1,585 1,482 1,423 1,374 1,344 1,276 1,207 1,197 1,174
146 1,798 1,618 1,513 1,452 1,402 1,372 1,300 1,229 1,219 1,196
147 1,834 1,651 1,544 1,481 1,430 1,400 1,325 1,250 1,241 1,217
148 1,870 1,684 1,575 1,510 1,459 1,428 1,350 1,272 1,263 1,238
149 1,906 1,717 1,606 1,539 1,487 1,456 1,375 1,294 1,285 1,259
150 1,943 1,750 1,637 1,568 1,515 1,484 1,400 1,315 1,307 1,280
  • Values in the table are based off of: [1].
    • Resistance Ranks are linear per level while the various ranks for that level are exponential increases as resistance increases.
    • While working to extrapolate the table further from the source material. I noticed errors and questioned some results. Thus comes in my friend, Fox. Of which this final table is credited to.
      • There was not enough data collected for the 20% and 25% ranks, but it is safe to say the curve gets steep.
      • Keep in mind, the table is estimated values built off of another table of very well estimated values. Expect that you may possibly be off by ~10 magic accuracy at a given time.

Practical implications of the write up:

  • Gear enfeebles like sleep or break with a focus in magic accuracy and enfeebling skill.
  • Magic Hit Rate caps at 95%, and a miss is simply a reist, which has various values.
  • The value of macc from INT depends on dINT. It can be as large as +1 or as low as +0.
  • Resistance Ranks aka Resistance Tiers can dramatically impact magic accuracy.

Corresponding pages:


Magic Damage

Magic Crit Rate




Eminent Staff icon.png Eminent Staff366px link= It's a staff.

Keraunos icon.png Keraunos366px link= Augment-Icon.png
INT +17
MAB/MAcc +20
If you happened to have this for some reason as a new BLM then it is cheap enough to augment and use until the next weapon.

Lathi icon.png Lathi366px link= Augment-Icon.png
and MAcc +15
Solid weapon to bring you into the realm of endgame.

Marin Staff +1 icon.png Marin Staff +1366px link= Augment-Icon.png
R15) INT/MND +10
Acc/MAcc +40
MAB +40
When you augment this weapon you may replace your Lathi to the dustbin of history. If you aren't facing accuracy issues then this is your nuking weapon of choice short of an Ultimate Weapon.

Mpaca's Staff icon.png Mpaca's Staff366px link= Augment-Icon.png
R30) Acc/MAcc +15
MAB +30
INT +5
You gain some MP and FC as well as 12-27 MAcc, INT, and MB II at the cost of no less than 13 MAB at max rank. Which most people won't obtain anyway, which is what you are here to read about. Given that most of the time you are MBing on BLM anyway then it isn't as big of a hit. It is a better death staff than Marin +1 anyway.

So what I am getting at is to carry both staves as an endgame BLM and to augment this weapon to max level if you don't wish to pursue Laevateinn and Opashoro.

To answer your real question though. I proport using Myrkrr and being a more opportunistic and aggressive BLM over a little extra damage from Bunzi Rod/Ammurapi (unless using AF body +3). What does the later mean? Well, I rather nuke my balls off whenever I can without walling myself, use meds if needed instead of eternally, and reliably be fresher in combat without resorting to the AF body (a bigger hit to damage than Bunzi/Amm gains). So if you lack any special weapon, and can at least get some level of clears. Use Marin +1 for most average bursting, and use this for Death and Sortie basement NMs/idle if you weapon swap.

Hvergelmir (Level 119 III) icon.png Hvergelmir366px link= Augment-Icon.png
R15) DMG: +10
"Myrkr" potency +10%
MP +30
Fun weapon for serious BLMs. It can be used for the fast cast on any job attached to it if you want to swap weapons. However, its real draw besides the Myrkr potential is that it lets you really make the most of Death. So when you love the job, and want to go to town on Aminon or any death burst with the swapping of weapons. Then behold, now you are become the fastest of recasts upon Death.

Khatvanga icon.png Khatvanga366px link= Augment-Icon.png
R15) DMG: +8
"Shattersoul: damage +10%
Acc/MAcc +30
Most people don't seem to see the value in this staff because it doesn't sport "big dick damage" for nukes on it. Which, is fine because it is nice to have a piece that works for something else for a change.

Khatvanga excels for BLMs using Occult Acumen to AoE burn with Earth Crusher and Cataclysm or just working to close a SC without access to Laevateinn AM3. You simply won't run out of TP for MP or damage when you use Khatvanga. Sometimes opportunity is all you need, and with that comes damage potential.

When I take BLM to Divergence Sandy/Jeuno or some other AoE burn function like Omen or CP parties I bust this weapon out. TP Bonus for those WSs on top of the TP return for another one after bursting it makes this an exciting weapon despite the lack of magical offense.

Laevateinn (Level 119 III) icon.png Laevateinn (Level 119 III)366px link= Augment-Icon.png
R15) DMG: +26
Vidohunir: Damage +15%
Acc/MAcc +30
Most people would immediately conclude to the cutting of corners at the mere thought of a magical weapon. Especially with one aftermath, and the ability to attack 2-3 times. However they be ignorant to the delightfully dark ways that are the blackest of mages.

Laev is absolutely worth it for more than just the technicalities. Of which it sports the greatest magic accuracy. Which does matter. See that section above and go count. It only gets better from there is you use Occult Acumen and a Chrysopoeia Torque (drains a little TP for refresh to take you down from 3k TP) to throw out AM2s for MAB values above the power of any other weapon. From there it is a battle of INT tiers with Opashoro.

Outside of that, something that no other weapon can do is grant you the ability to attack 2-3 times. Which if you love playing on BLM, and especially if you sub SAM for Hasso. Then you can create your own multistep SC bursts. Fuck yeah. Even without sub SAM, coordinating with your party to continue a fusion SC to light with a boosted Vidohunir, etc or to open or close with your COR as you split up in Sortie to obtain KIs. Then this weapon just does it so long as you use it.

Opashoro (Level 119 III) icon.png Opashoro366px link= Get-a-grinding. Given how absolutely and insultingly bad a weapon like the Prime Katana is (relatively the same power as using the relic katana, lol wtf) we are fortunate to have such a powerhouse. It likely suits most people more than Laevateinn as long as they can account for the magic accuracy deficit. Just blow shit up.

Free Nuke Sets

For free nuking, the three stats to focus on initially are Intelligence (INT), Magic Attack Bonus (MAB) and Magic Accuracy (M.Acc).
A higher dINT value, when your INT is in tiers (+50, +100, +200, etc) above the mob's INT, results in a stronger spell. While a higher MAB results in a better MAB/MDB ratio compared to your target.

New Player Free Nuke Sets

Endgame Free Nuke Sets

Free Nuke HQ
Marin Staff +1 icon.pngMarin Staff +1 description.png
Enki Strap icon.pngEnki Strap description.png 32x32.png Sroda Tathlum icon.pngSroda Tathlum description.png
Wicce Petasos +3 icon.pngWicce Petasos +3 description.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png
Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Wicce Coat +3 icon.pngWicce Coat +3 description.png Wicce Gloves +3 icon.pngWicce Gloves +3 description.png Metamor. Ring +1 icon.pngMetamor. Ring +1 description.png
Freke Ring icon.pngFreke Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Wicce Chausses +3 icon.pngWicce Chausses +3 description.png Wicce Sabots +3 icon.pngWicce Sabots +3 description.png
  Macc +727
MAB +383
INT +363
MDmg +397

Magic Burst Sets

Magic Burst Damage and the Merit category for AM2 bonus caps at 40%. The Magic Burst Bonus trait, Job Point category, Gifts, and Magic Burst Bonus II are not subject to this cap.

A set really depends upon the stats of your target. However, these are generic one-size-fits-all approaches.

New Player Magic Burst Sets

Endgame Magic Burst Sets

Always use the Elemental Obi with applicable weather.

  • Lower Tier: Not pictured, use Jhakri or ideally Amalric and Shiva Rings until whatever Low Tier things you can work towards.
  • Low Tier: Marin Staff +1 R15, Agwu's R0, Amalric +1, Ea NQ, +1 Neck, Empy +2 Relic +3, Artifact +3, Unity R15, Malignance Earring
  • Mid Tier: Agwu's R15, Ea +1, +2 Neck, Freke Ring, Regal Earring, Wicce Earring +1
  • High Tier: Laev R15, Agwu's R25, Empy +3

Even though the stats on Bunzi's/Shield are a bit higher, they aren't if you have no MP because you can't Myrkr. This is why they are only used in an AF+3 Coat set. Which no, does not surpass using that combo over a better body with a "weaker" weapon.

  • AF Body is for when MP is low and in danger of running out or when nuking under pressure with Mana Wall on, and is not as the default damage option.
    • Create a toggle or another set, you will (should) be swapping in and out of it.

Low Tier
Marin Staff +1 icon.pngMarin Staff +1 description.png
Enki Strap icon.pngEnki Strap description.png 32x32.png Ghastly Tathlum +1 icon.pngGhastly Tathlum +1 description.png
Ea Hat icon.pngEa Hat description.png Src. Stole +1 icon.pngSrc. Stole +1 description.png
Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Barkaro. Earring icon.pngBarkaro. Earring description.png
Ea Houppelande icon.pngEa Houppelande description.png Amalric Gages +1 icon.pngAmalric Gages +1 description.png
Metamor. Ring +1 icon.pngMetamor. Ring +1 description.png
Shiva Ring +1 icon.pngShiva Ring +1 description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Wicce Chausses +2 icon.pngWicce Chausses +2 description.png Arch. Sabots +3 icon.pngArch. Sabots +3 description.png
  Macc +578

Mid Tier
Marin Staff +1 icon.pngMarin Staff +1 description.png
Enki Strap icon.pngEnki Strap description.png 32x32.png Ghastly Tathlum +1 icon.pngGhastly Tathlum +1 description.png
Ea Hat +1 icon.pngEa Hat +1 description.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png
Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Ea Houppe. +1 icon.pngEa Houppe. +1 description.png Amalric Gages +1 icon.pngAmalric Gages +1 description.png
Metamor. Ring +1 icon.pngMetamor. Ring +1 description.png
Freke Ring icon.pngFreke Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Arch. Tonban +3 icon.pngArch. Tonban +3 description.png Agwu's Pigaches icon.pngAgwu's Pigaches description.png
  Macc +574

High Tier
Laevateinn (Level 119 III) icon.pngLaevateinn (Level 119 III) description.png
Enki Strap icon.pngEnki Strap description.png 32x32.png Ghastly Tathlum +1 icon.pngGhastly Tathlum +1 description.png
Ea Hat +1 icon.pngEa Hat +1 description.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png
Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Wicce Coat +3 icon.pngWicce Coat +3 description.png Agwu's Gages icon.pngAgwu's Gages description.png
Metamor. Ring +1 icon.pngMetamor. Ring +1 description.png
Freke Ring icon.pngFreke Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Wicce Chausses +3 icon.pngWicce Chausses +3 description.png Agwu's Pigaches icon.pngAgwu's Pigaches description.png
  Macc +730

Low Tier Coat Burst
Bunzi's Rod icon.pngBunzi's Rod description.png Ammurapi Shield icon.pngAmmurapi Shield description.png 32x32.png Ghastly Tathlum +1 icon.pngGhastly Tathlum +1 description.png
Ea Hat icon.pngEa Hat description.png Src. Stole +1 icon.pngSrc. Stole +1 description.png
Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Barkaro. Earring icon.pngBarkaro. Earring description.png
Spaekona's Coat +3 icon.pngSpaekona's Coat +3 description.png Amalric Gages +1 icon.pngAmalric Gages +1 description.png
Metamor. Ring +1 icon.pngMetamor. Ring +1 description.png
Shiva Ring +1 icon.pngShiva Ring +1 description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Wicce Chausses +2 icon.pngWicce Chausses +2 description.png Arch. Sabots +3 icon.pngArch. Sabots +3 description.png
  Macc +686

Mid Tier Coat Burst
Bunzi's Rod icon.pngBunzi's Rod description.png Ammurapi Shield icon.pngAmmurapi Shield description.png 32x32.png Ghastly Tathlum +1 icon.pngGhastly Tathlum +1 description.png
Ea Hat +1 icon.pngEa Hat +1 description.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png
Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Spaekona's Coat +3 icon.pngSpaekona's Coat +3 description.png Amalric Gages +1 icon.pngAmalric Gages +1 description.png
Metamor. Ring +1 icon.pngMetamor. Ring +1 description.png
Freke Ring icon.pngFreke Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Arch. Tonban +3 icon.pngArch. Tonban +3 description.png Agwu's Pigaches icon.pngAgwu's Pigaches description.png
  Macc +687

High Tier Coat Burst
Laevateinn (Level 119 III) icon.pngLaevateinn (Level 119 III) description.png
Enki Strap icon.pngEnki Strap description.png 32x32.png Ghastly Tathlum +1 icon.pngGhastly Tathlum +1 description.png
Ea Hat +1 icon.pngEa Hat +1 description.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png
Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Spaekona's Coat +3 icon.pngSpaekona's Coat +3 description.png Agwu's Gages icon.pngAgwu's Gages description.png
Metamor. Ring +1 icon.pngMetamor. Ring +1 description.png
Freke Ring icon.pngFreke Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Wicce Chausses +3 icon.pngWicce Chausses +3 description.png Agwu's Pigaches icon.pngAgwu's Pigaches description.png
  Macc +736

Accuracy Burst
Laevateinn (Level 119 III) icon.pngLaevateinn (Level 119 III) description.png
Enki Strap icon.pngEnki Strap description.png 32x32.png Ghastly Tathlum +1 icon.pngGhastly Tathlum +1 description.png
Wicce Petasos +3 icon.pngWicce Petasos +3 description.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png
Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Wicce Coat +3 icon.pngWicce Coat +3 description.png Agwu's Gages icon.pngAgwu's Gages description.png
Metamor. Ring +1 icon.pngMetamor. Ring +1 description.png
Freke Ring icon.pngFreke Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Wicce Chausses +3 icon.pngWicce Chausses +3 description.png Wicce Sabots +3 icon.pngWicce Sabots +3 description.png
  Macc +786

More Accuracy Burst
Laevateinn (Level 119 III) icon.pngLaevateinn (Level 119 III) description.png
Khonsu icon.pngKhonsu description.png 32x32.png Pemphredo Tathlum icon.pngPemphredo Tathlum description.png
Wicce Petasos +3 icon.pngWicce Petasos +3 description.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png
Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Wicce Coat +3 icon.pngWicce Coat +3 description.png Arch. Gloves +3 icon.pngArch. Gloves +3 description.png Metamor. Ring +1 icon.pngMetamor. Ring +1 description.png
Freke Ring icon.pngFreke Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Wicce Chausses +3 icon.pngWicce Chausses +3 description.png Wicce Sabots +3 icon.pngWicce Sabots +3 description.png
  Macc +825

Even More Accuracy Burst
Laevateinn (Level 119 III) icon.pngLaevateinn (Level 119 III) description.png
Khonsu icon.pngKhonsu description.png 32x32.png Pemphredo Tathlum icon.pngPemphredo Tathlum description.png
Wicce Petasos +3 icon.pngWicce Petasos +3 description.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png
Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Wicce Coat +3 icon.pngWicce Coat +3 description.png Wicce Gloves +3 icon.pngWicce Gloves +3 description.png Metamor. Ring +1 icon.pngMetamor. Ring +1 description.png
Stikini Ring +1 icon.pngStikini Ring +1 description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Wicce Chausses +3 icon.pngWicce Chausses +3 description.png Spae. Sabots +3 icon.pngSpae. Sabots +3 description.png
  Macc +854

Mid Tier Accuracy Burst
Marin Staff +1 icon.pngMarin Staff +1 description.png
Khonsu icon.pngKhonsu description.png 32x32.png Pemphredo Tathlum icon.pngPemphredo Tathlum description.png
Wicce Petasos +2 icon.pngWicce Petasos +2 description.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png
Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Ea Houppe. +1 icon.pngEa Houppe. +1 description.png Arch. Gloves +3 icon.pngArch. Gloves +3 description.png Metamor. Ring +1 icon.pngMetamor. Ring +1 description.png
Freke Ring icon.pngFreke Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Arch. Tonban +3 icon.pngArch. Tonban +3 description.png Arch. Sabots +3 icon.pngArch. Sabots +3 description.png
  Macc +734

Velner Tier Accuracy Burst
Marin Staff +1 icon.pngMarin Staff +1 description.png
Khonsu icon.pngKhonsu description.png 32x32.png Ghastly Tathlum +1 icon.pngGhastly Tathlum +1 description.png
Wicce Petasos +2 icon.pngWicce Petasos +2 description.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png
Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Wicce Coat +2 icon.pngWicce Coat +2 description.png Agwu's Gages icon.pngAgwu's Gages description.png
Metamor. Ring +1 icon.pngMetamor. Ring +1 description.png
Stikini Ring +1 icon.pngStikini Ring +1 description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Wicce Chausses +2 icon.pngWicce Chausses +2 description.png Agwu's Pigaches icon.pngAgwu's Pigaches description.png
  Macc +734

Defense Is Offense

Manawall Magic Burst
Marin Staff +1 icon.pngMarin Staff +1 description.png
Khonsu icon.pngKhonsu description.png 32x32.png Ghastly Tathlum +1 icon.pngGhastly Tathlum +1 description.png
Wicce Petasos +3 icon.pngWicce Petasos +3 description.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png
Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Spaekona's Coat +3 icon.pngSpaekona's Coat +3 description.png Agwu's Gages icon.pngAgwu's Gages description.png
Freke Ring icon.pngFreke Ring description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Agwu's Slops icon.pngAgwu's Slops description.png
Wicce Sabots +3 icon.pngWicce Sabots +3 description.png
  Macc +739

DT Magic Burst
Marin Staff +1 icon.pngMarin Staff +1 description.png
Khonsu icon.pngKhonsu description.png 32x32.png Ghastly Tathlum +1 icon.pngGhastly Tathlum +1 description.png
Wicce Petasos +3 icon.pngWicce Petasos +3 description.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png
Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Ea Houppe. +1 icon.pngEa Houppe. +1 description.png Agwu's Gages icon.pngAgwu's Gages description.png
Freke Ring icon.pngFreke Ring description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Agwu's Slops icon.pngAgwu's Slops description.png
Wicce Sabots +3 icon.pngWicce Sabots +3 description.png
  Macc +721

DT Magic Accuracy Burst
Mpaca's Staff icon.pngMpaca's Staff description.png
Khonsu icon.pngKhonsu description.png 32x32.png Pemphredo Tathlum icon.pngPemphredo Tathlum description.png
Wicce Petasos +3 icon.pngWicce Petasos +3 description.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png
Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Wicce Coat +3 icon.pngWicce Coat +3 description.png Wicce Gloves +3 icon.pngWicce Gloves +3 description.png Metamor. Ring +1 icon.pngMetamor. Ring +1 description.png
Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Wicce Chausses +3 icon.pngWicce Chausses +3 description.png Wicce Sabots +3 icon.pngWicce Sabots +3 description.png
  Macc +802

Death Sets

Sets do not count the MP of the staff or grip in totals, but magic accuracy is counted from staff and grip.

Death Idle
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Ghastly Tathlum +1 icon.pngGhastly Tathlum +1 description.png
Wicce Petasos +3 icon.pngWicce Petasos +3 description.png Sanctity Necklace icon.pngSanctity Necklace description.png Nehalennia Earring icon.pngNehalennia Earring description.png Etiolation Earring icon.pngEtiolation Earring description.png
Ros. Jaseran +1 icon.pngRos. Jaseran +1 description.png
Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png Mephitas's Ring icon.pngMephitas's Ring description.png Mephitas's Ring +1 icon.pngMephitas's Ring +1 description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Shinjutsu-no-Obi +1 icon.pngShinjutsu-no-Obi +1 description.png
Amalric Slops +1 icon.pngAmalric Slops +1 description.png
Wicce Sabots +3 icon.pngWicce Sabots +3 description.png
  MP +1,087
PDT -44%
MDT -37%

Fast Cast Death
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Amalric Coif +1 icon.pngAmalric Coif +1 description.png
Orunmila's Torque icon.pngOrunmila's Torque description.png Loquac. Earring icon.pngLoquac. Earring description.png Etiolation Earring icon.pngEtiolation Earring description.png
Ros. Jaseran +1 icon.pngRos. Jaseran +1 description.png Agwu's Gages icon.pngAgwu's Gages description.png
Mephitas's Ring icon.pngMephitas's Ring description.png Mephitas's Ring +1 icon.pngMephitas's Ring +1 description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Shinjutsu-no-Obi +1 icon.pngShinjutsu-no-Obi +1 description.png
Psycloth Lappas icon.pngPsycloth Lappas description.png
Amalric Nails +1 icon.pngAmalric Nails +1 description.png
  MP +1,058
FC +60%

Free Death
Hvergelmir (Level 119 III) icon.pngHvergelmir (Level 119 III) description.png
Niobid Strap icon.pngNiobid Strap description.png 32x32.png Ghastly Tathlum +1 icon.pngGhastly Tathlum +1 description.png
Pixie Hairpin +1 icon.pngPixie Hairpin +1 description.png Sanctity Necklace icon.pngSanctity Necklace description.png Barkaro. Earring icon.pngBarkaro. Earring description.png Etiolation Earring icon.pngEtiolation Earring description.png
Amalric Doublet +1 icon.pngAmalric Doublet +1 description.png
Amalric Gages +1 icon.pngAmalric Gages +1 description.png
Mephitas's Ring +1 icon.pngMephitas's Ring +1 description.png Archon Ring icon.pngArchon Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Shinjutsu-no-Obi +1 icon.pngShinjutsu-no-Obi +1 description.png
Amalric Slops +1 icon.pngAmalric Slops +1 description.png
Amalric Nails +1 icon.pngAmalric Nails +1 description.png
  MP +1,090
MAcc +430

Free Death Faster Recast
Hvergelmir (Level 119 III) icon.pngHvergelmir (Level 119 III) description.png
Niobid Strap icon.pngNiobid Strap description.png 32x32.png Ghastly Tathlum +1 icon.pngGhastly Tathlum +1 description.png
Pixie Hairpin +1 icon.pngPixie Hairpin +1 description.png Sanctity Necklace icon.pngSanctity Necklace description.png Barkaro. Earring icon.pngBarkaro. Earring description.png Etiolation Earring icon.pngEtiolation Earring description.png
Ros. Jaseran +1 icon.pngRos. Jaseran +1 description.png
Agwu's Gages icon.pngAgwu's Gages description.png
Mephitas's Ring +1 icon.pngMephitas's Ring +1 description.png Archon Ring icon.pngArchon Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Shinjutsu-no-Obi +1 icon.pngShinjutsu-no-Obi +1 description.png
Agwu's Slops icon.pngAgwu's Slops description.png
Amalric Nails +1 icon.pngAmalric Nails +1 description.png
  MP +922
Macc +482

Free Death Magic Accuracy
Hvergelmir (Level 119 III) icon.pngHvergelmir (Level 119 III) description.png
Niobid Strap icon.pngNiobid Strap description.png 32x32.png Ghastly Tathlum +1 icon.pngGhastly Tathlum +1 description.png
Amalric Coif +1 icon.pngAmalric Coif +1 description.png
Sanctity Necklace icon.pngSanctity Necklace description.png Barkaro. Earring icon.pngBarkaro. Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Wicce Coat +3 icon.pngWicce Coat +3 description.png Spae. Gloves +3 icon.pngSpae. Gloves +3 description.png Mephitas's Ring +1 icon.pngMephitas's Ring +1 description.png Archon Ring icon.pngArchon Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Spae. Tonban +3 icon.pngSpae. Tonban +3 description.png Wicce Sabots +3 icon.pngWicce Sabots +3 description.png
  MP +927
MAcc +714

Death Magic Burst
Hvergelmir (Level 119 III) icon.pngHvergelmir (Level 119 III) description.png
Niobid Strap icon.pngNiobid Strap description.png 32x32.png Ghastly Tathlum +1 icon.pngGhastly Tathlum +1 description.png
Pixie Hairpin +1 icon.pngPixie Hairpin +1 description.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png
Barkaro. Earring icon.pngBarkaro. Earring description.png Etiolation Earring icon.pngEtiolation Earring description.png
Wicce Coat +3 icon.pngWicce Coat +3 description.png Agwu's Gages icon.pngAgwu's Gages description.png
Mephitas's Ring +1 icon.pngMephitas's Ring +1 description.png Archon Ring icon.pngArchon Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Wicce Chausses +3 icon.pngWicce Chausses +3 description.png Amalric Nails +1 icon.pngAmalric Nails +1 description.png
  MP +885
MAcc +569

Death MB Magic Accuracy
Hvergelmir (Level 119 III) icon.pngHvergelmir (Level 119 III) description.png
Khonsu icon.pngKhonsu description.png 32x32.png Ghastly Tathlum +1 icon.pngGhastly Tathlum +1 description.png
Amalric Coif +1 icon.pngAmalric Coif +1 description.png
Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png
Barkaro. Earring icon.pngBarkaro. Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Wicce Coat +3 icon.pngWicce Coat +3 description.png Spae. Gloves +3 icon.pngSpae. Gloves +3 description.png Metamor. Ring +1 icon.pngMetamor. Ring +1 description.png
Archon Ring icon.pngArchon Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Wicce Chausses +3 icon.pngWicce Chausses +3 description.png Spae. Sabots +3 icon.pngSpae. Sabots +3 description.png
  MP +796
Macc +755

Misc. Sets

32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png Yngvi Choker icon.pngYngvi Choker description.png Lugalbanda Earring icon.pngLugalbanda Earring description.png Etiolation Earring icon.pngEtiolation Earring description.png
Shamash Robe icon.pngShamash Robe description.png Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png Shadow Ring icon.pngShadow Ring description.png Mephitas's Ring +1 icon.pngMephitas's Ring +1 description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Carrier's Sash icon.pngCarrier's Sash description.png Agwu's Slops icon.pngAgwu's Slops description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  HP +317
MP +563
PDT -50%
MDT -36%

Fast Cast Elemental
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Impatiens icon.pngImpatiens description.png
Amalric Coif +1 icon.pngAmalric Coif +1 description.png
Orunmila's Torque icon.pngOrunmila's Torque description.png Loquac. Earring icon.pngLoquac. Earring description.png Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png
Dalmatica +1 icon.pngDalmatica +1 description.png
Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png Lebeche Ring icon.pngLebeche Ring description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Witful Belt icon.pngWitful Belt description.png Agwu's Slops icon.pngAgwu's Slops description.png Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  FC +42%
MP +573

Fast Cast
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Impatiens icon.pngImpatiens description.png
Merlinic Hood icon.pngMerlinic Hood description.png
Orunmila's Torque icon.pngOrunmila's Torque description.png Loquac. Earring icon.pngLoquac. Earring description.png Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png
Merlinic Jubbah icon.pngMerlinic Jubbah description.png
Merlinic Dastanas icon.pngMerlinic Dastanas description.png
Lebeche Ring icon.pngLebeche Ring description.png Kishar Ring icon.pngKishar Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Witful Belt icon.pngWitful Belt description.png Agwu's Slops icon.pngAgwu's Slops description.png Merlinic Crackows icon.pngMerlinic Crackows description.png
  FC +80%
MP +402

Occult Acumen
Khatvanga icon.pngKhatvanga description.png Bloodrain Strap icon.pngBloodrain Strap description.png 32x32.png Seraphic Ampulla icon.pngSeraphic Ampulla description.png
Merlinic Hood icon.pngMerlinic Hood description.png
Combatant's Torque icon.pngCombatant's Torque description.png Dedition Earring icon.pngDedition Earring description.png Crep. Earring icon.pngCrep. Earring description.png
Spaekona's Coat +3 icon.pngSpaekona's Coat +3 description.png Merlinic Dastanas icon.pngMerlinic Dastanas description.png
Chirich Ring +1 icon.pngChirich Ring +1 description.png Crepuscular Ring icon.pngCrepuscular Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Oneiros Rope icon.pngOneiros Rope description.png Perdition Slops icon.pngPerdition Slops description.png Merlinic Crackows icon.pngMerlinic Crackows description.png

Enfeebling Magic
Contemplator +1 icon.pngContemplator +1 description.png
Khonsu icon.pngKhonsu description.png 32x32.png Pemphredo Tathlum icon.pngPemphredo Tathlum description.png
32x32.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Cohort Cloak +1 icon.pngCohort Cloak +1 description.png
Regal Cuffs icon.pngRegal Cuffs description.png Kishar Ring icon.pngKishar Ring description.png Metamor. Ring +1 icon.pngMetamor. Ring +1 description.png
Aurist's Cape +1 icon.pngAurist's Cape +1 description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Spae. Tonban +3 icon.pngSpae. Tonban +3 description.png Spae. Sabots +3 icon.pngSpae. Sabots +3 description.png

SIR Enfeeble
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Agwu's Cap icon.pngAgwu's Cap description.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Crep. Earring icon.pngCrep. Earring description.png
Ros. Jaseran +1 icon.pngRos. Jaseran +1 description.png
Regal Cuffs icon.pngRegal Cuffs description.png Kishar Ring icon.pngKishar Ring description.png Freke Ring icon.pngFreke Ring description.png
Aurist's Cape +1 icon.pngAurist's Cape +1 description.png
Rumination Sash icon.pngRumination Sash description.png Psycloth Lappas icon.pngPsycloth Lappas description.png
Amalric Nails +1 icon.pngAmalric Nails +1 description.png
  107% SIR

Elemental Debuffs
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Pemphredo Tathlum icon.pngPemphredo Tathlum description.png
Wicce Petasos +3 icon.pngWicce Petasos +3 description.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Spaekona's Coat +3 icon.pngSpaekona's Coat +3 description.png Spae. Gloves +3 icon.pngSpae. Gloves +3 description.png Stikini Ring +1 icon.pngStikini Ring +1 description.png Metamor. Ring +1 icon.pngMetamor. Ring +1 description.png
Aurist's Cape +1 icon.pngAurist's Cape +1 description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Arch. Tonban +3 icon.pngArch. Tonban +3 description.png Arch. Sabots +3 icon.pngArch. Sabots +3 description.png

32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Pemphredo Tathlum icon.pngPemphredo Tathlum description.png
32x32.png Src. Stole +2 icon.pngSrc. Stole +2 description.png Malignance Earring icon.pngMalignance Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Twilight Cloak icon.pngTwilight Cloak description.png Spae. Gloves +3 icon.pngSpae. Gloves +3 description.png Stikini Ring +1 icon.pngStikini Ring +1 description.png Metamor. Ring +1 icon.pngMetamor. Ring +1 description.png
Aurist's Cape +1 icon.pngAurist's Cape +1 description.png
Acuity Belt +1 icon.pngAcuity Belt +1 description.png
Wicce Chausses +3 icon.pngWicce Chausses +3 description.png Spae. Sabots +3 icon.pngSpae. Sabots +3 description.png

Rubicundity icon.pngRubicundity description.png Ammurapi Shield icon.pngAmmurapi Shield description.png 32x32.png Pemphredo Tathlum icon.pngPemphredo Tathlum description.png
Merlinic Hood icon.pngMerlinic Hood description.png
Erra Pendant icon.pngErra Pendant description.png Hirudinea Earring icon.pngHirudinea Earring description.png Regal Earring icon.pngRegal Earring description.png
Merlinic Jubbah icon.pngMerlinic Jubbah description.png
Merlinic Dastanas icon.pngMerlinic Dastanas description.png
Evanescence Ring icon.pngEvanescence Ring description.png Archon Ring icon.pngArchon Ring description.png
Aurist's Cape +1 icon.pngAurist's Cape +1 description.png
Fucho-no-Obi icon.pngFucho-no-Obi description.png Spae. Tonban +3 icon.pngSpae. Tonban +3 description.png Agwu's Pigaches icon.pngAgwu's Pigaches description.png

Khatvanga icon.pngKhatvanga description.png
Bloodrain Strap icon.pngBloodrain Strap description.png 32x32.png Amar Cluster icon.pngAmar Cluster description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png
Combatant's Torque icon.pngCombatant's Torque description.png Telos Earring icon.pngTelos Earring description.png Mache Earring +1 icon.pngMache Earring +1 description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png
Gazu Bracelet +1 icon.pngGazu Bracelet +1 description.png
Chirich Ring +1 icon.pngChirich Ring +1 description.png Chirich Ring +1 icon.pngChirich Ring +1 description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Olseni Belt icon.pngOlseni Belt description.png Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png

Raetic Rod +1 icon.pngRaetic Rod +1 description.png Genmei Shield icon.pngGenmei Shield description.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Vanya Hood icon.pngVanya Hood description.png
Incanter's Torque icon.pngIncanter's Torque description.png Mendi. Earring icon.pngMendi. Earring description.png Meili Earring icon.pngMeili Earring description.png
Shamash Robe icon.pngShamash Robe description.png Wicce Gloves +2 icon.pngWicce Gloves +2 description.png Menelaus's Ring icon.pngMenelaus's Ring description.png Mephitas's Ring +1 icon.pngMephitas's Ring +1 description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Luminary Sash icon.pngLuminary Sash description.png Vanya Slops icon.pngVanya Slops description.png
Vanya Clogs icon.pngVanya Clogs description.png
  Cure Potency +50%
Healing Skill +100
Conserve MP +44
Enmity -16
PDT -45%
MDT -26%

Cures Without Weapon
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Vanya Hood icon.pngVanya Hood description.png
Incanter's Torque icon.pngIncanter's Torque description.png Mendi. Earring icon.pngMendi. Earring description.png Meili Earring icon.pngMeili Earring description.png
Vrikodara Jupon icon.pngVrikodara Jupon description.png Wicce Gloves +2 icon.pngWicce Gloves +2 description.png Menelaus's Ring icon.pngMenelaus's Ring description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Taranus's Cape icon.pngTaranus's Cape description.png
Luminary Sash icon.pngLuminary Sash description.png Gyve Trousers icon.pngGyve Trousers description.png Vanya Clogs icon.pngVanya Clogs description.png
  Cure Potency +50%
Healing Skill +80
Conserve MP +23
Enmity -0
PDT -48%
MDT -35%

Weapon Skill Sets

32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Psilomene icon.pngPsilomene description.png
Amalric Coif +1 icon.pngAmalric Coif +1 description.png
Dualism Collar +1 icon.pngDualism Collar +1 description.png Etiolation Earring icon.pngEtiolation Earring description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Amalric Doublet +1 icon.pngAmalric Doublet +1 description.png
Spae. Gloves +3 icon.pngSpae. Gloves +3 description.png Sangoma Ring icon.pngSangoma Ring description.png Mephitas's Ring +1 icon.pngMephitas's Ring +1 description.png
Bane Cape icon.pngBane Cape description.png Shinjutsu-no-Obi +1 icon.pngShinjutsu-no-Obi +1 description.png Amalric Slops +1 icon.pngAmalric Slops +1 description.png
Psycloth Boots icon.pngPsycloth Boots description.png
  MP +1219
TP Bonus 250(+5%mp)
