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From FFXI Wiki
(Redirected from Magic)
Magical spells are a fundamental part of FFXI's battle system and are employed by many of FFXI's jobs. The primary categories of magic are:
- Black Magic: available to Black Mages, Dark Knights, Red Mages, Geomancers, and Scholars
- White Magic: available to White Mages, Paladins, Red Mages, Rune Fencers, and Scholars
- Blue Magic: available to Blue Mages
- Summoning Magic: available to Summoners
- Geomancy: available to Geomancers
- Songs: available to Bards
- Ninjutsu: available to Ninjas
Black magic and white magic are further divided into classifications defined by the spell's functional type (such as healing magic and enfeebling magic).
- Black Magic
- White Magic
Each spell has a number of properties associated with that particular spell:
- Cast/Recast: All magical spells have an associated casting time (the duration from the point a spell is selected to the time when its effect activates) and recast time (the delay until the spell can be cast once again) specific to the spell.
- Duration: Many buffing or debuffing spells have an associated maximum duration - the length of time the spell's effect will remain on the target.
- Cost: The casting of white, black, and blue magic spells and geomancy is performed at a MP cost particular to each spell. Songs and summoning magic have no associated MP cost, while ninjutsu consumes ninja tools as its cost.
- Elemental Alignment: With Meteor and physical Blue Magic as the sole exceptions, every magic spell is associated with one of the eight prime elements. Enemies are generally weak (less likely to resist) to the element that is ascendant (or opposed) to their natural alignment, and often strong (more likely to resist) to their own element and the element they are ascendant to. For example, an enemy aligned with ice may be strong to ice- and wind-based spells but weak to fire-based spells. Reference the elemental alignment chart for more information.
- Targeting: Each spell is associated with a particular type of target. Spells may be either single-target or area of effect (AoE) and hit multiple targets. Spells can be either enemy-targeted or player-targeted. Individual spells are further specified by types of targets, such as self-cast (spell must be cast with the caster as the target), party-only (spell may only be cast on members of the player's party), or any target (spell may be cast on any player or player-assisting NPC). The suffix of a spell's name can indicate its targets:
This category has the following 12 subcategories, out of 12 total.
Pages in category "Spells"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 773 total.
(previous page) (next page)- Absorb-ACC
- Absorb-AGI
- Absorb-Attri
- Absorb-CHR
- Absorb-DEX
- Absorb-INT
- Absorb-MND
- Absorb-STR
- Absorb-TP
- Absorb-VIT
- Addle
- Addle II
- Adloquium
- Advancing March
- Adventurer's Dirge
- Aera
- Aera II
- Aera III
- Aero
- Aero II
- Aero III
- Aero IV
- Aero V
- Aero VI
- Aeroga
- Aeroga II
- Aeroga III
- Aeroga IV
- Aeroja
- Air Spirit
- Aisha: Ichi
- Anemohelix
- Anemohelix II
- Animus Augeo
- Animus Minuo
- Aquaveil
- Archer's Prelude
- Aria of Passion
- Arise
- Army's Paeon
- Army's Paeon II
- Army's Paeon III
- Army's Paeon IV
- Army's Paeon V
- Army's Paeon VI
- Aspir
- Aspir II
- Aspir III
- Asuran Claws
- Aurorastorm
- Aurorastorm II
- Auspice
- Banish
- Banish II
- Banish III
- Banish IV
- Banishga
- Banishga II
- Baraera
- Baraero
- Baramnesia
- Baramnesra
- Barblind
- Barblindra
- Barblizzara
- Barblizzard
- Barfira
- Barfire
- Barparalyze
- Barparalyzra
- Barpetra
- Barpetrify
- Barpoison
- Barpoisonra
- Barsilence
- Barsilencera
- Barsleep
- Barsleepra
- Barstone
- Barstonra
- Barthunder
- Barthundra
- Barvira
- Barvirus
- Barwater
- Barwatera
- Battlefield Elegy
- Bewitching Etude
- Bind
- Bio
- Bio II
- Bio III
- Blade Madrigal
- Blaze Spikes
- Blind
- Blind II
- Blindna
- Blink
- Blizzaga
- Blizzaga II
- Blizzaga III
- Blizzaga IV
- Blizzaja
- Blizzara
- Blizzara II
- Blizzara III
- Blizzard
- Blizzard II
- Blizzard III
- Blizzard IV
- Blizzard V
- Blizzard VI
- Template:Blue Magic
- Boost-AGI
- Boost-CHR
- Boost-DEX
- Boost-INT
- Boost-MND
- Boost-STR
- Boost-VIT
- Break
- Breakga
- Burn
- Burst
- Burst II
- Carnage Elegy
- Chocobo Mazurka
- Choke
- Comet
- Corrosive Ooze
- Crusade
- Cryohelix
- Cryohelix II
- Cura
- Cura II
- Cura III
- Curaga
- Curaga II
- Curaga III
- Curaga IV
- Curaga V
- Cure
- Cure II
- Cure III
- Cure IV
- Cure V
- Cure VI
- Cursna
- Dark Carol
- Dark Carol II
- Dark Spirit
- Dark Threnody
- Dark Threnody II
- Death
- Deodorize
- Dextrous Etude
- Dia
- Dia II
- Dia III
- Diaga
- Dispel
- Dispelga
- Distract
- Distract II
- Distract III
- Dokumori: Ichi
- Doton: Ichi
- Doton: Ni
- Doton: San
- Dragonfoe Mambo
- Drain
- Drain II
- Drain III
- Dread Spikes
- Drown
- Earth Carol
- Earth Carol II
- Earth Spirit
- Earth Threnody
- Earth Threnody II
- Embrava
- Enaero
- Enaero II
- Enblizzard
- Enblizzard II
- Enchanting Etude
- Endark
- Endark II
- Enfire
- Enfire II
- Enlight
- Enlight II
- Enstone
- Enstone II
- Enthunder
- Enthunder II
- Enwater
- Enwater II
- Erase
- Erratic Flutter