User:Spicyryan / Junk

From FFXI Wiki

Dead Zone. Friday at 4, Only On Toonami


Zone Battlefields

Battlefield Name Type Level Cap Time Limit Members
[[]] Test Name
KI: Test KI Name
[[]] Campaign Ops Uncapped 30 Minutes 6
Mission Name Mission Number NPC Storyline
Back to the Beggining 1-3 Joe Mama (I-95) Wings of the Goddess

Fishing Zone

Catch Cap Body of Water
File:Icon.png [[]]
Moat Carp icon.png Moat Carp 109 Loch Ness Monster
Titanic Sawfish icon.png Titanic Sawfish 69 Your Body is a Port-O-Potty

Poor Concepts

These should just have been designed better instead, and in fact was instead.


Aizkora +1 description.png Azrael
UCNM Level
+1 Upgrade Material
Azrael's Eye icon.png Azrael's Eye x50
Aizkora +1 AugRank15.png Augment Material
[1] Accuracy & Magic Accuracy +45
[2] "Triple Attack" +3%
[3] "Quadruple Attack" +3%
Lustreless Hide icon.png Lustreless Hide


{| class="collapsible collapsed"
! style="background:#F4F8FF; border:2px dashed #0B5CFB; line-height:10x; width: 450px; padding:5px; border-radius: 20px 20px; font-size: larger;"| Title


A JSE Table

Job Specific Equipment
Item Upgrade? Notes
File:Icon.png [[]]366px link= stuff
Pill. Armlets +3 icon.png
Pill. Armlets +3366px link=
Maybe Lots of notes about things and stuff. Do this not that, but not that, and only this. KJLGJHFGKJDFGbksdfbg kdfbg dkfgd bdf bksd sdjf sdl jsljldjfhg djdklfjgdlfkgj lkjsdl.
Pill. Armlets +3 icon.png
Pill. Armlets +3366px link=
No Lots of notes about things and stuff. Do this not that, but not that, and only this. KJLGJHFGKJDFGbksdfbg kdfbg dkfgd bdf bksd sdjf sdl jsljldjfhg djdklfjgdlfkgj lkjsdl.
Pill. Armlets +3 icon.png
Pill. Armlets +3366px link=
Yes Lots of notes about things and stuff. Do this not that, but not that, and only this. KJLGJHFGKJDFGbksdfbg kdfbg dkfgd bdf bksd sdjf sdl jsljldjfhg djdklfjgdlfkgj lkjsdl.

Fishing Template Design Draft

Fishing Information
Fish Zone Rod Bait
Moat Carp - (11)

Moat Carp icon.png
Small Fish

Key Item Required:
Serpent Rumors

§: Fish may be too small     (!): Line may snap     (!!): Rod May Break    Bold: Best Areas

EXP CP Template Work

Level {{{Camp Level}}} [[{{{Zone}}}]]
Camp Position Map Monster Detects
[[File:{{{Map}}}|20px]] [[{{{Monster}}}]]   {{{Detects}}}


Level {{{Camp Level}}} [[{{{Zone}}}]]
Camp Position Map Monster Detects
[[File:{{{Map}}}|20px]] [[{{{Monster}}}]]  

 Capacity Point Camps
Camp Position Map Monster Detects
[[File:{{{Map}}}|20px]] [[{{{Monster}}}]]  

Spells to learn


Puppet Stuff

Set Pages

Food Effects lolTemplate Recolor


Food Effects
 Duration: {{{duration}}}
 Effect: {{{effect}}}

New Attempt 1

Food Effects
 Duration: {{{duration}}}
 Effect: {{{effect}}}

New Attempt 2

Food Effects
 Duration: {{{duration}}}
 Effect: {{{effect}}}



200 Points

Current Cycle: