Martial Arts
The amount of Martial Arts needed(Mastered) with magic haste capped and gear haste capped:
Weapon |
Martial Arts Needed
Spharai |
Glanzfaust |
Verethragna |
Godhands |
Sagitta |
Too much Martial Arts decreases your TP gain. Be aware when setting up your sets. For more info check Attack Speed.
Merit Points
Group 1
Focus Recast
Shorten recast time by 4 seconds.
Not worth it.
Dodge Recast
Shorten recast time by 4 seconds.
Not worth it.
Chakra Recast
Shorten recast time by 6 seconds.
Sadly no.
Counter Rate
Increase counter attack rate by 1 percent.
Increases your counter rate when a mob is attacking you. This increases your survivability and damage output.
Kick Attacks Rate
Increase kick attack rate by 1 percent.
More kick attacks = more damage.
Group 2
Increase the max. HP of party members within area of effect. Recast: 10min Increase effect by 4 percent.
Stacked with Hes. Gaiters which increases the amount by 2% per merit level, this can gain the party quite a bit of HP for 3 minutes. Very usefully when surviving burst damage. Note: This does override a DRK's drain effect.
Formless Strikes
While in effect, melee attacks will not be considered physical damage. No effect on weapon skills. Recast: 10min. Increase effect by 5 percent.
Has niche uses such as delve mobs that gain a resistance to that damage type. Allows you to do damage against Invincible mobs.
Adds a Regen effect when using Chakra. Increase duration of effect by 24 seconds.
Used to be good, but with the addition of Trust and idle regen pieces, there is really no need for it.
Adds an effect to Chi Blast that inhibits an enemy's TP accumulation. Increase duration of effect by 20 seconds.
This along with the the plague from Shijin Spiral with pretty much prevent a mob from gaining TP for about 90 seconds. Use Hes. Crown to increase the effect.
Support Jobs
- /WAR will be your preferred sub often due to Berserk and the passive 12% Double Attack at Master Level 5.
- /DRG especially with Super Jump from Master Levels is the preferred Dynamis - Divergence subjob to avoid pulling hate and dying. Keep in mind your damage output will be lowered compared to /WAR but not dying is quite a perk if you don't have a THF stealing hate and Super Jumping themselves or your tank can't keep enmity for whatever reason.
- /DNC still has the usual utility but it's mainly for being cheap and using Spectral Jig. You'll likely only use it for that
Job-Specific Equipment
Idle Sets
Idle Regen/DT/Regain
- For when strictly out of combat
Idle incapacitated
- When you get stunned/slept/etc. in combat, go full tank!
TP sets
While these are examples of TP set the usual rule to follow is to keep in mind how hard the content is you are doing when deciding what set to use. If the content is not particularly challenging or new you can get away with more glass cannon TP sets. If the content is very recent and dangerous such as odyssey you need to adjust with more tanky sets. Having better supports/more organized groups will help but a dead DD does no damage, so rock those hybrid/dt sets instead of eating dust on the floor with your "theoretical" max best DPS set. Or have good reflexes to macro in your DT sets. Monk has high HP to usually get away with it but if you're new to content try to error on the side of tankiness.
Post-Sortie Sets
Weaponskill Sets
Hand-to-Hand Weaponskill Sets
Victory Smite Impetus DOWN
Shijin Spiral Magic Accuracy
Staff Weaponskill Sets
Misc. Sets
Capped Counter and DT
53% Counter Rate and 50% DT. With mastered Job Points, Monk only needs 53% counter (58% without counter merits) to hit cap.
Counter Options
73% Counter and 30%PDT/20%DT. With mastered Job Points, Monk only needs 53% counter (58% without counter merits) to hit cap.