Dark Knight

From FFXI Wiki
Dark Knight
Dark Knight
Abbreviation DRK
Japanese 暗黒騎士 (暗)
Japanese Romaji Ankokukishi (Kura)
French Chevalier noir
German Dunkelritter
Expansion Pack Final Fantasy XI
Quest Blade of Darkness

Abilities and Traits

Job Ability
Lvl. Name
1 Blood Weapon
Sub-Job Accessible
5 Arcane Circle
15 Last Resort
20 Weapon Bash
30 Souleater
Sub-Job Accessible
Sub-Job accessible with a Master Leveled job only
55 Consume Mana
Sub-Job accessible with a Master Leveled job only
75 Merit Points Dark Seal
75 Merit Points Diabolic Eye
78 Nether Void
87 Arcane Crest
95 Scarlet Delirium
96 Soul Enslavement


Lvl. Name Icon
5 Stone Earth-BLM-Icon.gif
6 Poison Water-BLM-Icon.gif
10 Drain Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
11 Water Water-BLM-Icon.gif
15 Bio Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
17 Aero Wind-BLM-Icon.gif
20 Aspir Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
20 Bind Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
23 Fire Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
26 Poisonga Water-BLM-Icon.gif
29 Blizzard Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
30 Sleep Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
31 Absorb-MND Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
32 Tractor Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
33 Absorb-CHR Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
35 Thunder Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif
Lvl. Name Icon
35 Absorb-VIT Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
37 Stun Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif
37 Absorb-AGI Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
39 Absorb-INT Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
40 Bio II Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
41 Absorb-DEX Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
42 Stone II Earth-BLM-Icon.gif
43 Absorb-STR Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
45 Absorb-TP Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
46 Poison II Water-BLM-Icon.gif
48 Water II Water-BLM-Icon.gif
Sub-Job accessible with a Master Leveled job only
54 Aero II Wind-BLM-Icon.gif
56 Sleep II Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
Main Job Only
60 Fire II Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
61 Absorb-ACC Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
Lvl. Name Icon
62 Drain II Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
66 Blizzard II Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
71 Dread Spikes Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
72 Thunder II Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif
76 Stone III Earth-BLM-Icon.gif
78 Aspir II Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
80 Water III Water-BLM-Icon.gif
84 Aero III Wind-BLM-Icon.gif
85 Endark Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
88 Fire III Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
91 Absorb-Attri Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
92 Blizzard III Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
95 Break Earth-BLM-Icon.gif
96 Thunder III Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Endark II Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Drain III Dark-BLM-Icon.gif

Combat Skills

Skill Rank 49 99 ML50
Dagger C 139 373 423
Sword B- 144 388 438
Great Sword A 150 417 467
Axe B- 144 388 438
Great Axe B- 144 388 438
Scythe A+ 150 424 474
Club C- 139 368 418
Marksmanship E 124 300 350
Skill Rank 49 99 ML50
Evasion C 139 373 423
Parrying E 124 300 350
Skill Rank 49 99 Master ML50
Enfeebling C 139 373 373 423
Elemental B+ 144 404 404 454
Dark A 150 417 453 503


Group 1
Name Description
Souleater Recast Shorten recast time by 12 seconds.
Arcane Circle Recast Shorten recast time by 10 seconds.
Last Resort Recast Shorten recast time by 10 seconds.
Last Resort Effect Increase attacks by 2 percent, but lower defense by 2 percent.
Weapon Bash Recast Shorten recast time by 6 seconds.
Group 2
Name Description
Dark Seal Enhances the accuracy of your next dark magic spell. Recast: 5min. Shorten cast time of all dark magic spells by 10 percent.
Diabolic Eye Reduces max. HP, increases accuracy. Recast: 5min. Increase physical attack accuracy by 5 percent.
Muted Soul Reduces enmity while using Souleater. Reduce enmity by 10.
Desperate Blows Reduces delay for two-handed weapons when using Last Resort. Reduce delay by 5 percent.

Job Points

Job Points
Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Blood Weapon Effect Increases the amount of HP absorbed while under the effects of Blood Weapon. Increases the amount of HP absorbed by 2 percent.
Soul Enslavement Effect Increases the amount of TP absorbed while under the effects of Soul Enslavement. Increase amount of TP absorbed by 1 percent.
Arcane Circle Effect Reduces the amount of damage taken from arcana while under the effects of Arcane Circle. Reduces damage taken by 1.
Last Resort Effect Increases physical attack while under the effects of Last Resort. Increases physical attack by 2.
Souleater Duration Increases the effect duration of Souleater. Increase effect duration by 1 second.
Weapon Bash Effect Increases damage dealt with Weapon Bash. Increase damage dealt by 10.
Nether Void Effect Increase the amount absorbed by dark magic spells while under the effects of Nether Void. Increase the amount by 2%.
Increase the number of statuses absorbed by Absorb-Attri by 1 per 10 points.
Arcane Crest Duration Increases effect duration of Arcane Crest. Increase effect duration by 1 second.
Scarlet Delirium duration Increases effect duration of Scarlet Delirium. Increases effect duration by 1 second.
Endark effect Increases additional dark damage and physical attack while under the effects of Endark. Hidden Bonus: Increases physical accuracy too. Increases damage, physical attack & physical accuracy by 1.

Job-Specific Equipment
